#ClarityOpenDayFestival – Are We Having Fun Yet? (Giveaway #6)
Hi there!
Thanks for hanging round till the last raffle draw prize of the day! This will be a good one then!!
If you’ve never been to a Clarity Open Day, here’s the Jackanory Raffle Story – this is how it works:
When you arrive, you are given a free raffle ticket. Every hour on the hour, I jump up on a chair, call hallooooo, to get everybody’s attention, and then proceed to woffle!
Are we having fun yet?
Don’t forget to go get your lovely FREE fat-free (not!) cake. Only one each!
Eventually, I present a raffle prize of the hour, and pick a ticket out of a box. Then one person whoops and cheers, and comes to collect the prize, while the other 300 visitors patiently put their little scrunched up tickets back in their purses, ready for the next raffle at the top of the next hour! It is comical as the day wears on, because obviously people have left – and they’ve usually taken their tickets with them. So sometimes, nobody whoops and cheers. Does anybody check the loos? No. Does anybody run around outside and shout the number? No. They all starting calling “They’re not here! Go again!”
It really is funny.
So, now you’ve all waitied so patiently until the end, how about a bumper £50 Gift Voucher, to spend on anything you fancy? That sounds like worth hanging around for!!
All you have to do is post below – and tell us what you’d spend it on! Then you’ll go in the draw with a chance to win.
Time to go and do a quickie demo again. If we were actually getting together, what would I actually demo? Mmmm…thinks. Yep. For sure. Our new LinoCut stamps, on the Backdrop stamps.
The story behind them? My first lino cuts, turned into lovely stamps with a little help from lovely Lucy! I love these stamps! They just work like a charm.
I’ll make sure the £50 Gift Voucher comes in a nice card by Barbie xx
And finally, what are you up to tomorrow morning? Fancy hanging out with Linda Williams and myself ? We are having a little coffee morning on Sunday, Facebook LIVE at 10am. Just a chat, a get together, a banter. No crafting, just a blether, as the Scottish say. Nothing planned. Just two girlfriends talking about Life as they know it. Join us for a coffee if you fancy a little company.
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx
233 thoughts on “#ClarityOpenDayFestival – Are We Having Fun Yet? (Giveaway #6)”
I met Jayne Nestorenko at Alley Pally before she joined Clarity, there was no one at her table but she gave me a one to one demo on her stamps, such a beautiful lady and so talented. It was so sad when she passed away. I would use the voucher to buy the rest of ayne’s Christmas plates that I have not managed to purchase yet.
If I was lucky enough to win I would treat myself some stamping materials as I would be tempted to have a go. At the moment I enjoy parchment with Groovi. It would be good to try my hand at stamping.
Fingers crossed.
I would love to try the techniques using distress oxides with the lino cut stamps, so that is what I would use the voucher for.
Good luck to everyone in the draw.
So many things to spend this voucher on. I would really love Josie’s new A4 plate mate with extenders and also Linda’s new wrap around heart plate. Barbara, I sure hope you will be able to put your feet up tonight and have a bit of a rest. You have been working extremely hard putting all this together and the amazing pj party last. Hugs from Canada 🇨🇦
How wonderful! If I were lucky enough to win, I would spend my voucher on Groovi, Pergamano tools, & stamps.
Clarity has been a lifesaver for for those of us who had to shield during the lockdowns.
Thank you all!
If I was lucky enough to win I would buy the Prince Lace Duet A4 Square Groovi Piercing Grid Collection.
This would complete my collection of the grid plates.
I would spend it on more of Josie’s wonderful grids – all four of the new princes’ plates!
Paints especially the distress oxides also the lino cut stamps .Brushes brayer and so many other things.
I think that the Linocut stamps and the Background stamps would make a very nice addition to my stamp collection
Hello Barbara absolutely loving this weekend and last night craft session was brilliant
Thank you so much for all the time and effort you and everyone else puts in to help us crafters ❤
What would I buy if I won 🤔
I would probably buy lots of arty things for my daughter bethany who is going to university in September to give her a bit of a start 🤗
Like Sheila above, I would buy the Princes duet plates, which I couldn’t buy as my washing machine broke the day they were released. XX
If I was really luck to win, I would buy the feel good stamps & inks, to someone’s day .
I have a list – all stamps – top of which are Linda’s Children (seasons) closely followed by Sam’s shapes and the other linocuts (I only have one so far).
You should have a nice sit down now gal, you’ve worked hard.
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)
PS got to watch the end of the pyjama party from last night – thank goodness for catch up.
I would spend it on the Josie Davidson princes duet plates as I could not afford them when they were released x
Oooh – decisions decisions. I’d start with your Woodland Art Block collection and then the Feathered Friends minatures. Once I get started I may feel the need to go on a bit?
I’ve never been to your open days but loved your Retreats, when I could get to them. You’re really bringing sunshine to some grey days.
My wish list is very long! If I won I think the background stamps would be at the top as well as some paint as I have the gel press but only used with inks
It really does feel like a Clarity open weekend! 👍 I’m really having fun and enjoying every minute of it! – You lot are bloomin fab with what you all do for us. Thank you SO much. Wow, if I won, I would put it towards the next wonderful dies that Lucy has created that you mentioned were on their way! 😁 x
Would spend on stamps. Been out of it for awhile & with all the new gorgeous stamps would love to give it a go!!
Golly what a tough question. My wish list changes as often as the British weather! I’d say I would probably go for lots of the designer papers in the different sizes. I’ve loved the ones I’ve had, they are so versatile.
