It’s Friday, and I can see you…..
It’s Friday Private peak Blog, and the day before Clarity TV weekend, so as usual, the artroom looks like a bomb has hit it. Whether you believe it or not, I spent 2 hours clearing my corner up first thing today, just so that I had a work surface! 10 hours later, and I think I’ve just about managed to pull every ink pad, every stamp and every piece of card out of its little home.
Industrious or industrial!
Either way, Hi-Viz Jackets, a hard-hat and Totector boots are advisable!
I’m in there somewhere!
Who do you suppose works in a shambles like this…
There she is! But wait, is that a drill in her hand? Has she finally lost the plot???
Dave’s side of the room’s no better!
Desk? What desk?
And as for Jim, well he just wanders around aimlessly after dark…
All good, positive, uplifting and creative though.
Which is just how I like it.
See you tomorrow!
44 thoughts on “It’s Friday, and I can see you…..”
Wow Barbara, so glad someone elses room is like mine, when I do tidy up can't find anything and it's as bad again after making one card. Looking forward to tomorrow
I'm glad that it's not just me that works in a mess and just like you and gwen70 I can never find anything when I do clean up. I will have to clean up the dining room/craft room for Christmas and in the New Year I am moving it to a spare bedroom. Looking forward to tomorrow, are you on on Sunday too?
Morning Barbara….good to see that your crafty space resembles mine….the main difference is that I share mine with a Tess (blond Labrador ) not a Dave….have a great Classroom show tomorrow…I am afraid I will have to record you but I will be teaching workshops in Stokport using Alcohol inks and Clarity Stamps….we will be with you on spirit……Enjoy……Jo. xxxxx
Enjoy the show Barbara I to will be recording And watching when I can…its the time of year and yes my cave always looks like a bomb has hit it. Could really do with more storage but then where would I go!
Barbara, I am just so happy to see that you are no different to the rest of us. A major tidy up is followed very swiftly by the disaster that happens when making a card. I just wish that I could produce something half as beautiful as you do. I am afraid that I shall have to watch the Classroom in the evening this time, as I am off to take the family Christmas cards up to Derby (They are actually last year's cards which were never delivered due to grandchildren's illnesses and then snow). A couple of them are proper Clarity cards, so, like Jo, I shall be with you in spirit, even though I shall be driving up the A38 at the time, and it will be recorded, but I will be glued to the TV on Sunday. Have a good weekend. xx Maggie
I reccon I could spend hours and hours and hours in that office of yours… Just imagin what you could find, other than a Barbs (weilding drill), a Dave (looking very smug!) and Jim… well! I think it'd be amazing!
Have a great TV weekend! I won't see them all live (family and friends get-togethers) but I shall catch what I can!! I'm sure your DT will be chatting away on FaceBook whilst you're doing your stuff! xxx
Looking forward to this weekends Classroom…recorder at the ready.
As for the room I always maintain a creative mind works best amongst chaos, that's my excuse anyway! The rest of my house is all order, but me and my craft space work best in a mess! Love Marian.x
I don't know whose 'shambles; but I know where everything is'; is worse – yours or mine. Actually mine is worse than yours and I've started to take over my husband's side of the study! Will be watching and recording the week-end's shows in case I miss something.
Swapsies anytime! My tidy little corner for all your fabulous stuff messy or not 🙂
Can't wait for this weekend, will be watching live and recording, like to look back when I go and try them out for myself (memory not what it was!) Loved the new stamp yesterday.
Hi Barbara that photo of you made me laugh, I just didn't see you till you mentioned it. I reckon Jim is really just looking for his Drill??? I will be there watching Live!! and doing the Live Chat with Sally on the ClarityStamp Page, so ready and waiting! xx Hope it all goes well and you have fun on your last show of the year. xx
Oh fantastic just like the room that supposed to be a dining room here at home, somewhere underneath everything is a highly polished mahogany pedestal table…not seen it since last Christmas lol. Glad you can make just as much of a mess as the rest of us . Looking forward to the weekend recording all the shows as I wont be in on Saturday but hoping to watch live on Sunday.
Its great to know that most people can't find their craft table, thought it was just me!!!
I've just shown it to my husband so that he now believes it is not only me who has an untidy craftroom when mine is tidy I spend more time looking for things can generally find them when its untidy.
Hi Barbara, I hope you have a licence for that lethal weapon. Hope the shows go well at the weekend. Looking forward to all the inspiration. Have fun and a safe journey. Kind regards Joanne K x
Barbara, if my craft room wasn't a mess I would think that I was in the wrong house ! I would never find anything either although I do still struggle to find scissors, tweezers etc as they usually get buried along with my wipes and cotton wool balls … lol but isn't all part of the fun ?? Have a great weekend xx
Good morning,
This is truly a work in progress. At least you have lots of space….you look good with drill in hand.
