One Hundred and Eighty!!!
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Just about to get set for our hour of colouring and doodling in the SHAC Shack at 10. The bus driver knows where we’re headed today. Did a quick reconnaissance yesterday, and immediately I can rest easy in the knowledge that the roadmap is in place.
Today we’re on the 180 bus, headed Over the hills and far away….
Wednesday, we had a simple colouring session…
Simple stuff, but oh so good for the head, don’t you agree? Mmm… that dog needs a little colour.
Today we turn our attention to doodling in a background, which is possibly a little more challenging, great for concentration and realigning the focus.
I think one of the reasons these particular sessions are so relaxing is because Marinea Fedotova’s sketchy little drawings reflect an innocence that cannot help but make you feel better. There’s something so charming. They’re not twee – I don’t do twee. They’re simple, lovely pictures of tots, poppets, children.
We use our Pink Gray printed Postcards in the SHAC Shack…3 for 2 offer HERE
Also available in full colour printed on parchment….
…and as Claritystamps. in 2 sizes – and individually too.

Something for everybody. I guess that’s what we try to do at Clarity: offer different arty bus routes. Hope you can join me at 10am in the Doodle lane.
Don’t forget. Every single one of our SHAC Shack sessions together has been recorded and loaded up to our Claritystamp YouTube. Here’s Wednesdays for you…
And guess what?!?
TODAY is session number One hundred and Eighty!!!! 180 hours of hanging out together. That is pretty cool. This past year has sure been a marathon, eh?!
Best go get the old bus fired up, make sure we’ve got enough juice…
See you there,
Love always
Barb xxx
42 thoughts on “One Hundred and Eighty!!!”
See you all at 10 xx
Happy treble tops day to you!
Looking forward to seeing the doodle today!
See you shortly on the bus!
Love and hugs xxxx
Must admit I pop in and out and catch up later at times. What a great way to learn and practice and stay connected with others. Thank you x
I’m so grateful that all the Shac-shac sessions remain available for us to catch up with at any time. I travelled along with you daily until May but then life went a bit pear-shaped and I lost my way. I know I’ll make my way back eventually. I have so much learning to do, so many places to visit! You’re a fantastic bus driver, Barbara – thank you so much for everything you do for us. Will you please do one thing more? – Take care of yourself!
See you soon loved the colouring on Wednesday I even stippled the dog 😅 can’t resist for texture but he does look a little odd to me xxx
Take care hugs julie xxx
I need to do some serious catch up, but can’t join in live very often as I’ve been working flat out through the whole pandemic. So glad that you have the sessions on YouTube though – thank you for your 180 hours of live tuition, but I bet we could treble that with all your planning and preparation time!
I mostly catch up in afternoons but have enjoyed nearly all of sessions. Missed a couple last year when at caravan. Thanks for all the help and inspiration
Good morning Barbara.
I have been with you since day one and followed and attempted every project. I don’t belong to Facebook and my internet connection isn’t really up to live streaming for very long so I pick up the session afterwards.
I cannot thank you enough for all the things you have done for me in the last year. You have been the brightest star in my horizon and kept me going. I have spent as much as I can to help your company going and will continue to add my little bit whenever I can.
Could I out in a cheeky request for a session on making the most of the beautiful stencils I have bought from Clarity? Making the most of them with several college seems to allude me, although I have all the gear. Craft along a Barbie or a Moment of Clarity?
Will be so sad when the Shac shack ceases, i am so grateful.
Wishing you all the things you would wish for your self and particularly the chance to hug your wonderful children in person.
180 hours of pure joy. Such fun. But the amount of work you put in to do this for us is remarkable. THANK YOU.👍 YOU ARE A STAR ✨
I had a great time yesterday when my order for Linda’s children stamps and Groovi arrived. They are truly delightful. I forsee a marathon colouring weekend ahead on these and the Poppets which I still need to catch up on.
Looks like a busy weekend.
Stay safe. 🍒
Really enjoyed our doodle session this morning just need to decide what colour to add – just one as a hint or go for the whole full picture.
180 hours – who would have thought that we would do that many when we started out last year but what a lot we have learnt in that time – thank you Barbara for passing on the hints & tips that you have picked up over the years.
We will be all at the bus stop on 1st March with our bags packed to see where we are heading – meanwhile I am sure everyone will understand you parking the bus up & going to help the rest of the team pick & pack our orders. Please pass on my thanks to everyone for all that they do to keep Clarity going – a bit of a circle really. If Clarity isn’t there we can’t buy but if we don’t buy Clarity can’t exist !! I was going to say here’s to the next 180 but hopefully we will be back to something a bit like normal by than x
My Moment of Clarity post has just arrived so I am ready for 3 when I will have to grab what else we need.
