Passionate about Pottery
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Kiln finally cool enough to open and inspect the latest offerings. This was a real trying things out load, a proper R&D on glazes and tiles – so I wasn’t holding my breath. All in the name of FTO. Figuring Things Out.
But I have to tell you a secret. Lean in a little closer, so I don’t yell at you…

The tiles are flat and not pitted, which was what I was trying to achieve,
the turquoise inlay on the plates plates has stayed true,

and the porcelain tissue plate, which was a bit dull after the first firing, really brought out its marbling in the second firing – especially with a little glaze on top! Woohoo!
Remember a couple of days ago, I did a blog Gelpress tutorial with some cool stencils?

Well, the little stencils, the 4×4 inchers, is what I used on these tiles…see?
If I had to pick a favourite from the lastest haul, I’d say it’s this tile….the crispness of that little design, with the dark distressed flash. I love it. This is black slip on greenware over the stencil, then bisque fired. One coat of white matte glaze painted on top, wiped back randomly when dry, and fired again. So that’s how the flower design came out so white. Learning, learning, learning…
There are plenty of other bowls and pots and jars still cooling off. Stamps used! I’m saving them for another blog!
So all in all, a damn fine haul! Learned loads, must go write it all down in my Potter Jotter, as I’m calling my notebook! There are so many things to consider, different glazes which look similar but give you a totally different effect. Got to be written down. I suppose that one day I will just know instinctively which went first. But this is that learning phase – the best part.
It all takes time. But there’s no race. I am very lucky in that I don’t have to make pots for a living; I can finally do something just for fun.
Stay home – Stay safe
Love always
Barb xxx
43 thoughts on “Passionate about Pottery”
Hello Barbara
I know what you mean, the learning part is the best part. That and applying what you learnt. Your pottery is lovely and it is good you have found something you love that is not connected to work.
Hi Barbara it is so lovely to see how much joy you get from the pottery. The tiles are gorgeous. Isn’t it great how you can use Clarity products for pottery as well and papercraft. Enjoy the rest of your day. I think we will leave going out for a walk today. Take care. Hugs xxx
Love the tiles. Especially ‘the couple’.
Barb these a great!! Well done to you. I have a polite question though, hope you don’t mind. Tissue plate? What is a tissue plate? Something I have never heard of. As a tutor to people with ADL I am always looking for interesting projects. I use Clarity stencils with clay all the time. Your stencils are the best – No kidding. I also use them in my cards and again, they are the best. Thank you.
I just called it a tissue plate because it looks like a tissue xx
Feeling really excited for you and your tiles plates bowls look fantastic you are really doing brilliantly as potter. You will soon have enough tiles to decorate at least your small room in house toilet it will look wonderful really enjoy watching you this morning seeing your work look forward to seeing more of your creations in pottery room new branch to clarity lots lots ve sorry not been about much last few months things been a bit tough but getting through love joy xxxx
Love these so pleased that they came out as you wanted. I watched a bit of Rick Stein on tv yesterday and he was with Cornish potter Jack Docherty I was fascinated watching him so I can only imagine the pleasure you get from working with clay
I was just about to tell Barbara the same thing, as I thought it would interest her. Wasn’t his work beautiful? And what a nice man. X
He certainly was. And those colours! And his signature! Stunning.
Really lovely Barbara. We had a women Come to our we club to do pottery but I didn’t try the wheel lol
I was so wowed by your pottery when you showed it in the SHAC. You are making some beautiful pieces and it must give you so much pleasure. If you haven’t seen it, check out the comment by TDQKaren above – I think you will enjoy it. Hugs. Annette X
So happy for you! And oh my these are stunning! I’m thankful you don’t sell your pots as I’ve always had a weakness for hand crafted goodies, used to spend a bomb at a pottery studio in Hastings lol!! Love the beautiful tissue plate xx
Very well done! Beautiful.
Did you watch Rick Stein in Cornwall last night. BBC2 6.30pm. He went to a very famous potter who seemed to make very large pots. They were beautiful as are yours, Barbara. Wish I had started this hobby years ago but enough to do at the moment.
Wow, love your beautiful pottery. I can fully understand why you feel so chuffed – that’s how I feel when a card I’m making actually turns out how I hoped with no ink smudges or colours that didn’t quite work as I thought they would. I’m so glad that you have found and are enjoying something just for yourself, a complete switch off from work. xxx
I am watching the inauguration and have just been totally mesmerised by Amanda Gorman. What an inspirational young lady she is. X
I bet Maya Angelou would love her too xx fabulous young woman x
Beautiful tiles, I have to note crafty stuff in a book, little tips you give us re inks etc. I can’t get my head around the glazing business and what you do when but like to see how it turns out. You will have enough for a fireplace soon ! X
