Happy Christmas
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Can’t stay long. The table is set for our Christmas meal, the Sauerkraut is simmering, the sausages are soaking in milk (to stop them splitting), the spuds are peeled and the fresh fruit salad is in the porch staying cold. We celebrate this evening, in German tradition, and things are very very festive in the home. Mind you, it’s pretty simple. No frills. That’s really not what Christmas is about. Want to see our Christmas Eve table? Hang on…. (runs and takes photo…)
Hang on… I’ll show you the heat in the kitchen too!
But I wanted to just say hi. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your taking the time to read this ere blog, and the Clarity Matters blog too. If there were no readers there would be no reason to write. So thank you.
And thank you for being such true customers, and supporting our little craft company. It is a lot smaller now than it was, but we’re still here! Lots to be grateful for. And tomorrow I shall flick the Facebook Live switch at 10am in the SHAC SHAC, so we can just hang out together for half an hour or so, drink a cuppa, have a mince pie and wish each other a Happy, Safe Christmas, before my parents arrive with Steve and Sheila. As I say, lots – LOTS – to be grateful for.
Ho Ho Ho. Must go! I can smell that Sauerkraut from up here above the Garage!!!
Love always
Barb xxx
93 thoughts on “Happy Christmas”
And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours. Hope you have some special family time and chillxx
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Would love to understand why you soak sausages in milk.
Yes me too!!!🎄😀🍷
………and me as well… just curious 😀😀
All as it should be at mine too. Table set just waiting for family to arrive tomorrow. Feel so blessed to have such a loving family and be able to spend time with them this year. Enjoy your Christmas with Grace and Mark and the rest of the family. Don’t think about work too much (although I am sure you will), we will all still be there supporting you next year ! Wishing you and all my Clarity friends a Merry Christmas and healthy and prosperous New Year. x
Merry Christmas to you, Dave and your family xoxo
Merry Christmas to you and you whole family, have a wonderful evening enjoy every moment. See you in th Shac tomorrow at 1000
Merry Christmas to you and yours! And a huge thank you for being there, for driving the bus, for the inspiration, for the laughs, and the tears, and for being so honest and down to earth.
Health and happiness to you all in 2022! Xx
Merry Christmas tp you and your family, Barbara, and thank you for all you do! xx
Merry Christmas to you, your family and all you love (especially your not so little Vikings). also wishing you and all at Clarity a very prosperous New Year. Merry Christmas to all who come to check out the blog too.
Merry Christmas to you all too. Thank you for being there for us when we needed it most. See you tomorrow
Wishing everyone at Claritystamp a wonderful and merry Christmas and oodles of wishes for a happy and healthy new year. I am truly grateful to have everything Clarity 💗
Merry Christmas Barbara. Enjoy your evening and also tomorrow with all your family.
With love and hugs as always. xxx
Mm love sauerkraut- set an extra place 🤣🤣🤣. Frohe Weihnachten- have a lovely time with your family♥️That’s the Most important !
To Barb, Dave anf family.
Wishing you the happiest of Christmases, with your family around you.
Look forward to seeing what’s new in Clarity land.
I too would like to wish everyone Happy Christmas – fellow Shacers, and everyone at the best crafting company in the world…… I really don’t think I could have got through all the troubles without the support and companionship from all of you, especially our fantastic bus driver. See you in the morning…God bless and keep safe x
Merry Christmas to you and your family and all the Clarity family too. We really do appreciate all you do for us. Merry Christmas to all our fellow crafters as well. xxx
Merry Christmas to you all Xx
Happy Christmas to you and thank you for giving up a bit of your time to blog and be there on Christmas Day to share a drinky and mince pie with us
Merry Christmas to you, Barbara, and all your family.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do; I don’t comment much (if hardly at all!!) BUT I read ALL of your blogs and follow you on the Shack and via The Craft Store with much interest and admiration.
You are such an inspiration in so many ways.
THANK YOU xx Have a very merry Christmas and let’s hope 2022 brings you all that you wish for.
Merry Christmas to you and all your family. And to all the fellow Shacers too, it’s been great to spend time with you all. Xx
Merry Christmas to you, your family and all those at Clarity Towers and all that read the blog. My table wouldn’t last 5 minutes with my cats! Storm is always looking to see if someone has left something tasty hanging around, and she’s not particular, anything will do!
