A Challenge….

A Challenge….

Hi there

Dave and I are “friends” of the Dulwich Picture Gallery in Southeast London. In other words, we pay an annual subscription of about £100, which helps them keep it going, and allows us access to any exhibitions and talks they hold FREE of charge. It’s a lovely little haven of art and culture, bang in the middle of a metropolis, an urban sprawl. It’s a beautiful building too, hidden within a little park, AND it is the oldest public art gallery in England. We went there this morning, because there was an exhibition of Tirzah Garwood’s extraordinary artwork. You may not recognise the name, but if I were to add that she was married to Eric Ravilious, I bet plenty of you recognise that name. Who hasn’t bought a calendar of his wood prints?

He was a British painter, designer, illustrator and wood-engraver. Then he served as a war artist in WWII, but was killed very young (aged 39) when the plane he was in disappeared off Iceland in 1942. He left behind Tirzah and three young children. She had developed breast cancer in 1941, had undergone surgery, and lived on. She even remarried after Eric was killed. But then, at the age of 42, she died of cancer. Very sad.

But my oh my, was she a creative!! And her work! What astounded me was how many different types of art she turned her hand to. She was a phenomenal wood-engraver, painter, collage artist, quilter, embroiderer, printmaker, paper maker (famous for her marbling skills) seamstress – the list goes on. She thought nothing of creating a marbled print, then cutting it up to use in her collages. And I thought to myself, “That’s what I do !!” I’m always making prints, then chopping them up into smaller artworks.

So it was a real treat to see her recognised in her own right at the gallery today. This is the first major exhibition devoted to her. About time! There were many pieces by Ravilious on display too, and they had very different styles. He is one of my all time favourite artists. But her work is so wonderful, too. A real feast for the eyes.

If you have time, look her up. She was a visionary.

Then I came home, made a meatloaf for later, and then went upstairs to my art room, to rise to the art challenge that Jane telford has set us in the Facebook Mini Makes Group. The Challenge was “to make a piece of artwork no larger than 5×5 inches, with a flash of purple in it. CLICK HERE TO FIND

So I found a print that I pulled a while ago, using leaves from the garden… A3 paper. Way too big! Love the shadows though…Can’t wait to get back out there in that old print room at the bottom of the garden, and have another printing session…But in the meantime, let’s take a leaf out of Tirzah Garwood’s book – if you’ll pardon the pun!

So. What would YOU do? Probably not what I did, but hey! Chopped it up into 3.5 x 3.5 Squares! Well, not all of it. Just the purple half.

And then came the production line. Ingredients:

A mini-makes set of 4 original leafy monoprint notelets, complete with 4 envelopes with matching inserts, a leafy wrap and a gift tag. Not bought paper. A print I pulled myself. And I’ve still got half of the print left for whatever I fancy next. Maybe another set of notelets, but with green companion papers for framing. mmmm….So what would you charge for a set of four hand-printed notelets with envelopes, like this?

We’re back on the O for Owl tomorrow at 10am in the SHAC. I hope you can join me? I want to finish it, because I’m itching to get on to the letter P !!! Got to practice a little first. But you will blimming love it! Can you guess what it might be? Starts with P … have a guess below x

Busy times at Clarity. Determined is a word. I am watching one craft business after another fold and shut down. Makes me sad. They will all have their reasons, and I wish them all the absolute best for the future.

I truly understand what a challenge it is to keep going. But you know me – always up for a challenge.

Love always,

Barb x x x

PS The blog just gave me this data: 793 words, 4 minutes read time. Happy to report that this was all generated from my brain. Not AI. The day I resort to AI to write my blog for me is the day I should stop. 🥰

30 thoughts on “A Challenge….

  1. Beautiful artwork. Even when you’re “relaxing” you seem to pack such a lot into a day. As suggested, I looked up the artist; another talent. I can see why you were inspired. As you said it’s a sad time with so many companies going to the wall.

  2. Ooh I love those and I have all the gear. I think I will try and make some notelets and make use of my new stamping pens which arrived yesterday too. What a great idea. Love the sound of your visit a lovely way to spend time

  3. Love the mini makes from that beautiful print. Will have the have a go at the mid month challenge. Maybe a tag. Hope my swap turns up with my partner tomorrow. I posted it a week ago today.

    1. Mine is taking its time to get there too Sarah. Certain areas are experiencing a go even slower than usual snail Mail! X

  4. Love those notelets – just goes to show what can happen when you chop a background up. Sounds like you have had a really good day xxx

  5. That print is magnificent! I’d have been worried chopping it up but it’s turned out really well for you. Those notelets are just perfect and hand tied with a ribbon or string would make a great gift.
    Thank you for doing the challenge Barbara. And for giving it a shout out on here.
    Love and hugs.
    Jane xx

  6. I love reading your blog Barbara, and long may you continue without AI intervention!
    It really annoys me when the keyboard comes up with suggestions of what you may want the words to be that you’re typing – I totally ignore it and just carry on regardless! 😉🥰
    P is for……
    Pipework – bit of Zentangle maybe?
    Parrot – lots of colouring opportunities
    Panther – next to the tiger, would be my next big cat choice.
    Love your leafy print. I’m going to go and visit the Mini Makes page now to join in Jane’s challenge.
    Have a lovely evening 💕😘💕

    1. £20 (at least) for a set of 5×5 original notelets – they’re definitely worth £5 per card, and with the envelope £5.99 🥰

  7. Must have been channelling you today Barb.
    4 little notelets. Tick ready to send to clarity HQ for the next wonderful goodies coming up!
    Blog ready to email to Paul and Grace and again, larger piece cut to smaller bite size peices.
    Coincidence or like minded mindfulness. Weird so many miles in between us but simular art ideas.
    Strange how that happens.xx

  8. I’ve been using the Celtic alphabet today and my memories on FB showed a post from 2018 – win the one day special, you guessed it Celtic Collection – bit spooky that ! Especially as I haven’t used it for a few years ! Lovely notelets, I’m going to look up the artists as they’re not ones I know.