Brilliant pottery shown this morning. I treasure my pottery castle made some years ago. Not so intricate as the one this week on tv. Shac today was a real godsend and got me away from the black dog. Big thank you
Pottery looking fabulous and yes it is all learning and trying things out. Like me have to write things down as I always think I will remember but never do lol xx loving colouring the postcard this week and looking forward to Friday xx
Truly fantastic results Barbara! I couldn’t be more pleased for you. Looking forward to seeing the other pieces. I love that tile too. Hugs, Gilly x
Fanbloomingtastic , love following your pottery journey. You deserve to feel so pleased with yourself x
Ab Fab pottery designs Barbara, you are very clever. Is there a book in the making, or would that turn the fun into work. No one wants that.
My mum has asked me to make her a load of greeting cards as ‘bought’ cards are “so expensive”. I reverted to a 16 year old, wishing that my mum understood that I love spending lots of time & love creating individual cards for friends and family because it makes me feel happy, not to save her money! Phew, now I’ve thrown my rattle out of the cot I feel much better. 🤪
Needless to say my mum is now sending me a list of names and occasions…..
Take care, with hugs from Sue. xx
So lovely to design
your own style/colour tiles…they look Antique…in the nicest Sence of the word because of the colours and decoration. Really lovely, do love to be different. Better than opening a box of twenty or so, all the same.
These have style.
Barb – I don’t understand any of it, but I’m chuffed you’re chuffed.
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)
So happy for you. I can feel your excitement through the blog! A woman of many talents x
You have every right to be chuffed your pottery is Supercallifragilisticexpealidocius. I’ve started a notebook to add all the hints and tips you give us in the Shack. I loved it this morning when you showed us your pottery, you were glowing, it’s obvious you love it. I’m so pleased for you xxx
So pleased they all turned out well.
Love these tiles–they are gorgeous!
As are your little red Vikings too –so adorable are these two!
Have enjoyed todays Shac and was very relaxed afterwards. Were very hectic days here and still are.
Will see you on Friday again!
Take care and stay save and a lot of love, Trijntje Huppel
Well done you! They all look amazing. So glad you’ve found something outside work to focus on too. Hugs x
So pleased your pottery has turned out so well Barbara. Very satisfying, beautiful. So much to remember, I would need a notebook in each pocket! Cornwall is having a good innings on TV lately, I hope you saw the potter on Rick Steins programme.
See you on Friday, twice I hope! Looking forward to that.
Wow – those times are amazing, and the bowls are so beautiful. You are right to be chuffed to bits, and I am dead impressed!
What lovely results. I like the tile with the ‘mum and dad’ the best. Does your pottery have a name? Gray’s Clays? You should ahve a comp for the best name!! I love to see your results.
Wow I absolutely love your tiles ! Blue is such a classic colour you are very talented indeed and we are so lucky you share that with us .
Made me smile Sue when your Mum asked you to make cards to save money .Some people don’t realise how many hours you could spend making a card just to enjoy the process .
Warm regards Carmel
Barbara, thank you for sharing – I love reading about your pottery, learnings and how you are “figuring things out”
I feel incredible energy and excitement through your words which is so appreciated. I am thrilled you are having fun, happy and enjoying the process. The final results today are fantastic.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again Barbara…you were born to make pots!! These are all fantastic and I too love the blue tiles. There’s something about blue pottery..reminds me of Delft, such a pretty place. x
Loving all your pottery pieces and what you are achieving along the way. You’ve got a natural talent for pottery, good to see you enjoying your hobby xxx
Hi Barb,
Wow! They are fantastic. You have done really well and are obviously enjoying your pottery journey so much. The tiles are lovely, the one you like especially. I’m also pleased to see that you did one with your mum and dad on! That is special. I think however, that my favourites are the tissue plates – they look stunning! So pleased that you’ve found something that makes you so happy that isn’t “ work related” – just for you. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hello Barb, so happy that you are having such an amazing and creative time with your pottery. The results are astounding, no wonder you are chuffed. Love the tiles, especially the wee couple. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Beautiful pottery Barbara…you certainly have a flair for it and your excitement when you share your pieces with us shines through. Your enthusiasm is infectious…well done.👍
Chuffed? You should be so darned proud Barbara!!! AMAzing work 😍
Great results. I especially like the marble square ones. So good to see you really enjoying something not Claritystamp related x
Hi Barbara, Just wondering about the tiles. You have used stencils on them. Would a groovi plate leave too fine a line to use the same process as the bowls on.
Not a potter, just a crafters head working, and saying I wonder if.
Thought the tissue bowls were fantastic.
Jan x