Thank you Barbara & all the team for brightening a dreary weekend. I’m off to take a look at the shop now. I might have to prove my husband right again. Before we met he was well known for saying that women were too expensive! Of course I’ve spent the last 28 years trying to prove him right 😂😂
I would buy all on my wish list, new and old. Stamps, Groovi plates. Everything Clarity is so special and quality next to none
I would love to buy some more stencil brushes and word stamps from my wish list.
Without a doubt in my mind I would spend a £50 Clarity gift voucher on the recently launched collection of Art Block stamps with the embedders and some colourful ink pads – Distress Oxide/Archivals.
I came to Ditton in 2019 and had a wonderful time watching demos from Leonie, Tina, Sam and your good self of course! I also enjoyed a half-hour workshop with Mike Bossom – a brilliant introduction to encaustic art. Thank you.
If I was lucky enough to win. Would love the new groovi Prince lace duet collection.
If I was lucky enough to win I would put the voucher towards a set of
Faber-Castellated polychromo pencil I have told they are Fabulous
I would love to win and would spend it on stamps. Never been able to stamp but now I can! It would be wonderful!
Definitely the lino cut stamps and the new word stamps sets xx
I would love to be able to treat myself to some of the artistry ink pads.
Thanks for working so hard and being so imaginative. I would spend my money on the triptych stamp board and the butterfly stamps so I could try something new for me. Hope you have a great day and l would love to join you and Linda for coffee and chat tomorrow if I can. Thanks again 😀 x
Wow, a £50 gift voucher? That’s brilliant and so very generous of you. I would use it for all those items on my long wishlist I’ve not been able to buy yet like Linda’s beautiful children, the lovely poppets, the recent feathered friends and some of your beautiful designer papers, petite designer’s cards…. 😆 Sadly, couldn’t join your pyjama party last night and getting sorted for our little holiday I’m only able to have a look and read your blogs when having a tea break. But it’s been fun. Did you say cake? I shouldn’t really but hey, it’s the Open Day so I think I’m going to treat myself to one of the chocolate rolls in the kitchen. 😜 Hugs and Lots of Love to your and your team for your superb job! 😘😘
I have several Groovi plates on my wish list, including the Christmas trees which I cannot wait to make! Love the hours you have given us Barbara. To share your talents, stories, and humor with us so genuinely it greatly appreciated! Remember to take time to rest!
Cheryl Tabor
Hi all, I would love to get some more groovi tools. Shabby tools and embossing tools would be amazing as I just have 2 at the moment, but still making art that I never thought I could.
Easy decision – lino cuts and oxides. Although to be fair it is usually what I last looked at !
If I was the chosen one, I would purchase some beginners Groovi, as I would love to play and create for the first time.
If l was lucky enough to win l would get Linda’s new folden Hart plates and a ribbon plate
I would spend the voucher on multi needle tools and tea/coffee/cake Groovi plates.
I am not able to join you for coffee tomorrow morning but will catch up later when I get back from church xx
I would probably spend it on either Linda’s next set of plates or a set of Christmas stamps when they appear for sale. I’ve just put an order in so can’t put it towards those things!! Lol. Have to leave the house tomorrow about 10.30 a.m. so will miss a bit of the chat unfortunately but will definitely catch up when I get back in at lunchtime. I will definitely be needing a bit of light relief by then!! Hx
If I was lucky enough to win, I would possibly get the Prince lace duet collection, or Josie’s new A4 plate mate with extensions and lino cut stamps. Although I’ve only got 2 artistry ink pads, so maybe I’d get some of those. Decisions, decisions.
Enjoyed the pj party last night, and received my club goodies yesterday, and a order which I’d placed on Monday, a lovely start to the Clarity Open Day Festival. xx
Not really sure what I would spend the gift voucher on. I have loads and loads of Groovi products – plates, tools and accessories (don’t tell my husband, he’d have a heart attack lol), fresh cut dies, designer paper and parchment. But you know what, I would have a fabulous time looking through the whole Clarity website trying to decide how to spend the £50 which is so generous of Barbara.
If I was lucky enough to win would get Linder folden hart plate and a ribbon plate
Id spend it on a boat load of the erasers pencils as I go through then like water xx
If I was lucky enough to win I’d stock up on card papers and all the essential stuff artistry ink pads stencil brushes
If I was lucky enough to be put in the draw and win I would have to sit down and have a long think as to what fabulous thing I would spend it on but for now all I know is that the fabulous item would be a Clarity item – sorry just too much choice
I would buy the new plates by Josie and anything I haven’t got which is a lot xxx
I would have no trouble spending £50! The rest of the background stamps, the butterfly wreaths again so I can have the big one and my daughter the little one. The grungy stamps in the chess set, the words stamps and masks and some from my daughter’s wish list, as a teaching assistant she doesn’t have the disposable income I have on a teacher’s pension 🤣. I’m sure that would be an overspend but what fun it would be to choose!
A very generous raffle prize! Xx
At the moment the clarity sticker word stamps and a couple of ink pads but I’d probably change my mind at least twice
Would certainly put the £50 towards a set of Faber-Castell pencils as I’m having trouble saving for them, keep spending on other things.
Probably some of the Sticker Word stamps & some of these beautiful lino cut style stamps, thank you for the chance x
How generous of Barbara. I would buy the larger light-box
and tea/coffee/cake Groovi plates – so comforting!
Have a great weekend of crafting all.
What a fantastic and very generous prize. So many wonderful things to choose from. I think I might put it towards an annual die club membership so that I could spread my joy through a whole year. Thanks for everything your whole team do for us, so very much appreciated.
I would like the latest stencil collection and some of the new groovi border plates, particularly Prince William.
A fabulous prize – I think I would treat myself to some designer parchment or paper 🤔 I might have to give it some serious thought – so many lovely things.
Astonishing xx
The new groovi plate mate and with Josies plate with lovely frame designs.
