Time for tea! And a Competition…
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. Beautiful Spring morning here in the South East. Sunny, bright blue skies. Makes you glad you be alive.
I am getting ready for the TV shows on Hochanda, but it will be good; please join me for a game of arty Chess at 2pm ! I love these stamps.
Then at 6pm Paul is taking over the ODS (One Day Special) on HOCHANDA, and playing with the beautiful new Time for Tea Groovi Plates Collection, which Linda Williams has designed. We’ve made plenty; they are so fabulous! I have a feeling they will fly.
The number of patterns, borders , lace elements, flowers and frames is unbelievable! And when you realise all the interchangeability of the designs, when you start to play with the plates, and start filling the cups differently, to make your own personal blend of cuppa – it is so enjoyable to do! And the Welsh Dresser is just beautiful.
Linda and I are best friends. I love her dearly. Here we are larking about in Slovenia a few years ago. That was a fab little Pergamano business trip, I can tell you!

Apart from just totally being my cup of tea as a woman, I also have huge respect for her creative talent. It is not without reason that she is regarded as one of the world’s top Parchment Artists. I knew of her years before we hooked up through Groovi. And she told me she used to watch me on telly way back then too, even though she wasn’t a stamper – she just enjoyed me and what I did. Isn’t that lovely?! Who’d have thought that years down the road, she’d become the sister I never had.
Anyway, back to the TV show this evening. My other dear friend, Paul Church, is going to steer us through these masterpiece plates. He has the ability to explain things so clearly, as you know.
Here is a little masterpiece that Linda made, which totally exemplifies how cleverly these new designs work together….

She has used various elements fron the different plates to build a perfect and original little Time for Tea art piece. Let’s have a closer look…
Cup first….I’m looking for the one with the heart shaped handle. Ahhh. It’s on the Groovi plate with the stack of teacups…
But the pattern on the cup is different… where did she find that? Ah yes, on one of the cups in the stack. Perfect.
How about the frame? Ahh. Same plate as the Stay Calm, Drink Tea and Eat Cake words.
How about the macaroons? I’m getting hungry just looking! Found them!!
This is such fun. And so creative! Like a Where’s Waldo Puzzle! I do love a puzzle too. Finished a big one last night. That took a while. Good for the head.

Anyway, I digress. Back to Linda’s fabulous card…
Where did she find the flower? It’s not on these plates. Nope.
Linda told me that one of the main ideas behind the cups and teapots and coffee pots was to be able to use them as receptacles and quasi vases for all the hundreds of flowers designs we (and YOU!) already have!
So I’ve had a fun idea. Let’s have a little Where’s Waldo Competition, a Where’s the Flower Competition. See if you can identify this bloom, tell us which plate it comes from, and give us the name and product code of the plate. BIG Clue: It’s on our website! www.claritystamp.com

Send your answer to Barbara@claritystamp.com. I will put the names of all the correct answers in a big teacup, and pull out a lucky winner. And that lucky winner will receive a £30 Clarity Gift Voucher.
So there you go. Don’t give the game away by telling us the answer below! Send us your answer before Midnight Tuesday, and I shall pick a winner to be announced on the blog on Wednesday. Easy if you know your plates !!!
Time to go set up the chessboard for 2pm. I love chess. My Dad taught me to play. I made a chess set years ago. I will dig it out and show you it tomorrow in the SHAC Shac at 10am . Oooh there’s a funny story behind that old chess set…
Stay safe
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx

