…and we wait….

…and we wait….

Hi there.

After a quick run to the doctors to get my Covid booster jab, I spent the whole day alone , doing art prep. Some for packaging on a new set of rather fabulous stencils that you will LOVE, some for Friday’s Clarity TV LIVE show at 10am and 2pm. I hope you can join me. Lots of tricks n tips!

I don’t mind working alone and in silence. I get a lot done. But then the head gets too full, there are too many thoughts buzzing around, too many windows open – and I have to stop, step away from the chaos that is my workspace, and have a cup of tea. The cats usually rock up right on cue, for food and a cuddle. It’s as if they know I am looking to decompress, chillax.

The lights are still off at Create & Craft, but that doesn’t mean anything other than that the lights are still off. The rumour mill is not something I have any time for, and conjecture is just that: conjecture. Definition: to form an opinion or a conclusion based on incomplete information. Waste of time and energy. Just gets people wound up. We really don’t know what’s going to happen. I have been told that negotiations for a new investor are ongoing – and I’ve been told that by the man who is heading up the negotiations! So I have to trust that he is giving me a fact there. Other than that? We wait. And we try to keep the Clarity business going independently.

So when you hear me saying I’m doing art prep, which sounds pretty much like what I always seem to be doing, there’s never been a more important time than now for art prep and creative ideas! Time to make lovely, irresistible art products for our Clarity friends!

Don’t think for a minute that I am in denial, or ignoring what is going on. Really not! Nothing could be further from the truth! But I know what I can and can’t control.

Also, I’m avoiding Facebook, because it just winds me up. I’ve seen a lot of unkind ugliness and thoughtless vitriol on Facebook, which serves absolutely no purpose. People who really haven’t got a clue about how business works, mouthing off, pointing fingers, digging deep and coming up with theories. Honestly! Don’t these people have better things to do with their lives? And don’t they realise that there are hundreds of jobs at stake here, there are huge outstanding debts which may well wipe companies out? Maybe it provides a platform where they can vent about something that doesn’t affect them, but gives them some warped sense of importance. Who knows.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln…

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

My Dad always said, “civility costs nothing”. So did my Grandad. And I bet his Dad said the same. So let’s just wait and see what happens this Friday.

And in the meantime, we do what we can. The Clarity Weekend sale was huge! That certainly helped calm the stormy waters! Running a business is not that different to running a household. Bills are bills, and they need paying. It’s also good for the team to be busy. Everybody is much happier when work is pouring in. Gives us all a sense of purpose and hope. You understand.

Anyway, time to go find Dave. He’s had a long day too. We have to be very nimble at the moment – and just when he thought retirement was on the horizon.

Easy does it – SHAC tomorrow evening at 7pm, remember! Appropriately, we are on LOVE…

Love always,

Barb x x x

40 thoughts on “…and we wait….

  1. I’m sending you much love and hugs, Barbara.
    We, as a Clarity community, are right behind you supporting you as best we can.
    See you in the SHAC tomorrow xxx

  2. Nothing but keep calm and carry on – easier said than done when it concerns people’s livelihoods of course. You have to do what you have to do. Supporting you as much as we can. X

  3. Thinking of you all and praying for a good outcome for you. I n the meantime ifor one appreciated you and your team and I am sure we will all support you to the best of our ability. Love and hugs Sue xxx

  4. Trying to avoid too and definitely thinking about those directly affected. It’s never pleasant in times of uncertainty and know through experience how stressful it is. Sending all best wishes to all at Clarity Towers

  5. I agree with good old Abe Lincoln, wise words indeed.
    I’m sorry the C&C situation is leaving you with uncertainty at the moment but hope it will all resolve in a good way for Clarity.
    As I have said before I don’t do any social media because there is so much nastiness put out by people who should know better. I follow your u tube and emails and that’s it. A few of my friends have had bad experiences or been hacked so I am very wary.
    Our 27th wedding anniversary today so spent a relaxing day and hubby cooked a superb beef wellington. I am stuffed now and don’t intend moving from my chair until bedtime.
    See you on u tube tomorrow.

  6. Thinking of you all and praying for a good outcome for you. I n the meantime ifor one appreciated you and your team and I am sure we will all support you to the best of our ability. Love and hugs Sue xxx

  7. As you say to us “You’ve got this”. We all love your Clarity Family, your beautiful products, your never ending ideas, your teaching the list is endless, it’s everything you do that is so special. Look after yourselves it’s so important, you need every ounce of energy. Thinking of you all, looking forward to the Shac and your shows on Friday.

  8. The only reason I joined Facebook was to follow the SHAC and then Groovi Tuesday. I don’t have ‘friends’ except immediate family (4) and no other social media. I won’t get embroiled in nastiness and unnecessary discussion.
    We’ll all keep on supporting Clarity and ignore whatever else is going on. Looking forward to seeing what you do on Friday but will have to catch up as we’re going out to find some Autumn colours on Friday. Xx

  9. Just remember that you have a strong band of people right behind you at every step. For what it’s worth I am loving Clarity TV and I’ll be there tomorrow and Friday.
    Cute piece of artwork at the top of your blog, will we be seeing more of it on Friday ?
    Lots of love

  10. Too many people get consumed by things they can’t change or control – and the world’s full of others with an opinion who think they’re experts! You’re absolutely right about staying focused on the things that you can do something about – that’s a good way for us all to live
    Looking forward to Friday’s shows!

