Time to Celebrate!
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in. Busy gearing up for the SHAC SHAC Birthday this weekend!

Actually, the celebration starts at midnight tonight – when our Mammoth Birthday Event kicks off with a 20% Blanket Sale across pretty much everything on the website (except products released in the past month). And since we’re celebrating the SHAC SHAC, that 20% is increased to 30% on Stamps and Groovi in the SHAC SHOP! Add your Clarity Club Discount to that, and you’re away !!
Keep an eye out for the Email later this evening.
You know how we’ve been sending out lovely postcards in your boxes? Well, all orders placed from Monday tonight will include one of these fabulous SHAC SHAC postcards!
Heads up tomorrow at 9am and 1pm on Hochanda. I shall be showcasing these beautiful uplifting Feel Good Word Stampsets. Just perfect for so many occasions, and just right to welcome in the SHAC Birthday weekend.

Here’s a little taster gallery created by the ever clever Clarity Design Team:
Be sure to pop into the SHAC SHAC tomorrow morning at 10.30, where I shall show you our One Year Birthday SHAC Stamp Set and Groovi plate, which we have been saving for the BIG DAY.
Stay Safe
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx
41 thoughts on “Time to Celebrate!”
Wow sounds like an exciting day tomorrow. Thank you for all you do. Hugs xxx
Wow! They’re will be some great bargains! Hope I get my club number so I can increase the discount! You are certainly going to be very busy over the weekend!
Oh wow that’s sounds like a great celebration. Looking forward to the shows tomorrow. Thanks to you and all the team for keeping us occupied over the last 12 months x
What an achievement and what a generous way to celebrate. Thank you so much for all that Clarity have done and especially the time you have taken to share your expertise and do this over this past year
Wow what a fabulous thing to do so generous xx can’t wait to see the new stamps in action and have a look at the lovely offers on the website xx thank you Clarity for all you do xx
Thanks to you and the Clarity team for 12months of love, laughter, joy and hope for the tuition and confidence boost that you have given me and many others who have joined you in the shac. Looking forwards to browsing to see how many pennies I can spend this weekend.
Been with you from episode one, will be with you tomorrow. I don’t spend a lot as I can’t do a lot, but a really value your skill and your company. Thank you xxx
Happy 1st Birthday Shac Shack and what a first year we’ve had. Thank you to all at Clarity for everything you’ve done for us this past year (don’t think my Bank Manager shares these sentiments 🤣🤣🤣) Love you all, let’s have a ball 🎭🥳🎁🎂
Oh boy a whole year. I really can draw now. I am so thrilled. I have learnt so much. I have been introduced to some fabulous products. I can’t wait for tomorrow. It is all so exciting. Thank you so much for being there during this past year. I am not sure where I would be without you. Take care. Hugs xxxx
Oh well definitely bread and jam next week. I can’t resist purchase
For me the best thing out of last year the Shakshac have love the learn to draw you have already given us all such a wonderful gift knowextra discounts thank you so much Barbara you are a awesome friend. To us all love Joy
Thanks, Barb and Clarity team. The Shac Shac has been such a blessing. This weekend sounds very exciting. 😊
See you on the telly in the morning. Looks like another little spend is called for.
Love, to you all. Xx
What a great Birthday offer 😍. Can’t believe it’s been a whole year, where has the time gone?
Good job I put some money aside in anticipation, knowing you would come up with something special once more. I have the masks but stamps and Groovi too? oh well – beans on toast all next week hahaha.
Lovely artwork from the team, inspirational.
Stay safe.
Wow thank you Barbara and Clarity. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Barbara I feel mean as I’ve not bought you anything; please accept by grateful thanks for all the work and effort you’ve put into the SHAC SHAC over the year.
After what you have done for us this year and now all these specials! I shall be ready with a cuppa and a hot cross bun in the morning, to join in the celebrations.
The past year has been a lifesaver for so many people and, although I shall probably never meet most of them, or even put a face to their names, I feel that they are all friends. It is a very special group of people, which you are responsible for getting together. Thanks a million. Hugs. Annette X
A big thank you to Clarity and all the team
for your hard work. I really look forward to
Groovi Tuesdays, Shac Shac and tv shows.
Have a great weekend!
Wow a whole year in the Company of my fellow Shac-ers. Thankyou for reigniting my passion for art. I definitely have learnt a lot and I have this Little voice in my head whenever I start a project. It’s like your tuition has changed me. I have more confidence and patience, more attention to detail like shading. I think in layers, overlapping images. I could go on and on!!! I can’t thank you enough for sharing your hints and tips – and now another sale – oh dear , but I can’t resist.
Happy birthday Shac Shack. ❤️
Would love to take advantage of the sale and stock up on your great products but since Brexit the postal deliveries to Germany are very slow and I am afraid to order in case the order doesn’t arrive.
Wow Barbara you have been amazing giving so much of your time and teaching us skills many of us could only have dreamed of. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
And to top it off more Shac shack birthday treats and excitement over new Shac stamp and plate. I’ll be there with my coffee and smile… see you tomorrow on Hochanda too xxx
What a year we have had and I would not survived that year without you Barbara and all the lovely Shackers too!!!
