Barb’s Birthday Bash

Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Spent the day with my Mum and Dad. Dad’s in the wars again, but he’s a real fighter. So fingers crossed he gets through this challenge.
The district nurse had left, a plan had been made, we were calming down, drinking tea and eating fresh cream cakes – a birthday tradition – and I said what we were all thinking:
“Getting old really sucks, doesn’t it”
Dad looked over his glasses at me, smiled and nodded. “It’s a full time job too! Just staying alive! And we’re the lucky ones”.
And I’m 63 on Sunday! Can’t believe it! One minute you’re playing hopscotch in the playground, the next, you’re edging up on a free bus pass! I’m a very lucky 63 year old though, who still firmly believes she’s only 30! Deluded? Nah. It’s all in the mind…
So let’s celebrate, and have a
Barb’s Birthday Bash!
Since my mind is still set at 30, let’s take 30% off all things Clarity all weekend (plus your Clarity craft club discount), and as a little token, let’s also give away a brand new beautiful Thank You stamp set, (designed by our young and beautiful in-house designer Jazz) FREE with every purchase over £30 (after discount).
Age is just a Number – and my lucky number’s 30!
Love always,
Barb xxx
we can play with this clever, versatile little stampset in a Craftalong soon. It’s very very cool x

36 thoughts on “Barb’s Birthday Bash”
Oh Barb, as my mum says – getting old is no joke, and she was 92 yesterday. She said once she hit 70 it was slowly downhill. I’ll be 63 in Oct, some days I feel 83 and sometimes less but always younger in my head, like you say. Sorry about your dad, I do hope he bounces back, he sounds positive. Hubby will be 75 next week – he has advanced prostate cancer (amongst other things!) but you wouldn’t know – so far so good but any aches and pains sets me a worry. At least we are safe and better off than many. Thanks for the sale and have a good birthday weekend. When hubby was working with a lot of young lads they used to rib him about being older – probably when he was in his 50s ! But he used to say at least I’ve got here ! X
I hope your dad is ok. He’s certainly been through a bit of a rough time recently. As you say it’s hard getting old.
In my head I’m still 30 but then I move and realise I’m not!!!
Enjoy your weekend! And have a Happy birthday!
Love and hugs. Xxxx
Hi Barbara happy birthday. I do hope your Dad is okay. I know what it is like looking after parents. Have a good weekend. Take care. Hugs xxx
A good friend use to say ‘old age doesn’t come alone it brings all its friends with it!!!’ And she lived to be 96. In my mind I’m still in the first bloom of youth but 64 is knocking on the door and the body does like to remind me on occasion.
Have a very happy birthday on Sunday Barbara xx
Oh dear, your poor dad. My dad just got home from two weeks in hospital he had a fall and as mum had just been diagnosed with COVID they took him to a COVID ward. It turned out he was also positive although he had no symptoms. This meant none of us could visit him. We were allowed a chat on the phone but at 94 he does not hear very well. It was so nice when my sister got home with him and called us on a video chat so we could see him and know he is home with mum.
So I do understand and at 64 (the Beatles year) I am finding my body gives me the odd sharp reminder that I am not in my 30s anymore.
Love and hope to you all.
Linda xx
Glad you were able to enjoy the cream cakes with your parents but sorry to hear your Dad is not well again but that generation seem to be made of stern stuff – Mr & Mrs Independent – determined to carry on as normal even if it takes a little longer to get there. My Mom of 94 stated that she wasn’t an old lady but an elderly person when the drain man was phoning Severn Trent to get them to come out & unblock the drain. Nothing wrong with her hearing as he was out in the garden & she was in the house !!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend & your lunch on Sunday xx
Oh, Barb, I’m so sorry your dad is having a rough time again. My mum always said: Old age is fine. It’s the baggage it brings with it! Hope he’s ok for a while to come. On a different note, I’ve already been shopping so thank you for the discount. It’s much appreciated. Hope you have a lovely birthday weekend. Your card will arrive in due course!! Story of my life! Take care. Lots of love to all of you. Hxxx
Sorry to hear your Dad is poorly.Wishing him better soon.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR SUNDAY and keep young thoughts.
