‘Behold The Star’ Craftalong tonight…

‘Behold The Star’ Craftalong tonight…

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Hands up who’s joining us this evening, for a little arty get together with Linda Williams and myself? As promised, we are having a Parchment Craftalong at 7pm tonight, on Facebook Live and our Claritystamp Youtube.

If you purchased Linda’s Groovi Christmas Treasures collection No. 2 a couple of weeks ago, then you’ll have the plates to craftalong. And if you didn’t, well maybe you just fancy a little company this evening, in which case you are also very welcome xx

Here’s a little gallery of masterpieces from the DT to get your arty juices flowing…

I won’t spoil the magic and show you the finished card we will be making; Linda’s driving the bus this evening, and she will show you when you turn up to the get together.

Here’s a little list of what you may want to have to hand if you‘re crafting along. Hahaha! I just checked my spelling and had written carafeting! Well, if a carafe of pinot is nearby, bring that too. All the basics really…

  • The contents of the Groovi Starter Kit
  • Perga Liner Pencils
  • Perga Colour Pens
  • Dorso Oil and Spot-on Sponge
  • Groovi Guard and Tabs
  • Pergamano Brads
  • Clarity Tape Runner
  • Blending nibs and pen
  • Pink Excellent Mat

A few other essentials would be useful, like

  • a ruler,
  • a pencil sharpener,
  • a Faber-Castell Eraser.
  • And you’ll need some white card a white 6”x 6” cardblank for finishing.
  • Linda’a also going to use our Very Violet parchment, but that’s optional.

Depending on how far we get, we may be getting our 2-needle bold tool out and our picot scissors! In which case you’ll need a Super foam perforating mat.

Parchment wise and size, if you want to precut your pieces exactly, here’s what you’ll need…

  • 1 x A5 plain parchment
  • 1 piece of white card 12cms sq. (Or cut with the 4th largest nested square Picot die)
  • 1 piece of Very Violet parchment and a piece of white card both 14.5cm sq.
  • (Or cut with the 2nd largest nested square Picot die)
  • 1 white cardblank 6x6ins.

That said, you can use whatever you have to hand.

Looks like a long list, but actually all the things are essentials in the life of a Groovi parcher! Bar the carafe! Did I say Bar?!?!

See you at 7pm. Really looking forward to it. It will be nice to see Linda again too.

Love and hugs


27 thoughts on “‘Behold The Star’ Craftalong tonight…

  1. May not be able to craft along live but will try to watch and maybe complete later. Thank you so much for doing this im sure its a very hard and busy time for you at the moment so its much appreciated

  2. Haven’t got these plates as am relatively new to parching. But will be attending as I am sure I will learn quite a lot. Looking forwards to a good night with a lot of lovely friends see you there.xx

  3. have a great craft along tonight. i will play catch up once my plates arrive. good excuse to turn tv off and enjoy myself. Congrats on the change of name, going to be hard to stop saying claritystamp, you have been that for so long. name isn’t important, it is all you lovely people providing such a fantastic personal crafting experience for us all.

  4. have a great craft along tonight. i will play catch up once my plates arrive. good excuse to turn tv off and enjoy myself another nite. Congrats on the change of name, going to be hard to stop saying claritystamp, you have been that for so long. name isn’t important, it is all you lovely people providing such a fantastic personal crafting experience for us all.

  5. Plan to be there and take part, think I can manage all those on the list if I can decide which shade the very violet parchment is – I take it it will be darkest ! Got back from a week away last night and my plates were waiting as I knew they would be! See you later friends. X

  6. Unfortunately won’t be able to join the ‘live’ session but will catch the tutorial when I can as I wouldn’t want to miss what will be a great session.

  7. Sorry Barbara I’ll have to miss this one, Anita’s in hospital and I will be with her. I’ll catch up later, I’m sure Linda has some fantastic things lined up for us!

  8. Looking forward to a bit of joy in such a sad week hoping to watch live and craft along with you but if not on catch-up ,got my plates ready and willing xx

  9. I will be there – looking forward to it!!
    I am going to try and set it up on my laptop instead of my phone, which I usually use – will be a bit easier to see what Linda is doing!!!

  10. I can’t do Fridays, as it is family dinner night, but I will catch up over the weekend. I don’t have the plates, but will work on something else whilst enjoying the lesson and the company of the lovely Linda, you and all the Groovi friends.
    Thank you so much for giving up precious time for us. X

  11. After such a sad week looking forward to the craftalong tonight. Just hoping the power stays on as we have had an afternoon of intermittent power cuts! Hopefully not a sign of future doom!
    Thank you Barbara, Linda and everyone at Claritycrafts for your continued creativity and for just being there.
    Take care everyone

  12. Lovely artwork from the design team. Looking forward to this evenings craftalong, just need to get everything ready to go. xx

  13. The plates arrived earlier in the week, everything gathered together in a box, and hopefully I will be able to craft along but if not I can catch up over the weekend. You and Linda together make a good team and I am expecting plenty of laughter. My coffee carafe will definitely be perking, it’s what keeps me crafting .
    The companion papers arrived today at noon, what a lovely surprise. All filed away and ready to roll.
    Stay safe.🍒

  14. Looking forward to 7pm, after the sad week we’ve had. Now is the time to remember good times and have a laugh before Monday see you all later xx

  15. Looking forward to it, I will go & gather my bits & bobs together on the dining room table ready for 7pm. I did mention on Ken’s post earlier on FB that we could have a toast to Clarity Crafts with a glass of fizz so will add that to the list as well.
    My companion papers also arrived today which was a lovely surprise as I only had the email this morning to say they had been shipped – have had a quick flick through & think they even better in the flesh than they appeared on the TV.
    See you at 7pm

  16. A great craft along tonight, and many thanks for your
    time for us crafters. I like the new company name, will take a while to get used to Claritycrafts!

    Jane Thomley

  17. Catching up later today. I did join you briefly ,live, but Covid jab 4 knocked me for six! We have all missed you hugely…looking forward to getting back to some kind of normal. Xx

  18. Hi Barb, hope everyone had a lovely evening crafting along with you and Linda. What a great way to spend an autumn evening. Bx

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