Sweet Ginkgo Blog Candy!
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Just a quickie before I go open the kiln! Always exciting when the door opens. Did the glaze work? Did the pots hold? Did anything explode? And this time, did that reglaze work? Mmmm… More will be revealed.
It’s been a day of clearing the decks, putting everything away from yesterday’s TV show 2-4pm. Those two hours always go by so fast! I hope you enjoyed the demos anyway. I was certainly pretty wiped out today. Don’t ping back like I used to.
I was just about to throw away some tester scraps I had made when putting the new Ginkgo stamps through their paces, and I thought, Hang on! There’s art in them thar scraps!
So I chopped ’em up!
Even this one, where I was testing the colours has got life in it!
See? What looks like scraps can actually be rather lovely when you chop it up. Now I just have to decide which words to add, and to turn them into cards.
But I think I’ll sleep on that. Or of course, you could make 1,2,3,4 suggestions below – one for each chopped topper here….
Then all those arty thinkers who make 4 suggestions will go into a hat and we’ll pull out not one but FOUR lucky random winners. Those not one but 4 lucky winners will each receive ONE of these cards, finished by myself.
Oh. And a £20 Clarity gift voucher too.
There. That’s sweet. And well worth putting your thinking caps on. Have a good look at the Ginkgo pieces below , and the space available, and then decide which word stamp or sticker will go well.
Right. Tea’s made, Dave’s waiting. It’s always a special little ceremony when we open that huge heavy kiln door….wish us luck!!
Stay safe.
Love always
Barb xxx
33 thoughts on “Sweet Ginkgo Blog Candy!”
I spy new Clarity postcard design there!!!! Won’t be surprised to see Clarity producing that design. Hope the kiln has done it’s magic x
Hi Barbara,
Those little arty pieces are perfect.
1. One day at a time.
2. Today well lived,
Makes every yesterday
A dream of happiness,
And every tomorrow
A vision of hope,
3. Live life in colour.
4. Happy, Joyous and Free.
A lovely chance to browse through my stamps for ideas.
Good luck everyone.
From the top clockwise, I suggest stickers ‘Keep it Simple’, ‘Colour is there to be used’, ‘This too shall pass’, and ‘Blimming Brilliant!!’ Hope the kiln opening was another great success.
I think these are calling out for a simple single word on each: “wish”, “hope”, “love” and “smile”. I hope those are options in the sticker books, I have to confess I haven’t added them to my crafty stash yet! I’d love to enter the giveaway if my suggestion counts.
Hi …..make a wish…..my thoughts are with you. ….colour makes me smile…..absolutely great…
From the left clockwise
Dreams come true,
create art every day,
It hurt because it mattered,
it will be ok.
Peace Calm serenity and patience. All the things I could do with. Don’t know if these are stickers as I don’t have any yet.
1 – You have value!
2 – You are worth it!
3 – You bring colour to a dull day!
4 – Random is good!
I find sometimes that the artwork that doesn’t work to plan can end up being quite extraordinary!
Top left Peace
Top Right Strength
Bottom left. Hope
Bottom right Keep calm
1. This too will pass
2. Colour my day
3. You make my day
4. Hope
Top left : This too shall pass.
Top right : Dare to be different.
Bottom left: Go easy.
Bottom right : Have a great day.
I think the stencil overlays will look good
Good luck to all x
These are the words I would choose for the beautiful gingko cards.
Good luck for the kiln opening x
1 – enjoy the journey
2 – dreams come true
3 – gratitude
4 – make good memories.
These look amazing, loved the demos. Can’t wait for mine to come 💗
Did you know that the Ginkgo tree is one of the oldest known trees, steeped in deep thinking etc.
I would have it saying –
Whatever road you find yourself on… walk it well.
Gud luck with the kiln. (I’d use the letter box stamps).
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite
Live life in colour – for each one! I love that sentiment. I had a little session using the freshcut dies with my failed gel press prints and talk about a new lease of life – they were beautiful 😍
Looking forward to hearing how your kiln opening went – hopefully all’s well with the glazes.
Two great hours with the new Ginkgo stamps, can’t wait to have a play! I love the partial art you have retrieved from your taster scraps Barbara, way to good to “throw away”!
Top left – Joy
Top right – You light up my life
Bottom left – Happy memories
Bottom right – Inspire
Hope all your beautiful pots in the kiln were a huge success
For the Chopped Toppers I suggest..
Clockwise from top left
Walk Beside Me (Sticker or Sticker stamp)
This too shall pass (Stamp)
The Time is NOW (Sticker or Sticker stamp)
Gratitude (Wordchain stamp)
Have a lovely evening xx
You make me smile everyday
My love, my life
Together forever
We learn everyday
They’re all lovely!
My suggestions would be :
Dance that dance
Dare to be different
Hope the furnace door opening was a success x
Hope the kiln opening went well.
Stay safe
Just loved the demo yesterday !
1. Colour me beautiful
2.I flit and float
3.Purple prose
4.Rippling ridges
With new customs charges to Ireland from the UK my stamping hobby has become more expensive yet Clarity is still so worth it with stamps like these ! xxx
Beautiful, love it when you make something out of waste.
1. Top left. Be still and listen.
2. Top right has to be , What is life verse.
3. Bottom left, There’s only one of you.
4.Bottom right. Dare to be different.
The kiln was a grwat success congrats. How exciting to find that haul when you open the door. Love it!
These look lovely and certainly not scrap! A great lesson for all of us.
The words I’d add are:
“One day at a time” from Barbara’s Words Sticker Stamp Set (top left)
The Serenity Prayer – “God Grant me the serenity…” from Barbara’s Poetry Verses Stamp Set (top right)
“Ray of Sunshine” from the Word Chain collection – either large or mini (bottom left)
“Carpe Diem” from the Flutterby set (bottom right)
Though, actually, there are so many options, and all those cards could be made to fit any occasion with the right words.
I look forward to seeing what you settle on.
Such lovely arty scraps Barbara.
1, Your blessed
2, Stay true to yourself
3, Life’s great
4, This to will pass
Hope the kiln behaved itself and everything turned out fine.
1. Blue skies are on the way
2. Spring is round the corner.
3. Just for today.
4. Smile.
Hello Barb, hope the kiln opening was great and you stood in awe of what you have done. My suggestions are (clockwise from top left);
2)To see the world verse
Good Luck everyone, some really great suggestions. Take care and stay safe. Bx
Enjoyed the show, thanks for the tips, etc.
My suggestions are:
1. You are stronger than you know
2. Live every day
3. Tranquility
4. Calm
Fingers crossed for the kiln, I know you will show us how they turned out x
Maybe I am too late but ……………
Hope I’m not too late, looked yesterday and forgot to come back ! Not sure I know the sticker comments but here’s what I’d like to put:
Travel Gently
Be kind to yourself
Simply beautiful
Enjoy art
Thanks for the chance xx
From the top left clockwise;-
Gently does it
Clean out a corner of your mind & creativity will instantly fill it
Dare to be different
They were all beautiful “chop up art pieces” Barbara👍👍
Superb art work and programmes second none. Spread the love. Let it go. Keep looking up. Good things are worth waiting for along the road the road to happy destiny.
The sticker words I would use are:
Never say never
Be brave
Don’t worry- be happy
Never give up