Sending KISSes from Barb – Project 1

Sending KISSes from Barb – Project 1

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. One day at a time, things are getting so much better. Yesterday the Doctor told me that if things continue as they are, and the infection levels continue to drop, I will be able to go home Tuesday! Woohoo!

Then lovely Carron came and washed my hair, so I felt much MUCH better. All in all, so so much happier.

The thing about being so ill is the rush of gratitude you experience when you start to feel better. The smallest thing, like being able to stand up without help, is massive. Things you totally take for granted, like breathing, become miraculous progress. The staff here must think I’m on Happy pills, because I’m just so grateful to be coming back from such a very dark place. I cannot remember ever feeling so sad and low and unwell, so every day now is brighter and better. The NHS angels continue to work their magic…

Quote for the Day….

I’ll suggest one, then maybe YOU could think of one too x

mine: God Bless The NHS

Following on from yesterdays Blog, here is the first Step-By-Step as promised.

This project uses the KISS Just For You Flowers A6 Stamp Set

Available HERE


An oh-so-simple flower greeting – Just for you! Pick your colour paper, then stamp, KISS and colour. This fresh and bright stamp set is just one of many in the brand new KISS range by Clarity. Created for those who like to Keep It Simple.

Helping Hands

  1. When building a stamped composition, even a simple one, mock it up on a piece of scrap first.
  2. When colouring with the Perga Liner blending pencils (B) work in layers, starting with a light undercoat and building depth gradually.
  3. Pick your background designer paper first, then match up your colouring pencils. And always test on the scrap first, to ensure the pink’s the right pink!


Just For You Kiss – Keep it Simple Stamps
6”x 6” White scored Card blank
8” x 8” Indian Summer Designer paper
Ranger Black Archival ink pad
Pergamano Perga Liner colouring pencils
Black Micron Pen Black
Clarity Roll-a-Tape Glue Runner
Sharpie pen

1. Cut the scored and folded 6”x 6” cardblank in half, to make a tall 6” x 3” folded card, leaving 2 single fronts. Cut one front down to 5” x 2.5”.

2. Ink up the tallest HELLO flower with black Archival (permanent) ink and stamp into the centre of the top card. Stamp the Just For You onto a little scrap of white (for the inside of the card)

3. Add the little butterflies to the top and the butterfly stamp at the base. There are 2 other lovely flower stamps in this set, and a super Love Hugs & Laughter sentiment! But Less is more – Keep it Simple x

4. Pick your Indian Summer background paper next. Then select the Perga Liner B pencils which match, and colour in the design. Build the colour layer on layer.

5. Cut the designer paper to fit on the cardblank; it’s easiest to just trim a sliver off all four sides. Edge the white topper and Just for you panel with a black Sharpie pen.

6. Using the black Archival ink again, stamp the JUST FOR YOU stamp into the lower gap. Add little dots with the black 01 Micron pen, to tie in with the dotty Hello above.

7. Mount the Just for You panel on a slightly larger piece of the Indian Summer paper, and attach on the inside of the card using a Clarity Tape runner.

8. Using the Clarity tape runner, attach the Indian Summer panel to the folded card, then the floral topper to the coloured paper. All done. Well done!

Time to freshen up! Paul will be here any minute x

love always

Barb x x x

92 thoughts on “Sending KISSes from Barb – Project 1

  1. You must be so pleased at the thought of going home but don’t get too disheartened if it is delayed. Let time to heal take time. Love this project xx

  2. Dear Barbara
    What a difference a day makes…I sense a song coming on!
    So glad you are improving, ODAT.
    My quote for the day is “Easy does it”. Take things steady, baby steps. It’s easy when we are feeling a bit better to do more than we should, hence my quote! Doesn’t it feel lovely to have our hair washed after being so poorly, little things eh.
    Keep smiling my friend and continue improving and hopefully you’ll be home this week – how exciting.
    Big gentle hugs
    Trude xxx

  3. So pleased to hear you are feeling so much better, praying you continue to make good progress and can go home on Tuesday .

