Charity Pottery – first haul…
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Important day. Tuesdays I go to my parents, hang out with them, help where I can, make sure they’re ok. And they are. So not just an important day, but a good day.
Came home to a 100% perfect kiln haul, which always puts a smile on my face!
By the way, the red heart is a paper heart, that Dave popped in the bowl! It’s not a design feature!!
If you were in the SHAC on Monday, you will have heard me say that, when we hold our Clarity Open Days in June (first time in years!), I would like to have a little pop-up Pottery table, selling my stuff. And all the proceeds will go to Charity. Which charity? Today of course, my heart is breaking for the poor people in Ukraine, and I so want to help somehow.
From now until June (and beyond if it makes a difference) all the bowls and pots I make will have my prayers and healing energy for those poor people wrapped around it. So that will be the Charity. Gives me a goal, a target. Keeps my head clear and focussed too. And it’s for such an important cause. What a terrible situation.
As I said though, there’ll be a proper price-tag on these! We have to make as much as we can! I’ll make them, you buy them!!
Time to fill another box with warm clothes and blankets and take them to the pick up point. We really live in such excess, and their winters are brutal compared to ours. Bloody heartbreaking, this is.
Stay safe and warm. We are so very lucky to live here and not there. And yes, our gas bills are going through the roof. But at least we have a roof.
Love always
Barb xxx
31 thoughts on “Charity Pottery – first haul…”
Wow what a collection and what a lovely idea, typical of you, always thinking how you can help! I hope to get to a Clarity Open Day this year, been on my wish list and to buy a piece of your pottery. Happy pottering x
Barbara, your pottery is amazing- I love reading about your pottery journey. Thank you for your kindness and compassion for others by selling your pottery and donating the $ raised. I would love to purchase some of your pottery but I live in Canada so will not be at Clarity Open Days. Thank you for all you, Paul and your Team to do provide ways for creative types like myself ways to keep focused on something positive by being creative using all the amazing Clarity supplies I have, learning while watching the SHAC, learn from the amazing demos on the tv, the blog and so much more. You and your team are truly admired and appreciated. Hugs.
Well done Barbara, such kindness. We may have our own troubles and anxieties, but we should be grateful we are not in the situation that is unfolding before us across ghe boarder. Let’s hope peace resumes soon.
Take care xxxx
What a brilliant thing to do! I’ll be there and hopefully be able to pick up a pot and make a contribution. Heartbreaking times x
No words
Absolutely brilliant idea, should make lots of money for Ukraine. Awful time we are living in. Take care
It’s a pity those of us unable to go to the open day won’t be able to buy/contribute in this way, but I’m sure they’ll sell really well.
I’m putting together a box of dog coats and leads and toys as well as a few ‘human’ things. I gave a huge amount of stuff to another charity recently so not so much left, but lots of dog things. I saw on a dog FB page that they need these things badly too and I’m sure some of them would not have survived if it hadn’t been for their furry friends.
I’m sure Barb will set up a link were we can donate, perhaps including the price list for the pottery so we can purchase a virtual version. That’s a new fangled NFT I would be interested in!
Barbara you have such skill & kindness would love to purchase a piece would be brilliant if those who can’t get to your open day could purchase via FB or clarity just an idea 🙂
Can’t wait for the open days and the chance to buy a Gray pot xx
What a kind gesture x
Well done for getting the whole of the kiln pots out in one piece! They all look superb! Wish I could get to the open days. I think the heart on that lovely plate looks great! Just a thought, won’t June be too late for donations to Ukraine. I would imagine this battle won’t last that long.
It’s so sad to see all those people being displaced.
However long (or short) this goes on for people will still have to rebuild their lives and will need all the help we can give them
I hope you’re right. My guess is that millions of displaced people will need help for a long time to come. The Red Cross is the best solution, don’t you think?
The Red Cross sounds just perfect. X
Thoughtful as always.
I will not be able to get to the open days so would not be able to buy a pot, much as I would love to.