You are right, age is just a number but OLD IS A STATE OF MIND so my mind tells me that in spite of turning 78 recently I still mostly feel like a spring chicken. Yes there are a few days when I feel 90, like when I took some heavy boxes to the charity shop today, got out of breath, and a dear very elderly lady volunteer was determined to make me sit down and when I refused escorted me to the door with all sorts of advice to be careful. She meant well but it made me feel ancient!!!
Thank you for giving us this opportunity for a super discount and the stamp.
Have a good weekend.
Happy Birthday Barbara. My husband will be 68 on Sunday, I can’t beleive where the years have gone either. So glad your father is battling on , a sense of humour carries us through! Have a good birthday.
So sorry to hear about your Dad and praying for a speedy recovery! Glad you were able to spend some time with them today – enjoy every minute…… my Mum died 10 years ago today and I miss her so very much.
I wish you a very happy birthday for Sunday and lots of cake! I have sent a card and hope it arrives in time – it wasn’t what I was planning but I am out of action parchmentwise so had to improvise…. hope you like it!
Wishing you a happy birthday on Sunday.
Enjoy more cake! 🎂🎂x
I hope your Father recovers soon – old age sucks at times. So good you were able to spend time with the parents today. What a great tradition – cream cakes.
Have a very Happy Birthday on Sunday. xx
Happy birthday Barbara
Love Janet x
Sorry to hear your Dad has not been so good again. I’ll never forget my late father in law saying ‘if this is old age you can stick it’ but he continued to keep going bless him. Hope you have a lovely birthday.
Happy birthday Barbara. You don’t look or act like 63. Birthdays are to be celebrated everyone because we are the lucky ones who get to do so and we must embrace them. I’m 61 in 2 weeks so weird saying that number I don’t associate it with myself at all 😂 I’m a doodle geek and love colouring and having a play with all my Clarity treasures like yourself. Can’t be old then can we. Thank you for the treat to help you celebrate just going to hop on and do some shopping. xxx
Hi Barbara
Happy birthday for Sunday 🥳. Sorry to hear about your dad hope he recovers soon. My mum will be 90 this October but has recently been diagnosed with cancer so we are keeping everything crossed that she makes it and is fit enough to enjoy it. But if she doesn’t we will be grateful for the time we have, she now lives with us so can spend every day with her.
Love Ruth & Jackie xx
Happy Birthday, Barbara! Hope you have a great day.
Best wishes to your Dad- hope he feels better soon!
Sorry to hear about your Dad, hoping that he will be feeling better soon. I shall be catching you up, on the 63 bus in a few weeks time, thankful to be fit, safe and healthy, and enjoy playing with my Clarity goodies. Thank you for the Birthday Bash offers. Happy Birthday for Sunday. xxx
Happy birthday for Sunday Barbara. I am now 77 and have decided I will get old one day but not sure when. Sorry to hear your Dad is now well. Wishing him a speedy recovery xx
Happy Birthday for Sunday,Barbara. Hope your Dad feels better soon.
It’s my 73rd on the 18th March , and whilst I don’t like this old age malarkey creeping up on me , I have lots to be grateful for, including an active mind, lovely husband, family and friends. I’ve learnt so much these last two years in the Shac Shack ,I’ve already got my Clarity birthday gifts from hubby and I’m looking forward to adding to my Clarity stash throughout the year. Lots of birthday love xx
Hope your dad feels better soon. You enjoy your Sunday birthday and relax.
Mind over matter when it comes to age. If you feel young at heart, that’s what counts. Hugs.
Sorry to hear about your Dad and hope he recovers soon. A phrase I use is there is nothing to recommend getting old but it’s better than the alternative! Have a lovely birthday xx
Wishing you a very happy birthday for tomorrow Barbara. Hope you get some fab celebrations with the family. Don’t forget – age is just a number! I’ll be 60 in a few months, and I’m not really sure how that happened!!