Have a great weekend on the telly Barbara..I shall be glued to it as often as poss !! I craft in my bedroom…it's often so messy, sometimes I have trouble finding the bed….and the cat!! lol xx
Hi Barb,
If you think that is a shambles, you should see my front bedroom – it looks like a bomb has hit it. I just can't fit everything in! Anyway, just returned from London and had two lovely parcels waiting for me – one containing 4 stencils that I ordered from you and the other my new Clarity design club pack. Wow on both counts. The stencils ( every one of them) are fabulous and the newsletter is brill. So thank you very much. Love the binder as well! Looked at yesterday's blog just now and that new stamp is beautiful -on my wish list. Once again thank you and looking forward to the weekend shows !- good luck for them even though you won't need it. Alison xx
How do you cope?
Unless in my craft room everything is labelled and in order I would be lost, probably comes from my Nursing training
Really looking forward to the weekend, hope you have as good time as we all do watching.
Could I borrow you?! lol! x
It lifts my heart to see this. I tidied up a couple of weekends ago and brought some stuff downstairs to craft as I've run out of space upstairs! I've got so much I can't remember the half of it. Ordered some Clarity things from C&C last night and am just hoping I haven't got them already …….. Keep saying I must retire ……… Looking forward to the weekend and a dose of Barbara ! xx
Hi Barb, my craft area (which doubles as my home office) is no different. Tidied it last week, and looks like a bomb site again. Had another dose of Clarity levity, so did my wrinkles good to smile instead of frown. Looking forward to the shows. Bx
Oh, dear, I have to go out! I'll record everything, and hope nothing has sold out before I get home!
I would LOVE to come and tidy up for you Barb!! it would be fab to see how 'The greatest Crafter Ever' works!!! 😉 looking forward to my 'crafty fix' this weekend! xx GailyB
How lucky you all are having an actual room just for craft, mine is in boxes all over the house! Its surprising that I ever get anything done. Looking forward to Barbara weekend. Joan x
How lucky I am to have my own "private" craft room, where I can leave everything exactly as it is…..Messy and untidy!!!!! Will try to tune in during the week-end.
My craft room always looks like yours too. Don't know why or how it gets that way. I do try and tidy as I go but it never looks neat. Of course I can always find everything I need (!).
and to think I thought this state was normal for craft rooms…………………
Cue Lloyd Grossman…..and who works in an office like this! Lets look at the clues!
I would love to come and have a rummage around in the office….I bet you'd find all sorts of stuff!
Have a great weekend of shows and I will be recording on Saturday as I will be out in Manchester at the Christmas markets with my girlie, but Sunday will be business as usual and will be watching you live and probably chatting along to others on FB.
Love and Hugs
me too Jane…but I'd have to tidy as I went along…suppose I could bring a large bag with me just to clear everything away lol
Lovingly known as organised chaos!!! My kinda work space…minus the totectors…they hurt my toes!!! LOL..Roll on the weekend! Have a great finale weekend to the TV then you can kick back and reflect on what a wonderful year it has been xx
Phew! What a relief to know that I don't have to go into the 'Hubby space' (garage to you and me) to borrow his drill!!! Your craft area looks like mine just a lot bigger! :o) x
Fab-u-luss. This has made my day! You are human after all. Just like the rest of us, when the pressure is on the tidying goes out the window. Looking forward to tomorrow's lesson.
🙂 great pics x
Your blog made me laugh! Will have to keep it handy to show my husband when he comments on the state of my crafting area which, in fact is currently in pristine condition having just put up two sets of narrow shelves. Perfect for embossing powders and inks. Two hours to arrange it and half an hour to put it in disarray!
What a great blog. Love the pictures now I don't feel so bad about my area. Looking forward to all your crafty wonders at the weekend. x
It's always encouraging to see that the experts have a similar craft space to mine! No sooner we tidy them up we manage to fill the space with more stash!!!! Hope to catch your Sunday shows.x
I would love to be able to leave all my crafting materials out and about instead I have to tidy up after each session as I live in a one bedroomed flat. I even have to sit on the floor when crafting which is very difficult when I have two very inquisitive indoor cats who like to get involved. Can't wait for your shows this weekend and hope also to have ago with the Gelli Plate starter kit I purchased at the NEC. May have to shut the cats out of the living room so they don't get covered in paint…lol!
brilliant room Barbara – its just like mine!!!! I find things quite easily most of the time – except when I have a tidy up lol xxx
But what were you doing with that drill Barbara …. is it a case of 'licensed to drill'? Or is it 'licensed to thrill' in your demos lined up for this weekend. Can't wait for this weekend's shows. My husband rolled his eyes when he saw that it was a 'Gray weekend' on the sky recording list. Great blog as usual. Best wishes, Pam x
Where's Barb instead of where's Wally lol. I'll be catching up with you later on tomorrow as I have a craft fair first thing, looking forward to it tho x
Smashing uplifting cheery blog today, sure made me smile and I'm so glad your messy as well x
LOL not going to ask what you did do with the drill !!!but made me me giggle fab blog post as ever … looking forward to the weekends shows thanks Andrea x
I haven't watched today's show yet as I was at the Clarity East workshop, but it's recorded for later this evening, just got to let the lads watch their stuff first. It's nice to see behind the scenes at Clarity Towers but slightly concerned at the use of the drill……not sure i can pinch hubby's with the excuse it's for crafting 😉