    Sue xxx

  4. Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery Barbara and just remember when you feel like you’re having a good day don’t knock yourself up and set yourself back.
    Gratitude is the sign of noble souls . . . . . Aesop

  5. So glad you are feeling better, but baby steps. Love this stamp set. I am not a stamper, more groovi, but think this year might be my stamping year. Hope you are able to get home on Tuesday xx

  6. so glad you are sounding SO Happy, now…and feeling much better than before…
    kitties will be waiting for you, to share your lap and have some cuddles. Thinking of you, take care.

  7. Great news that you may be going home Tuesday!
    Just make sure you don’t do too much when you get home. Let Dave and the cats look after you.
    Love and hugs

  8. So glad you are feeling better I am lucky to be rarely Ill but the bug that went round at Christmas was the worst I have felt since 1990 (I know the exact time as I had a viral infection while my husband was on detachment to the Falklands. Luckily it didn’t worsen to the extent yours has so just take things slowly

  9. Well, that’s the best news to end a yucky week, only one sad happening but it brought us all down. A hair wash is good medicine too !

    I’m just sat here doing a card for 70th tomorrow (she’s coming here for lunch tomorrow) without being too 70 but I’ve got to sneak a little one in somewhere.

    Quote for the day: Feeling grateful x

    love and hugs xx

  10. Angels speak many languages and are a multitude of colours.
    So happy things are improving but definitely one day at a time.

  11. Joy of Joys, it makes my heart sing to read your blog and learn that you are feeling so much better.
    One step at a time and you will soon be back home with Dave and the little Vikings! Sending much love. xx

  12. Glad to hear that you may be allowed home on Tuesday. When you do get home please please let Dave look after you and don’t rush into things take it ” one step at a time”. Enjoy your visit with Paul hope he didn’t forget your craft supplies!! Love and hugs xx

    1. It’s good to hear some good news, will be thinking of you and hoping you will be home soon. Lovely inspiration for making cards, I ordered some stamps from the kiss range yesterday so these new ones will have to be added to my wish list. Glad you are feeling up to a bit of art work , it’s a good sign. Take care but remember not to run before you can walk, so to speak. Sending love and best wishes to you and those who care for you.x

  13. Great news Barbara but remember to take it slowly, if Tuesday is the day great but if another day or two needed just remember those wise words “one day at a time”. We are all wishing you well, that room of yours is full of get well soon wishes and love from all the shackers and Clarity fans.
    When you do get home with Dave no rushing to work, just some gentle doodling/colouring, give yourself time to fully recover. You have a wonderful team they won’t let you down, they are all doing a fantastic job.

  14. Reading your blog today Barbara, is so uplifting. Your positivity is in every word you’ve written.
    It’s lovely to know that you’ll soon be home, and I bet you can’t wait for that day to come!…..Reminds me of the Pink Panther films when Herbert Lom recites over & over…. “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better….& better…..”. Your mantra until next Tuesday, fingers crossed 😉🥰
    Enjoy Paul’s visit.
    Love & hugs 💕🤗💕🥰💕

  15. It’s wonderful to hear that you’re feeling so much better. I know what you mean about how uplifting it feels to be able to do things again. After suffering a mini stroke at the beginning of December and not being able to use my left arm and leg. It’s just so scary when things happen out of the blue – pleased to say I am on the mend now too. I have everything crossed that you get to go home on Tuesday. As others have said don’t overdo things and set yourself back again.
    My quote is ‘never take anything for granted’
    Sending love and another big hug xxx

  16. That is great news that you’re feeling so much better. But don’t be in a rush. Slow and steady progress is fine. And if you do get to go home on Tuesday then you mustn’t rush back to work. Sit a while with the cats. Gentle walk around the garden if you feel the need for fresh air and build up your strength and fitness. Listen to your body. It’ll tell you when to rest. And don’t feel guilty about doing so. Doodle and draw by all means but let your brilliant team do the work for you. You’ve lead them well and they know what to do.
    Lots of love and hugs. Xxxx

