A whole Bunch of Daisies!
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Spent the day with my parents today. Took Mum to Macknades – a very posh Greengrocers / Delicatessen / Fine Food store in Faversham. Fabulous store. Even if you go there adamant you aren’t going to spend much – you do. Lovely drive through the Kentish countryside to get there. I do love the magnolias in full bloom right now! Superb, aren’t they?
Blimming traffic though! Everyone and their brother was on the A2 today – and the driving has changed. People are driving like they stole the cars! Total nutter, no regard for anybody on the road. In fact, when I came home, there was a horrific accident literally 50 yards from the house. Helicopter, fire engines, the works. Somebody’s day went very very wrong…
Maybe that’s why I came straight upstairs and felt the need to do some stamping. Just to withdraw from the chaos that is the world for an hour. I’m definitely ready to build the moat, pull up the drawbridge and lock myself in again!!!
Anyway. Stamps. It being such a beautiful sunny day, I decided to reach for a set of our clever 3-way overlay printing stamps: There are six of these fantastic printing stamps – I went with Daisies, top left.
Are you familiar with our 3-way overlay stamping system? If my opinion is worth anything, I would say that 2-way and 3-way overlay stamps are the BEST thing we have ever come up with stampwise. It never ceases to amaze me how easily you can create superb artwork. Let’s see, shall we? Let’s have a play…
- Outline stamp first. Black Archival ink pad on 3.5” square Clarity Stencil Card
Let’s just use the background stamp now, to see how that looks. In fact, let’s add a little moon, so you can see how you are only stamping the colour into the background. Dab Distress Oxides onto the stamp with a make-up sponge. (Broken China and Peeled Paint)
Spritz inky stamp with water , and plant directly over the black line art. Very easy — especially if you use one of our Clarity handles, so you can hover over the work.
Tidy up the moon/sun with a blue pencil and add a sentiment using another super cool set of general message stamps.
Here are the message stamps, if you want to find them.
CLICK HERE Filigree Essential Sentiments Stampset. £10
Now let’s see what happens with other combinations using the same stamps. How about the third stamp without the lineart,
and the second stamp, the one which colours in the lineart flowers etc. But without the line art too…
Mmm. Now let’s see what you get if you use the lineart stamp No. 1 and the infill one No. 2 , but without the background stamp No. 3…Nice!
And what happens when we use all 3 together? I think we need a different background colour though. How about a Dried Marigold… and I shall just keep darkening the background at the base by going back over with only ink at the base of the stamp. See how it works? Like Screen printing.
So many cards using the same stamps in various combinations, with the same colour inks. Time to edge with Perga Colour Pens and finish up the little cards.
The Waimea Falls Designer papers match these colours beautifully.
Yes. These 3-way overlay stamps are very lovely and very clever. Original illustrations by our Mel – brilliant artist. This Floral Friends Collection is so fabulous, we have made them into:
- 3-way stamps
- Fresh Cut dies
- petite stencils
- Groovi Plates.
That’s better. The head has slowed down now. The helicopter left a little while ago. The road is open again.
Time to switch the lights off and go indoors.
Time to find winners for the competitions and limericks and quiz and giveaways!
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx
22 thoughts on “A whole Bunch of Daisies!”
Sounds like a lovely day.
The stamps are beautiful
Time to chill out
Take care 🙂💕
Fabulous I love these stamps, I have the Groovi set, but I may just have to add the stamps to my wish list.
Glad you had a good day, mine was a trip to Aldi, the cats love their pockets, cat treats. I like you returned and painted some lavender for my butterflies x
Wonderful Collection. I am a groovi addict but watching you with stamps might make me get another addiction x
Gosh you were busy. It has been a gorgeous day, made sure I went outside in the sun for a while. Shame that our neighbour decided that we needed treating to some very loud music all day. I had to come in eventually, head beginning to ache. Glad you had a good day with your mum, hoping to meet up with a couple of my kids over the weekend. xx
Lovely way to chill out after your journey and so beautiful pieces of artwork xx glad you had a good day with your family and got out in the air xx
Glad you had a good day with your mum. I had a four hour round trip today – working! No accidents today which was good. Sorry about the one down the road from you. Life changes in the blink of an eye. However, since the road opened quickly, sounds like everyone might have survived. Hope so. That set of stamps is just another set that I haven’t used! Definitely need to retire!! I raided M & S again this week so that was good. Freezer bulging at the seams! Have a nice relaxing evening. Hxx
Lovely.think I have some of these, or it might be the original little square ones. I must check. Love the colours you have chosen for this lovely spring day. Our road was closed yesterday because of an accident. Just madness at the moment
Bea and I used to go to Macknades before the virus hit us, so haven’t been for over a year! It isn’t very far from us, and is almost opposite the vet we use too. I agree, it’s a great place to visit, though I’m guessing they haven’t reopened the restaurant yet. There is a new Aldi (well we hadn’t seen it until we went to the vet last week) on the A251, near where you come off the M2, so we want to go there too once I’ve had my second injection (10th April). It was the warmest March day in 53 years, apparently, and tomorrow will be warmer, so more idiots on the road.