Ooh, how to choose what to spend £50 on…?! Well, I’d definitely have to have a set of the lino cut stamps (it would be rude not to!), and then make a decision from the rest of my wish list! Whatever it is, it will involve stamping (and possibly new ink colours, and possibly designer papers, and possibly stencils, and possibly…..???)
Wenn ichgewinnen würde, würde ich mir noch ein paar Groovi-Platten wünschen. Ausserdem stehen noch Platten von Linda auf der Wunschliste. Allen viel Glück
If I was lucky enough to win this raffle draw I would put it towards the latest new Groovi plates from Linda & Josie as I couldn’t decide which ones to get.
I did love the way everyone started checking their watches as the hands ticked round to the next hour & searching the room to find where you were – normally doing a demo or chatting to some of the crowd – & wondering what the next prize would be.
I would buy a backdrop stamp and some stamps. I have a lot on my wish list!!!
Well, I thoroughly enjoyed the Leyburn Open Day that I went to with my special ‘Clarity’ friend, Pam Kershaw. I absolutely loved every moment, in particular meeting you Barb! I remember being only 1 number away from one of the Raffle Prizes – so near, yet so far! Such great fun and I went to one of the ‘snip’ clinics with Glynis and Chris Walker (I think). I went home with a lovely Clarity cotton bag full of my newly purchased goodies! If I were lucky enough to win the voucher, I would spend it on a Gel Press and Woodland Art Block Stamps and Linocut Stamps! Well, obviously I would need to slim that down a bit! Haha! Love and hugs, Gilly xx
I’d buy some of the stamps you used last night and Josies newest ones and Linda’s new ones ! I’d also finish my set of Pergamono tools off, I’m sure there is more but I’ve had to lay off a bit recently so a prize would be lovely! And you know we always spend more than our prize – I do when I’m lucky enough to get a voucher for birthday and Christmas! Thanks for the chance ! X
So difficult to choose but I think top of the list would be designer papers…
Princes Plates for me 🤞🤞🤔
If I was lucky enough to win I’d spend it on the Prince lace border plates and Linda’s Heart wrap plates.
Ooh I would try a set or even one of the backdrop stamps, the butterfly wreaths and one of the lino cut stamps. They are all on my wish list! I am having a fun Clarity weekend and will try and join you for coffee in the morning. Thank you for the chance to win! Take care xxx
Brilliant prize. Definitely more Groovi plates. So I could follow Paul on Groovi Tuesday.
Your delightful new woodland stamps. Simplicity and classy – make for great art work. Suits all seasons b and b art, Christmas, notelets, thank you, tryptich, and other. They would be real workhorses in my collection.
The lino cut stamps for me and ink pads to go with them.
I would spend the voucher on Jayne Nestorenko’s flower stamps. Have got some of the plates but not those stamps yet – and I just saw some samples from Carole Panksztelo on Facebook — so beautiful!
I would like to try the new lino stamps, along with the groovie lovely hearts, I’m always low on different coloured inks too. Well done for keeping us all happier in these strange times 🙏💕
I would like to buy the stamps you used last night at the pyjama party, it was so good!
If I were to win, it would be either the LW It’s a Wrap Part 3 or the new Duet Plates Set. I can only live in hope !
I would replace all my well used bits and pieces.
Erasers, Groovi tabs, spot on sponges, ink pads . The list is endless . Loving the shows xx
Well, I’ve already selected a number of items such as Groovi plates and stamps which are top of my list, but I will have checked out my basket before you draw this raffle, so if I was a winner I’d splash out on the Pergamano Handbook for Multi-Needle Tools Volume One & Two Bundle, so that I could decide which tools I should buy first; and I’d use the balance of the £50 to buy some of the storage folders, to try to get my craft stash a little better organised!
It wouldn’t be hard to spend £50 on Clarity products! I would buy the – it’s a wrap plates I haven’t got and also the prince plates, along with some coloured parchment and the butterfly wreath stamp. I’ve probably overspent already!
The Open days are great fun and have missed these past couple of years. Seeing the demos, meeting up with like minded people and friends from other places in the country. What would I spend the £50 on, mmm would it be the new link stamps or maybe Linda’s latest groovi plates. Decisions, decisions not sure, though I know that whatever I choose would be absolutely beautiful to use. Fingers crossed that next year we will all be able to meet up again and have a wonderful time.
Ooo, I’d spend it on the latest Josie plates and Linda’s hearts and the Lino stamps. I’ll just dream for a while 😍🤩😍
Would love more Mixed Impressions stamp sets. I only have Dots and Spots. They do make fabulous backgrounds.
If I was lucky enough to win the £50 buy the riverside landscape and reelection mask set along with the pine trees and deerscape masks. Thank you for another wonderful day of give away. Clarity are the best
If this is my lucky day and I should win….
I would spend it all on the ‘it’s a wrap’ plates, definitely !
😘 Lonneke
Oh it would be wonderful to win! I would spend it on Josie’ s Prince grids or Linda William’s heart wrap. Decisions, decisions! Thank you so much for offers over the weekend.
Last night was such fun Barbara, maybe it can happen again? And I shall definitely be joining you and Linda tomorrow morning for a Clarity coffee get together!
If I was lucky enough to win the gift voucher top of the shopping list would be the new dies you mentioned last night and maybe a new set of brushes and some Distress inks for my collection!