Have a lovely evening and again tomorrow x
Have a super Christmas, Barb. Sorry, I can’t join you tomorrow as I will be driving to my brothers. Thank you for always caring for us all.
Love and hugs, Rachel xx
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas 🎄 Xx
Merry Christmas Barbara to you and your family. Hope you have a wonderful time together
A Happy Christmas to you and all of your family and all those at the good ship Clarity. I hope you have a wonderful time filled with oodles of love. We moved into our new house just 10 days ago, unpacked the necessities and now look forward to my family coming for their feast tomorrow. Also, very much looking forward to getting the new TV able to get The Craft Store again and not least my craft things delivered in January. I’m like a fish out of water and completely cut off from my crafting world! – I miss you all! X X
Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year to you and Dave, all your family, everyone at Clarity Towers, all the Shackers and everyone everywhere. Enjoy and thanks for everything.
Take care. Xx
A very Happy Christmas to you Barbara. Your house looks so lovely and warm and welcoming and festive. I hope you have a lovely time surrounded by those you love. Everyone has said similar things….but another big thank you from me. I really hope one day I can meet you and explain how being a passenger on your bus has helped me personally. With many thanks and warmest wishes x
Have a lovely meal tonight with Dave, Grace, Mark & Mark. Then again with all the family tomorrow for Christmas lunch. As you say we have a lot to be thankful for – this year we will have my Mom, our son, daughter, daughter in law & 4 granddaughters with us for Christmas lunch so an age range of 1 to 93 & 4 generations. Calendars made with SHAC shack pictures & crackers are assembled – will show pictures after tomorrow as my daughter & sometimes my husband sees my posts on FB. Presents all wrapped so just the table to lay tomorrow so a quiet evening ahead with mom, daughter & husband.
Thank you for another great year of SHAC Shack doodles & chat xx
Happy Christmas to you all. Have a lovely break with your family xx
Merry Christmas to you all, enjoy your family time together.
Thank you for all you do for us. Merry Christmas x
Merry Christmas to you all. Love always
Ruth & Samuel xxxxx
Thank you so much for everything.
I might miss 10 am 😢 as I’m driving to my daughters, but will definitely catch-up as soon as I get there.
Have a fabulous evening with Dave, Grace, Mark, and Mark, and a great day tomorrow. Happy Christmas. See you in 2022. Stay well. X
Happy Christmas to every one. Enjoy each precious moment xxxxx
Sorry to be late to the party – I hope you all have a lovely Christmas – see you next year.
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)
Happy Christmas Barbara, have a wonderful time with your family and all the best for 2022.
Thank you for all you do and for being there for so many, your the best xxx
Have a lovely time with your family. 💕🎄🤦♀️☃️💕
Ooops pressed the wrong emoji on my post, forgive me x
Wishing you and all of your family the very best of Christmas wishes. It must be lovely to be surrounded by family at this time. I hope we’ll be able to pop into the Shac too, just to say Happy Christmas to all fellow Shac-ers! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that 2022 will be an easier year in every way.
Happy Christmas Barbara. Its nice to keep things simple, without lots of over fussing. We are just having ourselves for dinner tomorrow, but going for brunch to our daughters so we can see wee Hazel open her parcels. Hopefully she will know to open them as at her first birthday she sat and piled up her parcels and looked at the wrapping paper. It was so cute.
I am off work tonight and tomorrow night, but back in on boxing day night. My next night off after tomorrow is hogmanay, when we shall celebrate quieter than usual due to the restrictions, and reflect on what we have to be thankful for over the last year.
Thank you for sharing your skills and time through the blog, I still read every day, even though time is much shorter.
Have a wonderful time with your family Barbara. Merry Christmas everyone. Take care. Hugs xxx
You house looks lovely. Hope you have an enjoyable evening and day tomorrow. Just got back from having a MRI scan at the hospital. I’m so glad that’s over I feel as though I can finally relax now. Wishing everyone at Clarity and all my fellow Shacers a happy, peaceful and safe Christmas. Xxx
Thank you Barbara for keeping me focused through a difficult year, and it will be more of the same in 2022. Wouldn’t have got through this year without you and all the Clarity team with your wonderful projects. A very Happy Christmas to you all.
