Get Fresh with Paul on Friday
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Had a good day today with Mum and Grace. This too shall pass.
Had to chuckle at your acronym guesses from yesterday. Blimey! Remind me not to get on the wrong side of you girls!! Actually, here are the answers:
PYFI = Put Your Filter In
RTR = Read The Room.
Hahaha. Punch your face in!! Now I’ve heard it all!!! It is good to laugh though.
Paul is covering me on TV tomorrow, so please support him. He’s showcasing some very edgy, clever little dies. Just fabulous layering design. He’s on Create & Craft at 9am & 1pm on Friday with a cheeky little extra hour on Craft Extra at 11am.
As I said, he’ll will be shining a light on some of our Fresh Cut Aperture dies with some super prices
Overlay Aperture Dies


Woodland Scenes

Here is a some inspiration from the Design Team

I hope you can tune in and keep Paul company.
It hasn’t gone unnoticed that many of you have been posting your SHAC artwork from the last couple of years. I was really heartened to feel the love, so to speak. Thank you. I’ll be back in the Bus on Monday 6th February at 10am. That’s when we’re leaving on a jolly doodle journey again. Put it in your diary! I’ve been thinking about what to do, and I think I’ve got something cool…
Quote for today? #26
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.
I could feel us spiralling down today, thinking about the funeral on Monday. Fear based, I’m sure. Anyway, as we were driving through the Kentish countryside, I said to the ladies, “Come on! We have to turn this round!” So we did. We looked on the bright side of the situation, and there most certainly is one. No more bad days for Dad. As soon as we took our feelings out of the equation, it was obvious.
Have a good evening.
Love always,
Barb x x x
21 thoughts on “Get Fresh with Paul on Friday”
It’s been great seeing everyone’s Shac makes I’ve had a good laugh going back through mine especially the horses when we went to Camelot! So glad you had a good day with your Mum and Grace will be thinking of you all on Monday and will be lighting a candle for your Dad. Will definitely be keeping Paul company tomorrow love the look of these dies .xx
Dear Barb. I’m glad you enjoyed the shac ladies and gents sharing their art, which is all you. You gave us the encouragement and belief that we could do this. We all know that this is a very difficult time for you and your family, you were there for us at a very difficult time, we wanted to show you we are here for you when you are ready!
So we look forward to your return, and hope that all goes well with Dads funeral.
Thinking of you all.
Lots of Love T.x
Always look on the bright side of life! That was my son Jack’s motto. He died at age 34 (13 years ago) leaving his dear wife and two boys then aged 6&4. He requested Monty Python’s ‘Always look on the Bright side’ be played at his funeral- not expecting himself to die so young. It had the right effect however, everyone left the crematorium smiling and it has kept us going ever since. Much love x
hugs xx
Evening Barb!
Just want to let you know that Colin and are both thinking about you and hope all goes as best it can on Monday. And don’t worry about the finer details. It’ll all be fine. Your dad would not want you fretting about all the details.
Looking forward to seeing you back in the Shac and I have the date firmly in my diary.
Lots of love. Xxxxx
It’s been lovely being reminded of where we’ve been in the Shac and what we’ve learnt. I didn’t know I could ! The dies look interesting, will enjoy seeing Paul working with them.
Thinking of you all xx
Looking forward to seeing what Paul does with these overlay dies. I have had them for ages but only used them twice so am up for new ideas.
So much lovely 🖼️ artwork from everyone. Good to see what others create.
Glad you enjoyed the day with Oma and Grace. The bright side of life is always there if we look for it.
I’m sure Monday will go well, try not to fret, Dad is at peace now. My thoughts will be with you. 🍒
Loving thoughts & virtual hugs to you 💕😘💕
So glad you have had a better day today – try not to fret about Monday, just go with it, we will all be thinking of you all. It has been really good to see all the previous Shac work being posted a great reminder of what we all managed to achieve during those awful dark fear laden days with your help. Really looking forward to tomorrows shows as I have those overlay dies and have never used them and you also have my all time favourite deerscape and dancescape dies. Recorder set as well.
