Back behind the wheel!

Back behind the wheel!

Hi there

Woke up this morning, and decided to bite the bullet. Thermal Long Johns, thermal vest, two pairs of socks and a biker’s tube for the neck – and I was set to get back behind the wheel!

No no no. My days of Harley Davidson biking are well and truly over. In fact, my lovely bike was sold last year. It’s just way too dangerous. Too many cars, too many idiot drivers, too many potholes. But I’m grateful for the experience, and I’m glad I ticked that box when I still could. That I can say, I was an L.O.H. A Lady of Harley.

No,no. I got togged up today to go in the garage true enough. And I did get behind a wheel too. My trusted Shimpo RK-3E !! It’s a dream drive! So many key features for a potter!

  • Forward and reverse switch, so wheel goes in both directions,
  • foot pedal locks for set speed,
  • super quiet – it’s called The Whisperer.
  • no belt
  • 2-part splash-pan easily detachable for cleaning.

I haven’t done any pottery for months. The last thing I made was the lamp stand for Mark and Alex’s wedding in September!

I ventured out there a couple of weeks ago, but by the time I had cleaned the area, (all the stuff from the Open Days was still right there, where we had dumped it in November!) I was frozen to the bone, and aborted the session.

Honestly, it’s been a pretty mental few months since we got taken to the cleaners by Create & Craft in Oundle-Peterborough. And when the ship is sinking, what do you do? You row like your life depends on it, you bail water and you try to stay afloat. Believe you me, pottery is NOT an option.

But the clouds are lifting slowly. The waters are still treacherous, and there’s an inordinate amount of work to do, but the good ship Clarity is pretty steady. We’ve got such a tight team, and good people around us now. There’s a lot of turbulence and unrest in the industry for sure, and retirement isn’t an option, but that fear of going under, which has been crippling me for months, has gone away.

Today was the first day I actually felt like doing pottery again. And that speaks volumes, friends. It really does. It tells me that, at a subconscious level, I am beginning to unwind again. I have been sprung like a coil for months, you know. You can tell yourself that it will all be fine a thousand times, but saying it and believing it are two different things, right? Of course, we still need to hustle like mad, but we‘ve got lots of great ideas and designs, and as long as we keep coming up with lovely, irresistible products, and the Clarity Community keeps showing up to support us – I think we will go from strength to strength.

I did wonder whether I might have forgotten how to throw pots on the wheel. It’s been such a long time! But no. Not at all. I did ease myself into it though. Here’s how:

I wedged 9 balls of clay, in batches of 3 weights: half a pound, three quarters of a pound and a pound. I set myself the task of making pencil pots, and decided not to deviate. I started with the smallest 3 balls, threw them. Then moved to the next size, threw them. Ended with the 3 largest size. Result? Nine pots, all fine. And yep, they got a little larger with each batch. In fact, when I compared batch 3 with batch 1, there is quite a size difference in the pots, but I didn’t feel the difference when I was throwing.

I never want to be a production potter, but it’s good to be able to throw pots and bowls. Especially because folks DO like my work, I CAN sell them, and the money DOES go in the Clarity pot! Every little helps. So I feel I am contributing this way, too. Tomorrow, I will turn these, and maybe I’ll throw another batch of nine.

The object of the exercise is to grow my little pots to Brush Pot size, but make lots of lovely pencil pots at the same time. Would it be easier to bulk buy them in China? For sure. And they would even print Clarity Brush Pots on them for us if we ask nicely. Would they be cheaper to you to buy? For sure.

But tell me. Which would you prefer to buy? Actually, yes. Please tell me. Cheap and cheerful from China? Because that can be arranged. Or handmade by Barb? I’ll make a load anyway, because they’d take about 6 months to get here from China !! TWHGBM. Have a guess…

Have a great evening.

Love always,

Barb xxx

79 thoughts on “Back behind the wheel!

  1. Good to see you back in the studio Barb. So looking forward to buying a pot at the Open Days in May. Already have the tickets and booked the hotels and booked time off work.

  2. Handmade by Barbara for sure. I try not to buy from China but it’s almost impossible. I needed new kitchen scales and found a good English make, union flags on the box but turned it over and the small print said Made in China! Keep throwing! Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Xx

  3. Hand made is best and hand made by Barbara even better. Have to stay near by in case dad needs me so won’t be able to make the coming open days but certainly looking to make one at some point in the future. I am sure you will do a roaring trade

  4. Hi Barb
    No contest, hand made by Barb wins every time! I already have a couple of your pieces and they are beautiful.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I am off to resume the search for the little mouse that my cat brought in. I love my cat but not when she brings in live things.
    See you Monday in the Shac.
    Zara xx

  5. So glad you have ventured back into your pottery shack – such an important step I feel.

    I am looking forward to adding a little BG special pot to my lovely BG originals collection xxx

  6. Without a doubt…your pots are best. stillhave mine from Open day 2023 on my desk. As for TWHGBM could it be ‘The wait (h)is going (to be) bloody months !!!

