A Celtic Rise & Shine

A Celtic Rise & Shine

Hi everyone, Paul here standing in for Barb.

Barb and Dave will be attending the celebration of our dear friend Pat Hosking tomorrow at midday. Pat was such a wonderful lady, an amazing parcher and was known all over the world. If you want to join in with the celebration, why not wear something bright and light a candle at 12 midday xxx

As I was staying overin Peterborough, I thought I would take a trip into Cambridge, I always drive by the signs backwards and forwards to the TV, but never visited. So after catching up on emails and sorting out paperwork for tomorrows shows I decided to head off. I checked out the best way – Park & Ride, put the postcode into the Sat Nav and headed south towards Cambridge. All was going well as I approached Cambridge, saw the signs for the Park & Ride but the Sat Nav said I had further to travel. Decided to stick with the Sat Nav as I thought it was taking me closer to Cambridge. How wrong was I!!!!! I ended up in the middle of a housing estate in Newmarket!!!! When I checked the postcode, instead of putting CB3 into the Sat Nav, I put CB8! No worries, I put the correct postcode into the Sat Nav and set off again. 20 minutes later, stuck in traffic for half an hour. Someone, somewhere was telling me I was not meant to visit Cambridge so I headed back to my hotel.

Anyway, I am just back from the TV studios setting up for a couple more shows on Create & Craft tomorrow at 7am & 11am.

As we celebrate the Year of the Alphabet at Clarity, I thought I would shine a light on our amazing Celtic inspired Illuminated Alphabet and Numbers

Large Illuminated Alphabet & Numbers

Small Illuminated Alphabet & Numbers

Corners & Elements

Linda Williams’s Celtic Layering Frames Collection

Here is some inspiration from the design team

So I hope you can join me bright and early and don’t forget that Deborah Wheeler will also be on at 1pm & 4pm tomorrow with some new stamps from Linda Williams which I will blog about tomorrow morning in between the shows.

I think an early night is on the cards!

Happy crafting

Paul xx

11 thoughts on “A Celtic Rise & Shine

  1. Never trust a sat nav Paul. A good way to go into Cambridge is via the guided bus from Huntingdon or St Ives whilst we are on the £2 a ticket on the bus.

  2. Paul, you definitely deserve an early night, and a weekend off sometime soon! The Celtic plates are magic and needless to say are already in my stash! I shall be watching yours and Deborah’s shows tomorrow, looking forward to lots of tips and tricks, and Linda’s new stamps!
    Safe journey home, and one day you may make it to Cambridge!

  3. The number of times I’ve ended up in the middle of nowhere (mind you that was years ago when I used to visit clients at home. Once I ended up on a rugby pitch got a migraine through stress and ended up resting till it passed and then drove home. I think the satnavs are much better these days – depending on what you type in PAUL 🤣🤣🤣.

    Have a good relax tonight and I’ll be watching in the morning! I’ll also be looking forward to watching Deborah later in the day!

  4. I look forward to the shows as I’ve got the alphabet and have only used it once as needed inspiration. Cambridge is on my list as I’ve never been but you’ve not filled me with confidence on how to get there 😀😀

  5. Looking forward to seeing the Celtic shows, they are some of my favourite plates and I could do with some inspiration ! It’s many years since I’ve been to Cambridge, my mother-in-law used to live there so I did regular trips there back in the day, not the easiest place to park but not impossible. It’s a nice peaceful place to walk around xx

  6. Hi Paul,
    I have all the Celtic plates, large and small, and look forward to seeing what you do with them. The DT samples are inspiring.
    Been through Cambridge twice but never stopped there, too crowded for me.
    Back in the day we had quite an adventure with a satnav. We put in the correct post code but it took us down a muddy lane to a barred gate marked strictly no entry. Turning round was a hoot as the lane was so narrow. The AA map got us to our destination eventually. Since then I always plot my route before setting off so I know what’s what. Cannot trust that it will not lie eg: turn left to where you intend going but are given the name of the turn to the right. This is a regular occurrence in this area and is why people knock on our door for no: 15 in the next road.
    Safe travels.

  7. At the first Open Day I attended if it hadn’t been for Ken’s advice and we had followed the Sat Nav. we would have taken much longer to find the hall. But I am not much good at reading maps !
    Will be thinking of Pat today. Looking forward to the shows on TV. Well done Paul.

  8. Hello Paul, oh boy, you definitely were not meant to visit Cambridge, glad you got back safely. These Celtic designs are beautiful and the artwork is amazing. I need to record the shows today, missed the earlier one. Take care everyone. Bx

  9. Felt sure I had commented on Friday but I obviously forgot to press the post button !! Perhaps book a weekend break in Cambridge so you can have a good look round & at least you will know where the Park & Ride is next time. Postcodes & Sat Nav’s can be a bit of a nightmare though – at least you didn’t end up down a flight of steps like several vehicles last week on the news.
    Another busy weekend for Clarity so a big thank you to all the team busy packing the orders.

  10. Sat Nav’s!! Hate them.
    I have go to Oxford to visit my son at Benson, RAF. Sat nav takes me a different way every time
    ( it’s tricky trying to find the base through all the country lanes)
    And each time I have to try and avoid Oxford City.

    Anyway, lovely shows, Deborah is a great presenter too.

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