Some good will come of this…
Hello !
Sunday greetings!
Many, many thanks for all the best wishes for my brother Steve.
He is doing great, and I am sure that very soon, the scar on his neck will just be his second smile, as a friend so nicely put it.
While he was in hospital, I made a piece of artwork which kind of depicted what was going through my head at the time.
See if you like it. And even if you think it’s a little obscure, there is bound to be something you can extract from it.
You can see here, I have shown a young lad in a doorway.
Steve is and always will be my younger brother.
No matter how old we get, he will never catch me up!
In the bunting I have written
“Some good will come of this.”
So yes, I was certainly very pensive the day I lost myself in this piece for an hour.
Let’s just go through the stages:
Brush through the Abstract Squares stencil No. 1
with the Clarity Stencil brushes,
Flick some water at it, and blot with a paper towel.
Outline every section with a black Micron Pen.
Go freehand – it’s easier.
Using a make-up sponge and Black Soot Distress ink pad,
add the young lad from the Men & Boys Wheelie Stencil.
Mask off the area with Post-its and add shade.
Move the Post-Its in to the actual door, and add a floor.
Cut a mask for the door (I tore mine with a ruler),
and replace the mask using low-tack Stencil tape.
Time to do a double stencil trick:
Add the Brick stencil over the top, and lightly,
VERY lightly,
dust the Black Soot Distress Ink through the bricks
with a stencil brush.
Add Trust from the Word Chain No. 6
Trim the artwork.
Edge with Bundled Sage and a Blending Tool.
Edge with a black Sharpie pen and a ruler.
Mount on a complimentary colour card.
If you like, you can add a panel using the scrap you cut off.
The C-Thru Ruler is brilliant for this kind of work.
For lining up etc.
Add some bunting with the pen.
By painting the bunting with water and blotting, you can whiten it.
Look up close…
Add a few decorative dots
and count the number of flags you’ve got…
Then write your message, or your thoughts.
This artwork was never intended to send to Steve.
No, no. This was my way of dealing with the situation.
Some people drink, some people eat.
I go to the back of my cave and doodle.
Much better for you!
Have a great Sunday
much love,
67 thoughts on “Some good will come of this…”
What a lovely card you've made here Barbara! and even if it wasn't for Steve I'm sure he likes it anyway!!!
As for crafting being a therapeutic activity….it's one of many recognised activities and I for one use it a lot! It's amazing how fast time goes when you lose yourself in some artwork!
Have a good sleep tonight if you can….or are you too excited?
Love and hugs! Xxxx
Crafting is my therapy too!
I'm so glad Steve is on the road to recovery. I think producing art and being creative, whether it's a picture, a dodgy poem or singing in the shower, is the way us humans deal with life's ups and downs. Have a fabulous Sunday Barbara, Ela x
Love it glad Steves doing well it's a worrying time, but you got something exciting happening I think you said to day do have a very blessed day xxx
Good to hear Steve is doing great. I really, really like this card. And there is lots to extract from it too. I love the look of the other abstract squares stencil, but wasn't sure about this one. After seeing this card, I now know I need both! x
colours on this are great. i was playing with this stencil myself yesterday but different colours. i like it, very versatile. love the way you have used brick stencil on top. happy sunday. hugs xx
Love this. Crafting is a fabulous coping mechanism that many of us use when we are dealing with stuff.
Really pleased that Steve is recovering well.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. xx
Art & craft is a great way to work through a situation whether just for yourself or to share with others. Wonder what your art work would look like tonight as your excitement builds and then again when you see the arrivals board show "landed". How would you express your emotions through craft then? Very pleased that Steve is well and that you are getting to spend time with Grace. Will understand if the blogs are a briefer. Maybe Grace could be your glamorous assistant in a You Tube Tuesday. Very late so have to go but have the best quality time with Grace tomorrow.
Best wishes
Jeanette xx
I just love your work your so very talented. Being creative has seen me through a lot of worrying and scared times it's amazing how therapeutic it is. All the best to Steve and a huge cuddle to you lovely lady xxx
Love this reflective card Barbara, it really draws you in , marvellous!!
So glad all going well with Steve , have a wonderful day ,
Hi Barb,
Love this and I agree that crafting is very therapeutic – although it can be very frustrating as well!! Pleased that Steve is making a good recovery. Bet you can't wait for Grace's plane to land. Have a fabulous time with her. Love Alison xx
Hello Barb, I think this is so inspiring. I love retreating to my crafting when I am feeling down or uncertain. I may not always complete something, but it just helps. Glad Steve is doing well. Hope you are already on your way to the airport :-).Bx
Hi Barbara lovely card can really feel the emotion behind it. Crafting is certainly a great way to relax and de stress. Good to hear Steve is on the mend hope he enjoyed his birthday. Have a fantastic time with Grace and safe journey to and from the airport. Enjoy your day. Love Diane xxx
What a lovely card Barbara, I agree that crafting is very therapeutic. So glad that Steve is doing well. Have a lovely time with Grace, how can you not!! xx
I love the Emotion and the love behind all this. And it is a wonderful art work too. Happy sunday xx
Awe inspiring Barbara, as others have said emotive but also calming, peaceful and loving.
