Patience is a virtue…
Hello there,
Happy YouTube Tuesday!
Thank you for stopping by.
Here’s a very simple, effective technique for creating fabulous backgrounds.
All you need is cling film.
And a little patience….
Items Used:
Cling Film
Copy Paper
Hope you enjoyed this little arty session!
much love,
50 thoughts on “Patience is a virtue…”
Morning Barb, Fantastic, just love this .I have tried this many times since watching you demo some time ago . Love the stamps also . xxp
Will be trying this technique today. Love it. X
Hi Barbara. Wonderful background technique, I can see why you would make a great big pile in one go, rather addictive I imagine. I loved watching you waiting for it to dry too : ) Take care.
Morning Barb, a wonderful background technique, fab video, sitting here giggling at your antics while waiting for it to dry, and the image it conjured up in my mind of the whole place filled with them waiting to dry, had me thinking of where I would put mine to dry, will definitely give this a go. Have a great day. Bx
Lovely ethereal look which I can imagine would be useful for all sorts of occasions. Thank you
I wan to give this a go right away! I have used cling film on the gelli plate and it always gives a great background effect, never tried it on paper though. What a great way to practice brayering as it gets squirted and smooshed around anyway. My crafty fingers are itching! XX
Sorry wanted to say that I laughed at the 'waiting' for it to dry part ……………. I think you must have been secretly watching me as I do all those things! Love the Clarity mug!
Loved this effect when you did it for the German You Tube as thought it looked like the Northern lights but also goes well for the boy floating into crafting dream world. Had a good laugh as you waited .. was it really only 5 mins? …Is it an owl, is it Biggles or is it Barbara Gray seeing if her cling film has dried yet? Beautiful work but also very entertaining when you're lying in pain with a bad back. xx
Great love this idea and your waiting for it to dry made my day. Fantastic. Thanks
Love today's blog Barbara, it's a great technique and you really made me laugh with your waiting antics xx
Hi Barbara, love how you did this technique. Loved the entertainment while waiting for it to dry!
Thank you, thank you, you have made my day, like the other people I laughed a lot, and enjoyed that as much as the demo, tried it after watching the German one as well, but now have cling film, instead of just trying to spritz it, so should be better, Will have a go when back from shopping. Wonderful Barbara as always, take care
i Barbara,
Yet another superb YouTube Tuesday! I did laugh while you were waiting for the ink to dry …… I wonder just how many of us could identify something we have also done whilst willing work to dry. I found your German YouTube today, and enjoyed very much trying to see how much of my '0' level German I could remember. I think the German piece of work is my favourite of the two – my spare room will be transformed this afternoon as I have a go … Fingers crossed I have my patience head on today!
Have a great day. Xxxx
I received my Clarity card at the end of last week and will definitely be giving this technique a try. Maybe this evening so I can leave it to dry overnight – or I could practise your waiting actions. Pat x
Hi Barb,
Since I saw you do this on the German blog, I have wanted to give it a go and today's video might just spur me on ! Love the two stamps you have used and the final finished piece of art is gorgeous. Like others have said though, I do think that the German one is my favourite and yes it dies look a bit like the Northern Lights. Will just have to try both of them! Thanks again for the inspiration. Love Alison xxx
Hi again,
Forgot to say that your antics whilst waiting for your art work to dry had me giggling! Love Alison xx
Wow, Wow, Wow this is absolutely lovely, it makes the most amazing sky. Brilliant demo, just love the you tube Tuesday. Must try this one! Thanks Barbara. Joan x
Another great YouTube Tuesday video. I love the background you've achieved with the colours. Haven't tried this for a while – can't think why!!! Love the why you waited for the ink to dry. Really great way to start the day. Thank you xx
Lovely Hi Barbara have a great day crafting … X
Blooming brilliant! You know I love backgrounds! 😀 Must give it a go real soon! Thank you! xxx
Fab!! 🙂
Wow a great technique and one I must try ASAP.