Merry Christmas to you and all your family also everyone at Clarity towers. My table is set ready and waiting just received a call from my granddaughter to say her test was negative and she’s on her way home. So like you will have my small family together for Christmas. See you in the Shac at 10am.💕
Hope you all have a perfect happy time all together far and wide. Hope 2022 is going to be a better one thank you for all you have done and doing.
Wishing you and all the family a very Happy and peaceful Christmas .Thank you for a wonderful crafting year and your generosity of sharing your talent .Warmest regards Carmel
Frohe Weihnachten To all of you and your family. Have a great time with them all. Also have a Frohes neues Jahr and I’ll see you next year. Lots of love from Zena. Xxxxx
Happy Christmas Barbara and family and all at Clarity towers. You are one amazing lady who has kept us all sane, happy and crafting for another year. I wish you and you family a happy, healthy and crafty new year. See you In The SHAC.
Love Kath xx
Frohe Weihnachten, Barbara. Thank you for all you do for us. There will always be a good reason to write your blog, even if it is only for you. Have a fantastic evening and a lovely day tomorrow. Lots of love. Hxx
Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Christmas Barbara. hope you have a wonderful evening. My Christmas has taken a bit of a left turn today – my younger son tested positive for Covid this morning so everything’s cancelled (no visit to or from family, no church, etc) as we’re all self-isolating for the next week! Still, I’m counting my blessings – he’s only got vey mild symptoms (fully boosted on his vaccinations), we’ve got a house full of food and I’ll have plenty of time to craft!
Wishing you and your family a very happy and peaceful Christmas and thank you for your company over the last 18 months you have kept our spirits up xxx
A special thank you from those of us spending Christmas day alone.
Happy Christmas xx
You are a very special, lady, and I hope you can just take a break to spend time with your lovely family, every one of them. Thank you for all you have done for so many of us for so long, especially while things have been so difficult for you and everyone around you. Lots of love and hugs to you and Dave. xxx Maggie Craner (Silvercrafter)
We have just finished our Christmas Eve dinner and are relaxing with the remains of the wine.
There will just be the two of us for dinner tomorrow as usual but I always try to make it special for us with the best glass and china, silverware, candles and crackers. We cook the dinner together, it’s fun. It is also one of the few times in the year when I can really push the boat out.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy 12 days of Christmas.
Merry Christmas Barbara and everyone in this wonderful Clarity community. Looking forward to meeting up in the SHAC tomorrow morning.
Happy Christmas to you all and hope you enjoyed your meal 🎄🎄🎄
Have a fabulous time with your family xx
Thank you for all you Paul and everyone at Clarity do for us love your blogs and the SHAC definitely would be lost without them xx
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all at Clarity!
Wishing you a very Happy Christmas Dear Barbara, Dave and all your lovely family. And the whole of clarity family
Happy new year. Xxxxx
What welcoming warm pictures. Enjoy your family time. Thank you for all your work with us this year.
Merry Christmas to you all! Family, and the Clarity team! Thank you for your inspiration and for keeping us sane in these difficult times. Here’s to a better 2022!
I am healthy and am very thankful for that. I am happy, and I have a parcel from Clarity under the tree.
Thank you Clarify for everything you all do. I wish you all happiness and a healthy 2022.
Merry Christmas to you all and have a lovely evening and day tomorrow! We’re next door for lunch, we take it in turns to cook for each other. My mum’s not well, not Covid but paramedics think viral at the moment and to hold off on the antibiotics – ready and waiting – my sis will see how she is tomorrow and if we’re worried it will be 111. Can’t complain at how they’ve treated a 91 year old. Look forward to seeing you in the morning . X
Merry Christmas to you and all the extended Clarity family. May peace and sweet content be yours x
Very happy Christmas wishes to you and your family. Have a wonderful time together. Thank you for everything this year. Love and hugs. Annette X
To Barbara , all your nearest and dearest…and all at Clarity towers….All good wishes for a very happy Christmas, good health and better times to come in the New Year.