This I like, mind you there is nothing you do I do not like. Inspiration for us all
Hi Barbara
What a beautiful card. It has touched me particularly today as I have spent a large part of the last week sitting with my Mum as she lay dying. She was finally released from the dementia that has taken over all of our lives for the last 12 years. Her death was very peaceful and the home looked after her so well.
During the last three weeks in particular I have immersed myself in my cards and had got distracted onto having a go at mosaics which happened to coincide with her being so poorly, it has been enormously therapeutic. I discovered that she died as I was just putting the last tile in place! A fitting tribute to her.
I am sure like you at this time the importance of family is huge and we take comfort from each other. I am so glad that Steve is well on the way to recovery, enjoy Grace's visit.
Sorry for a rather personal reflection but this card was so apt today and I can t think of anywhere else that a community of like minded people would understand the importance of creativity to heal.
Enjoy all your family and friends x x x x
Sorry for your loss Hilary. Sending love and hugs your way. XX
Hilary I hope you are at peace, as your Mum will be now, thoughts are with you and your family ((crafty hugs))
Denise x
I know from caring for my Gran as she started to fade from life how amazingly apt this artwork is too. My Gran passed peacefully and knowing she was released from the pain of her cancer was a relief it was also still very sad. My thought are with you today Hilary,
Hazel xx
thank you all so much, it means a great deal.
All I can say is that you have moved me greatly and I offer you my thoughts, prayers and love xx
Dear Hilary,
I am so sorry to hear the very sad news of your mam passing away I hope that she is now at peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs Alison xxx
Dear Hilary,
So sorry to hear you have had such a bad time, but as crafters we are lucky that we can immerse ourselves in creativity. Love to all your family.
So sorry for your loss, dementia is a cruel illness, my mother-in-law was a sufferer so I appreciate what you have gone through. My thoughts are with you and your family. xx
Sorry for your loss. x
Thinking of you x
Hi Hilary. So sorry for your loss. We have been through the pain that dementia brings with my Grandma and my Mum in Law, both of their deaths were a blessed release, but still so incredibly sad.
Take care
So sorry for your loss Hilary x
Hi Hilary, so sorry to read about your Mum, we were visiting someone on a dementia ward yesterday, it's such a cruel illness and incredibly sad for the family, thinking of you xx
Hilary so sorry to read of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. xx
Hi Barbara…. like the card …happy crafting ……x
Good morning,
What a great technique. Love it. Welcome home Grace!
A beautiful card, very haunting. I agree with everyone else, crafting is very therapeutic. Enjoy your time with Grace. It will go so very quickly. I know this as my son lives in Tokyo. When he comes home the time goes in a flash. Just get used to him being home and then he is gone again!
Rosalind xxx
Wow! if that's a doodle I'm a Chinaman (or woman). Beautiful artwork Barbara and so meaningful to you. Glad Steve is doing OK, love the 'second smile' idea. Pat x
That's one great doodle Barbara more a piece of art work if you ask me which you're not lol. Your piece is very personal to you too and holds much meaning. I'm pleased Steve is doing well and wish him a continued speedy recovery.
Jackie x
Love the card. Really pleased Steve is doing well.
A rather lovely, thoughtful picture. Glad Steve is doing well. Hope you enjoy having your special visitor home. Be happy. Joan x
Sometimes its good to create, draw or write something just for yourself. I often write thoughts down and I add them to a hope pot I got while in America, from a Native American reservation. The idea being you add things that you wish or hope for yourself and others but nobody is allowed to read the messages you add.
Glad to hear Steve is doing well. XX
So sorry for your loss Hilary. Morning Barbara a lovely card indeed I agree about craft helps with all kinds of emotions be brother is 4years younger than me as you say my baby brother always he's 72 very I'll with Parkinson's a cruel illness he is going into hospital tomorrow to try a new drug which we hope will help xxx thank you Barbara xxx
Oh June, I hope the new drug is helpful, my Uncle had this cruel illness too. Fingers crossed for the next couple of weeks while they see if it works xx
((Crafty hugs))
Denise x
Thank you June
I shall be thinking of you lots of hugs X
I'll add you and your brother to my prayers x
June, I hope the drug helps your brother. My thoughts are with you both. Love Alison xx
June, my prayers are with you and your family. I hope the new drug helps your brother. xx
Good good morning Barb, how exciting having Grace home today, that is fabulous and will be lovely and will cheer Steve up no end, giving him his two smiles lol.