  7. It is good to hear you are back in the studio, I would love to buy your handmade pottery, it would be unique and made by a friend. China, is cheap and cheerful, but no contest for your talent…

  8. I love the pot I got in 2023 from you. It’s on my craft desk with lots of the tools you go to all the time. Pleased you’re back out there and having time for your hobbies again. Take care.

  9. Handmade by Barbara is the only pots I want. Pencil pen and brush pots will look lovely in my craft room.
    Glad you have managed some time for yourself and done some pottery
    Big hug Jenny xx

  10. Made by you Barb! So lovely to see you back in your pottery zone. Look forward to seeing them after all the processes.

  11. Love your pots, so glad you have made it out to your garage after such a long break & managed to do some pottery. Looking forward to the Open Days to check out the pencil & brush pots. I realised when I got home in November that I hadn’t gone back to you table to choose a piece of pottery to add to my collection – too busy watching the clock to get back to the station to catch the train home.
    Can’t solve the TWHGBM but no doubt when you divulge the answer I will go ‘oh yes why didn’t I think of that ‘ 😂😂

  12. I gave you some of my pottery books so I knew we had that in common but I didn’t know we both liked motorbikes. My ambition when I moved to the Isle of Wight was to get a Harley trike and ride it down the Military Road ! Unfortunately that was never practical.
    Love and hugs

  13. Handmade every time…each one unique!
    Good to know you’ve been able to get back to your potter’s wheel, Barbara.

  14. Hi Barbara,

    You so deserve this quiet, downtime…just for you. It’s been a long time coming and well overdue. You have all worked your little socks off to turn this around and have been there for us 24/7. And now deservedly, you can see that shining light ahead of you in what’s been a very stormy sea. So enjoy every moment you have for your pottery cos it’ll re energise you and disperse the stresses in a way nothing else will do.

    For me, home made individual beautiful pieces of artwork made by your good self wins every time. I am lucky to own three exquisite pieces and they take pride of place in my craft room. My first piece was a little pot and you told me you made two of them and you keep cocktail sticks in yours. My second piece was a little dish, you crushed up dark blue medicine bottles and combined it into the clay. My third (my pride and joy) I bought at the christmas open day, it was a huge pot that was lower at the front. You had brushes displayed in it. It looked so lovely with all the bright colours on the tips of the brushes, I treated myself and I now have my brushes in it too.
    I was also lucky enough to win a raffle prize a box set of pinky gray cards and sentiments and I have six of them framed and displayed on my craft room wall. I’ve already purchased my tickets for both the May and Christmas open days and can’t wait. Penny xXx

  15. I would love a pot made by you. Unfortunately I live too far away to collect one.
    I try to buy British made items but so many things are sourced from China. Quality always trumps cheap.
    We are lucky to have a butcher who gets all his meat from local farms and most fruit and veg in season is grown locally. The foreign imports seldom find space in my basket.
    You look so happy in this photo, it is good to see you getting back to the hobby you love.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend,

      1. I would love to buy one of your pots Barbara so yes please put them on the web site when possible. I live in Wiltshire and am 88 so not up to getting to an open day Best wishes x

  16. Thinking about you and all that help you sail the good ship Clarity, I think TWHGBM is: To Win Honourably (Honestly) Give Back More. Even if that’s not what you had in mind it’s still true because you all do this with b***** bells on. Thanks for making me smile again one and all, and it’s so great that Wurk & Hollick have at last let you get your hands back on that clay. All power to your elbow and keep smiling, it’s infectious!! 🙂 xx

  17. A handmade pot by yourself wins every time for me, I prefer individuality over mass produced. I love my bowl I purchased at Dutton year before last.

  18. We’ve got lots of hand-made pottery in our house, as both our dads were potters! I’d definitely buy a Barbara original over something mass produced in China. Glad you are back on the wheel xx

  19. Glad to hear you have finally managed to get back into the garage and your pots without feeling guilty. Anything hand made is always better than mass produced. That’s what irks me slightly when I go to craft fairs and hear people moaning about how expensive things are – I bet none of them would work for less than the minimum wage without complaint.

    1. I know, right? I often think about that amazing coat you made that you were wearing at Hever Craft Fair when we met. Remember? That would cost many hundreds!!!

