Travel Gently

Travel Gently

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Hope you are safe? Now I have to add dry too. Hope you are safe and dry. This is certainly a challenge isn’t it?! Just when you accept the situation, the goal posts get moved again. Very, very uncertain and worrying times for sure. And I do believe the layers and layers of issues, too many to even contemplate in one little blog ere, are just too much to digest for the average human.

So it’s back to that toolbox of Lifeskills that we’ve been filling in the SHAC Shac:

One Day at a Time

Yep. That’s probably the best way to tackle everything. One Day at a time, one thing at a time. All I have to do is get through today. Then tomorrow, let’s deal with tomorrow. No point in fretting about next week or next year! What will be will be, and TODAY is the only real, actual time. NOW. So let’s just keep it in today!

Make a Plan

Write a list and starting getting busy ticking off all the things which need doing. Even if it’s tidying your knicker drawer, write it on your list. And tick it when you’ve done it! I cleaned all morning here. Hoovered, dusted, tidied up. It helps me a lot to establish a little bit of order. Manage the manageable. Control the controllable.

Travel gently

Here’s a new one I’m going to add to my tool box of life skills. Grace gave me this one when we were facetiming earlier, and I love it. Travel Gently. I can only speak for myself, but I think I really do need to take the foot off the pedal and change down a gear. Stop stressing so much about so much. I shall add it to Go Easy and Easy does it.

This too shall pass.

Yes, it will. One way or another, it definitely will.

Go easy. Stay safe. And travel gently. xxxx

Turkey curry tonight!!

Love and hugs

Barb xxx

30 thoughts on “Travel Gently

  1. Hi there, Glad you have not been breaking the lockdown rules today by letting those two unwelcome guys in again today. Lol. One day at a time is definitely the way to go. Maybe if I made a list, I would achieve more!! Maybe I’ll try that and see how it goes. Crafting is on the list but maybe dusting and hoovering should be added before the year’s end! Lol. Don’t want to do anything too rash though!! Lol. Have a good evening. See you tomorrow. Lots of love. Hxx

  2. Lamb leftovers (a lot!) in a casserole tonight! With bubble and squeak which will include cauliflower cheese ! Nothing like a change ! Yes, I agree, travel gently. Air was blue earlier as I couldn’t find the clingfilm, never sworn so much as this past year, where was it – in the fridge of course ! Anyway just made a card for our great nephew who will be 3 on 29th poor lad being so near Christmas – too many of them in our family ! I only used one Clarity element as I’m gradually using up old kits and I guess he’s not ready to appreciate parchment yet. Hopefully, he’ll start talking soon – he knows everything but keeps it to himself ! Have a good evening and enjoy your curry. See you in the Shac in the morning x x

  3. Hello Barbara

    As my late friend, Joan, used to say ‘If you can’t change it, or do anything about it, you just have to go with it and make the best of it’.


  4. Great Blog, as usual. I’ve had a lovely day, starting off with rewatching the Christmas Day SHAC SHACK. Then a walk in the hail and rain. Returning home to cleaning the Craft hovel and making cards this afternoon. I’m a great believer in lists, love ticking off the to do’s done!
    Tomorrow is indeed another day, the start of the last week of the year. Another week closer to a vaccine.
    See you in the SHAC SHACK xxx

  5. Definitely have to add stay dry. After dropping off our presents, which had been in quarantine for weeks, daughter and hubby set off home. It was dark, they drove into a flood, we are now waiting for the car to be written off. Just one more wind in our 2020 road.

    Stay safe and dry xxxx

  6. We are fortunate to have had a cold but dry and sunny day here today. Turkey soup is on the hob so it can be frozen for another day. One day at a time is definitely the way forward (except that I am looking forward to the SHAC tomorrow)

  7. Definitely have to add stay dry. After dropping off our presents, which had been in quarantine for weeks, daughter and hubby set off home. It was dark, they drove into a flood, we are now waiting for the car to be written off. Just one more wind in our 2020 road.


  8. Very sensible advice I would say and a list is always very satisfying when you can cross things off xx stay safe xx

  9. At long last I have read your blog early. not had a chance to reply before. Not that I have been too busy. Alone is not nice. On antibiotics not really eating much. So pleased to watched Shac Shack on Christmas morning after going to church at 9 am, which was lovely.
    Looking forward to watching this week.
    Most of my time has been facetime and messages from family. Thank goodness I have some wonderful friends and neighbours.
    Hope you had a lovely time. You even spared time for us on Christmas day. Thank you so much xx

  10. That’s exactly the way to do it, one day at a time, even an hour at a time in some instances. Great to write a list or have a plan ,
    I must try it sometimes. Take care everyone, ‘ it’ll all come out in the wash’, as my dear mum used to say.