  17. Hi Barbara. So good to hear you are are feeling a bit better (a lot better?) and that going home is now on the horizon. Baby steps. I am sure that all of us endorse your Quote For The Day. I dread to think where we would be without the NHS. My quote for today is -“If you feel that every bone in your body is aching, be thankful you are not a kipper!”.
    My cousin said this to me when we met last year and I was struggling to walk and was more than glad to sit down again. I thought it was hilarious and remember that sometimes we need to laugh at ourselves.
    God bless you as well Barbara and next week is going to be even more positive. X

  18. So, so pleased to hear you are on the mend, it’s lovely to hear you getting a little bit more like your old self every day. Take care and fingers crossed for Tuesday X

  19. So happy and glad you are feeling better. Don’t get doing too much to start with ,but I do love the kiss stamps you are showing and that you are bright enough to want to do a bit of doodling and messing.
    Crafting certainly takes us to a happier place almost another world. Keep getting stronger and take good care of yourself, sending big hugs x

  20. so pleased you are recovering and becoming yourself again dear lady. One step at a time, slowly slowly, take time for your body to catch up. As always you are thinking about others and crafting. Don’t worry we are all here for you and awaiting your full recovery with love and patience. Take time please 🥰

  21. You sound happier which is just lovely. I hope you get home on Tuesday. Nothing like your own bed and homely surroundings. But tiny steps and take your time to recover fully before jumping back into work things! it’s good to hear you are being so well cared for. we really would be lost without our NHS.
    Take care, hugs and love xx

  22. So pleased to read that you’re feeling better. Remember One day at a time, and please don’t overdo things. Hope you’re home soon. Much love xx

  23. So very glad you are feeling better, miss you dearly. My quote for today is your daughters for you. Travel gently!

  24. Great news that you may be home on Tuesday. Take it steady and “Don’t try to run before you can walk!” We all do it – feel better and then overdo it!

  25. So good to hear you’re feeling a bit better. My son wrote a song praising the NHS during the pandemic you might like to take a look at. It’s on YouTube, “Hell Yes For The NHS”. Sung by various west end performers. Xx

  26. Glad your on the mend ,hope you do manage to get home ,I so love those stamps cannot wait for them to get here ordered them yesterday ,cannot get here quick enough ,my son is a NHS nurse he got his degree at university last month ,so very proud of him he has always had a job ,he has tried most things
    lots love
    Pauline xxx

    1. Wonderful that you are feeling better and the going home is in sight. Take care and enjoy your time with Paul xx

  27. That is good news, let’s hope that you continue to improve. I expect there will be a long convalescence when you do get home, so take it easy. X

  28. What fantastic news Barbara! My quote is always, “be forever thankful”, and I know you are.
    Remember our pact..Dutton here we come!
    Pat Hosking I’m tempted to say, if I live that long, but that’s negative stuff, however I feel. Hugs and healing thoughts coming your way. Xx

  29. Fingers crossed for Tuesday. If I was you I would get Thursday in you head then if it’s delayed you won’t be disappointed but if it is Tuesday it will be an early release.
    My quote would be ‘thank the lord for craft’. It has kept me sane over the years for all sorts of reasons and I never have nothing to do. As my husband would say I don’t watch tv anymore I just listen as I am always doing something crafty while sitting on the sofa.
    One day at a time lovely lady xx

  30. Fingers crossed for Tuesday, but ‘one day at a time’ and no rushing. Good to hear you sounding so much happier. X

    1. Good to hear of the progress your making. Look forward to Easter and Spring by which time you will be able to enjoy happier times X

  31. I am so happy you are making good progress and feeling much better. It’s great that you may be back home on Tuesday….oh what JOY!
    One of my Mums many quotes was “Health is Wealth”
    Never a truer word spoken.
    Travel gently and enjoy your doodling.
    Much loves

  32. So glad our bus driver is getting better but don’t drive that bus until the docs say it’s ok. Once you’re home do nothing but cuddle the kitties and let Dave and the family look after you. You’ll also feel a lot better in your own bed once you’re home. Get well soon Barb.

