Last orders, Ladies and Gentlemen, please!

Last orders, Ladies and Gentlemen, please!

Hi there

Do you remember that sentence ringing through the pub at about 10 to 11 of an evening ?! Or 20 past 10 if you lived north of the Thames? The English licensing hours were what taught me the art of speed drinking!! Then I moved to Germany, where they served you until you couldn’t stand up – and that’s where I learned endurance drinking. Then we moved to California, where hooch and wine were so cheap in the 90’s that it nearly pickled me!! And that is where I got sober, where I finally said “enough is enough”. Definitely one of my better decisions, if not my very best. I love living a clean and sober life; best gift I ever gave myself. It creeps up on you, that shit.

Actually, that’s why Clarity is called Clarity. Because I had a moment of Clarity. There. And now you know the rest of the story.

I like having a clear head – especially at times like this, when business is up in the air, when the rumour mill is rolling round like a rumbling storm. When you really need to be thinking on your feet, protecting your company, while maintaining a good measure of honour and integrity. It’s always better without taking any mind-altering substances. And booze is a downer! You’d think that a glass of something strong would take the edge off, wouldn’t you? And maybe it does! But it doesn’t last. And then you’re faced with the same situation – and a hangover! Nah. Not for me. If I’m up to my arse in crocodiles – or in this case, sharks – then I need to be alert! I need to see them coming! Why am I telling you this? Because I want to. My sobriety defines me. It’s a HUGE part of who I am.

And all because I chose the title Last Orders Ladies and Gents please!

Time to have a cuppa and enjoy an hour of TV. I do love tea !!

Love always,

Barb x x x


24 thoughts on “Last orders, Ladies and Gentlemen, please!

  1. Can’t beat a cup of tea ! I don’t mind a G&T but no more than 2 ! Been there, done that etc. Glad the sale is going well, I’ve got to keep something back for the new Christmas ones this week! Hope you had a lovely lunch yesterday. X

  2. What I like about you, Barbara, there are no airs and graces! What you see is what you get!!
    I don’t drink alcohol because it makes me feel poorly!
    You definitely need to be alert when there are so many sharks around, waiting to bleed you dry!
    Enjoy your cuppa and the tv!x

  3. It’s coffee for me!!!
    I enjoy a drink, just one, on a special occasion but I don’t see the point of getting plastered. I like to keep a clear head at all times.
    These are strange times and if I knew of a shark repellent that would work on the species you are dealing with I would send you gallons of it.
    Keep your chin up Barb, you are a strong lady. You have the support of the vast Clarity community, we are with you all the way.

  4. I have the odd drink every so often but 2 glasses is my limit and then out comes the soft drinks. I don’t see the point in spending a fortune on drink and not know what you have done , I would much rather spend my hard earned money on something productive like crafting which does far more good for your mind. Your help and support has helped me through my Husbands cancer and heart problems and sadly this year the death of my Mum after a long illness, THANK YOU so much.

  5. Keep swimming! When the water is shallow enough to stand, the sharks will ground!! Sending you encouragement wrapped up in stamps and parchment!

  6. These days I drink the occasional 0% alcohol wine or cider because of medication but it feels like a treat with a meal otherwise it’s water. Don’t miss the hangover’s of earlier years not that there were many !!
    Need to catch up with this morning’s SHAC so that I am ready for Thursday, won’t be quite the same without the live banter but I am sure I will get the gist of what was happening !! Then there will be the live’s on Friday with new goodies to tempt us with – sale order went in this morning before I changed my mind on what was needed in my basket.
    Hope you had a lovely lunch with your mom & the family yesterday, its nice to get together to celebrate. We are doing that in a couple of weeks – 241 years in total for 3 of us !!

  7. Love your blog – no nonsense, you just tell it how you see it. These must be really unsettling times for you but we all have your back along with your amazing team of loyal workers. After this morning I just had to put in another order, just hope every little helps. Enjoy your evening xxx

  8. Hi Barbara
    I have to say I’ve never touched a drop of alcohol in my life. I have taken some stick over the years for not drinking. Having seen the damage and ripple effects it causes . I agree that you can always tackle the sharks when you have a clear head. Been in that particular sea many time. But always rise above them as Maya Angelou so aptly put it. The clarity community will always be there as a support.
    Ruth and Jackie xx

  9. I don’t really drink when I’m at home but must confess to being partial to the occasional trip to a winery or two when I’m away travelling (purely for research purposes you understand, and to support the local economy!)
    When I was a student nurse at Barts, the local licensing laws allowed the pubs around Smithfield market (across the road from the hospital) to open from 5am to lunchtime for the market porters) – we were known to drop in to one of the pubs for a cooked breakfast and a drink when we’d finished a week of night duty!
    Keep those sharks in view – they’ll know you can see them coming..! Snuck another little order in this eve, just because!!

