It’s Tea Time – and Time for a Competition!
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Had a busy day again today, getting ready to welcome all our guests to this years’s Clarity retreats. Everything’s ready, the tables are laid – all we need now is for everybody to arrive safely, all set for a couple of days of doing what we love best – no!! Not eating cake!! Crafting!!
The first project – the warm-up project – involves Teabags. Dave and I have been religiously drinking tea and drying out the good ol’ Yorkshire teabags for weeks, so that this will work!! I have loved seeing so many of our Clarity friends making Teabag art. Did you see the post on Facebook, with a picture of 4 teabags hanging out to dry on somebody’s washing line ? That made me chuckle.
Let’s have a little competition shall we?
See these two glass jars?

How many teabags do you reckon there are in them thar jars? At the actual time of the photo, of course. I have added to them since. Here’s an aerial view and a close up, to give you a better chance…. hahaha

Put your guesses below, simply name a number! If anybody can guess THE EXACT number of teabags in the jars, they will win a £20 Clarity gift voucher AND a box of Yorkshire Teabags!
You’ve got until Friday to guess the number. Competition ends at Midnight on Friday. The lucky winner – if there is one – will be announce on the blog on Saturday xx
Quote for the day:
There’s always time to drink a cup of Positivi – tea
If you are coming, then I look forward to seeing you!
Love always
Barb x x x
200 thoughts on “It’s Tea Time – and Time for a Competition!”
Enjoy the retreat days, Barbara!
Tea bags? I’ll go for 66 x
72 tea bags
83 – love a cup of tea, and I’m only supposed to have one cup a day because of stones in my salivary duct. My ENT consultant obviously doesn’t understand an English woman’s relationship with tea!!! x
That’s a lot of tea! I’ll guess 121. Hope the retreats go well. Wish I was coming!
89 –
I rarely drink tea and Bea has only one or occasionally 2 cups a day – but we mostly use tea leaves in a special pot with built in strainer. The plants outside get the used leaves. So saving bags has been a very slow work in progress!!
76 is my guess
Love tea, we get through a lot, used to dry them out and put the tea on the garden – I got fed up of that though ! Enjoy the retreat, look forward to seeing what you get up to with those tea bags. X
117 teabags in the jars
so wish I could come to the retreat but hand operation has put paid to everything even crafting. have a great time. teabags well my guess, going off my consumption level would be 137.
I love a good cup of tea. I guess 98 bags
I make a guesstimate of 87 tea bags.
Hope the next couple of days goes well and is enjoyed by all.
I’ll have a guess at 72. Looking forward to the craft retreat. See you and all your crafty gang on Thursday . Xxxx
120. I always use Yorkshire Tea. It’s the best. Enjoy your retreat.
Have a great time at the retreat, my guess is 64 at the time of the photo but I’m sure it is at least double that by now. Have fun everyone xx
93. I have 6 to bring with me. Oh and a pink one that is a berry infusion bag.
Can’t wait to see you all on Thursday.
Love and hugs. Xxxx
Jane, of course you have a pink tea bag! Ha, ha!
Enjoy the Retreat, so sorry we’re not on the same one!
93 is my guess.
85 teabags. Looking forward to seeing the results of the tea bag art.
I’ll guess 80, I like a round number. Happy crafting everyone at the retreat. I’m not able to attend any due to being housebound.. xx
I will guess 57. Hope you have not worn a path to the loo with all the tea drinking. 😊
Enjoy the retreat. Wish I could join you.
Linda x
Enjoy the retreat everyone, my guess is 129 x
I love the teabag art that Barbara shared and am excited to try. I have tried drying a few different brands of tea bags but the results are definitely not like the ones Barbara uses. I have received kind help from others on Clarity Facebook as to brands they use – unfortunately not sold in Canada or ones I can order so still on my tea bag hunt. Oh well, I now have a selection of teas to enjoy.😀
The teabag hunt continues.
I’m going for 91. Don’t drink tea but I love the effect of ageing paper with them 🥰
Have fun at the retreat 😊 Oh you have a good few brews there!.106 oxox
I think there are 92 teabags! Enjoy your retreat, everyone. 😊
Hope you all have a fabulous time over the next few days x
My guess is 75 teabags….fingers crossed!🍀🍀🍀
Love Yorkshire tea… when going to the UK for our holiday we always buy boxes of Yorkshire tea…😁
93, love Yorkshire tea. Will have to find the teabag art to see how they were used
can’t beat a good cuppa Yorkshire tea, my guess is 60
enjoy the retreat, stay safe and happy crafting. 😊
xoxo Heather
l think 123 is the number for me!!
199 for both jars
l think 123 is the number for me!!
Good luck!
210 teabags
My guess is 55, have a great retreat xx
I think there is 54 in each jar…..
I hope you all have a wonderful time at the retreats and look forward to seeing the finished artwork xxx
84 is my guess. have a great time at the retreat people x.
