What’s the point…..
Happy Boxing Day!
Thanks for popping in.
Made the fatal mistake of waking up to the Radio 4 News at 7am. Don’t know which was worse: setting the alarm to go off at stupid o’clock when a lie in would have worked too, or tuning in to the catastrophic state of global affairs before I’d even had a cuppa or brushed my teeth!
Either way, my path to happy destiny was way off kilter by the time I got downstairs.
We had decided that today was going to be a Clay and Wood Day. Dave was going to make sawdust, as he puts it, and I was going to try my hand at throwing some plates. I have made a few plates along the way, but they were more of the bowls which morphed into plates variety, ’cos the wheel was going too fast and centrifugal force splatted them flat!
Then, those horrible little gits “Pessi’’and “Mistic” turned up.
I’m sure they are related to Wurka and Holic.
“What’s the point?” they whispered in my ear. “What’s the point of spending hours making plates and bowls and more stuff. You’ve got loads of plates. The world’s got more plates than it needs. Why don’t you just get on with prep for the TV show next Sunday? That would be far more constructive.”
What’s the point indeed! I told Dave that Pessi and Mistic were in the building. Dave’s response was enough to eject them instantly.
“Why do mountaineers climb mountains? It’s not for the view when they get to the top; the summit will usually be shrouded in mist. They climb the mountain for the experience. You are at your happiest when you are learning how to make something, when you are completely immersed in the learning process..”
I get it. It’s the process. I’ve said it a thousand times: it is the journey, not the destination. It’s not about the plates. It’s about learning how to make them, about figuring it out. And in that phase, from being ignorant ie not knowing how to do something, and mastering the process, therein lies the challenge, the excitement, the distraction, the experience.
So I dismissed those negative headworms, which doubtless came in on the earwaves when I was listening to Doom & Gloom early doors, and I threw myself into weighing and wedging clay.
2 hours later?
The best part is – I want to carry on making plates. Loadsa plates! To sit on the beautiful silver plate Cake Stand that Grace got me for Christmas. My aim? To have a wonderful tea party in the garden when the kids come home in the summer. I’m going to make ALL the plates and cups and saucers and platters for the party. Can you picture it too? And afterwards, everybody can take home their set. So I can start again!
Now I have something to work towards, I’m all fired up! Like the kiln this afternoon!
Do you get me? I bet you do.
Stay safe.
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx
64 thoughts on “What’s the point…..”
Well done – you are far more constructive than me. I’ve given up for the duration – there is enough washing up to sink a ship – sod it!
See you next year.
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)
I agree! Sod it. X
I agree! Margaret-Ann. Sod it. X
Yes, I get it Barbara. The more plates the merrier. What a great idea!
Looking forward to Barbara’s Clarity/Groovi plates for sale!!!
Enjoy yourself- it’s later than you think!!
Loadsa love. X
I get you but I need to know what the vikings are up to when you are both absorbed in the studio? 🤣🤣🤣
I get you,its easy to give up but its still there in your head 🤔so keep going smile and say i can do this even if there is bumps on the way 😜you will be so happy when that goal is reached 😊 xx
So pleased you have been constructive. Good old Dave. He will brighten anyone’s day with positivity. You have brighten our days in the shac etc. Lots of love
I totally get you! I am at my happiest creating with fabric and my sewing machine making cards. However I also got sucked into a negative hole after hearing the news. An hour or so playing with paper (not making anything in particular!) got me back on track x
I love your way of thinking Barbara gives us all the same inspiration. I keep thinking what’s the point of me keep making cards etc. But like you said it’s the experience and the joy it gives making them. So I’m carrying on 😊 thank you x
Love those plates! Xx
Yes I get you. What ever I am crafting/making it is the process. I’ve been painting stones and gave them all away. My sofa time is spent crotcheting throws an give away to family and friends. SHAC,SHAC doodles and colouring are turned into cards and given away. I love the journey, once complete move on to the next project. Like mines Barb see you in the SHAC 😘
I think Pessi and Mistic were making the rounds this morning! I woke up after a day without all my family. I was feeling lonely and bored. I had promised myself to have a lazy day today, but that’s not what makes me happy. Then I got Samuel up and I realised that I HAD got family with me – My own family. Instead of dozing on the sofa, wrapped in my new Snoopy blanket all day, I set out to have a Samuel day. Playing with his new toys with him, talking to him constantly about Christmas traditions, singing Christmas songs and making plans for the new year…. and it’s only 2.15pm! A busy Ruth is a happy Ruth!