My heart goes out to those people who have lost their homes and possessions. We should do all we can to help.
My dad was born in Ukraine in 1900 and got out in 1917 as the revolution was starting. He became naturalised British and later helped in the evacuation at Dunkirk. I am glad he is not here to witness the current goings on. He would be devastated.
Stay safe.
I too am glad he is not here to see this devastation. Xxx
Looking forward to the open days and buying an original Barbara Gray pot or two!
Keeping all those affected by the heartbreaking events in Ukraine in my thoughts and prayers.
Another heartfelt gesture Barbara always thinking of ways to help. I like many others can’t attend the open days because of the distance and would love to be able to purchase a Barbara Grey original . My niece has a 10 yr old granddaughter recently diagnosed as T1 diabetic and is collecting diabetic equipment to send to these poor people so will donate money too her cause. Would still purchase a pot of I could.💕
Well said. 😘
Where will all this mayhem end. As you say heartbreaking. We all do what we can and you so much more Barbara. I send endless prayers and hope that somewhere, someone listens. Just wish Putin could find clarity and stop this insane behaviour xx 🇺🇦🌻🇺🇦🌻🇺🇦🌻
What lovely work. My heart joins yours. Prayers for all. Please make a few available for those of us in US so we may contribute to your charity.
Hi Barbara
No words can express the horrors that are facing those poor people 🇺🇦🇺🇦 We are forever grateful for what we have. My mum has just been diagnosed with cancer but she is safe and warm and we are looking after her so she is in a better place than those at war.
We will be thinking of those in danger 🙏 🙏
Ruth and Jackie xx
Glad you had a good kiln. I think Red Cross is excellent, practical and well organised help and not just major operations either. A great idea. What a waste of life over one man’s vanity. 🇺🇦
Also thinking of the poor cyclist who lost their life in our town centre this afternoon, that’s two in less than a month. 😢
I gave to the Red Cross a few days ago because they have been working in the rebel areas since 2014 and already have people on all the border crossing points. I couldn’t find the Embassy appeal the UK government recommended. We are asked not to send goods yet as they are blocking the shipping routes needed for arms and ammunition. A big logistics centre is being set up in Poland, so it will not be long. However, there is now a growing list of organisations needing help on UK Fundraising because they need remote skills as well as money. The list grows every day https://fundraising.co.uk/2022/02/27/fundraising-appeals-launched-for-ukraine/?dm_i=6S7,7R9P5,N8AAV,VMS4W,1
You can donate loyalty points such as nectar and Sparks as well as skills or cash. If you have nothing else, you can spread the word about the BT scheme, so it reaches all who need it. Every neighbour or care worker you tell is one step nearer for the information to get to the right place. We can all help. And now there is Barbara!
How typical of you dear Barb – thinking of how to help others ……….. and what a splendid idea. I will most definitely be there in the queue at Open Day hoping to buy a BG-Original pencil pot please. I had better start saving my pennies….. Love .. Beryl [Sheppard] xx
Hello Barb, what a lovely thing to do, you always have a big heart, but right now I think we all do. I feel so heartbroken for the people of the Ukraine, why do we need to have another Dictator trying to throw his weight around. The scenes showing on TV are horrendous, I can’t imagine what it is like, putting your family on a train or bus not knowing if you will see them again. As you say our issues are hard for us, but not as hard as for those poor people. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Hugs xxxx
Your pots are beautiful Barbara .I would love to own one some day but living here in Ireland . Some day perhaps a crafty holiday might bring me to your part of the world .Its a terrible situation for the people of Ukraine and every bit of support people give will add up I’m sure .
Warm Regards Carmel
Congratulations on 100% kiln haul! Brilliant.
Right with you on warm clothes and blankets for Ukraine, doing our bit . As mothers we can only imagine …. so tragic and terrifying and totally pointless.
If there’s one thing we British are good at is being generous to those when the chips are well and truly down.
Barbara you are one of those generous Brits. X