    Went to see Mum this morning, ended up doing their exercise class, glad we didn’t have to leave the chair 😹 No internet all over our area this morning, someone cut a cable, so they couldn’t have the local church service on You Tube.

    Have a good evening and see you in the morning. X

  9. P.s. just been to look them both up. Very interesting lives if very sad at the end.

    PPS. P for pansy or parrot ? Both pretty and colourful !

  10. Wonderful artwork you created Barbara. will look up the artist, she seems a real talent.
    letter P, only one thing springs to mind PARCHMENT. see you at 10 ( our time 9pm).

  11. Lovely artwork and notelets.
    I have a problem knowing what to charge for my work. Charge enough, even if just enough to cover expenses, charge less it’s not worth the effort. It is disheartening when you spend ages creating something beautiful and someone says “I can get a box of 10 for that price” . It’s demoralising but I am determined to keep up the quality and I won’t let it beat me because i am stubborn and will not give in. Just have to find a different market.
    See you on telly tomorrow.

  12. P for Penguin please!
    It is sad to hear of craft company closures – each business failure is someone’s dreams crushed and who knows how many livelihoods threatened. Godspeed the good ship Clarity, may she continue to navigate these troubled waters safely.

  13. Just looked them both up. I can see why you like their work. Interesting!
    I thought penguin straight away but I bet you’ve got something exciting in mind. X

  14. I do so love your print designs – such a fab set of notelets, and brilliant inspiration for what to do with a larger design that I can find myself overwhelmed by.
    Had a few trips to Dulwich gallery when my son was doing his foundation course in art some years ago – I need to find time to get back out and browse!
    Off now to look up both artists – will be tuning in tomorrow afternoon!

  15. Love your notelets & great for Jane’s mid month challenge. I will look into my entry tomorrow once I have helped load the car for a tip run !!
    I don’t know the artists you mentioned so will have to go & investigate using that helpful search engine !!
    Enjoying doing the Owls – I am doing the larger version from the colouring book as I realised I had done the postcard in the SHAC during Lockdown.
    P for Pansy or Penguin ?

  16. I am still scared of the chopping-up process, don`t know why especially after seeing your work which is worth every penny of 5/6 pounds. You mentioned Cancer, well I had My Bowel Screening Kit through last Friday and sent it off on Monday, then on Wednesday had a letter back saying further investigations were necessary, having had Bowe Cancer 11 years ago I am not ignorant of the Facts, it was the speed of the reply that is concerning, but as one of the Clarity Quotes ” If it be—–so be it

  17. Beautiful prints, I loved hearing about how you made them. I looked up the artist , what a talent, I love her marbled paper. A few years ago I tried marbling paper, had it all set up in the garage, it was great fun I never knew what would appear on the paper, unfortunately I don’t have room now but I still have a few sheets left which I will cut up and use.
    I hope it’s P for penguin. I am madly trying to catch up with the alphabet, I got so behind when we moved but I’m on a mission, with a few shortcuts, should be on N tomorrow.

  18. I don’t know either of those artists, so I’ll look them up later. Sounds like a perfect way to spend an afternoon though!
    Your notelets are beautiful – I always forget about decorating the envelopes, but it looks so classy.
    P … for primroses, peonies, patchwork, pansies, polar bear? x

  19. Wonderful post, so rich, thank you. Loved your notelets and the new artist you introduced us to, wow how beautiful and talented. Very educational do keep it up it’s such an inspiration and really lifts my artistic soul. P, primula, poppy, poplar, pine, peregrine, peach..

  20. Hello Barb, such an interesting blog post, will have to look up the artists. Love your notelets, I think easily worth £20. Makes me want to go create now. Going to try sneak in the Shac and the show at 2pm. Hopefully no calls scheduled, as also have to finish sons birthday card for today. P for penguin, love penguins. Take care all. Bx

  21. Beautiful leafy notelets. Your artwork is always so beautiful Barbara! I don’t sell anything, but I do make sets of notelets to give as gifts – have never been brave enough to try to sell !
    Will be watching on catch-up, I thought about P for pelican. xx

  22. I love the print you made. That would make a great class, demo or workshop or even a instruction sheet with using leaves and inks.

  23. They are really beautiful, and just gorgeous with the envelope inserts. I had a busy weekend and blinked and missed the challenge and must say what lovely artwork everyone has done. What with just about enough time to dip into today’s demos, I feel like I’ve got all behind. Hopefully, Wednesday I can have a crafting day, to have a play and a catch up!

  24. Another wonderful blog – thank you for sharing about your art gallery visit and the artists. The artists are new to me so I will do some research- excited to see their artwork.
    Barbara, your notelets are fantastic- thank you for the super step by step instructions. All your extra details like the coloured piece in the envelope make the notelets stunning.

    P – Parasol- Japanese design or peacock

  25. I love your leaf print art work, I would love to know how you did it. Your notelet’s are brilliant, thank you for your wonderful inspiration x

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