Very Pressing Business!
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Just in from a day out in London. We met up with our dear friends Linda and Rob Williams, which was wonderful. Little bit of parchment planning for the Open Days in June and the Spa Retreat, little bit of business chat, then a super posh lunch at the Shard, saunter round Borough Market, along the river in the sunshine to the Tate Modern, a powerful dose of surrealism – and back to the market for tonight’s bread and cheese! Perfect. A day to remember.
As promised, a little video of one of the THREE Clarity Heidelberg Presses in action, cutting out the card shapes for next week’s Wednesday One Day Special. Can you spot which shape our Dave is cutting out here?
I like that we do these arty projects together, as man and wife. And I love that we are getting into printmaking now. It has set us on a creative journey which we both enjoy immensely.
Pottery is not really Dave’s thing, guitar playing is certainly not mine! I love listening to him play though – he is very good, a natural musician, it’s in his bones. So we have our individual pastimes. But it is great to do something together, LEARN something together. Yes. It sort of reignites something as a couple. We both want to work on lino-cutting and mono-printing. It’s a fantastic artskill, with so much scope!
Endless really. We’ve got most of the gear too! We use the presses as you can see, and there’s quite a lot of overlap between general purpose papercraft (aka Clarity) and this more specialized printing. Thirty years of stamping has certainly set me in good stead for lino cutting, masking and reduction printing! I don’t know the rules, but I learn fast with the right instruction. We’ve found a great little print studio in Brighton, and the teacher Helen certainly knows her stuff. She shares her knowledge so generously! The only thing I cannot seem to buy online is, errr..wotsitcalled…begins with T…
But hey ho. One day at a time, we make a little time. What are you up to at the weekend? Tomorrow, I’m going back over the Sunday TV demos once more, to refresh my memory. Then I’m throwing grogged porcelain bowls. That’s the plan, and unless something unexpected crops up, I is throwing little cereal bowls! Why? I love bowls best. I love the shape, the feel, the purpose. There’s something not only tactile and organic, but very spiritual about a little porcelain bowl. And I want to re-establish a benchmark. I have lost my way some with glazing, gone off the beaten track trying to learn and experiment, so I want to reverse the bus a bit and get back on familiar ground. You understand.
Have a fabulous evening. What are YOU making?
Love and hugs
Barb xxx
27 thoughts on “Very Pressing Business!”
Sounds like a wonderful day. We are isolating as John has covid so we had to cancel our wedding last Wednesday and now it’s all replanned for April I’ve been doing some stamping this afternoon and will do some crochet this evening. Very relaxing but not exactly the honeymoon I had planned!!!
Sounds like a busy but lovely day! I LOVE Borough market, but haven’t been for years. And how mesmerizing is that Heidelberg press?! But Barbara…..do tell……how did your lamp stand turn out?
Haha! If I‘m back to making bowls, that should be an indication of how the lampstand came out!
Oh ok! You can never have too many bowls 😉
Love that part of London. Met up with a good pal last week and we walked all along the embankment just nattering and enjoying each other’s company. Throw in a lovely lunch and a couple of gin and tonics sat in a pub on the Thames and the day was perfect. Today I’ve travelled from home near Southampton (141miles) ready for a Groovi workshop tomorrow being run by the amazing Hazel Edwards. Super excited to find out what she has got planned for us. Always a fabulous day 🥰 x
Oh wow, wonderful time wonderful people. Love that you get to spend quality time with special people.
Wow that machine is amazing, reminds me of when I worked the summer in the print factory. The noise of machinery is very hypnotic and comforting until there was a blockage and we’d have to slam the stop button. It was then a rush to unblock and get back on track with the job. Funny how you get reminded of things you’d forgotten for years.
Have fun prepping tomorrow and I look forward to seeing you and Linda in June. Txx
You and Linda look really happy. Glad you had a lovely day.
Watched the press video several times – my eyes are doolally today and I couldn’t make out what Dave was making. Intriguing. Will have to watch again.
Received 2 orders today so have had a peasant afternoon with the items.
Snowy when I got up this morning, brilliant sunshine later, then overcast after lunch then got very chilly. Typical British Spring.
Enjoy your weekend even if you are working some of it.
Travel safely on Sunday.
Glad you all had a fab day out. Loved the video of the press very mesmerising. Received my sale order yesterday so I will be having a play and practicing my picot cutting with my new scissors. Then on Sunday I’ll be tuned in to your shows on create and craft.💕
How wonderful, it all sounds wonderfully old normal, so pleased for you. This weekend my daughter in law is sitting and looking after me while hubby spends a few hours off with our son. What would we do without family?
