Art is Therapy? I’ll say !
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. After a full day of drawing, prepping for TV, doodling and making art, I am feeling happily tired, which just goes to prove that Art IS Therapy.
Every time the little voice in my head said “You can’t do that”, or “they won’t like that”, I did it anyway, and was happy with what I had done. I think art and healing come from the same source actually. They seem to go hand in hand. And there’s nothing quite like a little moment of Clarity either. When the penny drops, or you have a good idea, or a trick works. I had one this afternoon with the stamps and stencils that are on the Show on Sunday. Had a lovely time going through the creative process, and was very happy with the result too. Just hope I can repeat it on LIVE TV!!

Speaking of TV, I notice there is some confusion on Facebook with regard to the TV channels – The Craft Store and Create & Craft – merging. Some folks are concerned that The Craft Store is being gobbled up by C&C, that we little companies will disappear now that the big boys are back. I don’t know much more than you good people, but I am pretty certain that once the dust settles the blending of the two will be a good thing.
I do know, as do you, that The Craft Store/Hochanda bought Create & Craft, so the ethos of creative, demo-led, educational crafting will most certainly prevail. Where exactly on the Shopping Channel List you will find us is still up in the air, but rest assured that we will be somewhere ! From 24th February, we will go by the name of Create & Craft, but believe me when I tell you WE ARE THE CRAFT STORE. It will still be the Craft Store, but it will say Create & Craft on Sky. Confusing maybe, but that’s the way it has to be. That’s it in a nutshell.
And whilst I cannot control what other guests do during their shows, I CAN control what I do. And so, speaking for myself and Paul, I can promise you that eduction, inspiration, tricks and tips will always underpin our Clarity Shows.
If you know me but a little, and you know how we roll at Clarity, you must also know that we would NEVER do anything to compromise our crafting family! Please stop worrying about things, and let the powers that be get all their ducks in a row. Merging two TV channels is a mammoth task. We just have to trust that it will be fine.
Stay safe
Love always
Barb x x x
18 thoughts on “Art is Therapy? I’ll say !”
Hats off to those who are responsible for the merge. I’m sure they are having a few sleepless night and stress filled days as they work it all out. All we can do is support them. Looking forward to Sunday’s shows. And now, breathe! Love Hxx
That’s looking fabulous Barbara! Can’t wait to watch your demos.
I’ve been out today to the Manchester Monastery for our Craft and Chat group. It was a lovely day and it’s wonderful to sit in the same room with like minded people. We were talking about crafting and what made us start and so many of us all used crafting as a distraction from other things which is what therapy does for us too.
Enjoy your evening.
Love and hugs x
These stamps look wonderful and I can’t wait to see what you do with them. Yes this telly thing is really unsettling to all concerned, viewers and staff alike but as you say stay calm, go with the flow and give time,
time, to sort itself out xxx
Loved the shac this morning! Was certainly therapy for me! The knee pain paled into insignificance! With regard the merge, I’m just waiting to see the final result. Cant do anything about it!
Having had a really bad experience (and several not good ones) I’m still reluctant to watch C&C, but will certainly tune in for Clarity shows. It’s a pity it couldn’t have been called The Craft Store. I think everyone is hoping the ‘big boys (girls!)’ don’t take over, as seems possible judging by recent shows on TCS. Will you still be doing the first Sunday of the month?
Absolutely. yes.
Those ladies look very stylish and i am sure Sunday’s show will go well.
I deserted Create and Craft when Hochanda started and I haven’t been back since. The change of name to The Craft Store didn’t really go down well with me as Hochanda was uniquely encompassing. I have bad memories of Create and Craft and not sure I can forgive.
However my loyalty to Clarity will not waver.
Just finished browsing the members sale and placed another order. I am now close to broke – hahaha.
Stay safe.
Yet another great piece of Art Barbara! Looking forward to seeing you on tv on Sunday.
Thank you so much for your explanation about the two channels – I have been concerned, but I am pleased with your explanation and reassurance.
Love and hugs xx
I am more concerned about the presenters than the content! Afraid some of them just have to go off or on silent. As long as I can find Clarity and my buddies I shall be happy and I’m sure we shall be kept informed. Re the dresses, I used to wear the very full ones, could hardly get on the bus !! Spent time adding layers, starching, ironing etc! So funny!
Hope you are right Barbara about the channel. I sent an email to the studio today expressing my concern. Just seems very odd to me to bring the two together and two into one doesn’t go. In that scenario some presenters and crew, are going to lose their jobs. Lovely small companies are going to disappear in favour of the large ones.
I really hope your instincts are right and mine are totally wrong.
After a lovely hour doodling in the SHAC shack this morning I went out for lunch with 8 friends who I used to work with. We hadn’t seen each other for over 2 years so there was a lot of chatting & lots to catch up on. So nice to be doing something ”normal” again.
Even after you have explained about the names in the new set up people still don’t seem to understand. We just have to sit it out & I am sure it will all make sense in due course. The Craft Store idea of shows/demos/presenters but with the name Create & Craft is how I see it.
Looking forward to the 2 hour show on Sunday with all your usual hints, tips & demos.
Must go & finish my sale order – can’t believe its Thursday already.
Hello Barbara
Your sneaky peak looks good, how could it be anything else. However much you worry it always works out alright on the night (so to speak).
As to the other, I hope people will sit back and wait patiently. That, too, will be alright. As you say, The Craft Store bought Create & Craft, not the other way round.
The stamps look amazing and the shows on Sunday will be fabulous as usual. Hope your instincts about the merger are good will just have to wait and see. I’m sure that most of us will follow you and others like Leonie, Lou Withers, Phill Martin to name but a few wherever you go.💕
Looking forward to the shows. I love my stencil set of these lovely ladies and need some techniques to get my brain in gear and the fact the gelpress is coming out is exciting. Enjoy London today x
Hello Barb, love your little sneak peek, and really looking forward to the shows, can’t wait to see what you bring us. I think craft or art should be prescribed on the NHS, it certainly helps me feel better. We will just have to wait and see what happens with the merger. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Looking forward to the shows. I will wait and see what happens as regards tv . Must be so much going behind the scenes as there will be a lot of duplication and must be a worrying time for presenting staff and crew at the moment. As they say I am sure it will all come clean in the wash and settle down in time. Going to have another look at the members sale in the meantime as you can always bank on Clarity
Hi Barbara your artwork is stunning. Thank you for your reassuring words. I do hope that the merger is good for everyone. These times are unsettling but we will just have to wait and see what happens. Have a good day. Take care. Hugs xxx
Great artwork but it does look complicated! Good luck with the demos on Sunday!!! I try hard not to worry about things that I have no control over so I expect the crafting TV situation will sort itself out as quickly as it can. Having myself a crafting therapy day whilst the weather decides if blizzards or sunshine are the order of the day x