Your company has been invaluable, always something to look forward to and enjoy. Thank you so much.xx
Just want to add my Christmas wishes to you, Dave and all the family + the whole Clarity team. I’ll be travelling to Church tomorrow at 10am but will catch up later. Thank you for everything during 2021. You’ve done so much for so many ❤️😘❤️
Thank you for sharing Barbara. All looks lovely.
Merry Christmas All.
Merry Christmas to you, your family and all of the Clarity team. Thank you for all you do. Best wishes to everyone at this festive Christmas time. xx
I can never say clever things like the others. I just want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas, and wish you all Health and prosperity for the next year. Thank you for all your sharing. xx
Hi Barbara
Merry Christmas to you and the family hope you have a great day enjoy.
Love Ruth & Jackie xx
Hi Barbara
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas,enjoy every moment with your family. Thank you for being such an inspiration 😊
Fröhliche Weihnachten/Merry Christmas to you, your family and all at Clarity Towers. Hope you enjoyed Heiligabend with your family. Have a lovely Christmas Day and Boxing Day, too. See you at 10.
Hugs & Alles Liebe
Heidi xxx
Merry Christmas to you, your family and all at Clarity Towers. I’ve not been able to join you in the shac on Thursdays as it’s one of my golfing days when I’m out with good friends in the fresh air but I am trying to catch up! I’m sure this Christmas will be extra special for you with all your family around you and that you’ll enjoy every minute xx
To all in the Clarity family. Wishing you a Merry Christmas, spending time with your relatives and friends. And thank you Barabara for giving us the pleasure of your company and teaching us at the same time. Kindest greetings from , Melbourne, Australia.
Merry Christmas to you, Dave, the family and the Clarity team. Enjoy the time together and like you I am thankful that we are all here to share the festive season. Xxx
Merry Christmas to you and yours lovely lady. Family says it all. Thank you for always being there for us all, as we are for you and clarity Love and Hugs. X love ❤ 😍 💖
Merry Christmas hope you get time to chill and not be working all the time 🎄🎄
Barbara – thank you for popping in to chat to us 🙂
Wishing you, Dave and all the family a very Happy Christmas, as well as the whole Clarity team.
We love you lots, Claire S x
Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you so much for being there for us.
Merry Christmas to the lovely peeps at Claritystamp, thank you for all you do for us the whole year through. I don’t think I would have coped with the COVID without the lovely Claritystamp products distraction.
Have a fab Christmas with your loved ones, you deserve it our Barbara and Dave. Enjoy your children being home too xx
Always look for what we have.
From our family to yours Barbara, Merry Christmas and a healthy and peaceful New Year.
Nadia and her family Xxx
Happy Christmas to you and all your family, and to the Clarity family too.
Merry Christmas to you and your family Barbara!!!
Didn’t see you this morning, becaus daughter and her husband with the 2 black labradors were visiting our new home.
Just moved house 17 days ago.
Love sauerkraut but never cooked the sausage in milk…. I just lay the sausage on the sauerkraut while cooking….
Take care and and enjoy Christmas 💞🕯👼🌲🌟🌹
Lots of love, Trijntje Huppel
Merry Christmas to you, your family & all the Clarity elves & customers. Let’s hope 2022 will be better for us all. X
Beautiful. Wasn’t able to watch you on Christmas morning but you were in my thoughts. Hope you had a lovely day with the family. Enjoy you day today too.
Hello Barb, hope you and all the family had a lovely Christmas. For the first time in many years we went to a Carol Service on Christmas eve and it was really lovely. Take care and stay safe everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Bx
Had Christmas at my niece and brother’s so only just got to read the blog. Hope you all had a great time and I have recorded the shows on Christmas day so look forward to watching them when I get home tomorrow.
Love and hugs to all
Yvonne x
I hope you have been thoroughly enjoying your Christmas with all the family Barbara..just how it should be and the table looks beautiful. x
Sausages in milk? What sort of sausages split?? Hope you are enjoying the Christmas time – we have had fun with our family and everyone has gone home tired! Enjoy your family time, and thank you for all your hard work.
Belated but heartfelt thanks for all you and the clarity team have done for us this year.
Very best wishes for a happy Christmas and a healthy, safe and creative 2022
Love to all xx
Merry Christmas to you all. Thanks to Barbara and workers for this greatcompany.
So grateful to have met some lovely people here.
So merry Christmas and Happy New year when it comes.