Oh Barbara how rhythmic is that sound, so relaxing. Tomorrow I’m taking the puppy back to my daughter for the Easter holidays. I’m looking forward to having some time off to sort my Groovi out and to prepare for my son and his family to visit for Easter. Sunday I’ll settle down between 3pm and 5pm to watch your shows – can’t wait
Sounds like a lovely day in London – great to be able to catch up Linda & Rob face to face rather than on Facebook Live.
The printing press looks wonderful – amazing how they invented such machines that are still working so many years later.
When you find out where they are selling T**e let me know as even though I am retired the days fly by & I still have loads of projects waiting to be done. I thought with lockdown that I would use alot of my craft stash but it seems as big as ever.
I have just finished hand sewing the binding onto the first quilt for eldest Granddaughter and now to start quilting the second quilt for youngest Granddaughter very satisfying. Love to hear you are enjoying crafting together and learning a new art form. Looking forward to the shows on Sunday
Looks like you had a great day out with a wonderful couple of people.
I shall be spending the weekend looking after a rather poorly husband. Not sure what the problem is yet waiting on tests. So not much crafting here. x
Sounds like a super day you’ve all had. We did the Shard a few years ago a pressy from our daughter and family, amongst other London sight seeing for our 50th Wedding Anniversary. Did you use the toilets at the top of the Shard, quite a shock to see it had a window with clear glass in, ha! ha! Of course too far up for anyone to see you.
Received my Clarity parcel yesterday, thank you to you and your team.xxx
Hi Barbara
Born and bred Londoner with always be home although I live in Somerset now I do miss London. Spent my career walking the streets of London so know it pretty well. Glad you had a good time special time spent with friends should always be treasured. Hope the bowls go well need to get Jackie in the potting shed as we have a craft fair at the end of April but she is still getting over Covid.
Love Ruth & Jackie xx
It’s so lovely that you and Dave can share and enjoy something whilst still keeping your individual interests alive. I went up to London earlier in the week with friends to see Moulin Rouge. It was just so nice to be out and about with good company, a good meal and wonderful show. Paying for it now thought as I have a cold coming or at least I hope it’s just a cold, will do a covid test tomorrow just to be on the safe side.
What are we doing this weekend? Making our first grandchild! Jonah William born by caesarean this morning. Sooooo excited but sorry not to get to France to meet him until the end of May. Hope your bowls and the Sunday shows go well xxx
Nice to hear you and Dave had a lovely day out in London, with Linda and Rob. Tonight I’ve been tracing out a Groovi birthday card, and tomorrow I need to finish it, as I need it done for Sunday! Received my set of Groovi seasonal Wreath plates today, collected my Birthday Bash parcel from work yesterday, not yet had time to have a play, just enjoyed looking. Great film of Dave’s press, enjoyed seeing it working, and will I be able to resist the new cards? Looking forward to the shows on Sunday, safe journey. xx
Glad you all had a lovely day ! Great video thank you, very hypnotic – it looked like a flower shape to me. Marvellous how it works so well – it must be going all day ! Have a good show on Sunday xx
Hello 3
I am at number one son’s tonight to look after their two cats while Bruce and Sara are away for the night. Tomorrow Sara and I are doing more preparation for Bruce’s big birthday at the end of this month. Home on Sunday.
Hello 3???
That should read ‘Hello Barbara’!xxx
Beautiful photos and the machine is fascinating 8 found the sound very soothing. Looking forward to the shows tomorrow.
You all look so happy.
Love the video of the machine.
Time, ah u deist and that. Extension is finished, now our work begins and the work has now escalated to decorate the whole house!! My craft room seems to be last on list. No time for crafting with so many ideas in my head. Most inspired by you. Thank you for giving us some of your precious time 💖
Barbara, so lovely to see you and Linda having some happy time together. The sound of the Heidelberg is so mesmeric and calming, almost like listening to some Philip Glass! Looking forward to Sunday’s shows and very much looking forward to seeing what Dave has been producing on his “musical” press! Lots of family and friends’ birthdays coming up in the next couple of months, so I’m going to be busy on the card front! Take care, travel gently.
Amazing to see the old press in action, love the rhythmic sound as it works, just wonderful x
Hello Barb, what lovely photos of great friends having a great time. Going to watch the video in a minute. Looking forward to the shows. It is especially lovely to hear that you and Dave enjoy doing stuff together. Thank you to all at Clarity for my pretty birthday card. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
My husband will be very jealous when I show him the video of the press. Music to his ears !!! Dave’s guitar playing is excellent too – he was playing on one of your DVD’s. Lovely that you have hobbies you can do together. I just can’t get interested too much with trains !!!!!