Have a fab Birthday weekend Barbara.
Hope Dad is ok.
Travel Gently – the bus and it’s passengers are precious and delicate.
Yup they do reckon old age isn’t for the faint hearted. LOL.
Such a worry with parents, I do hope your Dad feels better soon. I finally managed to go to see my Dad in his new nursing home last Tuesday, so emotional, haven’t seen him since he went into hospital last October, have only seen photos sent by my daughter who travels from West Yorkshire to see him in Peterborough and was sorting out his house as well, Bless her. Whenever I tried to make an appointment they either were in lockdown or I wasn’t well enough to drive for 3 1/2 hours to see him. So as you can understand I was either in full bouncy mode or in tears. We spent most of the visit forehead to forehead holding hands and me shouting in his ear as he is deaf and blind. 94 but still trying to go strong.
Have a very Happy Birthday, chill out with Dave and don’t watch the news. I am 66 in May, so am looking forward to my bus pass. LOL xxx
Hello Barb, Hope your Dad is ok. Lovely that you could spend time with your parents, always a pleasurable occasion I am sure. I hope you have a totally fabulous birthday weekend, and enjoy your special day tomorrow. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Happy birthday Barbara.
Age is just a number!
Went to a Brian Adams gig a couple of years back, best songs Summer of 69 (oh,was I so there) and Eighteen ’til I die (he sang it just for me).
74 this year, still wear my hair long and blonde, but my wrinkly knees look a bit odd in my ripped jeans! Just suck it up.
Sorry your Dad’s not well. Enjoy your day
I know what you mean Barbara – I turn 64 on Monday and when I heard the Beatles singing “When I’m 64” so many years ago, I never thought then I would reach this age; it seemed so far off at the time. Have a lovely day on Sunday, I might be at Ally Pally although it won’t be the same without the Clarity stand there. Hope your Dad feels better soon. xx
Dear Barbara,
Have a wonderfull day tomorrow, enjoy yourself together with those you love.
Let’s hope your dad feels better, he seems to be a fighter .
Happy Birthday tomorrow Barbara and thank you so much for all you do to keep us busy!
Best wishes to your Dad for a speedy recovery, he sounds quite a character and there is a lot of love coming his way too. Jean x💐
Hi Barb,
So sorry to hear your dad is not so good, I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Growing old definitely has nothing going for it! I still think I’m young but my almost 67 body tells me otherwise! I have far too many aches and pains these days and three knee replacements have certainly taken their toll ( yes I know I only have 2 knees!!). My crafting keeps my brain working though. Wishing you a very happy birthday for tomorrow. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Happy Birthday from one Barbara to another. I’ll be 70 in October and when I talk about it it’s as though I’m talking about someone f Ed lane. It doesn’t seem real to me. Like you said one minute you’re playing hopscotch next you’re drawing your old age pension. In my head I’m still in my 20’s/30’s but my body tells me I’m in my 80’s. Have a great day and hope your dad is ok. Enjoy the cream cake.
Happy Birthday from one Barbara to another. I’ll be 70 in October and when I talk about it it’s as though I’m talking about someone else. It doesn’t seem real to me. Like you said one minute you’re playing hopscotch next you’re drawing your old age pension. In my head I’m still in my 20’s/30’s but my body tells me I’m in my 80’s. Have a great day and hope your dad is ok. Enjoy the cream cake.
Happy Birthday Barb, I hope you have a really special and relaxing day. Bx
Many Happy Returns of the Day Barb,
Only this morning we were saying how sad it is that we are ageing, but at least at 75 and 80 we are still here, able to do most things we wish to do.
I hope your Dad rallies and that you have an enjoyable Birthday – you deserve it in return for all the “birthdays” you give us when we open Clarity parcels and watch your so talented crafting.
Have a good one.
Ros 💝
happy birthday barbara, enjoy the day relax and put your feet up. hope your dad keeps fighting just like my mum coming up to 95, love and best wishes.