It’s ok to change your mind.
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Yesterday I made a plan in my head to do pottery today. All day. This morning I spent an hour deciding what I actually want to make. Tiles, bowls, another element of Dad’s totem pole, a wall hanging for the kitchen – so many ideas! Got dressed up warm, all set to weather the elements outside and in the not so toasty garage. Cleaned both bathrooms while I was whizzing around upstairs, aired the bedroom, made the bed, still headed out to the garage in my head.
And then Erik the cat rocked up, and wanted a cuddle. So I went with it, sat down, relaxed, gazed out of the window, and synchronised my breathing with his purring…just like a meditation. The head stopped whirring with ideas, the shoulders relaxed, the washing machine head slowed down. I hadn’t even reliased I was in spin cycle until I stopped.

Half an hour later…now ask me if I want to go out into the freezing garage and wedge a huge lump of cold mud!! Mmmm… kettle’s on. Maybe later…
It’s ok to change your mind, you know. So I’m chatting to you, with the cat in my lap, going with the flow. No pressure here. I’ll wait for Dave to come back from work (he had to repair something, and it’s best done when there’s nobody around on a Sunday). Then we’ll have a cuppa, and rethink our Sunday.
On the way down the stairs I stopped to look at an old piece of artwork I did years ago, using a Gelpress and acrylic paint, some texture paste and one of our stencils. It’s hanging on the hallway wall. I like it.

When you look closely, you can see how the washing on the line has real creases in it. Look…

I remember how I did that too. You drag the texture paste through the stencil, then let it start to dry. Once it forms a skin, you start to manipulate the card, twisting it, bending it over, curling it inwards. The paste stretches and sags too – just like real laundry! Then you let it dry completely. Once completely set, use one of our stencil brushes to lightly brush black archival ink over the laundry. The ink catches in the folds – very cool effect.

If you want to give this a go – and I can tell you, it is so much fun – here is the washing line stencil: CLICK HERE

And here is the Gelpress: CLICK HERE

The Relief Paste is the gear. CLICK HERE. It’s got that elastic stretchability when it starts to set. There‘s another one called Grunge Paste which works too. We don’t stock it though.