Thinking of you all. Shall be joining Paul tomorrow morning hopefully for both programmes. He’s doing a great job isn’t he. Keep close in the coming days, thanks be for family.xx
I’ve found people sharing their shack art has stirred some wonderful memories. It’s amazing how people I’ve never met feel so much like a family. Thank you
Glad you found some good time with your Mum and Grace today, Barb. That strength together will help you all on Monday.
Definitely going to keep Mr Church company tomorrow, really looking forward to see what he has in store for us, I love these dies! Paul is such an amazing chap, I’ve left a little “musical” tribute to him on the Clarity Worldwide Facebook page!
Take care, travel gently and when you can, definitely look on the bright side of life.
Glad you managed to turn the day round to one with a positive feeling – definitely looking on the brighter side of life. Will be thinking of you all over the next few days especially Monday and I am sure everything will all work out with the plans you have already put in place.
Looking forward to the shows tomorrow to get some new ideas on how to make more use of the dies that are already part of my stash. The samples from the design team are fantastic & great inspiration to us all.
Feb 6th is in my diary, can’t wait to see what you have lined up for us when we all jump on the bus xx
Hi Barbara
We will be thinking of you all on Monday. I get through the days remembering that Mum is no longer in pain it has helped me over the last 7 months.
Love Ruth and Jackie xx
Already set the TV to record tomorrow! Will watch when I get home from work.
I watched a programme today and thought that you might like it……
It’s called The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. It’s a beautiful animated short BBC film that I think has been nominated for an award (can’t remember what…!). Have a look for it – it’s just lovely!
Barbara, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers as well as a few other friends who are also dealing with a similar storm …… 💜💜💜💜💜💜
I have posted this before but when Geoff died so suddenly, we arranged a fairly traditional funeral, until it was time to go out. At that point, the atmosphere changed. Geoff loved things like the Goodies, Faulty Towers etc and would laugh his head off every time they were on tv. So we chose “Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life” (the clean version) to go out to. I am not sure my sisters-in-law approved but it did lift the atmosphere and reminded everyone that Geoff loved life. I hope you can all hang on to the happy memories of your Dad and take comfort from knowing that he is no longer suffering. Lots of love and hugs to you all. xxx Maggie Craner (Silvercrafter)
Think of Monday as a Celebration of your dads life. And all the people around you that have good memories of him.
Looking forward to your return as our bus driver.
Barbara, will be thinking of you and your whole family on Monday, think of the good times and the wonderful memories you have shared. He would be so proud of you all, love and big hugs to all x
You are so right! When mum died, this was the thought that kept us going, she was no longer suffering – as you said, no more bad days for her, and with MND we knew it would only get worse. The time was approaching when we’d no longer be able to care for her a home and that decision had been taken out if our hands. It’s hard to take our feelings out of the situation though, and I think you were very brave to do so as it’s such early days. Thinking of you both now and especially on Monday as you say goodbye again. Much love xxx
Hello Barb, this quote is one of my all time favourites, it has so much to ponder on. Glad you had a nice day with your Mum and Grace. Yes Monday is going to be hard and sad, but together with your lovely family and friends, you will get through it and give your Dad a beautiful send-off. Love all the samples shared, such a talented bunch of crafters on the Design Team. Missed the 9am show, going to record Craft extra. Take care and stay warm everyone. Bx
Barbara will thinking of you and your family on Monday– remember, it’s not saying goodby to him ,but celebrating his live.
And sing his song loud when going out– he would have enjoyed that so much!
What fun to see all the drawings and coloring we made with you in the Shac and how you draw us out of our comfort zone and tolk us we could draw and color these beauties! Thank you so much and do hope to join the Shac after I will have time again
Big hug for you