What a difficult end to an otherwise lovely day with your Mum and Dad. After watching Paul this morning we went to visit our daughter in Milton Keynes. Boy oh boy what a lot more traffic on the M1. No wonder there are so many accidents. I kept to the speed limit of 60mph whilst lorries were trundling past me, one a car transporter laden with cars – one swerve and he would have been in trouble. Where are the police when you need them. I too was glad to be indoors far from the madding crowd. Is this what we have to expect now society is given a little leaway in restrictions. Love the stamps Barb. Isn’t it great we can shut our doors and craft
Thank you for sharing your day Barbra with us . Glad you enjoyed your time with your mother . Hope the people involved in the accident , are not too badly injured. Just love the stamps look amazing , it’s so good to craft and chill , loved the spring colours you used fabulous . Just getting into Groovi loving it , must admit I do love some nice stamps to colour . So glad I found Clarity Stamps and this wonderful community .❤️
Thank you for sharing your day Barbra with us . Glad you enjoyed your time with your mother . Hope the people involved in the accident , are not too badly injured. Just love the stamps look amazing , it’s so good to craft and chill , loved the spring colours you used fabulous . ♥️
The Floral Friends are just wonderful, in all forms. I’m glad you ended the day deliberately differently. Accidents are horrible. I hope the helicopter made the crucial difference.
The stamps are lovely Barbara!
It was a beautiful day today and I hang my laundry outside on the lines. They smells so lovely when they were dry!
See you tomorrow in the Shac!
Lots of love, Trijntje Huppel
I have these stamps and have used them a lot. I also love the dies. Your art work as usual is stunning and the colours match the day.
Beautiful day today. The sunshine certainly lifts the spirits. The problem was umpteen lawn mowers and strimmers in competotion with the busy bees, the children SCREECHING with joy at being in the garden, and the local boy racer revving his car and having his radio blaring fit to raise the dead!!!! We didn’t stay in the garden for long.
Still, I expect things will calm down as people get used to being let loose.
Got the call to book my second jab today so it looks like we will be well within the 12 weeks limit. A walk in test and trace unit has been set up in our main car park too and it looks very well organised. I hope that this virus can be controlled now that things seem to be working efficiently.
Have a good evening. Stay safe.
What with all the extra traffic due to ‘staycations’ this year and the so called smart motorways, I am staying off the road as much as possible. Tempers will be frayed and drivers tired, so not a good combination. It will be the back garden for me.
How lovely that you got to spend some happy time with your mum and you deserve to treat yourself in the shop. Enjoy the spoils! See you in the morning. Hugs. Annette X
Love the colour combination you have used for the stamps, must get mine out & have a play. The 3.5 in squares should be just right to make toppers !!
We spent the day at Mom’s – I normally go on a Tuesday to take her shopping but OH came as well today as we had a new rotary dryer to fit & patio to power wash as it was getting very slippy when wet. A couple of hours was the estimation from OH but 6 hours later we left for home, having only stopped for a quick lunch. I had managed to tidy some of the borders in the garden but decided to leave the lawn until next week.
Needless to say when I sat down after tea & put Paul on from this morning & got my snipping of Glynis’s Groovi Sunday project with my headphones on I did doze off so had to watch Paul again & fortunately no mistakes with the snipping !!
See you in the SHAC tomorrow to finish our masks.
The weather looks as if should be good again tomorrow so we will be able to sit in the garden when we go to see the grandchildren after they get home from school.
Hello Barb, so glad to hear you spent time with Mum. My prayers are with those involved in the accident, not nice, but I must say I agree, there are some very bad drivers back on the road, they have probably forgotten how to drive properly during lock down as trips have been much shorter, and roads quieter. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Glad you had a lovely day with your mum- I’m she will have really enjoyed her time out with you. Had my mum for cuppa in the garden today and the girls with the grandkids came by later too. So uplifting! Who would have believed that the smallest of things would mean so much in just 12 months. Loved the stamped cards – so simple but so effective. Glad you feel calmer xxx
Hi Barbara all your makes are gorgeous I love them all. How nice to get out with your mum. It is such a shame about the accident. I do hope everyone was okay. We are so lucky that we have our hobby to keep us sane. Take care. Hugs Jackie
Glad you had special time with Mrs G. Precious moments. Love your stamping Barbara 🙂
I love these stamps and your ideas. Glad your Mum enjoyed the shopping. Best wishes to Grace for her op. X
Daisies are such happy flowers! Sure to restore your mood. It’s freezing up here and magnolias are a long way off flowering, but when they arrive we’ll enjoy them and hope the wind drops for a day or two so they last. X