A Peep behind the Scenes. Hopping about!

A Peep behind the Scenes. Hopping about!

Hello there!
Thanks for stopping by.
Friday’s Blog a private peek?
Well enter the private world of Barbara Gray at your peril!
This is what’s left of the last garage that upset her!
This is what she makes her friends do at 9 in the evening, 
when they pop in for coffee…
“The workshop stuff for next week needs sorting, Paul; 
won’t take 10 minutes…” she said.

She found him whimpering in the big box at midnight.
Mind you, she does muck in herself. 
Here she is, having a MMM.
(Mild Mental Moment)
detangling 32 Leafy Swirl Stencils.
But Dave saved the moment with a little bunch of friendliness.
August is a slow-down and catch your breath month. 
Not so at Clarity! Quite the contrary!
Slow down? Are you kidding? 
You have to make hay while the sun shines.

TV this coming Sunday Morning 9-11,
4 days of workshops (Monday – Thursday)
Hop on a plane the week after for TV Germany on Tuesday 12th.

Hop back on a plane for 5 hours TV UK Thursday 14th.

So that’s the first half of August filled.
Who’s doing the hopping? That’s right. 
But she has a whole team of good players looking lively, too!
Bad planning? Not at all!
Some dates you have to fall in with; you can’t pick and choose. You do have choices: you can choose not to do anything, or you can choose to accept what’s on offer gratefully.  
I choose to jump about!
I spent many many years hopping around, working much much harder than I do now, for next to no return. But it kept a roof over our heads, and the kids grew up into fine young adults on it. 
So now, to actually be in demand at home and abroad, to have something and make something that people want, is pretty awesome. But you have to have walked a mile in my worn out shoes to really understand that. 
much love,

39 thoughts on “A Peep behind the Scenes. Hopping about!

  1. Morning Barbara,

    I really enjoy Fridays blogs. Thank you for allowing us a peak at your private world. The years of hard work have paid off and you have much to be proud of.

    A big thank you from me for the inspiration and stamps and for all the hard work you and your team put in.

    Love Roz x

  2. Hi Barb, well you have done it again – made me laugh out loud. Fab pics, love the bunch of sweetpeas, well done Dave. Your drive and determination is astounding, but you are right, if you want to succeed, you have to do what it takes. But please remember to try relax as well and take care of yourself. Bx

  3. Hi Barbara I too enjoy your Friday peeks. Oh my goodness what did that garage do to upset you!!!! How lovely of Dave to bring you the sweet peas such a lovely flower and they smell so good too. Poor Paul did you just shut the lid of the box and leave him to rest? Haha it's great to have friends who pop round for coffee and get stuck in to help you. Well Barbara what a busy month but hopefully you will have some down time too but how fantastic that you are successful happy and have achieved such wonderful things but still stayed as Barbara who has time for people when they see her at shows. Thank you for being you and for all the hard work and inspiration you give us all. Take care love Diane xxx

  4. How kind of Dave to give you those beautiful sweet peas, lucky lady to have such a special man. I do admire your energy and enthusiasm for everything you do Barbara and I think having a difficult time to start with makes you the down to earth person that you are. Have a fabulous weekend – I will because I'm watching you on Sunday! Pat x

  5. Hi Barb,
    Brilliant blog, but then that sums you up! I wish you continued success because I know how hard you have worked over the years, sometimes to be knocked right back.
    Hope the bruises have calmed down, or are they spectacular?!!
    By the way, I'm looking forward to Sunday. xx

  6. Morning Barbara, super new garage. Say hi to Paul for me. What a super crazy photo, made me laugh. Good luck with everything over the next 2 weeks. See you on Sunday. xxx

  7. I really appreciate all your hardwork, you and the team. I'm so happy that Clarity is now a roaring success and you are finally seeing the fruits of your labours. I think you have the right attitude to it, long may you continue xx

  8. What a fabulous post today. Your attitude & enthusiasm for life is contagious. I take a look at my old worn shoes inside the front door & they show self employment, long, hard hours, divorce (stinky, messy 7 year divorce ! Arrrggh ) my fabulous son & an amazing circle of people around me that provide insanity & protection. Think we shop at the same shoe shop !! Have a truly awesome weekend…. I'll be tuning in

  9. What a great blog Barbara, you do have a knack of finding the humorous in life. Your positive, can do attitude is as inspirational as your craft. You deserve this success and long may it continue. You have a fabulous team around you. So kind and thoughtful of Dave to bring you flowers, and you can't go wrong with friends like Paul. See you Sunday xx

  10. You've tired me out just thinking about it – I get to stay home for the whole of August, but I do run a guest house, so believe me I won't be sitting around!!! As long as you make some time to take off those worn shoes and wriggle your toes you'll be OK :o) Looking forward to the TV shows, which of course I'll record, as I'll still be serving breakfasts whilst you're stamping! Susan x