  20. I am so pleased you have got back behind the wheel. Handmade is so much nicer than mass produced. I think we cherish those items much more. I am so pleased that clarity is fining it’s feet again. This year can only get better for you all x

  21. How lovely to hear you’re back doing some Pottery! You deserve some time to do what you love doing. Very pleased to hear that the pressure is easing after the recent months stresses and strains, BUT don’t put yourself subconciously under more pressure by promising pots & holders to the 500+ orders! Take your time, enjoy it, and IF you have some to sell afterwards BRILLIANT! – I will buy one, even if I have to wait for a while 😘

  22. Delighted to hear you had time in your happy place and hope it restores you in many ways you deserve it .x
    I would dearly love to be able to purchase one of your pen pots if ever you can sell them on line as I don’t live in the UK.
    To own a Barbara Grey original would be so special .
    Carmel x

  23. The world has got blooming mad. So we need to carry on crafting to keep us sane. Glad you’re back to doing your pottery I love watching the pottery throw down so can understand what joy you must get from doing it everyone should do what makes them happy .

  24. Handmade by you, no contest. I still have one of your beautiful slate vases that I bought very many years ago, at one of your first retreats. Glad to see you are happily back to the pottery xxx

  25. Definitely handmade by Barbara. Please will you make lots for the open days? I’m coming on Saturday and I’m worried all the Friday people will have snatched them up!
    Love the lamp. What a special present. xx

  26. Handmade wins for me every time. Owning something made by you, Barb, would be an honor. I’m hoping to get down to an event sometime this year, but not sure which one yet x

  27. so great to see you’ve been back behind the wheel – I know it’s your happy place, and speaks volumes about how much better you are feeling about life (even if not totally out of the woods yet…)
    I will always buy handmade over mass produced any day of the week (my little Xander has already got hand knitted cardigans & booties, a couple of which I’d made for his dad but also one fab teddy bear one with little ears on the hood that I got at a craft market!) You can always feel the love that’s gone into individually made items.
    will be first in the queue to shop at the Open Days!

  28. Hi, I have fond memories of the time you did ride your Harley. I was new to cardmaking and had your projects and newsletter every month on the understanding that I spent £15 a month, so I love your golden oldies tutorials as I have so many of them. Now after about 18 years I’m a 2 club member and feel I have returned to the fold! Carole Rainbird

  29. Great to see you back enjoying your pottery and we’ll need pencil and brush pots etc. hopefully you’ll have them for sale at the open days. Debbie and I will be there on the Saturday, can’t wait.
    Just back from piping at a Burns supper tonight so thought I’d catch up before sleep!!

  30. Glad to see you back behind the relaxing wheel. I’m lucky enough to have on of your small bowls which sits on the little table by my chair, it has my ear pods in it, the odd paper clip, some paracetamols and a remote control for some candles ! Surprising what fits in a little bowl! I was lucky enough to win it on a blog giveaway but I’ll be more than happy to buy a pencil pot or brush pot if you can put them on the website. I can’t make the Open Days at the moment but live in hope for another visit one day.

    I got out a very old stencil today, it even came with red paper in the pack instead of the blue ! I have a few with red paper in, wonder why that was? Had it on the shelf for years and today was first time I used it, made me look through the others too. I think it’s still on the website.

    Have a good Sunday you and Dave x x

  31. Hi Barbara
    Glad to see you back making pots maybe you can have a word with Jackie to get her back out in her potting shed. We’ve had a s****y week Solo one of the cats has gone over the rainbow bridge 🌈 and the other was is grieving terribly. But I ended the week doing a book binding course which was great fun. Carry on potting.
    Love Ruth and Jackie xx

  32. I would buy from you like a shot! Sadly I can’t get to the open days. Could you set up a subscription and we could purchase them when you’ve created them and pay extra for post? I would love a pencil pot, a brush pot and a water pot created with your incredibly talented hands!
    So very lovely to see you unwinding enough to pot again x

  33. hand made wins every time and I really don’t like buying from China if it can be avoided.
    please put them on your website. Would love to be able to buy one of your creations and we can’t get to your open days easily from up north!
    We used to come to Leyburn and it was a fantastic day.
    So pleased you are back to your pottery.
    love Janet

  34. So glad that you have managed to get yourself in a place where you feel you can go back to your pottery.
    I too would love the chance to be able to buy pottery made by you. However the chance of me ever being able to travel across to Kent for one of the open days is near zero unfortunately. So here is another vote for some on the website, sometime,please.
    It would feel so much like something extra special made by a friend. We have never met,probably never will,but through watching you on tv one way and another, reading your letters in from club subscription and reading your blog I feel that you are a very special friend,not just to me,but to many.
    Thank you xxx

  35. I would definitely buy one (or two…) if you had them on your Website. Much nicer than stuff from China. Colouring is my thing and I have them in spare mugs all over my desk!! Your pots would be so much better!! I’m glad things are going well for you now. It’s not good to be permanently stressed!! Onward and upwards.

