Design of the Week & Art for Art’s Sake
Hi there
Thanks for popping in.
Time for another Design of the Week with 30% discount (plus club discount) and another of my all time favourites : the Town Houses. So pleased to be shining a light on these houses by Mel. These are better than brilliant. Whether you like the stencil, the stamps, the die or the Groovi plate – works like a charm every time.
Available in 3 Way Overlay Stamps

in a 7×7 Stencil

a 4×4 Fresh Cut Aperture die

and finally an A5sq Groovi plate

All available HERE with 30% off (plus club discount) for 1 week only!
Get ready for a great gallery of ideas from the Design Team….

One of my favourite demos was done using this 3 way stampset. Let me dig it out. October 2018…

I was reading through your comments following yesterday’s blog, and our Bev said she was feeling rudderless, and had lost her mojo. She was saying she didn’t really know who to make all these cards for anymore. So I sat and thought about that for a long time. And about her. I have known Bev for many years. We are friends. And I totally understand where she is coming from. So this is for you Bev (and anybody who has lost their mojo, their direction).
I can only speak for myself, but here it is Bev. I make for myself. I immerse myself in the creative process. I paint and stamp and ink and stencil and chop and lay out for ME. Art for Art’s sake. I seldom make a card or art with somebody in mind. If down the road I need a card for somebody, I’ve always got some art I can finish up and personalize – if I want to part with it. For me, I’m making small samples of art, not cards. And believe you me, not everything I make is blogged or ‘used’. I have boxes and boxes of ‘art’ – and that’s ok. I’m slowly gathering boxes of pottery too. Not to sell, not to even collect. I make because I’m a maker, and I can. Just like you are, Bev. And the more you make, the better you get at it, right? “But what’s the point, Barb?” I hear you say. “THAT is the point, Bev.” We hone our craft, we learn tricks and techniques, we improve with practice. And we never stop learning! But we get bloody good at what we do, don’t we?
Maybe, when Dad’s funeral is over, and things have settled down here, and we’ve moved the factory over to Fircroft, and built the shop – all of which will happen as and when we get to it – we should start having some small workshops Bev, more arty sessions, to challenge you a bit, to get that talent fired up again. We all hit a wall, and get into a bit of a creative slump at times, but I’m a firm believer that together we’re better.
So what is today’s quote? Quote #17
Art for Art’s Sake.
Use your art to express yourself, to work through things which are on your mind, that need attention. Trust the process. Whether you stamp, and make a neat and lovely card, or spend days creating intricate Groovi lacework, or you throw a tin of paint at a huge canvas and let it drip down – trust the process. Use it to express yourself. That’s all.
Love always
Barb x x x
18 thoughts on “Design of the Week & Art for Art’s Sake”
So agree with this sentiment. I love all arty crafty pastimes and when my mojo goes on one craft there is always something else to inspire me, especially Groovi or slapping a bit of paint on a canvas be it large or small. I create things because I enjoy it and if someone wants to buy it fine, if not I have had pleasure in the creation.
Not sure which of the Town House items I have but do not have them all. I see another purchase coming!!!
Take care of yourself.
I love a couple of other quotes in your post today.
I make because I’m a maker.
Trust the process.
Thank you so much for sharing these quotes. I am really enjoying reading the blog every day and look forward to the next quote. Be good to yourself.
Having woken with a sore throat & runny nose then realising that I hadn’t checked out my basket last night I was feeling very sorry for myself but decided that wasn’t helping so turned to Linda’s bells to make an anniversary card for my husband. I should have followed Paul’s advice though & really looked at the plate before starting because after working out where I could find the word Anniversary from in the words engraved on the plate it wasn’t until I was looking for the letters to spell Golden that I found the exact word on its side at the bottom. Although I was quite pleased when I overlaid my work it wasn’t far off as to the spacing. I have now put it to one side to rest after doing the first layer of white work on the ribbons so finishing off some UFO’s from the last few weeks of the SHAC. Crafting is definitely a great distraction from everything else going on x
Hello Barb, love the quote and it is very true, because sometimes if we try make it for something specific, it does not work out. I have several half made pieces, so I am sure in the days to come I can create something. Love the Design Teams offerings. Take care and stay safe and warm everyone. Bx
Thank you Barbara!
I definitely do parchment for the enjoyment of the activity itself and most of the time (!) end up with something quite lovely at the end of it but I see that as a bonus and not the reason for doing it. The benefits I gain from crafting are tremendous and then I am able to bless others when they need it – I see that as a priviledge and am grateful!
I really like being able to create something myself from beginning to the end – satisifying, achievement!
My Mum was a traditional parchment crafter and made much beautiful artwork. When she died nearly 11 years ago I gave away a cupboard full of her stash to a local art club. Then 5 years later……I attended a make and take at a craft show with some friends who picked parchment craft for us to do. I was completely hooked and had to buy everything I had given away! I managed to find Hazel’s Groovi workshops and never looked back!