The wind is certainly picking up outside! Maybe I should do the bedding laundry…told ya. It’s official. She’s gone bonkers!!
Quote for today:
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
Wayne Dyer
Love always
Barb x x x
24 thoughts on “It’s ok to change your mind.”
what a lovely piece of artwork and such a lot of movement you captured there!
Glad you decided to keep nice n cosy xxx
They also say ‘a change is as good as a rest’ so there’s nothing wrong with changing your mind and just chilling out instead when you need to. The freezing cold garage and clay will still be there so I’d just stay in the warm, hunker down and cuddle a cat – brilliant plan xxxx
We are always thinking, doing other things to make life easier that we forget to think of ourselves occasionally! Letting that washing machine head calm down does help. Enjoy the rest of the day with Dave, leave the clay for another day! I think the pots wouldn’t have survived the washing machine head anyway! Haha.
I absolutely love the washing line picture. The description of how to get the wrinkles in the paste made me chuckle. I was thinking of my old body being stretched and twisted! I don’t think it would take too long to get the folds in the right place! 😂😂😂
What a lovely piece of art work – the washing looks real & it would definitely be blowing well today. I might just hang a load out to give it a blow before the storm reaches us – love the smell of fresh washing that has dried outside.
Enjoy the rest of the day with Dave – whatever you decide to do – as they say just go with the flow !!
A day for sitting in front of a roaring log fire & relaxing with a good film or book. We haven’t got the fire but maybe can find the film or book or maybe do something crafty.
Stay safe everyone during Storm Isha
Lovely picture! I haven’t used texture paste for ages. Every time I do I have to encourage it to become usable again. Get some interesting textures though. Maybe I need to replace it with the Viva decor one. I sense a play sometime this week. Xx
Beautiful piece of art, love the colours and the texture. I’m always having a rethink, plan this then do that and so often seem to get interrupted by the phone. Just been to see Mum in the home, had to laugh, I struggled to get a lot out of her today and then one of the staff comes up and she’s all sweet and light and joking with them ! The kitten from 2 doors down keeps dashing in and out today, she’ll wear our cat flap out let alone poor old Mikey ! Have a good day whatever you do. X
Love the artwork Barbara and its very apt for today as it’s very windy here. There is nothing more relaxing & comforting than a warm cat on your lap. (Apart from when you are desperate for the loo but won’t go because you don’t want to disturb the cat!) Enjoy your day whatever you decide to do (or not do) xx
I forgot about that stencil it’s super ! Was all set to order the stamps to try Deborah’s demo yesterday afternoon (wasn’t she brilliant by the way) went into my craft room this morning to tidy a bit and guess what I found! Maybe need to do a bit more exploring in the craft room first though I don’t think 🤔 have that stencil but I didn’t think I had the stamps yesterday did I !!!!
Nothing like the purrs of a cat to make you relax and stop 🥰
love the artwork, love today’s quote
Most days are like that for me. I used to care when nothing I’d planned got done but not any more.
I just love the washing line artwork.
Husband’s just come in from the garden making sure everything is battened down before Isha hits later. It will be what it will be.
Carry on relaxing you deserve it.
Today I decided on a chilled day of doodling and I love your beautiful artwork that you shared in this blog. I think I might just have to give it a go but I am still playing with “b for bride and groom” – I know, I’ve gone off on a tangent again but like you, my head is calm, my breathing is in sink with my snoring pugs and for now, all is right in my world, thanks to you, our lovely teacher and mentor ☺️
Im in the same mood – except my washing machine head turned into a migraine 😱- Better now and straight in my craft room to work on the latest DT samples which I have to get in the post asap.
I would love to have had my cat Bella to cuddle but I had to let her go last week – I’m so sad – 19 years old she was. see her when I close my eyes. 😢.
Im trying to move my craft stash – estate agent said I have to turn that room back into a bedroom so I’m in right mess. Viewers are saying it’s too small – well it looks it with my craft goodies in🤣🤣🤣. I’ll get there – no panic. Little bit at a time.
I have that stencil and haven’t used it yet – must try that technique – that piece of art was beautiful.
New neighbours keep banging – driving me mad and didn’t do my migraine much good either.
Back in the art room I go.
Happy Sunday all! ♥️
So sorry to read of the loss of your beloved cat. Although we know in our head we’ll (probably) outlive them, it doesn’t make it any easier when they cross the Rainbow Bridge. Yours had a lovely long life so must have left a large hole. Maybe when the pain passes a little, another one, perhaps a rescue, can help heal your heart. It is the only thing that has worked when one of my beloved dogs has gained their wings (we only adopted oldies so the ‘turnover’ was fairly frequent. We are on our last one now -we are too old to adopt again when he leaves us)
OMG I can’t believe how in sinc we are sometimes and don’t even realise it. I was just looking through my Gelplate-ArtStudio FB Page, which let to a blog I had written about all the above, except I was showing the houses and the girl with the Umbrella in the Blog and talking about the Paste and what you can do with it. Then this post popped up on my screen!! I miss those paste days and had just decided I am going to get mine out today. Maybe I will share my post too, seems appropriate?
The colours and movement in your artwork are amazing. No wonder it’s in your gallery! x
Great artwork. Chill out for the rest of the weekend. xx
I absolutely love this! So sensible to tune in to your inner self and just go with the flow – enjoy the rest of your Sunday, whatever direction it takes xx
Hi Barbara
I had a list of jobs to do today but we now have a leak under the sink so your quote is very apt as I put a bowl under it sat back and did a jigsaw instead. Plumber will get called tomorrow. I enjoyed the jigsaw until Solo (cat) decided to join in🤣🤣.
Ruth and Jackie xx
Hello Barb, so glad, you sat down and had a relaxing day. I love this piece of artwork (Well I love all your artwork). I was really impressed with myself, I made 2 cards on the weekend using the embedders one for son’s birthday and one for great-grandson’s 1st birthday, as having seen you use your little wooden tool that Dave turned for you, I thought well that is a good idea, but as hubby is not a wood turner, what would work. So I ordered a little plastic/acrylic pie dolly/tamper, and it works a dream to do the initial outline, as my fingers get a bit sore pressing down. I blew a gale here yesterday had bins and plant pots all over the garden. Take care everyone. Bx
Oh dear, meant to say it blew a gale, not I blew a gale 🙂
Love the washing line artwork. Haven’t had my pastes out for ages, must play again. Just off to watch SHAC.
Take care.
Don’t think i have seen this stencil before, brilliant artwork from you as usual.
Blew a gale through the night but we are safe and no damage done.
You know the saying “the best laid plans of mice and men” etc well it applies to us women as well!!! My plans have been turned topsy turvey lately so I am just going with the flow today.
Stay safe and warm.
going with the flow ia always good, hugs xxx