Have been with the Shac since day 1 and have seen every episode -not always live, but certainly soon after! Today my eyes were playing up (had lots of tests earlier in the week and they didn’t like it one bit) so just watched my friend do her drawing and played at doing a couple of flowers, which I’ve never really mastered right from early days, and as we have a week while the bus is serviced, I may catch up next week. Thank you Barbara for every one of those 180 hours -we’ve laughed, cried, got lost and found ourselves again all in the safe and happy environment of the Shac -our haven and help in these difficult days, all led by our intrepid, wonderful bus driver.
Totally agree with what everyone else has said. Who would have believed 180 hours when you started. Here’s to the next 180. Hope you have a good week and manage to catch up with yourself, get some things crossed off the old ‘to do’ list and get some well earned rest. Looking forward to seeing you at 3.00pm.
I am such a plonker! Having got used to doodling on to tracing paper and then transferring the design on my light wave, I merrily drew on tracing paper this morning. Only when I came to transfer, did I realise that it doesn’t work through the postcards! Duh🤪
Oh well, it was good practise and I hope that I can replicate it this afternoon, as I am going straight in, not doing the double transfer route.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart (or the heart of my bottom, as I sit on it a lot more these days!) for 180 days of love, attention and tuition. You are an angel. Have a good week catching up and recharging and see you on March 1st. Hugs. Annette.
I too drew onto tracing paper this morning; I was a little too heavy handed when I drew directly on the Christmas poppet we did back then and so left an impression on the card which I did not want to do this time. I found the tracing paper gave me the confidence and practice so that this afternoon, whilst watching the clarity session ( not having the stamps yet) I can now redraw on the card :))
Hi Barb..as i am in Canada i have to do catch up but have been with you since day one..i remember the birds well and have used the often…i would say enjoy your week off but i know you will be working hard with orders and tv..but take a breather for yourself..see you on the next shac..shac anf of course A Moment of Clarity later today..thanks for all you do from a small town in Canada.
Thank you Barbara for being the most amazing bus driver. Your commitment, time, energy, inspiration, laughs and positivity that you have shared in the SHAC Shack is truly admired and appreciated. I remember day one in the Shac Shack – it was the start of COVID scary uncertain times but spending an wonderful hour with you and focusing on something positivity everyday has been a blessing for me. When the SHAC Shack started I didn’t give much thought that a year later and 180 get togethers the world would still be dealing with COVID. Take care. Thank you to you and the amazing Clarity Team for everything! Clarity is the best of the best!
Just finished watching ‘A moment of Clarity’ and was SO SO thankful to hear a bit of your lovely laugh again at the end, Barbara. Like everyone else, was very concerned about you ….. I’m sure all the loving supporting thoughts of everyone made their way over to you 🥰. But PLEASE, don’t do this again; if you don’t feel well – stop!! We will be there another time. A BIG thank you, Barbara, for all your good work – for all of us crafters! DO have a peaceful weekend. Sending love and hugs 🤗🤗
I’ve been with you since day one, although usually not “live” because of work. Loved every project and I think I’ve completed them all. Thank you so much for all the tuition, the stories, the laughs and even the tears. You are a Diamond 🔹!! Xx
You had everyone worried today Barbara glad you were feeling better towards the end of the hour. Please take a few days of rest over the weekend to recharge your batteries. You have such a good support network the way they all rallied round to help was awesome. Have a few days just for you and we will be here waiting when your ready if you need 2weeks then take them. Take care love to you and all the amazing team ain Clarity.xxxx
Hi Barbara I enjoyed the Shac Shack this morning. Putting a background to that lovely image was just brilliant. I have been enjoying the Shac Shack since the beginning. My colouring has got better my drawing has got better and you have kept me sane. I did watch the Facebook Live this afternoon. I was very worried about you. I was pleased when Paul turned up. We need our bus driver so please take care of yourself. I hope you get a bit of down time next week. Take care. Hugs xxx
Dear Barbara
You really scared me this afternoon I don’t know how you carried on. Please get some rest this weekend & look after yourself. No alarm clocks, detailed blogs or picking & packing – just you time. Listen to your body it’s telling you to chill. Sleep well.
Lynne xxx
Well done on 180 Shack sessions, goodness whoever thought we would still be in this situation a year later. I have not managed to join you lately but hope to again. I need to catch up on some of the birds already got several to frame. Just been trying to catch up on pergamano shows from yesterday but can’t get them to play never mind will try again later. Ordered the plate anyway as it looks fabulous.
Take care Barbara , I have seen you are not feeling well. Have a rest. x
Oh Barbara I was holding my breath this afternoon while you was on I thought any moment you would pass out. You are a trooper but you rest and take care of yourself xx
Like everyone has said I too was worried about you this afternoon. Please take care that you aren’t overdoing things. Was so relieved when Paul turned up. We love joining in with your sessions but really not at the expense of your health. Hope you can have a restful weekend xxx
Wonderful session this morning, thank you so much. After all these hours together I am so much more confident in my abilities, and am hugely pleased with the results.
