Back in the Saddle..
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Grace left for New York this morning, and the house is very quiet. She’s such a bundle of good energy and joy!

Despite extending her stay, just like her brother who had to get back to SF to work, she wasn’t able to see her Grandad either, because he is still in hospital. It’s been almost a month now. Who could have foreseen this? But he’s in the right place and getting stronger by the day. God bless the NHS.
Although I will still drop and run if I have to, the time has come to get back to work and Clarity. Since everything is still so up in the air with Dad, and things can change quickly, I don’t want to commit to too many things at once. You understand. Juggling business and family? Been doing that all my adult life, like so many of us. But Dave, Sheila, Paul, my brother and I have got this. Teamwork.
So first things first. Let’s begin by getting back in the Bloggy Saddle and fire up our daily dose of chat, news, art projects etc etc etc! Good for the soul.
I powered through prep for Sunday’s TV show yesterday! And I mean nailed it. Start to finish in 6 hours. That has to be my own personal best ! Amazing what you can pull out of the bag when you have to, innit ?! I hope you can join me on TheCraftstore.com between 2 and 4 pm on Sunday. Got some really arty, elegant stamps to show off. I think the closet fashion designer in me loves these! And the lace papers by Dee are just fantastic.
You know you’ve got something special when the Art Design Team send you so many samples! Here are just a few…
Jane Telford Sheelagh Metselaar Sheelagh Metselaar Jane Telford Dee Paramour Elaine Milner Elaine Milner Deb McMullin Julie Dunn Deb McMullin Deb McMullin Jane Telford
I won’t be in the studio. Will skype from home, so I am close to the hospital. What’s the betting Dad comes home on Sunday, when I am on the telly! Sod’s Law, I think they call it. But we shall see.
Lots of stamping tricks n tips lined up for you, so I hope to see you there.
One day at a time. It’s the only way forward.
Stay safe and make something! I may even try my hand at a few arty tiles this evening. We’ve designed some stencils and I want to try them on clay. How did my lampstand come out? Tell you what – I’ll take some pics later, and show you tomorrow xxx
Love always,
Barb xxx
53 thoughts on “Back in the Saddle..”
I really hope your dad is home soon Barb. Better not to rush things though as I know from experience. Looking forward to the shows on Sunday. Take it easy though!
I really hope your dad continues to get better. Look after yourself though as you can’t care for your mum and dad if you don’t look after you. Stay safe and well and just do what you can, when you can. 💐💐
Glad you feel able to come back Barbara. I know it’ll be hard for you to juggle everything but you’re a strong woman and have good people around you.
Sending positive vibes for your dad. He’s a fighter for sure.
And sending you much love and hugs. Xxxx
Glad your dad is making progress in the right direction and hope he is soon home xx what a shame the children didn’t get to see him but on their next visit he will be home so much nicer xx
Glad you are starting to take things slowly and lovely to see you back in the blog xx will be watching Sunday xx the last plates where just fabulous you definitely have a flair xx
Take things easy and do a little pottery always good for the soul xx
Fingers crossed home soon xx
PS you have a very talented team the samples are wonderful xx
Welcome back, Barbara. Hope your Dad is now out of the woods and can come home soon, preferably NOT when you’re on the telly. It will be lovely to join you again in the Shac, but not till you’re absolutely ready. For me, in 40+ heat here in Greece, with wildfires destroying so much of our countryside, I will welcome the distraction 🥴. Stay well and wind up SLOWLY, one day at a time, as they say.
So glad you are getting back on track but take care you don’t do to much ,hope your dad is soon home 🥰
So pleased your Dad is getting stronger, fingers crossed he’ll be allowed home soon. Looking forward to Sunday’s show, love the samples.
Hello Barbara,
Oh, I can imagine the house being quiet now Grace has left but glad she could extend her stay a bit . Also pleased to hear your Dad is feeling better and I do hope he will fully recover and be back home soon! How is your Mama?
With regards to your new stamps and papers, they’re beautiful! Very elegant, too. Bet they will quickly sell out in your shows tomorrow!
Thinking of you and your family and wishing your Dad a speedy recovery. Alles Liebe
So glad that your Dad is making progress and also that you were able to spend time with Mark and Grace. These samples from the design team are brilliant. The Clarity team are super so let them continue to take some of the pressure off you. You would do the same for them if they needed you to x
I can never thank you enough for the SHAC shack. I stumbled across it on day two and not only learnt skills I didn’t believe possible, it kept me going in an incredibly challenging time. Your family , quite rightly , take priority. If you never do another SHAC I will still never be be able to say thank you enough. I only buy craft equipment from you these days.
