A shady spot in the SHAC…
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. It is so warm here in the South East. Forgive me for keeping it short and sweet! I have to find a shady spot to sit!
In the aftermath of the Clarity Opens Days, which were so special, I have to say, I am pretty wiped out. I bet a lot of people are too! A combination of heat and heart I think. There’s so much work goes into the Open Days, but also so much emotion. I was very glad to be able to catch up with old friends, to talk and listen. There’s nothing like taking the time to have an exchange of kind words and love with people you respect and cherish, is there. I know I made the right decision to not demonstrate, to stick close to Mum, and to just sell my pottery. Cor blimey! That went well! Thank you so very much. What a confidence booster!! Here we see Mum and me bright and early on Friday morning…

Bit too hot for my taste on the Saturday though. And when we realised the bloody central heating was on and the radiators behind me and Martine were actually hot to touch !!! Well, it’s a good job the public had all left the building by the time Martine realised – language, Timothy!! She and I were pretty disenchanted for sure!! Would have felt better to put it down to global warming, instead of the old-fashioned storage rads and human error!!
So this morning we got back in the SHAC for a shady spot, and a spot of shading…I have carried on with the butterfly….

If you missed this, and you fancy seeing how to get this 3-D effect, then you can always catch up. Here’s this morning’s session
Time to stop for the day.
Can’t even go soak my feet in a bucket of cold water ! Southern Water have done it again. The well is dry. Can’t even make a cup of tea, let alone water the garden! No running water at all in this neck of the woods. All part of the New Order of things. Thousands and thousands of new houses being built around us, and no infrastructure to accommodate. Reservoirs are on empty. Wunderbar.
Quote for the day:
When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.
Benjamin Franklin.
Well, the well’s dry again.
Love always,
Barb x x x
17 thoughts on “A shady spot in the SHAC…”
It was so good to see you Barb. Thank you for the heartfelt hugs. It means a lot ❤️. I loved chatting with your Mum. She was over the moon to see me wearing the owl pendant that she made a few years ago. She said “it’s one of a kind”. My reply… “so are you” we hugged, then changed the conversation to what a special daughter she has 😁 … Ain’t that the truth!
One of the first things I will do when I retire, is to catch up on the many Shac sessions that I have missed. You will make an artist of me one day! xxx
My goodness, no water, no cup of tea!!! Ithink I would be very unhappy without my cup of tea! Sounds like the show days and your pottery was a great hit! Trouble with storage rads is you can’t easily turn them off! The rads heat the previous night then let out their heat slowly! Gosh you must have all been roasting on top of the heatwave! X
Oh blimey, no water ! We’ve had thunderstorms 3 late afternoon/evenings in a row. Was a time when thunder only seemed to happen once a year and it was exciting but not now ! Looked like a good time was had by all and your pottery looks wonderful, all gone now I gather ! Lovely morning in the Shac, I was able to make a card while listening and hope to catch up with flower circle a.s.a.p. Hope you get some water soon ! X
I enjoyed the most wonderful day on Saturday at the Clarity Open Day.
Loved the demonstrations, the make & takes.
Enjoyed the shopping & the happy atmosphere of a large group of people being part on Clarity crafting community.
Glad to see you Barbs & your lovely Mum.
Many, many thanks for making these lovely open days happen.x
No water? Could not do without my morning coffee.
In this neck of the woods, East Anglia, it has been super warm but so far no problems apart from swollen feet. You should be getting some heavy rain in the next few days so that should top up the reservoirs.
So pleased all went well for the open days and that your pottery sold well. Seeing your table in this photo there are a few items I would have liked to buy. You really are an artist.
Have to catch up on the SHAC as I have got a bit behind.
Sweet dreams.
Hi Barb, i am so glad the open days were such a success. and you’re pottery went down a treat, they look fabulous. i am sirry i couldn’t make it this but had to work, i was there in spirit. keep up the good work xx
I wish you could have had some of our water this afternoon. It rained and hailed so hard the garden flooded. My poor flowers have been battered to pieces and the pebble dashing has come off the walls with the ferocity of the hail stones.
I hope you listen to your body and relax for a couple of days before the next Clarity rush about.
