Shining a little light…
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Remember the pottery project a while back ? When I asked you to guess what it was going to be?
Well, it did get better than that….
Then it got worse again….
So I made a bowl to experiment with the colours and oxides, and make sure it would work. AKA Playing For Time.
But then Dad got ill, so pottery was off the radar. I was back and forth to the hospital by now, so the glazed but not fired lampstand was parked at the studio. Eunice, my teacher and friend, sent me a text. “It’s come out of the kiln Barb, and it’s perfect.”
When you’ve spent such a long time on something, you just want it to come out in one piece!! The oxides are special. It depends entirely where you set it. Put it in a white room, and the cobalt floods in. Put it in a warm, yellow room, and the copper comes to the front.
Dave wired it up, I found a simple lampshade, a nice place for it in the living room – and bingo!
Looking forward to making the next one. Maybe a little larger, maybe a different shape, maybe a little lighter. So much to think about and consider. That’s it, isn’t it. Ceramics: you truly never really know what you’re going to get. A perfect example of unpredictable art. I love it. And the more comfortable I get with not being able to control the outcome, the better I will enjoy this new passion of mine.
Tomorrow is TV day. 2-4pm on the CraftStore.com. Lovely, arty little stamps. Cor. I bet they would work well in clay. Just impressed and brushed with oxides or a cool glaze. Now I have to try!! Active Mind Alert!!
Do you have an active mind? Are you always questioning HOW and WHY and WHAT IF? Sometimes, my sometimes over-active mind can be exhausting. For me and those around me. Thinking, thinking, planning, doing, planning, thinking, wondering, asking, thinking, doing, making, thinking….aaaaaggggghhhhh!!! But I’m grateful for it. I really am. Ironically, when I am making the thing I think about, drawing the picture in my head, making the art in front of me, that’s when I am at my quietest.
Happy Saturday.
Time for more tiles. Easy. Slip and stencils. Have I told you about our Potterlot Stencils? Another time xxx
Love and hugs
Barb xxx
34 thoughts on “Shining a little light…”
It looks fantastic I bet you are chuffed with it xxxx
Looks fab – what an achievement! See you tomorrow on tv 😘
That looks lovely!! Very talented lady!! I look forward to reading about Potterlot Stencils 🙂 xxx
It’s lovely no wonder you were so pleased with how it turned out. Looking forward to tomorrow’s shows. Xxx
Both pieces are fantastic Barb! I just couldn’t be more pleased for you, and they look fabulous in your lounge. They must bring you great pleasure when looking at them. I totally get what you mean with having such an over active mind.
Really looking forward to watching you on tv tomorrow – your take care and as Grace first said – travel gently. Love and caring hugs, Gilly xx
Wonderful work you must truly be proud. Can’t wait to see you on Tv tomorrow. The stamps look amazing. I always over think things and tend to be a what if person. Have missed the Shac these last few weeks but have designed my Christmas cards and have made some lovely little notelets using the club stamps. Hope you get your Dad home soon love to you and all your family see you tomorrow.
Wow! It looks fantastic!
What a delightful project I just love it, great work Barbara.
What a wonderful work of art. Pride of place. Hope all is going well with Papa and Oma. I hope I have also turned the corner after my awful surgery. Looking forward to tomorrow. Lots of love to you all x
Wow, what a result. I love the way the oxides work. Please don’t overdo things, now that you are back into the saddle. Enjoy the shows tomorrow. Hugs. Annette X
Oh boy Barbara that is fantastic. I never guessed what it was going to be. I just couldn’t work it out. I hope your shows go well tomorrow. Take care. Hugs xxx
The lamp stand and bowl are beautiful – I love the colour xx
Wow love the lamp looks beautiful xx Just shows you never know till it’s finished xx
Will be watching tomorrow as love the look of the stamps and have so many projects I could already use them for lol over active brain haven’t even got them yet and already worked out what I want to do xx
Hope all well xx
Wow the finished lamp looks fantastic. I have just realised I read yesterdays blog at lunchtime & meant to add a comment when I got home but fell asleep after another busy day decorating!!
Glad your Dad is improving & hope he will soon be back home with your Mom.
Looking forward to the show tomorrow to see what you have to show us with the new stamps.
Take care of yourself as well as everyone else x
Beautiful pottery – you are clever. Glad they turned out so well.
While I am busy my mind is fairly calm. I can fall asleep in the chair in front of the telly even during a programme I really want to watch. But go to bed and my brain starts whizzing about all sorts of things and it takes hours to get to sleep. So frustrating.
Had some good news today. My eyes had been playing up for a while and I was terrified that something awful was going to happen. I had a follow-up at the eye clinic today and all is well. There has been a substantial improvement and I just need to rest my eyes more and restrict my hours of intense picot cutting, colouring and cross stitch.
Hope dad is still improving and will be home soon.
Look after yourself too and stay safe.
That’s lovely, you must be thrilled with it
A beautiful lamp…couldn’t hazard a guess at what it was!. Love it.
Take it easy Barbara. Hope to see you tomorrow. X
Hi Barbara
Lamp looks great. Jackie has just got a space in a local gallery in Langport so she is now having to make more tiles. We spent a happy hour in Bath potters the other day getting clay and looking at all the glazes. I persuaded her to get a black and gold as I have an idea for a vase just see if it works out. Hopefully when your Dad it out of hospital you can indulge your passion.
Lots of love Ruth & Jackie xx
Wow! The lamp stand is awesome! Very arty too. The dish is brill too!
Hope the show goes well tomorrow. The little stamps are fabulous.
Love and hugs. Xxx
Job well done, Barb. It looks fantastic. Glad you’re back with us. Tried to comment yesterday but my MAC was not speaking! Constantly refused to respond. Very rude! Lol. Anyway, a day at a time. Hope your dad is progressing well. It’ll be lovely for your mum to have him home when he’s ready. My final service tomorrow. Big day. Take care. Lots of love. Hx
All the very best for today Hilda xx
Well done Barbara, your lamp and bowl are marvellous, you have done an amazing job. Sorry to here about your Dad, I hope things are improving. Take care lovely lady. Love xxxx
Great work Barb it looks very stylish x see you later on the box ❤️
You’ve certainly cracked it! Lovely pieces of pottery, you must be chuffed to bits, what a great result, well done you. Will be watching the shows and hope all goes well. X
Love both the lamp and the bowl, beautiful colours. xx
That looks fantastic. So clever.
Barbara you are full of talent it’s looking amazing I hope you’re dad is better soon love Anja
Hello Barb, what fantastic piece of art, bet you are over the moon with the way it has turned out, and the bowl next to it is just such a beautiful display. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Wow! I love how the colours change depending on the setting. The end result must be so satisfying after all your time and effort. Excellent xx
Stunning piece of art that is practical too.
Beautiful work. I really like the effects of the oxides.
That’s just beautiful 😍. Glad your dad is on the mend too. My dad had a collapse and overnight hospital stay last week – finally we’ve got him to agree to have a gardener at almost 91! X
Wowzers I really do love following your potty goings-on, love the lamp and bowl, you clever thing you x
ps. Best wishes to your Dad x