Sue xx
Hi Barbara,
You always bring a bit of sparkle wherever you go! Thank you for another wonderful demonstration.
oh I love this trick – always forget this! brilliant x
That You Tube cession has brighten my day, and oh boys! you make me laugh…..Love you making the plane…… I keep saying I have to try the technic, but really have to. It looks so different and stunning. Thanks for another gorgeous You Tube Tuesday.
Laurence xx
Thanks Barbara for a great video and reminding me about this technique which I had forgotten!
Lovely patterns and waiting time made me smile- like being at home ! Love the flying boy and the flying Barbara!
Hi Barb,
Does Grace get her acting skills from you? It was like watching a Morecombe and Wise sketch, I loved it. Now who could be your celebrity guest!!
I've used this background technique a fair bit since you taught us it at Sedgefield, and it's always very atmospheric – just lovely,
Take care, love xx
P.s. Forgot to say I'm in the recovery position after being to Eleanor's school concert (10 year olds) all strumming a medley of songs on their ukeles! I think the most stunning – if that's the correct word because I was certainly stunned – was "Blue Suede Shoes". xx
It's brill Barbara I'm off to try now thank you xxxxxxlove June xxx
Watched this first thing but was on hurry watched again you had me in stitches. During your waiting time just how is get so impatient waiting for things to dry the kettle to boil sea to take hours just loved watching you don't no how you didn't laugh, and what a great effect have watched you do it before really must try it thanks again for good tips and great entertainment x
Love you tube Tuesday brilliant xxx
Loved the video and your antics while waiting for the background to dry certainly made me giggle. I will be having a go at the cling film technique I've heard of it before but never seen a demo but it looks fairly straight forward. Thank you for sharing
Jackie x
A great video demonstrating a lovely technique, loved the footage of you waiting for the background to dry, it made me chuckle! x
Loved the drying time. Really made me laugh.xxx
You're ask funny when you are bored!! I love the technique will definitely be having a play. It looks so deep doesn't it. Xx
Great technique and loved the video – must have a go as my boy and girl stamps arrived the other day! Thanks for the entertaining waiting for the ink to dry interlude too!!! Susan x
Barbara, you have made me laugh on what is a not so good day for me…thank you xxx I simply love this design and you have given me some inspiration.
Hope your day out with your Mum has been great and you both enjoyed yourselves even though the weather has been a bit pants!
Much love
Kim xx
I did watch this early this morning before breakfast, but didn't have time to comment till now. A really enjoyable video and so typical of your sense of humour – a lovely giggle to start the day, and a beautiful technique too. A bit like the Gelli and the shaving foam – you never know exactly what you are going to get. Hope you had a good day at Hampton with your Mum. xx Maggie
Hi Love this technique and the finish card is just great
Love and hugs
Pauline B
I love the hazy swirly background. Thank you for demonstrating this fantastic technique.
Love doing this with the cling film – different every time. Great treat to watch you after work.
Thank you
Barb you are a tonic!! Love your Biggles (the background technique is great too!) Jean.x
Oh Barbara you do make us laugh thank you. And thank you for the reminder of this technique I haven't played with this one for ages so will try it again. Have a good evening – at least the football is going well – your mums flags will be flying high! Love Diane xxx
this is such a great technique. mine never comes out like that though! that little boy is great. reminds me of my Massimo, hugs xx
This is wonderful Barbara, and creates such lovely patterns. I haven't tried it yet but seeing this has spurred me on to give it a go. It has certainly fired my imagination, and I think it would be great as a background to that lovely new stamp I have just received from the Stamp Club!
Love the video, especially the bit with the drying time. So funny! Gorgeous background.
This was a great video! Something else to add to the 'to do' list.
Oh I did laugh such a lot whilst you waited for the artwork to dry (stunning by the way), your funniest video yet. I'm really getting into making my own backgrounds, looking forward to trying this, thanks for the inspiration xx
Hi Barb, at his is such a gorgeous effect. I think it is fabulous. You are an amazing lady and so very funny, I love watching the videos especially when you are waiting lol, I hate waiting for something to dry 🙁
I will try this cling film technique when I get home today xx
Love Dx