If I was lucky enough to win I would spend it on the new plate mate and one of Linda’s wrap plates. But so much to choose from over the Clarity range
Wow……what would I spend £50 on? Hard decision as the wish list is forever growing now that the finances aren’t what they used to be. The lino cut stamps, embossing powders, ink pads, spot on sponges, groovi tabs, club subscription, dies the list goes on and on but what fun being able to choose. Thank you so much for all you and the team do to keep us safe and sane. Have a lovely evening xxx
My current list for spending such a wonderful win would be:- stamps: miniature feathered friends and/or tree with mantles and Groovi: a Prince duet plate, and centre to extended A4 plate mate. Although these are from the past and I don’t know what exciting goods you’ve got coming up in next month.
Would love to win and if I did I might try the groovi starter kit or some more artistry ink or the lightwave box and ,and,and !
Would be like a kid in a sweet shop thats for sure .Thank you for the fun x
Generous lady. I would add to my Linda Williams’ A4 123 Groovi plate stash.
So much still on my wish list. Probably on some of the new stamps that have been released and perhaps some new ink pads x
If I were lucky enough t win I’d spend the £50 (plus a bit more probably!) on some of Linda’s “It’s a Wrap” plates so I can make a truly wonderful card with envelope and stand for my Mum’s 90th birthday later this year! Thank you for everything you do Barbara – make sure you have a lovely relaxing and restful evening with the cats and Dave xx
I would buy all of Linda’s 123 groovi plates. I love them.
I would save it up until you launch your Christmas stamps for this year. You hinted they might match the woodland art blocks and I have just spent a very happy hour playing with those this afternoon.
Enjoy your evening!
So much to choose from. I love the lino cut stamps. I think I would choose a mixture of stamps, stencils and dies. What a wonderful prize!
I enjoyed all 4 hours of our pyjama party but had to use what I had to improvise. I would spend the prize on getting some of the correct stamps. Thank you so much Clarity.
Throughly enjoyed the pyjama party last night, great fun and great demo’s. I love anything Clarity And if I was lucky in this generous prize draw it would have to be some Christmas stamps or oxides.
Thank you to Barbara and her amazing team at Clarity.
I think I’d go for mixed media items such as a gel plate, grunge stamps, paint and as many other accompanying items as I could. It’s an area I have not been able to explore.
WOW another generous prize.
I have my eye on the Woodland Art Block collection and the Feathered Friends Miniatures.
Good luck everyone x
Should I be lucky enough to win I would put the £50 towards the new dies and rainbow parchment when they are launched. I’ve been playing with some stencils and used up all my old acrylic paints from my art room so I may buy some of your pots of paint or add to my archival ink pads.
We have been otherwise occupied for most of yesterday and today and I am shattered but tomorrow I will watch you on catchup and try to be with you for the 10am event too.
Looking at the number of responses to each of your blogs it is obvious you are well supported from many parts of the world. Just goes to show how much we all love Clarity.
Take care, stay safe.
Think I would spend it on the words stickers bundles and some mini word chains to give the finishing touch to my cards.
I think I would buy the full alphabet stamp set. I keep looking but not bought them yet! Or…perhaps the new groovi extension plates which look so useful.
*the big floral alphabet is the one I meant!
I would like to have a play with the mixed media stuff, like the backdrop stamps and the grunge stencils, oh and probably more groovi, not forgetting stamps, and the stampboard frames.
Better make a LIST in case I win. X🤣
Oh Barb it would have to be your lovely lino cut stamps and the triptic. After spending hrs last night putting all my clarity art into frames. I had been fortunate enough to receive a lino cut postcard which in it’s monochrome style went lovely in my grey box frame all ready for a grey and mustard duvet and curtained bedroom to take me through the Scottish summer months. Having a great online time… maybe next Year we will get to Ditton for a Raffel or two. 😍
Oh what a tricky question- so much on my wish list, but I’d probably go for some groovi kit. I have just begun my journey into this craft – inspired by Paul’s groovi Tuesday sessions. Thanks for your hard work. Time for a test tonight I think xxx
Will have my cuppa with you at 10am tomorrow…..looking forward to seeing you both – the weather is set to be awful here, so I think it will be a pj crafting day for me! 🥰 💕💕💕
If I was lucky I’d give in and purchase the butterflies. They are beautiful but I have so many. I’m. Still battling myself.
Oh wow what a fabulous prize! I would put the voucher towards the Faber Castell pencils, they are so lush and I would love to own them!
Thank you Barbara, Paul, Dave, Grace and all the fabulous elves at Clarity towers, you all rock!
Good luck everyone 😃 xx
If I won I would treat myself to some brushes and a set of stamps. So many gorgeous sets to choose from ha ha x
I would buy the word stickers stamps. Having just last month invested in the books I love them. And with what was left would choose stamps and inks for my 5yr old granddaughter who loves video crafting with me.
I would buy the word stickers stamps. Having just last month invested in the books I love them. And with what was left would choose stamps and inks for my 5yr old granddaughter who loves video crafting with me.
Will be at church tomorrow, I am on tech duty so can’t join you. 😔
I think I would spend it on the art block stamps and embedded, then again there are bound to be more super things out before too long!
If I won the voucher, I would use it towards some Backdrop Stamps and the Butterfly Wreath Stamps……..OR would I hang fire and wait for the new dies that you hinted at during last nights pyjama party?? Ooooooh the anticipation!!
Ooh! Would be like a kid in a candy store. Would love to try some designer and coloured parchment. Some storage folders would be next on the list. Any leftover pennies would go on some groovi plates. Have everything crossed x
If I won the voucher I would buy the owl plates and maybe the butterfly plate as I love seeing what people have made with them.
Evening all, another wonderful prize, you are spoiling us Barbara, thank you. Well a very long wish list but intrigued by the new dies you mentioned last night, or maybe the polychromos as all of your wonderful tuition has really improved my drawing and colouring. Love the linocut stamps and Linda’s new Groovi wrap, then my ink pads and designer papers need restocking……
Looking forward to the coffee morning tomorrow.