So glad to see this post, Barbara – will continue to keep you and yours in my thoughts xx
Good to hear from you and hope your Dad is home soon. Your Mum must miss him being at home.
Hi Barbara it is good to hear from you. What a fraught month you have had. It must have been so lovely to see the children. What a shame neither of them could see their granddad. I do hope that your dad continues to improve and that he comes home soon. There maybe more changes in the offing when he does. Things changed for us when my dad was in hospital for exactly a month three years ago.
Your artwork is glorious. I do hope the shows go well. Take care. Hugs xxx
So lovely to see you Blogging again and keeping everything crossed that your Dad will be getting stronger each day. So hard how life spins upside down so quickly and how you get to cope with everything all at once. Love the fashion stamps I have already got the stencils and the stamps are a must have to compliment. Just take extra care xx
So pleased to hear from you. Take it carefully, remember what you taught us in the Shac Shac “Travel gently”. Praying for you all, especially your parents and you! Take care ❤️
Sending love and hugs x
Really hope your Father gets home soon and that Grace has a good journey back to NY. Trust you will get chance to recharge with a bit of clay soon. Trust your Mum isn’t finding things too hard. Just all of you take care.
Hope your dad gets home soon. It is such a worry as your parents get older. My dad was 89 yesterday. He hasn’t been in the best of health for the last year or so but I know that I am so lucky to still have him. I love the look of the new stamps ( Sorry, bank balance!) Xx
Just finished filing all my Clarity stencils and have thought of you and your Dad all through doing it – good luck on Sunday (break legs) – love that block of posh words.
Love (always)
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)
So pleased to hear that although your dear Dad is not home yet he is at least moving in the right direction. I’m so, so pleased to see that the stencils and groovi plates have now been made into stamps – these are going to be a must have for me. Take your time getting back into the saddle you’ve had a rough few weeks – we’ll all be here still supporting you the way you have supported us. Take care.
Lovely to see you here Barbara and pleased to hear your Dad is improving slowly. Pleased you enjoyed time with your children and bet the house is quiet now. Hope your Dad continues to improve. Lots of love Suexxx
It’s lovely to hear from you.
Nothing like a good dose of worry to clear the mind and upset the dinner plans.
Hope your mums doing ok.
Lots of love
Hello Barbara
Nice to see you back and I am pleased to hear your Dad seems to be making good progress. Long may it continue.
Such a shame that Grace and Mark didn’t get to see grandad but glad to hear that he is on the mend. Looking forward to seeing you on the Tele on Sunday. These stamps are lovely and so many talented ladies in the DT.
Sending lots of love and hugs to you all and you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Amazing samples as always and I can’t wait to see the stamps in the flesh. Take care Barbara xxxx
Sending lots of love and hugs to you all and you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Amazing samples as always and I can’t wait to see the stamps in the flesh. Take care Barbara 💕 xxxx
Hope life settles for you and your Dad comes home soon. Take care.
Hi Barbara
Oh I know how empty the house must feel but it’s good news your dad is making progress and will hopefully be home soon. I’m pleased you feel able to return to all things Clarity and the creative juices have been flowing. Look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
Love and hugs Diane
Hi Barb,
Good to see you back and sending lots of best wishes and good vibes to your Dad, hoping he’s back home with your Mum soon.
Take care, small steps and travel gently.
Looking forward to Sunday’s shows and your tips and tricks! Just made a couple of birthday cards with the lino cut stamps – they are so good!
What a lovely surprise to see this post Barbara.
Keeping you and all the family in my thoughts and prayers. Remember, one day at a time……xxx
It’s been tough for you and yours Barbara, I hope everything is starting to improve now you have seen your amazing offspring and your dad is picking up. Just needs you to be tough on yourself and not get bogged down. We will survive with less time in the shac if needs be, and be ever grateful for everything you have taught us . I take my hat off to you ( or I would if I even possessed a hat ) but you know what I mean. Welcome back on whatever terms you choose 😘
So glad you had some time with the kids, despite everything that has happened, hopefully they’ll be back again at Christmas and everything will be settled down by then. A shame they didn’t get to see their grandad but, as you say, he’s in best place. These things are really sent to try us… Your samples look smashing and the stamps are great. I’ve been crafting with my great-niece today and have posted some pics on FB page. I’m shattered now. Had a biopsy this week on Weds and I think it’s hit me now so a relaxing evening and it is our 38th wedding anniversary too ! Look forward to the shows this weekend, I often have to catch up as Mum is usually here but she wont be so I’ll be able to watch live. Good luck with shows and fingers crossed your Dad goes on ok. Love to all. Xxx
Hope your Dad continues to progress and gets home soon. Take care.