Take care of yourself; make sure you take time to rest, recuperate and recharge your batteries in whatever way is best for you. Dave and the Vikings spring to mind 😉
Shocked to hear you this afternoon. Your voice wasn’t right even at the end. Listen to yourself when you are feeling better, which I hope will be very soon. What would you tell anyone else to do, if they were faint? I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t involve an hour on TV, though at least you were in sight, if you’d needed an ambulance. Thank goodness your support network arrived. I hope they lingered outside the door even when told to go away. Rest for a few days.
What a star you are for us all 180 sessions you have really hit the treble 20. Thank you so much for everything that you do for us. Please make sure you look after yourself you had us very worried today. Make sure you take time for Dave to look after you. You need to slow down your sails and take time for looking at the the soft white fluffy clouds pass by. Your crafty family will always be here for you but you need to take time for yourself anyone who has ever shopped with you knows that their wait for your goodies adds to the excitement. Take care stay safe and well all.
Slow down over the weekend. You certainly didn’t seem yourself this afternoon. Give yourself some “me” time and just relax. We’ll all still be here when your return. xxx
I enjoyed being in the SHAC this morning and just for a change I am quite pleased with how my card turned out. Thank you for all your inspiration.
Like everybody, I too was concerned about you this afternoon. Like a true trouper you soldiered on when really you should have postponed the session. Your health is so important. You put too much pressure on yourself. Thank you to Paul and Dave for coming to your rescue.
Try to take time out over the weekend so you can do the picking and packing next week,
if you must. xx
Barbara, hope you are feeling much better after a rest. We were all very worried for you today and hope you will step back a bit and give yourself some healing time. Have a weekend with Dave away from the business, recharge the batteries and make sure the bus stays parked for as long as necessary! You work extremely hard so you should rest hard as well, take time out for yourself, you have an amazing Team and “a Dave” (!) that can support you. They proved that today. Stay safe, take care, relax and rest!
Missed this mornings shac, as having boiler serviced, and this afternoon was so relieved when Paul and Dave came as was very concerned for you. Please take time to chill out and rest, your health is so important. xxx
Thanks for another great session this afternoon. was so relieved to see you starting to look and sound better as you went on – and good to know that your support team were in attendance! Take some time for yourself this week and recharge your batteries. Lots of time for pottery to clear your head!
I was so worried about you this afternoon, you should have postponed the session, your health comes first. You know what you would say to anyone else, slow down. Please take time out to rest and if that means for a couple of weeks or more, so be it. Sending love xx
I’ve been with you in the shac from day 1, loved every minute, even if a few were ‘seriously, I can’t do that’, but I did do it and I’m so chuffed. Both my colouring and doodling have improved so much because of your tricks, tips and step by step teaching. So thank you Barbara for giving so much of your time and effort driving the bus, so please enjoy your R&R and I’ll be back in the shac on the 1st, xx
ps, had the email saying my sale order is on the way too
Hi Barbara, hope you are feeling better this evening. Please rest up a bit, listen to audible and do nothing more taxing than a jigsaw tomorrow, although if it’s like the one I’m trying to do perhaps not ! Take care x x
Dearest Barb hope you are feeling better it was so awful seeing you feeling so rough and so pleased Paul and Dave arrived, not good to be on your own when you are unwell. Please please take care and rest up as I’ve already said without our health we have nothing. You are so precious to all of us so night night lots of love and hugs. Xxx
Thank you Barbara for all the 180+ hours you’ve given to helping us through these extraordinary times.
Please, please, please take a deep breath and take some time for yourself. We’ll still be here and still spending until you get back. For those of us working we get a chance to catch up. Sending caring hugs xx
You’ve only got to read the above comments to see how much the Shac Shack means to us all.
The pandemic still seems like a bad dream, who would have thought we‘d still be on that bus . 180 free art lessons – Barbara you are so generous and entertaining.
Feet up, relax and park up the bus for a while. We’ll wait til you’re feeling better. X
Hello Barb, so sorry to hear you are not well. Please look after yourself and relax. The 180 hours you have put in to help us, are treasured so very much, but will be worth nothing if our Bus Driver is ill. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Been with you in the Shac shack since episode 4 and loving it! Not always able to join you live but great I can always catch up later. You’ve been there for us all, helping us through these difficult and crazy times which has been fab but watching you on your last Facebook Live I got really worried. You didn’t look/sound well and Iike so many others on here I feel you do need a break. You’ve been working so hard I think you do need a rest. So please take it easy and just relax, if only for the weekend. Though I think you should have a bit more of a time out. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs xxx
I was with you yesterday at 3pm. Hope you are feeling better today, try and get some rest. I have been with you from the start of Shac Shack, and you have given us so much time, 180 hours and the time to prepare. You have a good team around, and thank God for Paul and Dave. We will see you in one weeks time.