Take care, keep safe everyone
Take care, keep safe everyone
I’d spend it on stamps and background stamps as I have been doing groovi all the time and would like to. Stretch myself with the lovely stamps Barbara has been showing us,
I’ve never managed to get to a show of any kind since my 50th birthday (25 years ago in October) when we still lived in London and went to Ally Pally . Bea wanted to tie a balloon to my wheelchair but I resisted! I’d love to go again but it won’t happen now. I’d split my voucher with Bea so she could get something she would like (maybe Groovi related), and I’d probably get more of the grunge stamps as I love them but budget has been stretched too far this month with expensive vet bills!! Have loved this w/end and looking forward to catching up with pyjama party lessons.
Hello! I have had my eye on the new Plate mates but just checked my wish list and I think it could be the It’s a Wrap 3 Collection that I would go for and Linda’s new heart card plate. Fingers crossed! 😊
If I was lucky enough to win the raffle, I would buy some more brushes to start with and then I would get my mum to choose also so I could treat her to. We could then to one of your projects together. Really enjoyed your open week end. Put your feet up and have a rest. Looking forward to watching you and Linda tomorrow.
Thank you. X
If I was lucky enough to win your very generous vouchers , I would like to buy some ribbon plates and ribbons or the Princes grid plates.
Thanks for all the amazing work you and the team do. Watched the PJ party on holiday last night and can wait to get back and do the stamping. Only bought the Groovi stuff on holiday as less messy.
If I was lucky enough to win then I would love the background stamp sets of the heart, round and square ones, plus the Lino print stamps, my wish list goes on and on and on. Would have to invest from my pocket money pot too I think xxx
Really enjoying all the blogs and the pyjama party. If I was fortunate to win the £50 voucher I would buy the platemate for A5 Square grids, some ink pads and some stamps.
If I was lucky enough to be pulled out of the hat I would choose the new Groovi plate mate and extensions as I really enjoy pattern building with embossed dots.
I would buy stamps, stencils and would learn more about colouring and making backgrounds especially with yupo Papers and alcohol inks
I would buy lots of the coloured parchment and designer paper pads. I have been doing Groovi since March 2020 and up to now have over 30 different plates…… I haven’t mastered picot cutting yet therefore would definitely buy the cutters or scissors.
Thank you so much for the opportunity x
If I were the lucky winner, I’d be delighted to purchase the stamps I’ve had my eye on. It would be a tough decision though, there are truly some beautiful choices. I love the mixed impressions stamps, the new word sticker stamps, and the feel good word stamps. Oh no, wait… maybe it would be some of the Groovi plates from the it’s a wrap collection. Such beautiful quality products!
My husband bought me loads of Pergamano tools and groovi plates for Christmas, so I think I would top up my tools with the piercing ones as I’ve not ventured into piercing more than one hole yet!
I would buy Linda’s Wrap 3 plates and the extender pieces for my A4 plate mate. Unless you would accept turning it round and buying doughnuts for the Clarity team, including you. They need buoying up by the end of the day, as they can’t slope off before the last tickets are called. And they have all the packing yet to do. Not sure you can post doughnuts to New York? You would have to ask Grace as she got afternoon tea delivered. I have faith she knows these things.
Ooh where would I start. £50 voucher. Hmm hang on for the new dies and rainbow parchment or splash out on the prince’s plates, or Linda’s beautiful children’s stamps, or put towards the floral alphabet groovi. Oh golly gosh spoilt for choice. If only. Good luck everyone. 💫
I would treat myself to some distress oxide sprays as I would live to try them. X
If I were lucky enough to win – I’d love to go to a retreat when they go ahead so I’d save the prize for when I can reserve my place. I’d love to meet the lovely Barbara and the team.
I remember I did win the raffle at one of the Open Days – got a B floral stamp and some modelling cremes! This time I’d go for the new word sticker stamps – they’re fab!! And more stencil card, get through so much of it.
Tomorrow will be football class with my daughter, then helping her spoil hubby for Father’s Day. Actually, she’s planning to be up early to get the celebrations underway, so may be playing intercepter before football to let hubby have a lie in!!
If I was lucky enough to win I would get more parchment and more plates. Probably save it for the Retreat.
I would give it to a friend of mine who loves crafting but can’t afford clarity goodies, but loves to come and craft with my stash! She would love a few clarity goodies for herself. Thank you.
would definitely be lindas its a wrap part 3 and the groovi plate mate extenders, love being able to join in open days from home, looking forward to coffee morning tomorrow
If I was a lucky winner, top of my Wish List at the moment is Linda’s Groovi heart plates. I really would like to try the wrap idea for a Wedding Anniversary card for my dear hubby (our anniversary is in a few weeks)….. thanks for our pretend Open Day…. Beryl S
So far I have loved the weekend jaunt with Clarity. Having never been able to go to a retreat, I can see they are such fun! If I won, I would purchase a light wave and spend the rest on some Lino stamps as I love them.
Thankyou for the chance of winning!
Oh decisions… I would love a go with the lino cuts or the feel good words.
I’m hoping for the voucher to purchase the new A4 plate and extenders, and the ribbon plates, oops that is more than £50. Oh dear.
I would have to get the gorgeous butterfly stamps by Cherry Green, the new tape label sentiment stamps and some stamp board shapes.
If I was lucky enough to win, I would spend it on the new Groovi extender plate mate and the Palace groovi plates, which are amazing.
Those cup cakes were delicious at the last open day I went to. If I was lucky enough to win the £50 voucher I’d have to buy the town three way stamps set to start my stamping journey off and keep some back for the future delights that Clarity are bringing us.