30 thoughts on “Time for tea! And a Competition…”
Love the card. Love the tea and coffee sets and the flower is beautiful! Don’t know the answer but will try and look for it later! Sunny here too but very chilly!
The tea and coffee sets are gorgeous! Can’t wait to see samples of them all! No idea where the flower will be found but I will look later! The card sample is beautiful!
Wow they look fabulous. Love the sentiment, drinking tea and eating cake to keep calm is such a perfect thing to do. Looking forward to watching you later Barbara, and Paul too. He is just so good at explaining things. Watching him on Groovi Tuesdays is getting me back into Groovi. It’s been way too long. Keep well Barbara, love and hugs xx
Getting dinner as we speak so I can sit down for 2 hours with you and Chess this afternoon and with Paul tonight. So much to see, so much crafting to do – by 6pm I will be ready for tea and cake 😁
Oh dear think the bank balance might take a bit, those Groovi plates are gorgeous. Think I know which flower it is so will have to check. We have a jigsaw in progress ,not very easy but then we need a challenge. Just got in from a pleasant walk in the sun. Dinner next then your shows. X
What fabulous new designs and yes they will fly off the shelf. We are all looking forward to meeting up for tea and cake with friends so very apt. Looking forward to the Chess demos with our cup of tea sadly no cake! Trying to cut down too. Looking forward to the Shac Shack and a big thank you as my stencils, topper card etc has arrived and posca pens on their way. Xx
Fantastic set of plates, as always, by Linda. Love that card that has been made, too. Looking forward to your shows this afternoon. Have fun. Hxx
Wow Barbra , Im new to all of this , waiting for my first order to arrive . Get more excited every day , when I see all the talent you have at clarity stamps , also all the beautiful people that are sharing on your Facebook sight , so talented too . So glad to be a member of your craft club , the welcom I received from the members of the Facebook page , was very touching . I feel so privileged to be part of the Clarity family . Blown away with the tea cups , my favourite tipple tea . And of course the cake .stay safe all , keep crafting ♥️❤️🌈👍🎉
Lovely and sunny here in Norfolk too. Beautiful day.
Don’t like tea – ugh!! – but I will use my cups for coffee – haha. I am about to place an order as Linda has surpassed herself with these gorgeous plates. She is so clever.
I could beat most people at draughts (checkers?) but could never get my head around chess although hubby is well versed in it. We are going to binge on the showa today.
Take care, stay safe.
Is anyone else having trouble logging on?
Tried to log on to place an order, told me I was signed in, selected an item, went to basket to pay, asked me to log on again, came up with checkout page, hit continue and it asked me to log in yet again. I’M GOING ROUND IN CIRCLES !!!!
HELP !!!
They are all stunning! xoxo
The parchment work that’s pictured flowers in the last few week has been astounding. So beautiful so detailed. It’s taken my breath away.
Oh Barb, I love today’s blog. I have been thinking about how to make pieces of work that will fit on A5 card bases which are less postage than the square cards. Must watch Paul later…….Xmas
Hi Barbara everything is stunning I love it all. I have just renewed one club and joined the Groovi club. That is my craft spending for the month. I can’t believe all the things I have learnt during lockdown. A whole year we have been here. Vaccine for us on Wednesday. I really hope this does the trick. Have a good evening. Take care. Hugs xxx
Can’t wait to see the plates and demonstrations they are so beautiful and very apt will have a look for the flower think I know where it is xx
I think the flower is Chrysanthemum and butterfly A5 groovi plate
Wow they are just so beautiful ! I don’t have the talent or patience for groovi but really really admire those that do .I am a stamper at heart but hope you bring these out as stamps as they are really my cup of tea !!
Great shows between 2 & 4 Barbara, I didn’t think I needed the Chess stamps but as soon as I saw the samples I knew they had so much potential so they fell in my basket along with the stencil set. Followed shortly after by the word masks.
Email has been sent for the competition whilst I remembered – as you say a lot of us have numerous plates & having scrolled through the website numerous times during the recent sale I knew exactly where I needed to head to get the details. At least I hope I have it right !!
Good luck to everyone who takes part – as the saying goes – you have to be in it to win it !!
Now to go & stretch my legs before sitting down again for the 6pm show with Paul.
Lovely designs and so versatile
Beautiful artwork x
Love these new plates!!!
And the card is gorgeous!! The teacup with the heartshaped handle — so delicate with the flowers…..
Didn’t see much of you on Hochanda this afternoon, because had a phonecall for our daughter’s birthday today.
Stay save and see you tomorrow in the Shac.
Lots of love, Trijntje Huppel
Lovely artwork, enjoyed all the shows. xx
Oh Wow, loved the shows and yet again couldn’t resist. Such lovely art work and techniques once again. What a talented lot you all are. Thank you for making my Sunday afternoon (after Roast sit down) so enjoyable! 👌😃
Hi Barb,
Fabulous shows today. Even though I said I was going to sit on my hands, I couldn’t resist some of Linda’s plates – not all of them though!They are absolutely stunning. Well done Linda! I decided to treat myself as I got my COVID test results back Negative thankfully. Now I know you can get side effects two weeks after vaccine! Hope it’s not the same ( or worse) for the second one. Still I’d rather have them than the actual virus itself. It was a long 24 hours though I must say. Watching the Throwdown at the moment and recording Paul. Sent in my email. Love and hugs , Alison xxxx
Hi Barb. couldn’t watch the shows today as I was helping my son decorate his new flat, but they’re definitely on my list for catch up tomorrow evening. I’m guessing the shows were great as usual.
Hi Barb, did not catch all of the ODS shows, but as always Paul did a great job. The plates are beautiful, Linda is very creative and has a great style thinking of these designs. Will catch some of todays shows. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Beautiful plates, another masterpiece by Linda.
Wow, the new plates are beautiful. Busy watching the shows today, with all the amazing samples. Hugs. Annette X
WOW that card is superb 🙂
OMG yet more wonderful groovi plates. The trouble is I want them all.
My husband may devoice me.