Lovely to read your blog but glad you have your priorities right, family first. Hope Grace has got home safely. The samples are fantastic, looking forward to your shows on Sunday. X
So good to hear your Dad is gaining strength by the day. I can imagine with the children gone it’s all rather quiet at home. Such a shame neither managed to see your Dad whilst here. Hope the kids fell in love with the Vikings and had lots of quality time with you and your family. Looking forward to seeing you back in the saddle, know we are here for you, ease back in, you need to stay well to continue to do all the things you do. Keep safe, thinking of you all. Big love to the NHS staff looking after us all.
Good to hear your papa is getting better. I am also praising the NHS, casualty staff certainly are amazing. Looking forward to Sunday from my bed. Paul’s programmes were superb and brightened my days. I am following your words. One day at a time and this too will pass. Much love to you and the family xx
Good to hear your dad is getting better glad you got some time with Grace and Marc thinking of yous all
Thank you for good news re your Dad. You will miss having Grace around for sure, but we are here for you. Take it slowly, hope to watch tomorrow’s programme. Best wishes to you all. X
So good to have you back ”on the blogging machine” Barbara . Best news is that your Dad is progressing well, it must have been a huge worry for you all.
I don’t do Groovi but I have been revisiting the SHAC shack videos for inspiration.
Plenty of treasure there ! Thank you.
All the best for Sunday. XX
It is good to have you back and I am glad to hear that your dad is getting better. My very best wishes to him and your mum and hopes for his continued improvement. Please take some time for yourself, as you won’t be any good to anyone if you don’t look after number one. Good luck with the shows this weekend. Hugs. Annette X
I was also thinking about your lovely little Vikings….hope they will help to make you smile and be happy again, and give you lots of love,
They look like they enjoy cuddles.
Sending loads of love x x x
Hi Barbara
Glad to hear from you, hope your Dad continues to improve and is home soon.
Remember to look after yourself as well.
Love Ruth & Jackie xx
Great to have you back in the saddle my friend. Praying your Dad is home soon. Will be with you Sunday and look forward to 2 hours of fun, tips and tricks. I’ve been out of action too but slowly getting there. Take care
Thank you for your news about your Dad, pleased to hear he is improving, hopefully he will be able to come home soon. Looking forward to the shows on Sunday, lovely samples. Best wishes to you and all your family. Take care. Hugs. xxx
Good to hear from you, and more importantly,, to hear your Dad is in the right place. Hope he makes a speedy recovery and gets home, even if it’s when your on air.
Life does take us down some bumpy roads, just we think road ahead is clear.
Take care and look after each other. Xx
Hello Barb, so good to hear that your Dad is improving, and you have a great family support group. And if you have to take time out, then family comes first. Love the new stamps, but will have to sit on my hands for a while. Still looking forward to the shows though. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Great to hear your Dad is improving and hopefully he will be home soon. Good to hear your prep for Sunday went quickly and smoothly. Sure these stamps will be well received.
Lovely to see you back Barb. I will continue to pray for your dad and the rest of your family. I always cry when my girls leave the UK. Photos help and then the fun we had overweighs the sadness of them leaving and life is good again. Much love xxx
I am a bit late picking up this blog !!!
Good to have you back. Hope your Dad continues to improve. Shame Mark had to return so soon but the extra time with Grace was good for you.
The Clarity team have been great 👍 and Paul has done you proud on the telly.
As you say, one day at a time and travel gently. Try not to overdo it in your eagerness to get back in the saddle. Hope the potting went well yesterday.
So pleased your Dad is recovering and I hope he is home real soon. Must have been a very worrying month for you all. We have missed you Barbara. Be watching on Sunday and looking forward to you easing back to work. Take care of yourself ! Big crafty hug🥰. One day at a time and no rush, we will be here when you are ready. Send mum my best wishes too.
Hope your dad continues to make progress and his home soon. It is good have you back blogging but please don’t do too much too soon. Hopefully not too long before you can see the children again. Take care!