Linda’s Build A Wreath Collection
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Welcome back to this ere blog! Sorry it’s been a while again – it’s the busy season for us at Clarity! Mind you, I’ve always maintained that crafting is a winter sport, but since lockdown, I’m not so sure!! Many of us have taken to crafting all year round now! And since the Create & Craft merger with Hochanda, things have certainly picked up the pace there too. So many new viewers and customers! The proof is in the pudding. If you watched the shows at the weekend, you will know that I showcased some real Clarity Classics – Twas the Night and the Shape Outline stamps. What’s really gratifying is that they still sold out, after all these years. That makes my heart sing, because that means that our old designs are timeless; they appeal as much now as then. Isn’t that great? Even the New and Exclusive Christmas Treasures by Linda – although they are brand new to Groovi, are illustrations that Linda published in a book for Pergamano many years ago. And yet we can’t make them fast enough. I love that. I love that we have art that still appeals after all those years. Don’t get me wrong: the actual products, the plates and stamps, are brand new! They haven’t been languishing in a cupboard! No no. We are revisiting old favourite designs, and applying our new evolved production – bingo.
Same this evening at 6pm. Tonight on Create & Craft, Paul will be launching a Groovi One Day Special which many of you may recognise; Linda’s Build-a-Wreath Collection. Fantastic plates! So creative! Yet we are always so preoccupied with new new new, that we forget what is already out there.
This looking back works at so many levels. These designs are immaculate. So for the newcomer, or the person who missed them the first time round – perfect. For us designers, also perfect. Why keep trying to invent the wheel when a brilliant wheel is already available? And for the Groovi-addict who already has this set, also a winner! Thay can be gently reminded of what they already have in the cupboard! Let’s face it – we do forget, don’t we?!
3 A4sq. Wreath Building plates. So clever! Wait till you see how they work! Accompanied by 3 A5sq. plates for bows, banners and extras – really cool.
We have also included the last of the Christmas Parchment bundle: A4 red, green, black and silver. When it’s gone it’s gone – for this season anyway!

Each of the A4sq Groovi plates come with an inspiration sheet designed by Linda to show the various uses of each of the 3 different designs
As I mentioned, we are limited in stock of the A4 Christmas Parchment, so we have also created a bundle with some A4 Landscape Greens Parchment as back up!
Here is some inspiration from the Design Team:

Below is a very pretty wreath, designed by our clever design team member Carole Panksztelo. Very lovely it is too. So let’s have a little competition. …

Can you list the ingredients and write the instructions out for us?
Can you email them to me at barbara@claritystamp.com.
We’ll ask Carole to check the answers, and then we’ll draw a winner out of the hat.
And that lucky winner will win a £30 Clarity Gift Voucher. Gottabeinittowinit, remember?
All entries must be in by Sunday, October 9th.
Paul will also be showing off some of our other wreath collections:
Poppy Wreath & Poppy Meadow. I drew these ones years ago…

Linda’s Robin & Cardinal Wreaths. These are brilliant!!

Also making an appearance on the show are the beautiful Pergamano Parchment Poppets, just waiting to be framed with the Build-A-Wreath Collection

So I hope you can join Paul at 6pm & 9pm this evening and then again at 10am & 2pm tomorrow.
Create and Craft – Sky 683, Virgin 748, Freesat 813, Freeview 85
Old is Gold, remember?
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx
10 thoughts on “Linda’s Build A Wreath Collection”
Hi Barbara, how good it is to have you back…I was really thinking..you must have moved to another slot….nearly phoned Clarity….we do love the blog, even some uof us might be quiet….we are here and do look forward to the company. Glad you are back….
Hello Barbara
As I have all the products mentioned I can enjoy the shows without my debit card breaking out in a sweat, lol.
Love these plates and already have them so a bonus ! Currently sat at mums doing some Groovi with her budgie watching – he does talk but hasn’t yet asked me what I’m doing! Although mum has. Here for another hour or two having my ears abused by a loud tv in background 😹 I’m on mum duty while my sis is away for a few days! I’ll look at competition later ! X
Lovely to have you back Barb and with such wonderful projects and inspiration. I have been unable to buy many new plates this year and it is so good to have fresh ideas to use the plates I already have. Looking forward to seeing the shows tonight and trying some of the beautiful projects from the design team. X
Welcome back, missed you.
I have all these plates so the bank will be a little happier and I don’t feel so bad about replacing my old ’twas the night stamps earlier this week.
The design teams work certainly helps to inspire us to “get in the groove” and I have a complete day of crafting planned for tomorrow.
You are right, old is gold.
Stay safe 🍒
Looking forward to the shows later. I’m currently working on a Christmas picture so will whitework away with another layer whilst watching Paul.
I love the parchment samples. I don’t do groovi and haven’t the funds or space to get into it… but if you ever brought Linda’s Christmas set 2 groovi out in stamp form I would be first in the queue. They are beautiful designs. It is difficult to get religious stamps that aren’t twee..
Just ordered build a wreath complete collection, ❤️❤️❤️My little treasure 3 is with Eriva due to be delivered today x
Barb, your blog is always worth waiting for, whenever you are able to write it – no worries. Your “Old but Gold” policy is great, another chance to remind us of what is in the stash already or a new look at a Clarity Classic! Your fantastic designs, whether stamps, stencils or Groovi, do not age or “go out of fashion”! If nothing else, it gives the old bank balance a “breather” before the next must have newbie appears on the scene! Ha, ha
But also, it gives us a chance to be inspired again by the amazing samples produced by the incredibly talented Design Team! Looking forward to seeing what Paul has to show us.
So sorry to read that the Die Club will be finishing soon, but I totally understand and support your difficult decision. The money “saved” on my next subscription can go towards the next amazing Fresh Die collection! Ha, ha …
I have the wreath plates and as you say we forget what we have stashed away. For me craft has been very hit and miss this last year but hoping that now life is settling down a little I can get back to it. Good luck with the shows. X