I reckon about 95. I saw the post on Facebook and it made me chuckle too. Love a cup of tea can’t face the day without at least two. Enjoy the retreats have a great time.❤
136 – have fun everyone going to the retreat. Look forward to seeing pictures.
My guess is 112. I only drink fruit teas but my sister loves her Yorkshire tea, so a box would be handy for when she comes to stay.
Enjoy the retreat everyone.
148 tea bags
142 teabags
Hope you all have a fabulous time, so wish I was going, maybe next year.
Love and blessings to all.
149 tea bags
I’m going to go for 124 – might be a bit high looking at the photos but perhaps they’re more crammed in down the middle of the jars!
I’m bringing my little stash for Mum and I to share, so looking forward to joining you on Thursday!
My guess 120
151 Tea bags in total
101, I think.
wish I was joining you at the Retreat, have a fabulous time.
I guess 105!
I love tea.
Enjoy the retreats.
Have a great time at the retreats, hope all goes well wish we were coming ☹️ don’t forget to check heating😂🤣
My number is 178 🤞
87 😁
Lots of teabags in those jars. My guess is 99. To all retreaters and teachers, have lots of fun and enjoy your crafting. Wish I was there.
love tea ! My guess 137 .
Have a great retreat but travel gently x
101 is my guess!
Must have taken you weeks to drink and dry all those 🤣 …. Well someone had to do it … 😂 xxx
87 – bet there’s way more. Hope we see your samples completed for the retreat, so sad I cant be there xx
86, enough for 1 each and a few spares!
I think there are about 87.
Anyone visiting me has to have a couple of cups of tea as I don’t drink it!
81 tea bags!
133 😁
I’ll say 136. I’m rubbish at guessing these kind of things.
Yorkshire tea is my favourite- lovely and strong!
Have fun at the retreat everyone! Can’t wait to hear all about it!!!
Hi Barbara
I’m a Yorkshire tea decaf person. I’m guessing 94 hope the retreats go well and you are have fun
Love Ruth and Jackie xx
OMG my worst nightmare, lol. I can’t stand the smell of tea! It makes me heave. I had better sit that one out, or stuff my nostrils with lavender-soaked cotton wool.
See you all on Thursday.
Hope everyone has a wonderful crafting time.
I’m going with 78 as it’s the year I was born and both 7 & 8 are lucky numbers.
101 tea bags 🤞have a great retreat. x
I so wish I could be at the retreat. It sounds amazing!
I’m going to guess 113 teabags.
I think 91 teabags. I would love to be coming to the retreat but it’s so far away. I’m in Scotland. Maybe one day. When are you taking that holiday?! (See my comment on yesterday’s blog posted a day late)
So pleased I am not the only one with an aversion to tea. Anyone visiting us gets coffee or cold drinks. We normally grind the coffee beans ourselves but do have some coffee bags – would this work as well?
Enjoy the retreats this week.
I don’t see why the coffee bags wouldn’t work as people are using fruit tea bags as well just be different colours. Try it & see then let us all know on Clarity Worldwide.
I’ve eaten extra Quality Street with colleagues so the children have shiny paper for art projects!! I think 119
130 between both containers.
I hope you enjoyed drinking the tea. Looking forward to seeing everybody on Thursday.
My guess is 149. Hope everyone has a wonderful time at the retreat! I use leaf tea so don’t have any tea bags to play with lol x
65 tea bags. Enjoyed saving my tea bags, it has become a obsession! Enjoy the retreats. xx
I think 65….
I’m guessing 123
I guess 96. Have a great time at the retreats.
I hope you all have a fantastic time at the retreat!
I never drink tea but my daughter (who now lives in Argentina) loves tea! I sent her a care package with a very large box of Yorkshire tea so if I was lucky enough to win the teabags I would be sending them to her!
My guess is 103
Wish you all a fab time at the retreats and I’m guessing 103 tea bags.
My guess 99.
have a wonderful time
118 tea bags enjoy the retreats and look forward to all the posts of tea bag art x
112 l love a good cup of Yorkshire Tea
Tea best drink in the world! My guess is 160 xXx
166 tea bags. Wishing you all a fab time at the retreats.x
I’m guessing 181, now I do love a cuppa tea. Enjoy the retreats everyone, wish I was coming but I couldn’t book the time off work. Too many folk already booked in for their abroad holidays.😫 would have loved to be joining you all. Have a super time, can’t wait to see and hear what you’ve been up to. T.x
My drink of choice 💕
I think there are 103 tea bags in them there jars x
I guess 88 teabags have a good retreat xx
Could it be 133?
117 teabags
112 have a fantastic time at the retreat
140 teabags in them thar jars is my guess
Morning, I guess 105. I hope you have a great time at the retreats.
Best wishes Sue x
103 I reckon
I’ll guess 71. Have a great time at the retreats x
I’m going to guess 88 . Have a great time at the retreats
I’m going with 97. Looking forward to Thursday and Friday and seeing everyone xxx
I guess 127…Have a wonderful time at the retreats everyone! I SO wish I could come – but will enjoy looking at all the photos you all post afterwards!