Thank you for your generosity, Barbara x
Well Barbara I am nearly on beans on toast so would spend it on another lightwave to pop in my bag that I travel with😁
I do remember at the last open day you sent Dave out to buy beans😂😂
What a lovely prize, I would spend it on a mini Groovi starter kit for my granddaughter and some towards Linda Williams It’s A Wrap plates. It’s been a lot of fun these last couple of days 😀
If I was lucky enough to win I’d buy Josie’s new plate mate with the extenders and perhaps some designer parchment to go with it.
I’d never be able to go to an Open day so I’m loving this virtual one. X
If I won the £50 after I’ve got over the shock I would get Linda’s Groovi heart she said a beginner could do it so I will give it a try and some background stamps trouble is you keep demonstrating such great things I want to try them all so a big thank you to everyone
Of I was lucky it would have to be th A4 Prince lace diet plates as I have them next on my list. Spent my money on the ribbon plates and Tina’s embroidery plates this time.Fingers crossed.
Ooh, I’d love to go on a £50 shopping spree! I’d definitely invest in some of the background stamps for starters, and no doubt some other stamps from my (ever-growing!) wish list too. I’d get the butterfly wreath set to split with my Mum, so she can have a big one and I can have a little one. Then I’d have to have a look at what else is on my Mum’s wish list to treat her to something too. I’m sure between the two of us, we’d have no trouble at all getting that voucher spent! Thanks for the opportunity to win! This weekend has been such fun.
M x
I would use it on Groovi it’s a wrap plates and the lino cut stamps , thanks for the chance to win and for all your inspiration x
Then I could see for myself why Barbara is such a fan.
Wow- that very generous. Good luck everyone. I would get a mega mount, some word stickers and maybe some stencil brushes.
If this miracle ocurred I would buy Josie’s new plate mate with the extenders. The other two artistry ink sets. Distress inks Oxide/Archivals and another set of brushes
So many lovely things to pick from! May be some paints to use on my Gelpress and/or Lino print stamps. Thank you for all the extra posts and prizes.
If I was lucky enough to win this very generous prize, I would get as many of the wonderful new LinoCut stamps created by Barbara.
Hallo Barbara I would spend the voucher on the new groovi plates with the extender as I struggle with the A 4plate plates the wording stamps colouring pencils and maybe the glue runner again as I love them as my dog bit another dog and the vet bill was £550 I am missing out on all your goodies x
I purchased a small Groovi Starter kit for a friend so she could av a go. She likes it but is a bit skint so I think some Groovi plates for her and I’ve got my eye on a few stamps I’d like for me.
Shame you don’t sell PJ’s Barbara, I got ink on mine last night, so would have purchased a pair with Indian Summer design! What fun it was..
I think I would wait for the new dies you teased us about….excited…..
Oh and a very Happy Anniversary to you and Dave.
Grateful and honoured to be part of the Clarity community.
I would love to pick and mix from all your wonderful products, thank you for everything that you do xx.
Hi Barb
If I were lucky enough to win a £50 voucher, the first thing I would buy is a replacement mask of forest trees as I have just broken mine. Then I would have to play “ip dip dooo” to pick items from my continuous, on-going list of crafting goodies that I would like from Clarity. But I think top of my list would be some designer parchment papers, as I have been having loads of fun with the ones I have and I would love some more.
If I were to win I would put it towards the lovely tin of coloured pencils that have been on my wish list for a long time! Thanks for the chance to win.
At the moment, I would spend it on the Prince’s Lace duet, but the new A4 border plate mate is also terrific.
Ooh if I was lucky enough to win I would have to spend it on the new Woodland art block stamp collection as they are so gorgeous and versatile or…. Maybe the lino cut stamps, just my style and so on trend,. Mmm the decion would be a tough one….
LOVE the linocut stamps – they are all so fabulous!!
If I won I would treat myself to the plates used in the Groovi Tuesday shows.
If I won it would have to be the Lino cut stamps and either a box of the artistry inks or Linda Williams’ washing line and baby clothes groovy plate. Good luck to everyone 😀
Goodness, how to narrow down my wish list! I love the lino cut stamps and maybe some distress oxides. Xx
Always hard to decide what to choose and what to leave on the shelves when putting in a Clarity order!
I think I might get some ‘basics’: backdrop shape stamps, ink pads, shape dies. Things I’d use a lot and enjoy the memories of what enabled me to purchase them.
Thanks for everything, you’re a gem 🙂
Hi Barb,
I’ve been to all of the Catterick/Leyburn Open Days and have loved all of them. I’ve met some lovely people there and made new friends that I look forward to seeing again each year. The two workshop days at Leyburn were great and I learned so much ( although doing the fluffy robin was hard!!!). If I was lucky enough to win, I would buy something I haven’t already got! Love the new Lino cuts – any chance of making them in a taller size? Haven’t yet tried my wood block set, but looking forward to that. Thank you for our virtual Open Day. Love and hugs,Alison xxx
If I was lucky enough to win the voucher I think it would have to be Josie’s new groovi plate mate with the extenders or the Prince plates or even Linda’s latest It’s a Wrap Plates as I have the 1st two sets. I think I may have trouble making a decision ha!ha! but thank you for the chance,
Really miss the open days, the atmosphere, the demos and not least Barb leaping onto the rostrum every hour and giving us all a giggle! On my wish list, definitely the lino cut stamps and Linda’s Children Through the season stamps. xx
If I was lucky enough to win, I would buy the polychromos, thank you Barbara, for all of your hard work and for making crafting so much fun and more affordable.xx
On my first visit to an open day I couldn’t believe the raffle prizes. So generous. If I were lucky enough to win I would buy the artistry ink pads. I can’t justify buying til the ink pads I have are used up and they just won’t dry up. Doesn’t happen with any of my other craft stuff which seems to be used up at a rate of knots so it would be a treat
If I was lucky enough to win I would buy the lino print stamps and perhaps some of the stencils – I have a few but would love more! The art deco rose stamps are also calling me or more of the grunge background stamps – so much to choose from! Whatever I bought would be fantastic quality and beautifully designed, as always.