  33. Very glad to hear you are improving . You have had a very difficult time with your dad passing away and then getting so unwell yourself . Hope you do get home on Tuesday and I’m sure that will speed up your recovery.
    Get well soon but take it easy
    Best wishes Maureen P

  34. Wow that’s great news from the doctors. I can remember when our daughter was born premature & we were in the Special Care Unit approaching Christmas. The Doctor came in & asked if we would like to go home for Easter – I looked at him aghast as I suddenly thought she was much worse than we thought but he smiled & said No as long as she is 5lb tomorrow morning you can take her home for Christmas. We waited with baited breath as the nurses weighed her – spot on 5lb – we cheered as all was well. Minutes later she filled her clean nappy & for once I didn’t mind having to change her all over again – had it been the other way round we would have been stuck in hospital over Christmas.
    So yes definitely ”God bless the NHS”
    So take it steady, carry on doing what you have been doing & fingers crossed you will get the news you want on Tuesday. Hope Paul has remembered everything on your doodle list so you have something new to do over the next few days xx

  35. So glad you are feeling better. I will keep my fingers crossed for Tuesday but don’t be too disappointed if it doesn’t happen. You will get home when you are ready & fit enough. Better a few more days in hospital than coming home too early and hindering your recovery. Hope you enjoy Paul’s visit. xx

  36. Hi Barbara, fabulous news, so glad your improving, and. feeling a little better, hope Paul brings your crafting box, will keep fingers crossed for tuesday, nothing like recovering at home, love and hugs x

  37. Amen to that! 💕
    Hoping you continue to make good progress – thoughts of home will help keep you on track and I’m sure those you love are waiting anxiously for the news that “today’s the day”.
    Hugs and positive thoughts to all xx

  38. So lovely you sounding brighter, and may be home on Tuesday… but pretend it’s later, just in case it’s delayed, then Tuesday will be early 😊 Your little Vikings are waiting to be your furry nurses, along with Dave 🥰 “One step at a time, even if it’s one step forward, two steps back” for now” … ” Everything happens for a reason”… Much love as always, Nahid xXx 🦋💕

  39. Good news Barbera and take care.
    Will be great to be home again and what a noise and lots of colors when you are at home…
    a big different between hospital and home.

  40. Pleased you are improving and feeling a little better. Hopefully you will get home on Tuesday to Dave, Erik and Ragnar, and your own bed, a dose of home will do you good, but take it easy, and keep resting. Love and gentle hugs. xxx

  41. Super news that you are feeling positive and hair washed – always makes you feel better.
    Nurses are like diamonds – they sparkle and bring joy.
    When you get home, rest, recover and read.
    The three R’s!!
    Hugs x

  42. What wonderful news! So glad to hear going home is in the conversation, that means you’re getting better. Sending love and hugs!

  43. It’s wonderful that you have turned the corner and I’m sure everyone is willing you home. Be a Tortoise, not a Hare. You will get there.

  44. It’s so good to hear your health is improving daily and the talk is of you getting home soon. Dave and the rest of the family must be feeling so happy too.

    Like you I feel so much gratitude towards our NHS. For me, many years ago, it saved my life following an acute kidney infection and then kidney removal. The treatment and care given could not have been bettered even if I had paid thousands of pounds as a private patient. A true leveller.

    Lynn x

  45. Such a lovely blog to read today❣️ You can feel the happiness in your words. I do hope you get home on Tuesday and my prayers will be with you. PLEASE, take things slowly you have been very poorly and it takes time to recover. Looking forward to seeing your doodles. Do a bit at a time and listen to your body. Hoping you’ve had a fabulous visit from Paul, he will cheer you up. Much love, gentle cuddles and fervent prayers that each day you’ll feel better xx

  46. Great News, I cant add anything to what everyone has said, look forward to seeing the news that you are on your home. Much love as always xx

  47. Really happy news, Barb. Hopefully the doctors will be right and you can be going home soon. As for a quote of the day, well, as you like walking in the Ashdown Forest so much, I thought it only appropriate for a quote from Winnie the Pooh!
    “Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”
    So take it easy, Barb, get better, take care and go with the flow.
    Now I’m off to place a little order for some KISS goodies!