I guess 217
going for 99…
ich denke an 98 Teebeutel in beiden Gläsern.
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland!
109 Teebeutel ???!!!!🤔
Hi Barb, love the quote. I reckon there are 130 between the 2 jars, but that the split is not equal, one has more than the other. Good luck everyone and enjoy the retreats. Bx
My guess is 111 tea bags. Have fun you lucky ladies, wish I could be with you. Lots of pics please. Enjoy!
my guess is 101
I am going to have a guess at 99 teabags in thd jars.
Enjoy the retreat, all that are going. Wish I could be there with you.
Best wishes xx
I don’t drink tea but I am guessing 54 in each jar so total of 108. Hope everyone has a lovely time. Look forward to hearing all about it.
My guess is 76. Enjoy the retreats xx
my guess is 90, hope you all have a great time
i think maybe 97
many moons ago attended a one day workshop you ran in Perth and learned so much. Hope to get to a retreat next year 🤞.
my guess – 240
I’m guessing about 144… I’m not a tea drinker, but my friend came to stay at the weekend so I’ve now had teabags drying (in addition to my sister’s that were pegged out on her washing line!!) So looking forward to the retreat – heading to Kent tomorrow eve 😊
I’d say 112 tea bags . wish I was going 😪 may be next times xx
My guess is 89, that’s a lot of cups of tea. Enjoy the retreat you lucky people. X
Don’t drink tea , don’t like the smell of it, but my husband does. Hope it’s not as not as not as it was at last augusts ‘s retreat. Maybe next year again, couldn’t get the transport this year. My guess 79. Have a great time. Xx
Sorry that should say Hot.
my guess is 127
136 you never know I might be right.
Looking forward to the retreat!
121 is my guess.
My guess is 57. Have a good time at the retreat.
Love and hugs
86 across both jars. I wish I could come to the retreats. Maybe next year. Wishing a wonderful time to all those who are attending.
My guess is 137. Look forward to some pics of the teabag art.
I guess 118 can’t wait to what the ladies do with them
Well, my guess is 84 altogether…….good luck everyone (as Barb says “you gotta be in it to win it”)……… Beryl S
My guess is 74. Hope you all have a great time at the retreat x
74 I reckon. Don’t think that’s been guessed yet 😂 However many, that’s a lot of cups of tea! Enjoy the retreat those of you going. I’m sure you’ll have a tea-rific time!!!! X
164. Seems a lot. But at least it divisible by four.
186 for both jars. Have a good retreat!
I am guessing 87. See you on Thursday, I am so looking forward to the retreat!
I’m going for 116. 🤞🤞🤞
I’m guessing 102. I love Yorkshire tea, you just can’t beat it. Have a great time at the retreats but please don’t overdo it. xx
My guess is 86 tea bags.
I’ll guess at 73.
my guess is 153!
Enjoy the retreat everyone.
my guess…wild and silly I expect but thought 82 so must stick with that!
This is such a random guess – 83
I love Yorkshire tea it makes a lovely cuppa. MKes a decent card as well. X
I think 65
My guess would be 164.Good job you have an arga great for drying them.
hello everybody…. i wish I were there…..
my guess 111🙋♀️
Don’t drink tea myself…don’t even like the smell. Husband (from Yorkshire) loves his Yorkshire tea. I reckon there’s 81 teabags altogether.
84 seems reasonable
I think there are 103 teabags 🤞🏻
67 afraid I am a coffee drinker! Enjoy yourselves however you use them.
110 Teabags
Hi Barbara I think there might be 104 tea bags in the jars . Really enjoy everything you do 🙏🙏
I’m going with 69. Good luck all. Enjoy the retreat.
224, a lot of tea but so yummy! Have a great time x
125 is my guess.
My guess is 100 teabags
97 tea bags, will they all become works of art? x
I think 78
My guess is 107 teabags
my guess is 208 tea bags.
My guess is 208 tea bags
63. I’m not a tea drinker but i thought the smell and art was amazing. Happy roses with the leaves!
This is Fran’s sister’s guess ‘126’. If I win I am NOT sharing with Fran. We share everything but not this time!!!!!!!
I think there was 134 teabags in the jars x
I think 208 teabags.
I’ll guess 86
I’ll guess 88
I’ll guess 89
I’ll guess 81
I’ll go for 70 tea bags in the jars, Barb!
208 teabags is my guess.
I think 176 teabags
137 teabags
Hope everyone has a great time at the retreats.
98 tea bags
180 – bulls eye.
My guess is 122
99 sounds like a tea brand that keeps me going.
my guess is 139
I guess its 82
My guess is 84
Hello all, I would say there are 132 teabags 66 in each.
Good luck everyone
Too late for the competition but do hope how ever wins gets a box of new tea bags not the used ones.
Hope you all had a great retreat .