  11. Barbara, you are a truly exceptional, caring and kind human being, and deserve nothing but good things. This world could do with more ‘Barbara’s’ in it.

    I’m sending nothing but good, happy and positive vibes to each and every one of you at team Clarity. I just know everything you wish for will come good for you all in the end! as they say… if you give with a good heart, you get back with a good heart. Penny xXx

  12. thanks Barbara, for keeping us informed of the facts as you know them. There’s really no point in guessing or fanning the flames on social media. Sticking to what we can do something about seems eminently sensible. Thinking about all those living with uncertainty is the best we can do for now.

    I’m in a hotel right now watching the news and wanting to cry. So much that’s bad is happening. So I think back over the past 3 days spent with dad. The tv drama was sorted, his hat now fits his head (you have no idea how much I wished to have some Clarity adhesive felt with me for that!!) and many other small things were achieved. Most of all, time spent together in the best way we could manage. It’s enough for now.

    Home tomorrow, so I might make the Shac. I’m struggling because I’ve joined mid way through the alphabet so have missed the measurements for the letters. Can anyone remember which episode/date you started the alphabet so I can hunt it out on YouTube please?
    That would really help. Thank you!

  13. Hi Barbara and all at clarity towers – we are all behind you and will continue to support your wonderful company . Big hugs to you all

  14. You are doing a great job, this to will pass and we will all move on. Know that you and your team are loved and cared for xxx

  15. Hi Barbara
    Like I always say listen to the cats 🐈‍⬛ they are always right. One of ours now has a thyroid problem and has to be on medication for the rest of his life. He is already finding places to hide 🤣 but dreamies are wonderful treats. Stay strong .
    Ruth and Jackie xx

  16. Focus on what is in your control, and you will get through this. Words that I am living by just now, dealing with the next thing one at a time.

    Seeing my consultant tomorrow for the next discussion and decision, and feeling luckier than many in this situation x

  17. As you have always said ‘this too shall pass’. Just remember we’ve all got your back no matter what happens. I can honestly say, hand on heart, I don’t know where I would be without the Shac and your amazing skill as a teacher I have learnt so much. We (the Clarity community) have all been on various, personal journeys and through so much together so here’s to looking forward xxx

  18. Thanks for the update ‘re C&C Barbara. We can’t control what’s happening there but we can and will support you and the Clarity family as best we can. Have a good night’s sleep and will see you tomorrow night in the Shac and will also be watching on Friday.xx

  19. We are all behind you & will follow you through these difficult times.
    Wishing everyone at Clarity Towers many thanks for helping to continue bringing Clarity products to us all. You were already one step ahead in the game by already doing the Facebook lives with the SHAC, Groovi Tuesday & Craft Along’s that it was not too difficult to add the selling aspect to them. That at least is from an onlookers prospective, things may have have been much more difficult in reality but in true Barbara Gray fashion you found something positive out of a negative & that is why we all love you & your team. Hopefully there will be a successful outcome soon so you know there is a more steady route ahead for you all & the sharks give up & go away to new hunting grounds xx

  20. It is not the problem but the way in which you deal with it, and at all at Clarity are well aware of this and are doing what has to be done NO QUALMS. NO QUIBBLES.and then the Cavalry arrive which are the buyers of your Merchandise, and as I am sure you know there are MANY,MANY because you deliver Quality and Variety, See you soon xx

  21. The Clarity family is strong and judging by all the comments on this blog, behind you every step of the way. We will continue to support you in any way we can and thank you and all at Clarity Towers for your hard work, passion and faith xx

  22. Hi Barb, I hope you and Dave had a lovely evening and that the Vikings got plenty of fuss. Clarity is a wonderful company, and family and I will certainly be amongst your supporters as long as I am able. Thank you for everything you and everyone at Clarity do for us, and for making the enormous effort to keep the shows going on Clarity TV, FB and You Tube. Take care everyone. Bx

  23. I don’t do FB and reading the blog reinforces why I don’t. My arm still aches from the booster jab and it’s been two weeks but a pain in the arm is the least of the worlds or my worries. Sending positive vibes to all who need it in these difficult times.

  24. I feel the same as all my Clarity friends. We are very lucky having Barbara and Clarity.
    Looking forward to the shows tomorrow. Will have to catch up with the first one.
    Take care.

  25. Barbara I am a fool then but there’s worse things you can be. There a lot of unhappy people who have spent money quite a bit of money and not received their goods. They just want to know what the situation is and they have heard nothing.

    I understand your viewpoint but I hope you can understand mine too.

    By the way I think you are a very talented artist and your stamps, dies etc are amazing.


    Stef B

  26. l totally agree with all you say. The whole trouble is that it is easy for people to say nasty things when they are not face to face with someone. lt is all too easy.

  27. Barbara,
    Like others, I don’t do Facebook or you tube – too worrying.
    Thank you for giving us info re C&C.
    I do enjoy your web site blog and now your new shows. I’m looking forward to tomorrow- 2 shows to watch! New ideas and goodies!!!
    Have fun in the SHAC tonight.
    Thanks for keeping the Clarity ship sailing.

  28. My mum’s favourite saying ‘civility costs nothing’ which I constantly said to my two kids. You can only do what you are doing and hope for a good outcome but your customers will always have your back.

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