  48. In the words of Dorothy ‘ There’s no place like home’ That will make you feel even better! Keep clicking those slippers together and you’ll soon be there. 😉 x

  49. Dear Barbara ,
    This is a first for me, having never commented on anything online, but I felt I needed to express my thanks to you. Despite all the hurt, worry and sorrow you are able to still see the good in people and life. This is such a gift.
    As many of your readers, I have experienced similar woes ( loss of beloved family members, health issues and work related worries) and can empathise with your feelings, but what makes my heart sing , is you ability to praise the people that make up the NHS.
    Having moved from Germany 25 years ago to work in the NHS , having been a patient too many times to contemplate and to my great sorrow having to retire due to ill health, I am so grateful for your stories. As a whole the people who make up the NHS give their all physically, mentally and to the detriment of their own well-being to the care of their patients and their families. It is so lovely to hear someone appreciate this. From both positions , as a previous member of it and as a patient , I am so grateful for description of your experience. Thank you!
    May your recovery physical and mental be steady .
    Thank you! Love Beatrix

  50. Hi Barbara
    You do sound much better, I am sure you will be looking forward to going home.
    My quote is Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. Lyndon B Johnson. You look like you are definitely winning 🥇.
    Love Ruth & Jackie xx

  51. Good to hear you are feeling better. I too have been in that dark place and know how you’re feeling. Take it steady, especially when you get home. It will take time. X

  52. You definitely sound happier. Hope Paul didn’t forget any of your doodle stash.
    When you get home DO NOT start rushing around, your body will need some time to build up your stamina. I know you find it hard to be idle but TAKE IT EASY !!!!! Cuddle the cats (and Dave).
    Sending good wishes 🍒🍒🍒

  53. So glad you are on the mend and feeling much better. Going home (hopefully) Tuesday, what better day to be back with those you love and who love you than Valentine’s day? Love and Best Wishes that all goes well. L x

  54. Hi Barb,
    What wonderful news, but PLEASE take it easy when you do go home.
    My son had what you have back in October last year but had 2 chest drains, he is just getting his strength back and putting some weight back on this is 3 months on!
    Baby steps eh no running before you can walk.

    Love and hugs xx

  55. Hi Barb
    I’ve just got home from football and read your blog. Great news that going home is on the horizon, it really cheered me up after Southampton FC managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!
    Keep working on getting well.
    Zara xx

  56. Well Barbara
    That’s the best news I have heard all week.
    I have been saying a little prayer for you each night.
    So don’t rush, take little steps each day and you will soon be home again.

  57. how wonderful to read that you’re so much better, Barbara! It’s been a long road for you, and my quote for today is ‘give thanks’ xx

  58. So very glad you’re feeling better. Fingers crossed that you’re home next week. I’m sure you’ll recover quicker by resting at home.

    Love this card you’ve done and the ‘kiss’ stamps are beautiful.

  59. I’m so glad to hear you may be homeward bound.

    Being home with Dave and the Cats and in your own bed will be so much more of a tonic and help with the healing.

    So happy you are on the mend.
    The power of prayer and positivity.

    Together we are better!
    and that’s what the NHS stands for. Togetherness.

    Hugs and love.

  60. Good to hear of the progress your making. Look forward to Easter and Spring by which time you will be able to enjoy happier times X

  61. I’m so pleased you are on the mend. Now it’s patience and time to heal. No place like home to do this as long as you take it easy. My quote for today is. “Love is all around you”
    Your turn to take it in and use it to build your strength back. 💕

  62. Hi Barbara, the best news hearing you are recovering. It’s true, being so ill makes you so grateful for everything you can do and have.
    My quote is Always carry a grateful heart.
    My grandmother taught me from an early age, no matter what there are people who would swap their lives for yours in a heartbeat.
    Keep up the recovery my lovely. x

  63. Barbara, that is just the best news EVER! I just knew all the positive energy being sent your way, could shift the momentum of this horrible illness. My quote would be…
    Never underestimate the power of positive thinking!
    You are one of life’s treasures that touches peoples lives beyond all comprehension without even knowing them. And like they say, you can’t keep a good women down…..go Barbara!! x

