One Year on…..
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. One year on, and where are we? Grateful to be anywhere actually. It’s certainly been a year to remember.
So, on a brighter note, today is our one year SHAC SHAC birthday. 192 sessions of hanging out together, doodling, colouring, drawing, laughing, crying – yep it’s been quite a journey. And it ain’t over yet!
To spread some love and put a smile on your faces, we started sending out random SHAC inspired Pinky Gray Postcards in your order boxes. Just little gestures, which were a welcome surprise it seems, and very well received. And this we shall continue to do, of course.
Many of you requested specific ones, asked if you could buy them. So today we launched a little POSTCARD section on our website…you know, like when you go to the shops, and there’s a little spinner stand of postcards near the till ? Well, this is that!

There are little packs of 10, and an assortment pack too. All of the new postcards are available HERE
Great for quick sends, little messages. Ideal as toppers for cards too. We can’t always make cards from scratch – sometimes we just don’t have the time. And these will carry your message to whomever you want to beautifully.
Also, before I forget, we’ve had lots of folks requesting A3 clear parchment, for creating larger artpieces. It is now available on the website. xx
A3 Parchment – Available HERE

Time to sit in the sun and do some drawing. I have some ideas I want to get down on paper, and today looks like the perfect day. All I need is an HB pencil and a Tracing paper pad! Oh. And an eraser pencil!! Sound familiar?
Happy SHAC SHAC Day.
Love always
Barb xxx
PS Don’t forget: the Sale ends at midnight tonight x
25 thoughts on “One Year on…..”
Loving the postcards. Enjoy your afternoon drawing. Hugs x
Love the postcards such a lovely gesture and always make me smile xx so glad we will now be able to share these with friends and family xx the A3 parchment is a great idea also and am sure will sell well
I have been with you since the start and have loved all the wonderful times we have all shared can’t wait to carry on with both yourself and Paul xx thank you for all you and your team do you have taken us through some dark times and some happy too xx
I like the postcards which will make good gifts for people as well as sending them. A3 parchment ? Wow, not sure I’d ever fill a piece but will look forward to seeing what everyone does with it ! I’m just going to go and put some cards together as I’ll be able to look out for my grocery delivery at the same time ! Then it will be outside I think. I can already see Mikey on his cushion ! Enjoy your drawing ! X
Have loved the postcards slipped into orders. Of course we started collecting and even talking of swapping, we’re crafters.
Now I just wish I could remember why A3 parchment seemed a good idea?
Thankyou Barb – I love the way you listen to our requests and nearly always come up with the goods for us…….fantastic company I can’t think of any other business like Clarity. Enjoy the sunshine xxxx(((hugs))) Beryl S
I have ordered the selection pack of postcards, this morning along with a little something else, needed to console myself when watching the shac my live feed gave up, so off now to catch up. Love these postcards, thank you. xxx
Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. We don’t get loads of it so we need to make the most of it when we do!
Love and hugs xxxx
Now I need to go back before midnight for another look 🤣🤣🤣 oh Barbara you are a one 🤣🤣🤣❤️
You must have reead my mind. I used the last of my A3 parchment last week and wondered where I would get more. Now I have ordered from you – thank you and the parchers who requested this.👍
I have enjoyed receiving the postcards in my parcels and have used a few as toppers on quick cards.
The new dies coming on the Sunday show will be very popular and should fly out the doors. I will be watching (and buying!!! ).
Looks like the next few days will be glorious so we can all enjoy the sunshine. 😎 Just right for drawing and painting outdoors.
Stay safe. 🍒
Enjoy the sunshine and chill this afternoon Barbara. I love your postcards. My son is in the RAF he is serving abroad at the moment so whenever I send him a parcel of goodies I include one of your postcards. It brightens his day and lets him know his family are thinking of him.x
I work for NHS in a prison. My office is an old cell lol. I go back after a year shielding and working from home, my postcards will take pride of place on my office wall to keep me 😃
I hope you enjoyed your afternoon drawing in the sunshine. I bet you came up with even more to entice us! The postcards are such a lovely idea and will be very popular.
I spent a while today going through the file of all I have accumulated since day 1 in the SHAC. It is quite a collection and I can’t believe how much I have achieved, thanks to you. Have a good evening. Hugs. Annette X
The postcards are lovely and I’ve enjoyed seeing them in my parcels. I had several of one design so I put them in with my home-made fudge to send out as little gifts. The friends were mostly crafters so i told them where the postcards came from. They loved them too, so the pleasure was spread around. Thank you for my postcards and I still have another one to come (I hope)!!
Love the postcards. Have been enjoying random and favourite SHAC episodes. They are soooo good. With YouTube and the live show you are getting over 1500 participants a day, which is brilliant, yet you speak to each of us. Magic.
Yet another great idea from The House of Clarity!
I have really enjoyed getting the postcards from you, in my orders. I shall be ordering some of these for sure. x
Enjoyed the Shac today and love the postcards.
It’s such a pity that we have to pay extra now the UK is not a EU member anymore.
Curious what came up in your mind today!
Take care and stay save!
Trijntje Huppel
Enjoy the sunshine hugs xxx
That’s such a fab idea, Barbara. I love getting the postcards in my parcels ( although I do need to stop ordering quite so much stash…!). Hope you had a lovely afternoon xx
Hi Barbara a whole year just amazing. I do love the postcards I have made an order so it will be a nice surprise when it arrives. I missed the Shac Shack today we went out with friends. We had a lovely time the sun was shining and the daffodils were out. We walked and talked and had a lovely time. These things seem so much more precious now. Have a good evening. Take care. Hugs xxx
Hope you have a lovely creative day in the sunshine, it certainly makes you feel so much better, look forward to seeing what you have come up with.
I tackled the ironing & other household tasks so I can enjoy the rest of the week – hopefully the weather will hold.
I love getting the postcards in the parcels – got quite a selection. Must sort them & send the duplicates to friends I haven’t seen for a while.
I have just sent off the answers to the quiz as YHTBIITWI !!
Love the postcards especially the surprise when opening my clarity parcel. Hope you had a fruitful afternoon inspired by the sunshine xx
Love the postcards too and will definitely be including them with my next order .Pity I already placed my shac shac order or I would have included them . Will be lovely for gifts as well xxx
Hi Barbara
Loved seeing the postcard packs today, meant to ooo one in my order but got excited putting goodies into my basket and forgot! 🙄oh well, never mind, there’s always next time! 😂. I also ordered some goodies for my daughter, she’s discovered drawing again as a way to relax whist she studies for her PhD. It will be a nice surprise for her and I know she’ll love the postcard included. Hope you enjoyed the sunshine today.
Love Diane xx
Hello Barb, I love the postcards, and have them next to my work desk in my home office/craft room, as they do bring a smile to my face when on difficult calls or meetings. Will have to go look at the packs. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Happy 1st Birthday Shackers 🙂 Thank you so much Barbara for doing this – there are Angels on earth! Loving the postcards. Stay safe and God bless xx