Hi there
Thanks for popping in!
Isn’t it frustrating when you get up especially early, make not one but two rounds of sandwiches to take to work – and then leave them on the counter in the kitchen.
Ahh… but what sweet relief when the wife calls and says she’s bringing them to the factory on her way to a meeting.
Lucky Dave. Lucky for him I don’t like salad cream! And I’m trying to lay off the bread, so his sarnies were safe!
I’m off to Peterborough today (via Clarity Towers!), to attend an important meeting at the TV Studios. Looking forward to seeing some our the crew too! Haven’t been up there for months – but I bet the car still remembers the way!
Isn’t it strange how we adapt. Within the space of a year I’ve become accustomed to isolating day after day, week after week, to working alone in the SHAC. The daily drive to Clarity Headquarters has been reduced to once a week, and I am actually fine with that. The less people in the building, the less risk of passing Covid around. I love going in and meeting up with the designers, but I am also much more efficient working remotely.
The car doesn’t get used half as much nowadays. But I guess that will change by and by, as restrictions are lifted. I notice that many drivers are more aggressive than ever. Like they’re all in a rush to get somewhere quickly.
Anyway, must deliver Dave’s sarnies safely before I trundle up the M11.
Oh and by the way – on the subject of sarnies…
Remember the little blog candy at the weekend? When I offered a £20 Gift Voucher to the person who could guess the Acronym BSWM ? What a giigle we had reading your guesses! Fabulous. But actually, BSWM stand for …
Bacon Sandwiches With Mayo !!!
Unbelievably a few of you got it right! Perfect. So I picked a random winner, and the £20 Voucher goes to Maggimoo!!! Well done xxx
Must dash, said the Mexican.
Don’t forget the WIGIG Sale and the Beautiful Offer of the Week this Week!
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx
13 thoughts on “Forgotmesarnies!”
Congratulations Maggimoo, enjoy spending your voucher, BSWM totally floored me. Safe journey Barbara, hope your meeting goes well, and Dave enjoys his sarnies. Take care every one. xx
Safe journey. Would never have thought of that as the only thing on my bacon sarnies is bacon. Congratulations to the lucky winner xx
Hi Barbara have a safe journey. Life is on the move again. Take care. Hugs xxx
Aye….we’re back to disrespectful folks who don’t seem to care about pandemics!
Anyway, you are very naughty as I HAD to get the butterflies yesterday. They are one of my favourites, so glad they are stamps now (I only have 2 Groovi plates, the butterfly wreath is one of them!) you are naughty because I had bought stuff in the W??? thingy sale too. I worry about your postage costs!
Anyway, love etc. from Maggie 2 jabs (Bendy Yorkite)
Safe travels to Peterborough. We’re getting ready to form work bubbles for returning to the office, but will still work flexibly as we always did luckily for us! Very tempted by the wreath stamps x
Safe journey, Barb. Take care. Lots of love. Hxx
I’m not enjoying this ‘get back to normal’ scenario. I’ve just typed out a list for our cars regarding tax, MOT and service plans. I thought I would get it organised as I’m finding it hard to concentrate on what has to be done. With them not being used so much I keep forgetting when things need renewing so thought if I type it out and file it I can go to it for reference!!! Then there’s the diary that keeps getting dates booked in and I’m beginning to panic when all I want to do is sit and craft. Good luck with the journey Barbara hope all is well at The Craft Store
Congrats Maggimoo, enjoy spending your voucher.
Hope all goes well for your meeting Barbara, it will feel strange after the no travelling in the last year or so, but we are nothing if not adaptable as we have already proved in these difficult times.
Take care, stay safe. 🍒
Congratulations lucky Maggimoo and have fun with your voucher!🍀
Hope the meeting was succesfull Barbara in Petersborough and you are safe at home.
See you tomorrow in the Shac!
Lots of love, Trijntje Huppel
Thanks so much for my win, very pleased and surprised….in shock really 😆
It’s good to get something right sometimes!! made my day.
Would never have thought of adding mayo to a bacon sandwich unless it was a BLT. Congratulations to Maggimoo, enjoy spending your voucher.
Hope by now you are safely back in Crowborough – not a nice day for driving as we have had several really heavy spells of rain with thunder & lightening.
Hello Barb, hope you had a safe trip up the M11 and back again. Drivers are far more aggressive at the moment, it is like they have forgotten how to drive safely and be courteous. Well done Maggimoo, enjoy spending that voucher. Love the sound of Dave’ Sarnies, I would have eaten them, love salad cream. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Congratulations to Maggimoo on solving the puzzle.
As to traffic, I think they are all here in Cornwall and every third one is a motor home. The hill we have to travel down is quite narrow with parked cars down one side so you always have to give way to traffic coming up, makes it interesting when buses, delivery vans, tractors and trailers meet up and then then there’s a motor home in the mix who doesn’t know the road!
Thanks for the offers, think I feel a purchase in the offing xx