  64. Hi Barbara
    I’ve just read your post from a few days ago then popped up to comment in todays and wow what a difference those days have made. Funny how a simple thing like getting your hair washed can boot your moral no end.
    So pleased to read you may be home next week that should speed your recovery, but please don’t run before you can walk so let others look after you for a change. You just sit with your little cats 🐈 🐈 and chill with a good book. Hugs 🤗

  65. Such fabulous news, so pleased you’re on the mend. Just take it one step at a time, remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Each day you’ll get stronger, sending massive healing hugs xx

  66. I’m so glad that you are at last feeling better! What a difference a day can make! So lovely you have had your hair washed! You must feel as though you are on cloud nine! Hopeful news from the doctors too!
    My quotation, or thought would be “ slowly slowly, catchy monkey!”
    Enjoy the rest!x

  67. It will be wonderful if you get home next week ,no place like it to move forward your recovery !
    My thought for the day ” Love changes everything ”

    sending you love xxx

  68. Now that is great news x 2. I hope you continue to get better each day so that you can get home. How lovely to see your demo, we really have missed you !

    Much love ❤️

  69. Really good news that you are feeling so much better. A hair wash always makes us feel better some how. Sending you best wishes for feeling better and better each day.

  70. So pleased you are starting to feel better. There’s no place like home and your own bed! Just remember going home does not mean fully recovered – take your time, rest and heal x

  71. So uplifting to hear you are feeling so much better we must all feel the relief in your Blog. But tiny steps and enjoy whatever little things you manage to achieve. Bestest news you might be able to go home on Tuesday, we will keep everything crossed. Hope Grace’s audio recording went well. Gratitude was a single word we did in the Shac which about sums it up! X

  72. I’m so glad that you are on the mend and may be going home soon, there’s nothing like sleeping in your own bed to make you feel better. Please remember to take as long as it takes to recuperate, don’t rush into doing things – just cuddle those cats!

  73. I’m so pleased you are feeling better Barbara, and happier too! That’s wonderful news! even better news you may be able to.go home on Tuesday! Fingers crossed or as we say ” ich drücke dir die Daumen”! When you’re home continue to take it easy and and rest. Let your boys (Dave, Erik and Ragnar) look after you and give you lots of TLC!
    Love your demo and the stamps.

    My thought for the day is what my late Dad always used to say “Immer mit der Ruhe, alles wird gut” (Keep calm, all will be good).
    Sending hugs and lots of love ❤xxx

  74. So pleased that you are feeling better. When you do get home give yourself time to fully heal before rushing back to Clarity towers. Your health comes first. I’m sure Dave will make an excellent nurse! X

  75. So glad you are feeling better Barbara.
    Please take it easy when you get home and as you say ‘Relax’. I found Clarity last year and although I have a lovely craft shed which is overflowing my clarity and groovi has migrated to the living room and is driving my Dave up the wall, I have ordered extra storage to put in the wardrobe. I will make the Kiss card for my dear friend in our village who is very poorly and having Chemo, she’s a lovely kind lady just like you Barbara. Sending love and hugs, Janet xx

  76. Fingers crossed for Tuesday.So pleased you are on the mend. Please don’t be tempted to overdo it because you feel so much better. It takes quite a while to be fully fit after such a serious illness.
    Sending hugs.

  77. Dear Barb, thank you for the step by step project. I am so pleased you are feeling so much better, and bless lovely Carron for doing your hair. Keeping my fingers crossed that you will be going home Tuesday, but that does not mean you don’t rest and recover properly! Sending hugs to everyone. Bx

  78. Hello, so sorry to have missed commenting on the last 2 days, it was by birthday, and my family has spoiled me, I joined in for a little time each day, so special. so pleased to hear that you are getting better, and have a survival kit in with you. As others have said please don’t go home until you are really ready. I know the lure of your own bed, the peace at night and those who love you all around, but medical care has to be balanced with all this..I sound like I am lecturing, but a mistake I have made too often. so, so pleased you are improving. xxxx

  79. Hello Barbara. Great news you are feeling better and well enough to go home. “The Universe is singing”. Take care and all the best for your continued recovery xx

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