Lovely piece of artwork and by no means a doodle, it is very poignant and I do really like it. I am not too good at freehand so my bunting would be looking totally different lol.
You know that my crafting is very therapeutic as this is what keeps me cheery and even when I can't get to the craft room I google and watch you tube and go to Pinterest also. It keeps my mind very active and your blog/you tube and tv appearances are a massive part in my life. I love them all.
Have fun with Grace and I am so glad Steve is recovering, not managed into the Craftroom yet but I will get there. I will be expecting quick blogs over the next while as you look after and spend some beautiful times with Grace. A lovely picture of the little Grace and the gorgeous Grace together would be so lovely 🙂 (I am sure you have already thought of it).
Have loads of fun Barb and make some beautiful memories x
Denise xx
Fabulous concept and I'm sure that the sentiment resonates with many of us who have had difficult times, and for whom crafting has been a way of relaxing and absorbing ourselves in something to give us (and others) pleasure. Enjoy your time with your family, Susan x
Stunning and thoughtful piece of artwork! I am so glad Steve is recovering well, two smiles have to be good! Have a lovely day! xx
This is a great card Barbara, the two stencils go well together and the bunting looks great. Seeing the little boy in the window explains how you were feeling I think. xxxx
Good morning Barbara, so pleased to read that your brother is recovering well. A friend of mine has recently cut his nose and top lip on an angle grinder (long story) and his scar is hardly noticeable due to the use of Bio Oil – worth a try for your brother?
I completely understand the need and effect that crafting has for you as this also works for me, who would believe (other than another crafter) 'playing' with card and ink could be so therapeutic!?! Your therapy session has created a beautiful piece of art in lovely colours. Take care. x
A beautiful piece of artwork Barbara. So pleased how this helped you cope with the stressful time Steve was in the care of someone else's hands. So pleased he's doing better,
Big crafty hugs
H xxx
a wonderful piece barb and the best kind of therapy i can think of xx
Fabulous! nothing else to say other than glad he's on the mend
Not so "dark", plenty of hope and joy with those colours. It is a very nice piece of art. Glad your brother is doing well. Enjoy every minute with him and your family. xx
Hello Barb, this is a great way to let tension out – good job you don't drink and doodle or who knows what you might have come up with! These abstract stencils are right at the top of my wish list but will have to wait till next month. At least being a Gold Member it's free P&P yippee. xx Margaret Col.
Hi Barb, just catching up on the blogs having spent a lovely Friday afternoon/evening, and Saturday with Sally-Ann and the Nottihgham workshop. I love this card – I even love the white piece of scrap paper with the black lines on it from the ruler- the photo with your art work at a jaunty angle – I think it extends the lines of the stencils – love the colour you used too on this one – its just lovely. Have a great day – bet you can't wait to get to the airport!! xxx
A beautiful card a good way to help you through the long hours waiting to know the operation on your brother went well ,xxx
This is a very meaningful piece and one I am sure many can relate to.
Hope everything goes well and happy crafting, Angela x
Hello Barbara,
Well you've gone and done it again, and it's brought everyone's feelings to the fore. It has such an evocative feel to it.
It's true what you say about craft and losing yourself in it. All health worries disappear whilst engrossed in trying to concocting a masterpiece.
Best wishes to Steve. A scar or five or ten just makes a man look rugged!
I hope you have a lovely happy time with Grace (and Dave) and do all the mum/daughter things that you've missed whilst she has been in the U.S.
Love to all xx
This is a lovely and thoughtful piece of work, and very apt with your brother's situation at the moment. The outlining of the coloured lines works so well, and then the child standing on the threshold, and the bunting with those wonderful thought provocing words too. It's amazing how much time can disappear when doing any sort of craft, and it certainly takes your mind off your problems too. I don't need to tell you to make the most of Grace's visit, that goes without saying. x
Well Barbara good news all round with your brother on the mend and a visit from your daughter,best wishes to you and your family.Nearly forgot love the card so much of to buy the stencil now.
So glad Steve recovering well. I adore my brother, he is ten years older than me, calls me his kid sister , ( I am 63). I like this card and good that you were able to use your talent to help you at a difficult time. Now you just got to enjoy your time with Grace. We have just had a lovely afternoon with all our kids and families. xx
its a great card Barbara ,so glad your brother is on the mend xxx
Hi Barbara. What a lovely card.I think it would be good for someone worried about having an op. I understand how it helped you while Steve was having his op. (Glad to hear he is doing well)
I used to cross stitch and had a poppy picture that my Gran had brought me. I found it helped pass the time while she was in her finally days.I finally finished stitching it about 5 mins after she passed away!
I hope your throat isn't too sore today Barbara, after all of the talking I'm sure you did yesterday when Grace arrived : ) Have a wonderful time with her.
Take care.
Lovely card Barbara, glad your brother is improving xx
Lovely card, so full of thoughts. Glad your brother is on the road to recovery.