  11. Hi Barbara your art work is gorgeous I love it. What strange times we are living in. Thank you for all the advice. We are keeping ourselves busy yesterday we finished off my needle felted wreath today we did a bit in the garden and played a game. On Wednesday we can get out for walks again. We just need to be patient all this will end. I have no idea what life will be like after. We can do it. Thank you for being there. The Shac Shack is a lifeline. Take care. Hugs xxx

  12. Thank you for such sensible talk. We spent the morning sorting out old filed paperwork. Can’t be the only one to have receipts and guarantees for things long consigned to the tip or recycling. And did I really need the water rates bills from 2007, or the mortgage paperwork from the house we left in 2003. Moving the craft room from the loft and now tidying what was left behind gave us a chance to get rid of some old paperwork and the recycling bin is taken away tomorrow. The place feels less weighed down already. Trying to keep away from the news and keeping busy around the house will be my aim for the next week or so and then starting some new crafty projects in my new crafty space

  13. Hi Barb,
    I definitely think one day at a time is the way to go at the moment. Things can change so quickly. I feel so heartedly sorry for all of those people who have been flooded or had damage to their property through storm Bella. It has been very windy here today. I’ve been in my little craft room making a couple of 3D Christmas trees for a friends grandsons who liked hers so much that I said I’d make them one each. It’s not easy as I’ve got all my craft stuff boxed up ready for a new cupboard to be delivered in January and my Dave to move a worktop from one side of the room to the other. Take care everyone, stay safe, warm and dry, love and hugs Alison xx

  14. In 1995 I took very I’ll and had to take one day at a time. Recently my lovely 50 year hubby has now become very unwell and he has now to take one day at a time. Relax do what you can and tomorrow we will deal with to.orrow….good advice…and groovi certainly has helped me in bad pain days. Thanks barbara and hope the norwegians are keeping you smiling……..fiona h

  15. What a weird xmas i had. Firstly got flooded (i live on a boat ) and whilst wading in wellies i fell into a deep puddle (vicar of dibley style)and cried. My uniform was soaked and i had a way to go to reach my car. Then just when the sun seemed to have calmed everything down along came bella. I didnt get to sleep til 4am.
    Havent been to the shac shac for a while but will catch up oñ poppets and barabaras xmas day . (If i can find my pencils) had a move about in my bedroom and its still chaotic . Decided today would be a pj day for me and the dogs , so snuggled up by the fire , left over xmas dinner and a few films. And breathe. If i sleep tonight i might even catch barbara in real time . Off to do a pencil hunt now . Xxx

    1. Hi
      Obviously a better day in the West Country as managed a long walk and got to see the Alpacas and a rainbow so good day. I always feel better when I deal with the here and now so great advice about living in the moment. I managed some crafting made my nieces 18th birthday card not sure where the years have gone and she off to America next year to have play football or soccer at they call it.
      My main concern at the moment is where to put next year clarity files which will be arriving in the next few weeks I sure I’ll find space😂
      Ruth x

  16. I keep my list in my head. My husband is one for writing a list and not resting until everything is crossed off. I think if I did that I would be fretting about what I hadn’t done not what I had. I also have so many things to do It’s difficult to put them in order.
    Had a good day today though with my in my head list. Sent the email to enter the Elf Competition and wrote up another competition that I’ve done over Christmas. Did washing and shopping and even had time for two hours of tennis. Lots more to do yet before the end of the day.

  17. beautiful sunny day here in North East London after last night’s storm. We went for a walk over in the woods near our house – fab way to recharge the batteries. Am really enjoying working my way through all this year’s New Design Club stamps & dies, and it’s stopping me from consuming my body weight in chocolates and biscuits!! I definitely feel like I’ve got off the treadmill over these last few days, but I know the real world awaits next week!

  18. Hi Barb
    You have been my rock, my stability having lost
    Four people this year one was my little brother. I buried my head in my art and craft but my heart wasn’t really there, I lost my passion. Then I found you and the Shack Shack now I had something to look forward to and slowly I healed through the art of friendship and your craft sessions. You have supported me and helped me to re find my create-ability. THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE FOR ME AND THE NATION. Your a beautiful warm-hearted creative guardian angel.
    Respect and grateful thanks for all you do .
    Lisa xx

  19. Thanks for all your words of wisdom, inspiration and encouragement today and all through the year. Now I’ve just got to remember them! Thank you

  20. Hello Barb, good solid advice, and I really want to take that on as I go forward, starting by making lists, as there is a lot I want to try achieve through 2021. So thank you for the blog today. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  21. Merry Christmas to you and all the team. I’ve missed too many wonderful doodle sessions which got me through the first lockdown and well beyond. But caught todays so I thought I’d send you something.. Thank you for your humour, generosity of spirit , talent and your honest insight in to your feelings. Knowing your daughter Grace is in New York I thought I would send you a link to a little something I was part of. It’s been a life changing moment for me I think it’s important at 58, to spot these opportunities, put a mask on them, be with young people, (Cameron is a young talented musician/songwriter and Michael the director’s star is rising, ) learn from them and jump in. Hope you enjoy.
    Happy new year when it comes.

  22. It’s been a horrible year for many reasons. One thing it has taught me though, is to look for the positive whenever possible. I’ve always been a glass half full person, planning for disaster at every turn. Lately I try to count every blessing, even the tiniest. It’s the only way to cope for me.
    The Clarity blogs have been wonderful. Thank you so much.

  23. I worry less as I get older I think – certainly don’t spend a lot of time fretting about things I can’t change anymore. Wish I could go back and tell my 20 year old self that! X

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