Wow what a prize and what a lot of entries! Have only just seen this post so probably missed the deadline! Well what would I do if I won? I would probably buy more stamps to practise with and also hang on till the rainbow parchment comes on sale! (Can’t wait for that!) or I may hang onto it so that I have some more pennies to spend at the parchment retreat in OctoberM (really can’t wait to come to my first retreat! A birthday present from March to me from my family so saved the pennies for that and it can’t come soon enough! ) enjoy your coffee morning with Linda I may have to watch on catch up as have to go to my father in laws to take his Father’s Day present to him xx
I would like to try the doodle stamps and maybe one of your Lino art stamps. Fancy trying something a bit different.
If I were lucky enough to win the 50.00 voucher I would buy the clarity stamps that I really really wand and haven’t yet got them.
Such a kind give away Barbara thank you xxx
Well what a choice I have a huge list so on the top of my list are some of the shac shac stamps, then stencil card never goes a miss, choices,choices.
I attended my first open day in Leyburn then stayed overnight for the groovi workshop, I had a blast so.much fun so many liked minded friendly people. When we can I’ll be straight on the bus again.
Hugs and take care xxxx
£50 would be amazing to win. There is so much on my list… But top is It’s a wrap part 3 trio, which are so beautiful, followed closely by the lino cut stamps..I love the little extra stamps you get with these.
Hello Barbara
A bit late to the plate, me!
If I was lucky enough to have my name pulled out I would say ‘please draw again’ as I have EVERYTHING, lol.
A selection of Groovi, especially the latest plate mate with extensions, Linda’s wrap selection and maybe Lino cuts
I would spend it on some new scissors for picot cutting and a 6mm ball tool, Lindas best friend. Can you tell I’ve been watching Groovi Tuesday😄 x
If I were lucky enough to win, I would buy back issues of the club kits (some of the ones I missed) as they are an at home workshop you can refer back to time & time again. Pocket sized inspiration & fun. I love receiving my envelope each month.
He is called a Mbali the meerkat because he can see into the distance! Just love anything to do with Africa and safaris, my absolute favourite holidays have been on Safari! And love the story you told above. Enjoy your coffee xx
Getting my cuppa to go and watch Barbara and Linda having a chat. If I was lucky enough to win a voucher I would spend it on verses/words that I don’t have a lot of in my collection. Also more designer paper, I adore it! Happy Sunday everyone xx
Hi. Think I would treat myself to some ii books. Sometime ago I bought some tools but when they arrived I didn’t know what to do with them! Thank you for all the fun.
I would spend a gift voucher on the Lino cut stamps. I have had a go at Lino cut stamps myself in the past but unfortunately mine did not turn out anything like your lovely ones 🤣
I would love to put the voucher towards more Groovi plates (haven’t got the latest ones yet) or some stamps for my Xmas cards (will make some for the local Air Ambulance charity for funds) 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
If I was lucky enough to win I would add some more artistry inks to my collection. And I would buy the new sticker stamps. Oh its so hard to choose as I want to buy everything from clarity
0h there’s so much on my wish list but at the top is the Chess themed bundle featured on The Craft Store (probably still Hochanda back then!) some time ago.
Anyway good luck everyone, see you for coffee soon…have a fun day! xxx
I would put the voucher towards the square picot cutting die (when it comes back into stock) and some more Groovi goodies as I have just started learning with Paul Church on a Tuesday.
I think I would treat myself to the new large A4 plate mate with the extenders , as that would be so helpful to me and maybe some more Groovi plates 👍🏼😊
I would be spoilt for choice and would have to put all my wishes into a box and draw them out one at a time until the voucher had been spent.
i would put it to the £50 towards a set of Faber-Castell pencils as only have a few of the extra ones
Wonderful pj party, thank you, I needed the lively company! I was lucky enough to go to the amazing Ditton open day in 2018 , met up with old friends, Linda Williams and others, and met Barbara! Too far for me to go now, but such good memories. I would buy the A4 Groovi plate then save for the Christmas goodies which I am sure will be coming soon! Xx
I would love to win and would spend it on stamps. Never been able to stamp but now I can! It would be wonderful!
I would buy the groovi embroidery plates and the lino cut stamps xx
Oh gosh what a question, I’m thinking about the time spent doing the Christmas competition repeatedly trying to find the naughty elves. The ooohss and ahhhs as I saw more and more things I’d like.
I think right now I’d really like the full sets of the poppet stamps. But I’d also like lots of other things so it would be a very hard decision. 😬
Hi Barbara I loved watching you on Friday. Could not join in as I am trying to pack my craftroom as we are moving next week. The rest of the house has been easier to pack. Hubby will finally see what is in there . Lol
I would love to win the voucher. I would be torn between choosing Linda’s wrap heart Groovi plate or the word sticker stamps. Can’t wait to get my desk put together in our new house and continue to craft along with you all. Xxx
Wow, what a prize ! I would like to try something different, maybe stencils,perforating tools for Groovi, card, designer papers,or perga cutters i have both scissors but still don’t feel my cutting is very good.You have so many wonderful things. THank you and take care.
