Linda’s Richelieu Lace
Hi there
Just a quick blog this evening, to shine a light on these rather fabulous Richelieu lace plates, brand new, and designed by Linda Williams herself.
What’s Richelieu lace? I hear you ask. Well, I didn’t know what it was called, but I have always been drawn to this kind of lace..

You will know the sort. Where areas are cut away, and often almost tanged together by these woven threads. Turns out these connectors are called bars or brides. And the designs are the sprigs.
My Oma in Germany used to own table cloths made with this lace. My Mum had them from her. Then she gave them to me. I will bring two to the show tomorrow. So beautiful! Only ever came out on special occasions.
Well, Linda has designed a collection of plates, which work wonderfully just as normal Groovi plates. BUT. They are absolutely perfect for developing and achieving that Richelieu lace effect, that connecting of sprigs with brides…what a fascinating language, eh?

The thing is, you can used them beautifully without any cutting at all, as will be shown tomorrow. But boy oh boy! If you enjoy delicate lace, and you enjoy picot cutting, then these are yours!

You can see the plate of brides or bars here. You can use it or not use it. But it really looks fantastic when you do. You just have to trust the design process.
Want to see them in action? Then please join Paul and myself tomorrow at 10am and 2pm. You asked for delicate plates – well here they are!

Clarity Social TV Show page HERE.
Psst. A little bird told me they’ve just gone live on our website…CLICK HERE
Exciting times. I’d best go get the lights and cameras ready for some action at 7, with those lovely Floral Posters in the SHAC. Who‘s with me?
Love always
Barb x x x
12 thoughts on “Linda’s Richelieu Lace”
These new plates look absolutely fabulous and are right up my street. I can’t wait to see the show tomorrow.
So looking forward to the shows tomorrow, these plates look delicious 😋 I have one such mat my Mum had on her dressing table
Beautiful samples, off to order the plates now, expecting my cousin to call in the morning, so will need to catch up with your morning show, but will be watching in the afternoon. Enjoyed this evenings colouring session, think I also need to order the poster, just colouring in the petite floral letter stamps at the moment. xx
Plates ordered. They are just as beautiful as I expected from
Linda. Look forward to seeing what you both do with them.
Take care.
I really enjoyed the colouring tonight, so much so that I have done my homework already – a first time for everything 😂
I have spent the last week sorting out my craft room, sending loads of stuff down to a special needs group near by. I brought loads of stuff before I retired then found Clarity & changed course completely – so now to declutter some more because there is no hope of ever using everything in the cupboards 😂
See you at 10 tomorrow to see more about the new plates – the DT samples are beautiful & then my task is to complete my PTC/ATC swaps & Maggies card before 2pm – we will see how that goes xx
These plates by Linda are absolutely gorgeous as too the samples. I’m hoping to join you tomorrow at 10 but have a hospital appointment in the afternoon so will have to catch up later. I bet they blow the b….y doors off!
Stunning plates. The design team inspiration pieces are stunning as well.
Thank you for the details shared about Richelieu Lace.
Excited for the Friday’s shows. Also, looking forward to seeing the tablecloths you have.
Just going to watch Thursday night’s live – my favorite -colouring – love all your tips, tricks, techniques and shading that make an amazing difference to a colouring project. I still have lots to learn and I need to practice, practice, practice. Thank you Barbara.
How beautiful 😍. Now, if only you sold patience and dexterity as well I might stand a chance with Groovi!! 😂 Still, we all have different talents, so I am thankful for what I have x
They look beautiful, I remember years ago making some bobbin lace and then I went to a woodwork class to learn how to make the bobbins which I then decorated. I preferred making the bobbins to the lace and it wasn’t a hobby I continued , but good to try.
I love colouring the alphabet flowers I’m going to make them into a book.
Congratulations on the awards very well deserved.
I also want to say that I love being in the stencil club I’ve just received my third stencil, it’s lovely to get happy post and the stencils, inspiration and newsletter are post to treasure.
Sorry all my replies to your blogs are together I tried to reply on my phone and it would let me so had to wait to get back to my tablet.
Wow – these are stunning!
We visited Bruges in Belgium when I was pregnant with our eldest son.
I couldn’t manage a tablecloth so I bought something smaller, can you guess what……………………..?
Baby brain…………….
I bought a lace baby bonnet and bib……………..!! What on earth was I thinking!!
I still have them, somewhere, never used, surprise surprise!!!
These are beautiful though I don’t do much Groovi cutting I can see how popular they will be for those with much more patience than me
Hello Barb, well those samples sure have the WOW factor, and the designs from the incredible Linda are just amazing and beautiful. I’m sure they were very popular as were the shows. Bx