Blue skies …

Blue skies …

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Lovely day here today! Blue skies and white, billowy pillow clouds. The birds are twittering and chatting away to each other, and the new, bright green shoots on the trees are swaying to the gentle breeze. Everything is coming alive. And it’s good to be alive.

I won’t stay long. Feeling a little under par. Had my second jab this afternoon, and I sure doesknow it. Still. It certainly beats the alternative, and I am very grateful for a sore arm and a thick head. This too shall pass.

I arrived at the Angel Centre in Tonbridge at bang on 1pm. Was back out and on the road again by 1.15pm. Super efficient, friendly, professional – just excellent.

I hope your experience has been and will be as positive as mine. Onwards and upwards with vigour, eh…

But now it’s time for tea and a nap.

Love always

Barb xx

18 thoughts on “Blue skies …

  1. We had a lovely sunny day until I put out 2 loads of washing and rain, hail, thunder and lightening 🤦🏻‍♀️. So much for BBC saying sunny until well into afternoon. Can’t wait to see the Lino cut stamp demos 😁. Hope you feel better soon 💗

  2. Glad you had your second. You will feel okay tomorrow. Did some weeding on my allotment despite an infection. Sometimes just have to get up and get on. Big thank you for your virtual company xx

  3. Hope you don’t feel too rough, Barb. Just take it easy. I was having a lovely day watching the starlings and others feeding their young in my garden when a cat – not mine because she is not out – grabbed one of the young starlings. I hate that folk let their cats out, particularly at this time of year. So many young birds are on the ground waiting to be fed with no idea of the danger that lurks! The birds have nowhere else to go. Rant over! Hxx

  4. Hope you feel right again by tomorrow. I just had my text to book no 2 so that’s top of my list tomorrow after my morning mindfulness practice x

  5. Hi Barbara today has been a good day. We have even had birds using our bird feeder after such a long time. We have our second jab next week. I hope the nap and the cup of tea do the trick. Take care. Hugs xxx

  6. Hope feeling off colour doesn’t last too long. I’ve got mine on Friday so hope that will be ok – was last time. We had such a heavy hail storm at lunchtime so noisy on conservatory roof I thought it might pierce it ! Then Mikey cat had his annual injections, all well there, Sally goes tomorrow. Then we had visitors, I made some scones, did cake and tea and it’s knackered me ! I got a bit anxious too, haven’t seen them since well before Christmas, seems a bit daft but just out of practice ! Need to catch up with Shac – I watched but didn’t draw as I knew I had to go half way. Looked fab ! X

  7. hopefully your symptoms will soon pass – you should be back up to speed tomorrow. It’s been a lovely day here as well, and I had lunch with my crafting buddy before we spent some time together creating cards. It was so lovely to be indoors together for a short while – one step closer back to ‘normality’!

  8. Bea and I have had both of our injections and we had no side effects at all. I think we were very fortunate to belong to the GP practise in our village as they were super-efficient and we were in and out very quickly every time. I think they only did the over 60s as younger people have to go to the larger centres, further away. I hope you soon feel better and I’m sure you’ll feel safer in every way too. I’m still in no hurry to go anywhere, but I hope to see my only relative in the UK soon -my cousin.

  9. When we will have our jab,we have to wait 15 minutes after it is done and than we can go home. That is for if you will become unwell after the injection.
    Hope you will get well soon Barbara and take care.
    Lots of love, Trijntje Huppel

  10. The soreness rarely lasts more than 48 hours and you will feel better after a good nights sleep. We were lucky to have both our jabs and no after effects. We certainly feel safer but are very reluctant to go mixing for the time being.
    Next jab for me will be the pneumococcal one, but why they chose me when it is Ray who has chest problems I can’t even begin to guess. Age maybe?
    Ray wanted to mow the lawn but rain was forecast so he gave up that idea and did some colouring for me instead. However, the sun came out and it has been a beautiful day, really lifts the spirits.
    Hope you feel better tomorrow.

  11. Hi Barbara
    I had my second jab about 2 weeks ago and have to say I was laid up a for a few days was washed out completely. Will keep everything crossed 🤞 for that you feel better tomorrow.
    We ventured to a garden centre today was ok lots of people out because it was a beautiful day in the South west. Rain forecast for rest of week never mind.
    Ruth & Jackie xx

  12. Hi Barbara , I hope any ill effects from the jab are over quickly for you. It was lovely in Camelot this morning, lots of fun. I couldn’ t say ‘Morning All’ as every so often the comments box on my laptop refuses to work. Frustrating !
    Wish I was more Tech savvy. Take care, xx

  13. Hope you feel better tomorrow. I dosed my self up with paracetamol every 4 hours after having my 2nd jab & didn’t have obvious side effects this time.
    I have spent the day after the SHAC finishing off some of my UFO’s & this months PTC swap which is now in the post. Sometimes things just fall into place & go well like today whereas other days it seems to take an age just to do 1 card.

  14. Sorry that you have felt a bit under the weather since your jab Barbara and hopefully tomorrow you will be back to normal. I was lucky enough with both not to have the sore arm but did feel rather shivery after the first and just a very little again after the second but as you say the alternative would be far worse. x

  15. Hello Barb, I hope you are feeling better now and that you have not had any further side effects. I felt unwell the day after my first one and my arm was sore for days. Due my 2nd one in a couple of weeks. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  16. On the day after the second jab, I woke up feeling fabulous. Went to work and an hour later was running a fever, so back home again. By late afternoon I felt fine. My oldest only felt a little tired the night of his second, but ended up with an enormous bruise on his arm.

  17. Hello Barbara first I hope you’re feeling better today I had both my jabs within 6 weeks and luckily I am one of the lucky ones with no side affects on either then this morning I had poets from you it was a birthday card and I am so happy as I lead a very lonely life in over 35 years I never made friends over here so I don’t get any birthday cards as a rule you made my day and it will go in a frame love Anja

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