  10. I agree Barbara, alcohol can definitely creep up and bite you on the arse! I’ve not touched a drop for nearly 4 years now – best decision ever! Although an even better decision would have been to quit earlier, 😂 better late than never though eh? High five to you for quitting in the 90’s, that’s something to be proud of. 👏👏
    My order went in today, I added the Christmas bauble that you demoed today, plus the stag that you highlighted during Deborah’s 2nd hour on Friday. What a talented saleswoman you are! 🙌
    Jane x 🌸🌼🌺

  11. Oh ye wise and strong woman.
    To recognise there is a problem, finding the source of the problem, setting a remedial course of action plus staying on track for the duration to solve the problem, is tough and draining but, as you can testify, the rewards are immeasurable.
    I’m sorry that I am not up to date with what is happening with your business atm as I am staying with my sister to support her following the sad death of her much missed husband, my brother in law, who died on the 6th. All I will say, Barbara, is those, all to common sharks, better watch out for the rare Gray, whose clarity of thought, is watching their antics and will outsmart and get the better them. Good luck and best wishes.

  12. Hello Barb, another very insightful and thought provoking blog post. I do enjoy my wine I must say, but not to the point of being unable to think clearly or do anything properly. As for the circling sharks, they have no idea what they are up against, so let them have it! Despite telling myself not to, I did partake in a bit of crafty retail therapy! Take care everyone, days are much cooler. Bx

  13. When the sharks are getting bigger and circling, Barb, as they said in the film, you just need a bigger boat! The good ship Clarity, and the amazing Community you created with it, is getting bigger all the time. And that Community is there to support you and the crew of the good ship Clarity through all choppy waters ahead! So lean on us and let us help you through that journey. We’ll be there to share your inspiration and innovation in your Blog, Craftalongs, Workshops, Open Days and all that Team Clarity produces on the fantastic Clarity TV!
    You know how smaller fish deal with the bully sharks in the sea? They come together and swim around in a large shoal that confuses the sharks! Sounds like the Clarity Community to me!

  14. Hi Barbara, I have often thought about telling you this and bottled out, but I just wanted you to know it was reading one of your blogs about going sober that have me the strength to do it too. Whenever I started to weaken I thought Barbara did this and so can I. 7 years down the line I remain eternally grateful to you, I wouldn’t be here now if I hadn’t stopped when I did. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    1. Congratulations Andrea! Sharing your story and Barbara’s inspiration for you might just help someone else make their life changing decision too. ✨️

  15. My defining tipsy party ended up with me pregnant and unmarried back in the 60s, when even my aunt crossed the road so as not to have to speak to me with my precious daughter in the pram. I went on to meet a man who does not drink alcohol and have only consumed perhaps one drink at Christmas since that time. We have been married for 54 years and there is still an unopened bottle of champagne in the cupboard from our daughter’s wedding. One of my sons is a health geek and does not drink, but the other one succumbs. I hope he gives it up eventually.
    Thank you for opening up about the name Clarity. I can only be thankful to booze for my precious daughter, whom I would not otherwise have had.

  16. Everything can be cured with a cup of tea. It is the best medicine together with a good laugh. If the Clarity Community has anything to do with it the sharks will be dispersed and ultimately defeated

  17. Well as far a Drink goes I would win the Gold Medal. I had been told by My DR. Jill give it up, No was always My reply, I have drunk I would say every drink you can think of and some that I have made up Myself, Cider was My drink of choice, ” the smell” ” the colour” The Taste” in fact everything about it! It was my Breakfast drink and then i could function, and Function I did very well, I would get My wages, pay all My bills get the food in and NEVER been in debt!!!. hen I saw you on C@C doing a show with Leonie, it was a Christmas one demoing Country Animals, wire Christmas trees, Charity and the easiest one ever was the Twirl one, and it was in that demo you used the Mylar to create a embedded look, now look where you are with them, didn`t expect that one eh!, so it was then that i put My very 1st order in and the rest is history as they say.I still drink but My preference these day`s is a cup of Tea, I alway`s have drink in My flat if I want one, theory being if it`s not there you CRAVE, so now I will have one when-ever I want which is now very rare. So well done Barbara Gray I too had Moment of Clarity

  18. Thanks for sharing your story Barbara – you have inspired so many people with your honesty and creativity over the years. Thank goodness for your moments of Clarity! x

  19. thank you for sharing Barbara my mum is 28 years sober and living her best life. I am always grateful for her sobriety 🥰

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