It’s a Crescent moon…

It’s a Crescent moon…

Hi there

According to the specialists, the Moon Phase for today and tonight: Jan 23, 2025 is a Waning Crescent phase. Yep. Sounds about right to me. Sky is quite clear here in the southeast, so it will probably get colder. Then will come the winds and the rain. Perfect weather for crafting!

Deborah Wheeler is back at Clarity Towers tomorrow, 10am and 2pm. She’s shining a light on some fab stamps that we came up with in the SHAC together – The Crescent Moon Collection. They were launched a couple of years ago, and have a lot of charm. Very useful they are too! Deb also wanted to play with Tina’s Doodle Discs. They are so cool too! I can understand why Deb would want them added to the show.

Let me screen shot them all on the website, and send you the link, so you can investigate further…HERE

I’m so looking forward to seeing Deb again, and to see what she has in store for us. She always creates such lovely artwork! Very clean and clever.

I dug deep in my photo album, and found a few bits I did myself, when we first launched them…

How ironic. You can see here, that I combined the Crescent moons with Ani’s lovely Flyaway Collection. and the Petite Designer Card.

So today at work, a beautiful new set of stamps came up. They are Ani’s designs. We made stamps out of them, but now we have transformed them into fabulous stamps. We have been working on them for a while, but today was the day we decided when to introduce them to you. You see, they will be absolutely perfect for the new Mini Makes TV shows I was talking about. Absolutely lovely! I think about Ani and Dorothy a lot. Most days, actually. Today I found a little step that we always kept in the loo, so that little Miss independent Dotty could climb up onto the loo by herself. Ani was in the building for sure today! RIP dear girl.

But. Back to the artwork which I chopped up…

Tiling and panelling like this makes the silhouette artwork so much more interesting, don’t you agree? Compare…

Anyway, there is bound to be lots to watch and learn tomorrow at 10 and 2 on Clarity Social TV, with Deb and Paul.

You can watch on our Facebook LIVE Claritycrafts page, or our Claritycrafts Youtube channel. Why not like, follow and subscribe? Then we can send you the links directly. That way, you’ll never have to go trawling the internet to find us! Just click the link in the email.

Oh. And one more thing. THE NEW OVERHEAD CAMERA IS IN PLACE!!!! Woohoo! Mind you, I had to laugh today. Jim had rigged it all up. All singing all dancing, can be adjusted remotely bla bla bla. Then he says, “Only one problem: now we need new lighting, because of the strobing. Our old lighting isn’t compatible with the new camera” . HAHAHAHAHAHA.

It reminds me of Mrs Armitage’s Bicycle. “What this bicycle needs…” So there ya go. Skint, skinter, skintest. Broke, broker, brokest. But by Jingo! All the bells and whistles – and no strobing! Nobody want strobing, do they??!

Right said Fred, best take the legs and handles off.

See you tonight at 7 in the SHAC. In the meantime, do shop ahead for the super offers on those lovely stamps! 🤪🤪🤪🤪

Love always

Barb x x x

According to AI, 527 words, 3 minutes read time. According to my clock, 527 words, 63 minutes write time!

13 thoughts on “It’s a Crescent moon…

  1. Those stats for time to write and time to read are similar to a Sunday roast: ages to prep and cook; minutes to scoff😂
    same as with the new camera I can liken that to buying an air fryer: great buy but none of my dishes fit🥴.
    Love your artwork albeit bittersweet.

  2. Beautiful stamps, really inspiring, I’ve got new ones (and old ones) I haven’t used yet but always want more …. I do have a couple of these ones though the boy and the girl but will check re others. My lace plates arrived today. After 90 mins in dentist chair it was good to know they were waiting to open, still got more dentist to go so might have to reward myself, can’t understand why we have to pay the dentist for horrible stuff ! See you tonight xx

  3. looking forward to tonight All the stamps are good quality and lovely
    love using them and the stamp pens are Brillant well done Dave

  4. Barbara, you do put a smile on my face😆. Hope all goes well with the new camera and lighting tonight.
    We had the new broadband foisted on us yesterday. The installation went well but then he asked about the socket for electricity. Erm…? What? The point nearest the installation was too far away so we now have extension leads as a temporary solution. More expense…..we now have to call in an electrician to rectify the problem. Hey ho, such is life.
    Fell over again yesterday too. OUCH!!! Good job I have plenty of Clarity tv and Groovi to keep me occupied.
    Love the samples you created and look forward to watching tomorrow.
    Stay warm, stay safe.

  5. Ani’s stamps are some of my favourites and most well used in my collection! And I have the half moon set too … never thought to use them together though. Looking forward to Deborah’s shows tomorrow – I’ll be staying in with the amber/red warning for up here 🌬💨

  6. Loved those stamps when you first brought them out (just can’t believe it was that long ago). I do have to admit though that the fly away boy is my all time favourite stamp. I’m not surprised you think of Ani often she was so lovely. See you tomorrow although I can only watch the morning live – Grandparent baby sitting in the afternoon.

  7. I’m so looking forward to playing with these stamps again tomorrow – they’re all such fab sets! And I get to road test the new camera too (even with the dodgy lighting…!!)
    All packed and ready to go, so off to bed now. See you in the morning!

  8. Hello Barb, such a lovely array of beautiful samples you have shared. The stamps are amazing and I love both Ani’s and Tina’s designs. I am sure Deb will do them justice. Glad to hear the new camera is in place, sorry to hear about the new lighting though. Had a good laugh about the airfryer comment from some of the lovely clarity followers. Going to sneakily watch the shows today. Take care everyone. Bx

  9. Just watched the first show with the new camera, Paul was having great fun !! Lovely to see all the DT samples, so much inspiration – just need to be brave & play with my stash.
    Had to explain to my OH why I was laughing last night during the SHAC – I have my earpieces in so I can hear you & then he can listen to the TV. It was when you were telling us about the budgie & the need to pay extra rent 😂
    Just waiting for the wind to die down so we can continue putting up the new fence so may just go upstairs & check my stash for the stamps from today’s shows x

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