  36. Oh, Barb, it’s so good to see that lovely photo and hear that you’re back doing pottery! You’ve been working so hard recently, you deserve some time for yourself. You’re like a swan though, paddling furiously under the surface but looking supreme above the water! You have a lot of fans out here always ready to support you because you give so much of yourself to us.

    Put me down for one of those pencil pots, please, I’d love one.

  37. Definitely a handmade by Barb any day.
    I already have one of your pots, but would love another one.
    I am hoping to make both open days this year.
    I always bring my Mum and she loves it.
    Keep doing what you are doing. If I can’t watch due to work, I always catch up in the evening.

  38. 🌈What a joy to behold with news that your pottery mojo is back and raring to go….. 🥳
    Just wondering if it’s too late to pop 2 small folds/indent thingies in the top of the pencil pots to make a water pot with a brush rest? I’d love to buy one from you if you can make one in the BG style👩🏻‍🎨
    Living in hope, Sue.💕

    1. …..another thought to match the watercolour water pot with brush rest is a separate matching ceramic brush rest👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 . Oooo I’m excited a bit excited at the thought💕

  39. What a wonderful Blog, so pleased to hear you are able to enjoy your pottery, homemade for me every time. It’s so easy to go out and buy something but if it’s handmade it shows love has come with it, it doesn’t have to be perfect (I’m sure your pots are beautiful, mine would be wonky) it’s the thought and effort that I love to receive.

  40. Hello Barb, so glad you got back to pottery. I would so prefer an original from Barbara Gray, than a bulk buy shipped in a container. Love the insight in your blog, thanks for sharing. As for TWHGBM, I think “The waiting has got Barb mad!” Can’t wait to see your pots and how they turn out. Bx

  41. Glad to see you back at the relaxing wheel ! I am lucky enough to have won one of your bowls as blog candy, with the pretty blue inside, it’s sat on the little table by my chair and keeps my air pods, remotes for the candles, a lipstick, paracetamols and some paper clips at the bottom I think – surprising what a little tidy bowl it is! I’d certainly buy a pencil pot or two if you put them on the web, sadly circumstances make it difficult to commit to the Open Days at the moment but I’ll always remember the one I came to and live in hope of another visit.

    I was using an old stencil yesterday (one that came with red paper and not blue inside – why was that I wonder?) and it made me look through the others I have and never used. Going to be the year of using up bits and getting out stuff I haven’t used yet. I’ve had 3 parcels over the last week so have plenty new stuff to look at too !

    Enjoy your Sunday, you and Dave. Can’t think what the letters stand for.
    Off to see Mum now xx

  42. handmade every time especially by you Barbara, and just what we all need, a special pot for our special brushes. We all need you to keep going as you keep us all going too. You will never know how much joy you and Paul have given me, and I have learnt so much along the way too. Personally I wish Clarity a long and successful life and I am so grateful to have found you!

  43. So glad you feel like you and Clarity are coming out the other side of what has been such a difficult time. Getting back to your pottery is a “twofer”. You felt good enough to do it and feeling better for having done it. I love watching your shows now, they were good but they’re so much better now. I’ve been doing my little bit at times to help your sales and cheer myself up too. Have a wonderful Sunday after a fulfilling day.x

  44. I’d definitely buy them from you, made by your talented hands. So glad you’re starting to feel the Clarity positivity you portrait so bravely. Look after yourself Barb, you keep my wheels turning xx

  45. From LOH to LASKETE you never forget – it’s muscle memory (just as well with all that necessary clothing on).
    How do you keep your hands warm and flexible initially handling cold clay and water? No doubt you warm up significantly when throwing.
    Made in GB by BG definitely preferable.
    The Wheel Has Given Barb Happiness.

  46. Definitely handmade and great that you feel able to relax a little now and do something you love. I’d love to own a BG pot and while I can’t make the Open Days (we’re away), I am coming to the Parchment Retreat in August so it’d be great to be able to buy one then. Thanks for all you and the team do – my husband reckons I keep Clarity afloat!!!!

  47. Love these pencil pots and will definitely be looking for one or two. My own diary however hasn’t been kind to me this year as we have a holiday booked when the first Open Days are happening and a wedding when the Retreat takes place. On a positive note I will be winging my way down to Ditton for the Christmas Open Days and the Parchment workshop too and will have to save my pennies until then.

    Keep on smiling xxxx

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