  11. "In demand" is a serious understatement, Barbara. We could not do without our regular fix of your talent and humour, even if you do cause bank managers across the world to have heart attacks. Does your brain ever really switch off? I can't wait to see what you have dreamed up for us on Sunday.. Take care of yourself and Dave and build a little more time in to just be and smell the flowers, especially those lovely sweet peas. xxxx Maggie

  12. Hello Barb. Well, what an exhausting blog. Makes me tired just to read it! You deserve every bit of your success and reap those rewards as you never know when you might suddenly need to stop, or the kids need you again, or what is around the corner. But for now, we need you and love these daily peeks into your madcap world. Thank you. xx Margaret Col.

  13. Wow Barbara where do you get your energy from? Just reading about all that hopping about makes me tired but then I am in holiday mode although it's the last couple of days of that. I'm. So pleased for you that it all came good in the end I always new you had a great product.
    I'm looking forward to the shows on Sunday the recorder is all set
    Try and get a few minutes to relax too
    Take care
    Jackie x

  14. We all appreciate the work it takes to make Clarity what it is, thank goodness you now have a great team to support you xx ps. That must have been so much fun knocking the old garage down 🙂

  15. Ever thought about compiling a montage of your funny facial expressions, Barb…? You have such a great repertoire of them! lol xxxx 😀

  16. such a busy bee.
    we do need to have a cuppa soon though!
    Glad the garage is being sorted thats a big job well done to you all!
    i hope you are feeling better.
    Big hugs from me and dorothy! x

  17. Barbara it must be wonderful to see where you started and where you are now hope you kept them worn out shoes ? Where would we be without our clarity happy crafting xxx

  18. good luck on all the hopping. i can totally appreciate what you mean! i do have those mmm's myself and sometimes they are not so mild – always work related….. hugs and looking forward to all tv shows. need to set recorder on xx

  19. Loved the humour, so real! I can't try your shoes – I only take 3and a1/2!!, but I really appreciate every second that you work and more without your guidance I wouldn't have the courage to try anything new at all. Thank you.

  20. Hi Barb,
    Things always come to me ages later – what 5 hours TV in the UK on Aug 14th. Where is it, will we be able to watch it, how come I/we know nothing about it?????? x

  21. Wow this is my 2nd.blog on here today I have just received my subscription cardmakingandpapercraft magazine and lovley to see your doing a feature fabulous Barbara xxx

  22. I echo the above comment, picked up magazine off mat this morning and there you were. Just another task to add to your list but how lovely to look forward to. I even have the items you used so going to try in a while. Just getting energy back after having grandchildren all day. (they were good). Oh dear hope the new garage is in progress. Sweet peas gorgeous, kind of Dave to provide them. My dad used to grow loads. Looking forward to show. xx

  23. Well Hello Barbara

    I think I would be sad to see the old garage go also – but there must be something all that wood can be used for!!! Sure Dave will have something in mind!
    Good old Paul….what a trooper – true friend.
    Busy schedule – but and exciting one – and then a couple of weeks to yourself I hope with a trip to see Grace??

    I wont be able to watch you live this Sunday as I too have to work – but its all set up on record to watch later in the day!!!

    Lovely flowers Dave!!!

    Much Love


  24. I know what you mean by hectic schedule, its taken what seems like ages to get here and suddenly tomorrow we're of to camp with my Guides, 8 of us amongst 1000 other lovely (?) children….I know I'm MAD 🙂 so I'll miss Sundays show, but I've set the box to record and watch .

    Just love your expressions with the tangled stencils, made me laugh in the time I've got to drink a coffee and read your ramblings for today. great blog as always.

  25. Hope you manage to find Paul before Monday! Have set the recorder for Sunday's show as I'm in kent and travelling to my hotel ready to join you on Monday. Hope you'll have some of the new stamps there. Think Dave is a star buying you flowers xx

  26. Hi Barbara. Glad to hear that you are a happy bunny when you are busy, busy, busy. It's not so hard when you love what you do and people appreciate you (and we all all certainly do). And having special people around you means so much too, bet your heart sang when you saw Daves Sweetpeas : ) Enjoy ! Take care.

  27. Wow! What a busy lady you are Barbara, and it must be hard not having much time to yourself, but the pill is sweetened by the fact that you are doing something you really love and something a lot of other people love too, not only here but across the world too. It is great you have good people like Paul that you can rely upon, and of course your Dave giving you lovely flowers and being there for you. I am looking forward to tomorrow's programme and am a bit intrigued by mention of more programmes on the 14th. I'm sure when you look back to how it was in the beginning and how far you have come it must be a source of great satisfaction to you. x

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