Almost 10pm and I have just arrived home in Cornwall. Exhausted but happy, such a joy to get to Ditton and I am so very grateful to @clarity and all the lovely folk who stopped to say hi. Hugs were not allowed as I am rather vulnerable after 5 weeks of illness, but what a joy. I met some folk who were retiring and other new Clarity folk including the lovey Jazz! Thank you so much Barbara for my special gift which I shall treasure. Love and hugs to all.xx
Thank you for sharing the picture of you, Mum and your pottery. It sounded like all had a wonderful time at the Clarity days, and the ‘after event’ sandwich party. We’ve not had any storms where I live but the sky has looked (two days on the trot) like we were going to get them. Hope the water is soon restored.
Very warm here today with a few spots of rain this evening but thankfully we still have water in the tap. I hope your water situation improves asap. I have felt completely wiped out today although the temperature hasn’t helped. Need to catch up with my SHAC homework tomorrow, there are few already on FB & they look great x
Not all the public had left when the errant heating was discovered. We are in a similar position up here in Redditch with too many new houses and not sufficient water etc to cope with them. But then, money is doing the talking. We have also lost huge amounts of land, including huge swathes of ancient woodland, all down to the useless HS2. Acres covered now by cranes, diggers etc, with the motorways closed for long periods while old bridges are removed and more new ones put in. You can be sure those acres of land will never be returned to farmland etc. Money will ensure it will be covered by huge housing estates and factory estates.
Enough of depression – what a wonderful time we all had together at Ditton. Lots of tears and laughter, all culminating in real joy to be together again. Having slept for 24 hours since getting home, I am beginning to be ready to finish off both my Make and Take pieces. Loved both of them. The demos were great, so many tips and tricks to learn.
Your pottery is stunning. Bec has been inspired to get back to it again – positive future planning. Your mum looks so well and I truly hope she continues turning up to see us all. Thank you and all the team for all you do for us. xxx
Hello Barb, what a beautiful photo of you and your Mum, thanks for sharing. And what a magnificent array of pottery items, wish I could have been there to pick and buy a piece. So glad that so many have enjoyed the open days. We had a major Thunderstorm last night, so glad we live at the top of a hill. Need to go stake up the roses this morning. Take care everyone. Bx
Oh Barbara…..NO TEA!! now that’s a serious state of affairs in my book!
My very first open day(s) experience was a joy to behold… thank you, thank you, thank you, to each and every one of you! They say you should never meet people you hold in such high regard as they often disappoint. Well that couldn’t have been more wrong. You definitely are the kindest, warmest friendliest person both inside and out. It had taken a lot to pluck up the courage to say hello and even though you didn’t know me from Adam you took the time to have a chat and put me at ease straight away.
And, I can’t believe you managed to see Chris Everts last ever match….you lucky thing!. I will treasure my piece of pottery for ever and thank you so much for the little story behind it, it makes it all more special. These two little pots were your first experience of glazing and yours now hold cocktail sticks.
Thank you one and all, I had the most brilliant time on the make and takes, the sandwiches were scrummy and it was just lovely being amongst like minded friendly people for two whole days….heaven! will definitely see you next year. Penny xXx
A huge thank you to you all for a great day at Ditton on Saturday, a lovely day spent with a friendly like minded group of people, enjoyed every minute. My husband drove us down on Friday with a surprise birthday present for me, an Open Day Ticket for Saturday WOW!!!! Looking forward to next year xxx
😓😓😓 was not the word 😂 thank you for a great couple of days once again
Love my pottery dish, I will treasure it.
Hope you manage to rest after the couple of days I only know too well what goes into an open day so much fun and laughter though. Hope you manage to get a nice cup of tea and just a chillout even though you couldn’t soak your feet once again. Thanks for inviting me Barbara, take care, my friend. .Xx
We’ve had thunderstorms in the afternoon the last few days but the garden is going mad with the heat and rainfall! Very lush.
Glad you enjoyed the away days, but listen to your body and rest x
Hi Barbara I had a great day Friday catching up with old friends and making new. My Gray original has pride of place on my desk with all my importan things in. I will think of you often !! x