Now I have humans to hear their voices and see you Barbara and crafting together and learned so much!!
My cats are only talking in their language as you know. 😄
See you all tomorrow in the Shac!
Take care Barbara,
Trijntje Huppel
Hi Barbara, WOW, WOW, WOW….. what a lovely surprise, i better start making my list, this is so generous of you, thank you for all you have done not only for this past year but for as long as i can remember. Happy 1st Birthday, thank you again to You, Dave and all at clarity towers xx
1 year ago we would never have believed the changes & challenges in everyday life that lay ahead for us all – ThankYou from my heart Barbara You have taught me so much and got me through so many dark days you are a super star 💫 To You Dave & All the Clarity Team I applaud you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😘
A fabulous year of crafting together to calm us. What an achievement- I didn’t realise I could draw until joining the SHAC Shack and now I look for opportunities to do just that. I’m never far from my pencils, paper and of course rubber. A huge thank you Barbara and to the whole team in the background. You have given so much of yourself – we do appreciate it. 💕xxx
Oh wow – more discounts!! I’m not doing very well at resisting temptation this Lent! 😂 Looking forward to the shows tomorrow – and happy birthday SHAC shack. Barbara, you have created an amazing community for so many people over the past year – thank you from all of us xxx
Thank you Barbara and Paul for your teaching . New to Clarity but so glad I found you, so benefited from your wonderful products , and fabulous teaching , that’s at my pace, and so beautifully explained . Can’t thank you enough , and also the beautiful people on the Clarity Worldwide web site , just wonderful thank you and Happy first Birthday 🎂🎉🤸🏻♀️ To all ♥️ May this be the start of so many more SHAC SHAC S to come ♥️
You turned what could have been an awful year into an amazing year. Thank you so much. Have enjoyed all the sessions though I don’t usually make 10am but usually manage to catch up by end of week
It is hard to believe a year has passed, I spotted you about a week after the start. Although I knew you from the past and remember watching your demo at the SSEC in Glasgow. Thank you for the Shac Shac you have made a hard year easier and something to look forward to.
Hi Barbara
Wow. A whole year. I may not have joined live every time but I always checked it out later.
This pandemic ha definitely made us all appreciate what we have always taken for granted .
I thank you and your team for everything, the fun the laughter the tears the sales and all the support you give freely. Thank you ☺️
Can’t wait x
Happy birthday to the Shac Shack. I don’t think any of us thought it would have lasted as long but we’re all so glad that you’ve kept on with it. Thank you so much Barbara and all the team at Clarity Towers.
The show tomorrow will be fabulous. The stamps are brilliant.
Love and hugs. Xxx
Thank you for the last twelve months Barbara you will never truly know how much it has ment to me.
Jane Wood
Hi Barbara
Thanks for the thought and effort you have spent over the past year. Although I don’t join the shac shac very often I have learnt how to colour now. But it is clear from the comments that so many of the clarity family have enjoyed the journey with you . So thank you very much.
Sure I will need something from the sale but keep it to yourself 😂😂😂.
Ruth & Jackie xx
Hi Barbara
What a star ⭐️ you have been for all of us. Your patience and dedication towards us has kept us all going in our many hours of need. Thank YOU
I can draw and I understand colours so much more than I ever thought that I would, and that is down to you.
Thank YOU
Love & Hugs
Hello Barb, what fabulous offers to Celebrate the Shac Shack 1st birthday. Beautiful samples with these new stamps too. You have been an absolute treasure during the last year, bringing smiles, laughter and creativity to our lives. Keep up the good work, but don’t forget you also need to rest. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Happy 1st Birthday SHAC SHAC. Thank you so much to Barbara and all the team for keeping us sane during this very difficult year. We really do appreciate everything you have done for us. Just love Clarity, a brilliant company run by the most amazing and creative people.
And where did that year go? A really strange year but you turned frightening into creativity, uncertainty into unity by creating a safe haven for us in the Shac Shack. We now have so many pluses, being able to draw, colour, paint, doodle, new techniques, confidence in being able to share our work and it’s all down to you Barbara. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Xxx
1 year Huge thank you’s for doing what you do for us all, not just in the Shac Shac but the whole team for making it all work during tough times. I for one really appreciate the struggles and your dogged determination to keep going. I take my hat off to you all! I feel I want to give you all such a big hug of thanks! Sadly, not allowed YET. The kindness you show, the stories you share, the generosity you give and the lives you have cheered. I’m am delighted to be part of it all. So, thank you Barb and all at Clarity. Oh, and not forgetting the retail therapy you provide for me! 🤣 xx
Can’t believe it’s a year, only seems like yesterday we sat in shock trying to draw birds on a wire. What is more unbelievable is that we are still sat here! Can this really be lasting this long. What the SHAC Shac has done is unbelievable too, so enjoyable, so calming and a much needed escape in these terrible times. Thank you Barbara and your team for making all this happen. xx
We have come along way since birds on a wire. Thank you for you’re time, we have laughed and cried with you. Will go shopping on the website, need more groove stuff. Have good shows today.
The shac shack stands for safe happy and creative stay home and craft from