If I managed to win I would purchase more of the great Linda Williams fantastic GROOVIE PLATES, here’s hoping
Fabulous open day celebrations I haven’t managed to take part in all, as I’ve told you all my Bro is just out of hospital, 3 months since road accident. But if I was lucky enough to win I’d buy the polychromos along with Barbs new limo cut stamps and stock up on some beautiful papers and parchment. Good luck everyone.
I would spend it on Barbra’s
Words. You can never have enough of those. But I also love the lino cuts.
So much delightful things to choose from…..I think I would go for the background stamps, linocuts & Princes duet Groovi plates. As a long-time traditional parcher dipped my toe in by buying the A5 border plate mate and was so impressed I am keen to try the duet plates…what an inspired concept!
I’m just starting to get into stamping have just joined the stamp club and need to kit myself out with some inks. So I’d spend it on them
More groovi and groovi folders .x
I haven’t tried the Groovi piercing grids yet, so I’d definitely go for some of those.
I would actually spend the money on the link it stamps as have had my eye on them. I love Linocut and have stamps from other companies and also do some myself when l get the chance. So please give me the £50😁😁😁😂😂
I would love some more of the Groovi Twas The Night plates if I were lucky enough to win.
I’m getting into groovi lately and I would love to buy Linda’s amazing wrap around groovi plates they are so beautiful….. Such a wonderful prize thankyou for the chance to win x
If I was lucky enough to win I would choose the linocut stamps, no wait the Prince’s groovi plates, no the feel good sentiments, hmm it would be a tough choice but one I would enjoy making 😊😊
I’d spend it on a bunch of the Pergamano multi-needle tools as it’s the area of parching that I’m yet to really delve into xoxo
Oh wow where to start..
I’ve just started groovi so i would love to put it towards getting more tools, the tool books, groovi guard, groovi tape, brads and the pens.
If I were lucky enough to win a £50 Clarity gift voucher I would have to go for the tin of 60 polychromo pencils.
Good luck everyone!
Caught a little of your chat with Linda this morning before my friend Jo came over for a blether with me. Feeling a little second hand now after my covid jab yesterday, so I’ve had a look at your sale and will cheer myself up with some bargains! I’d get some new distress oxides to add to my collection I think, if I was lucky enough to come out of the draw!
My choice would be some bigger basic piercing grids as I only have the small A6 ones
If I was lucky enough to win I’d spend it on stencils and brushes and some other accessories I’d chose on websites
If I was lucky enough to win I would buy a few items to get started in Stamping. After following Barbara’s stamping sessions it is something I would like to try.
Fingers crossed
Good luck everyone
If I was lucky enough to win I would use it for pergamon pencils or artistry ink. I have been following the shac and have been so inspired by Barbara and everybody’s work.
If I was lucky enough to win I would use it for artistry inks and possibly towards some of your nice pencils. I have been following the shac and have been so inspired by Barbara and everybody’s work.
If my name comes out if the hat I will be looking to add more Fresh Cut Dies to my small collection and I have my eye on mre Designer Papers, but who knows… once the browsing starts where will it end! I am looking already at back issues of the die and stencil clubs!!
Wow, if I were lucky enough to win I’d purchase some alcohol inks and the large gel press. Had so much fun with them in shaving foam so would look at other ways to use them too. A project for our next craft retreat with Roz and Karen. Xx
What a great prize! I’m definitely going to buy more Groovi plates with it, especially the new one from Linda Williams. Love Groovi! ❤️
I have had the loviest weekend catching your live shows. I felt like I am part of a family and not quiet as lonely as I sometimes feel 😀 If I won I would definitely but a new jumper mask. I have two and one I cut up a few years ago to help mask pieces off. I would buy moon masks and all the clarity staples and then something new. I haven’t even used my butterfly wreaths yet abs I got all of them 😂
Hi Barbara
I would have to buy the new heart groovi plates by the lovely Linda W i loved listening to you both chatting this morning
Take care all. Xx
I’d buy card blanks, never have enough, and needed for everything!
With a clarity gift voucher I would purchase groovi edge to edge, the complete collection
Thanks Barbara for a lovely prize, I’d spend it on some of Josie’s Groovi plates and the fine needle tools.
Such a generous prize again Barbara..
Oh wow my wish list would be new lino cuts not got them yet a3 foam black and white and some a3 parchment …..to do some larger projects oh and new large plate mate and the small connectors with the letter boxes on…oh I cud keep going and going …keep up the fab work xx
I’m not sure what I would buy but when chosen it would always remind me of the tough times we have all had over the past year. Everybody has their own experience and stories to tell of how Covid has affected their lives.
Hi Barbara
I would buy at least one of the new Lino stamps, the new Groovi princes and the poppet stamps, that amount of times I’ve nearly bought them, another archival black ink pad, a set of brushes ( you can never gave enough brushes), some plain parchment and perhaps a few parchment tools, whoops, that’s over tge £50, well what a surprise 😂😂xxx
The list could be endless. Stencil card, designer papers, eraser of course, blending nibs and groovi tabs 😂
Some new Groovi plates i font have all the palaces so would love the complete set
If I was lucky enough to be drawn out of the hat/ box what ever your using, after listening today at the coffee morning which by the way was great I would buy the nursery rhyme stamps to make art for my two new niece and nephew who came along last September.
Thank you for a lovely Clarity Festival.
Looking forward to the retreat fingers crossed. Xxx
Hi Barb, a really great prize for this raffle, if I had been in time for the draw, and won, I would have spent it on completing my distress oxide ink pads collection, they are just brilliant to work with and especially on the lino cut stamps. Oh and with the latest club goodies too, just love the latest stencil it is fab. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
I would put it toward polychromos…
If I was lucky enough to win, I’d buy some more groovi plates to keep me busy, and create some of the weekly groovi cards from Hazel that I haven’t got the supplies for! 😺