I think that my Mum is pleased with the progress I have made and the artwork that I have created over the years! I know I would be lost without it and definitely would NOT have got through lockdown without it!
Thank you Barbara and all at Clarity for all that you do – it is much appreciated XXXXX
Thank you for todays Blog, exactly hits the mark and now I will make for me without worrying about the why and wherefore. So here goes a new prospective and the news re workshops sound really exciting. X
that’s so true Barbara. I try and have a little crafting time most days (now I’m semi-retired!) – sometimes thing go really well and sometimes less so, but either way it’s the creative process that I get the enjoyment from. Funnily enough, I can find it most difficult when friends ask me to make something specific and I’m trying to hit a brief – much easier to just go with the flow!
Thank you Barbara, I really needed that today! Since finishing my Christmas cards I can’t seem to start anything else – stamping, patching,sewing….I had some lovely Clarity things for Christmas and this weekend I’m going to definely start creating again, just for myself! I know it will lift my spirits! Thank you giving me that push I needed. You’re always thinking of others, even through your own sad time just now xx
So true Barbara. I make cards but during the initial lockdown I started keeping some of my work in a journal book and it’s great to look back on what I have done and track improvements in technique. The simple act of making something helped me while we were all doing not a lot else. And I have loved the little Clarity quarter size stencil sheets and the shapes too as I now have a collection of little pieces of artwork that can be made into a card or gift if needed
Regardless of whether I’ve lost my mojo I have several birthdays in January, including 2 close family members who have a birthday on 1st January!!!! Takes me ages to make those for 1st January as I’m usually in Christmas mode. I give away a lot of cards made that I don’t use to friends with mobility problems getting to the shops or like many I would have boxes of them.
I too make for me and I make cos I’m a maker. would totally loose my marbles if I didn’t lol! I also create/make for my own therapy and enjoyment. I love learning new techniques and tricks too. Thank good for art for arts sake xx
Hi Barb
I totally agree with “Art for Art’s sake”. I enjoy making little pieces of art, some are great, some less good but I have fun trying the techniques you show us. I have journals that I mount them in and it is nice to look back through them when i need a new idea.
I say don’t be shy of doing a craft just for the sheer enjoyment. Do it for yourself, after all, we’re worth it!
lots of love Zara xx
An interesting blog and I love the villages. I have all the items but the Groovi as I don’t ‘Groove’!! I can’t just keep my own art (no room!) and like to send random cards to friends ‘just because’, but I do have boxes of hand-made cards sent to me as I can’t bear to part with these and when my mojo goes off for a wander I look through the folders I made for each friend and then I get some inspiration and ideas to try.
At the moment I make for people and usually it’s specific for that person, I never had a stock which is annoying and I am to but never get there. Occasionally hubby says why do you do it, they don’t appreciate it – I say I know the people I make for do appreciate it but I don’t care if they don’t ! I enjoy doing it at the moment and I will try to do more as sometimes I feel restricted when I’m thinking of what the recipient likes ! Also I want to do more and catch up with the Shac, during Covid I was always up to date but now, although I’m usually there I haven’t kept up and missed some projects I really want to do. I’ll just carry on ‘doing’ and ‘enjoying’ xx
Hi Barbara
That is just what we needed. I was upstairs finishing sorting my craft room and then got ready to make a 60th birthday card for a friend. Jackie was downstairs slab building a pot on the kitchen table even though she has a studio in the garden but hey ho. When we met together a couple of hours later I wasn’t too happy with mine but Jackie showed me the beginnings of the pot then explained it was from a drawing she had done at college over 40years ago. So she was definitely doing Art for Arts sake and I will take this attitude forward tomorrow and enjoy the process.
Still thinking of you all ❤️
Love Ruth and Jackie xx
Thank you for this and everyone’s comments it has helped. I will definitely be changing the way I craft now – no more stopping making as I’ve got a pile of cards that need to go out before I can do more. Just make for the sheer enjoyment it. You can guarantee I’m going to be attending the workshop once its up and running as well as the retreats.
Thank you xx
I couldn’t agree more Barbara. I craft because I enjoy it. I like to try different crafts to see if I can do them. It is a personal challenge. If I can give away things I make ,
then I will. If not, well I enjoyed the process which was the aim. xx
Hi Barb
After 2 years of zero crafting you have given me hope. I always made lots of cards for my colleagues but then illness and a forced early retirement sent me down the deep black hole and my purpose of crafting seemed to have been lost as I didn’t have a purpose anymore. Then you wrote this post and I thought yes 🙌 I can do it for myself. Thank you.
You are one amazing lady Barb.