Enjoy St Stephen’s Day everyone. Love, health and happiness for the New Year to you all xxx
Love the idea of the plates. I bought a beautiful new Moroccan style plate set for Xmas dinner. Sadly didn’t get to use them as evacuated and flooded. But we’ll have our Xmas when we get back home. I did save the turkey before wading out! Missed being saved by a fireman though! Had to make do with a man in a van! 🤣🤣Enjoy xxx
Oh Sue! Sorry to hear of your plight. Glad you are safe. What a caper! Xxxxx Barb
Oh no! That puts me into perspective. Water up in Mum’s garden but wont be like yours – nowhere near. So sorry for your troubles and that you didn’t get saved by a fireman….. x x x
Oh, poor you Sue. I’m so sorry. Hope you can return home soon. The plates are perfect Barbara, what a great idea to make the family a set each for a get together in the stunner. They can do the washing up and treasure the gift! Keeping positive today by having a blitz on my craft room! Sure needed it but I have been very productive there in recent weeks.
Enjoy . X
Sorry to hear that, Sue. I hope the insurance are fast on the scene and sort you out somewhere safe to stay until you can go back.
Glad you are having a beautiful constructive day. My birthday today and can’t meet up with anyone as tier 4 , so on my own but am busy crafting for next lot of birthdays amongst my friends. Everybody keep safe and well. Thanks for all the company in the Shac shack and wonderful inspiration from Barbara.xx
Happy, Birthday, Crista. Glad you turned it into a good day.
Thanks very much for your kind wishes. Much appreciated. X
Well, I was going to say I wonder why I bother doing cards and have that come over me a few times a year. Then I read Sue’s comments above, at least I can choose to do them today if I wish and she can’t so I’m going to think myself lucky. I’m just going to have a go at yesterday’s ShacShac now and try to keep away, I’ve come over a bit dopey….. Keep on with the plates, you can sell them on the website if need be ! X
Good old Dave
He knows how to get you back on track
I for one would be honoured to eat from one of your plates
Mrs R and to have one in my cupboard would be more exciting !
Get a turning me Duck!
Totally get you Barbara, but oh how hard it is to change the course of those gloomy thoughts. …but you did it ( with the help of your man) and what a great plan you have!! Happy pottering /carving day to you both x
I would love to come to your Tea party and use your beautiful plates. It’s a hobby that I have always wanted to have a go at – maybe soon. But before that I must learn to use all the Groovi product that I haven’t yet played with.
Absolutely get you, just the type of thing I would do! So much nicer making things for a special occasion and special people.
Loving the plates, they look so good.
Wow, those plates look fab. Dave is a wise man. I love his explanation.
I love the idea of your tea party and gifting guests their plates etc! I’m sure they’d be cherished.
So glad you managed to turn your day around…enjoy xx
Totally get you Barbara, your plates look great. Have a
Lovely relaxing day today with your Dave and your adorable kittens. Love and hugs Pam xxx
Well done Barbara that is a terrific plan. To have a plan like that will keep you going. When it happens and all the sets go home you can start all over again. Enjoy working with your kiln. I haven’t made anything yet. I think thank you cards are on the plan. Have a lovely evening. Take care. Hugs xxxx
I completely get what you’re saying. I keep painting pictures and creating mandalas, even though we’ve run out of walls to hang them on. We make bowls, bowls and more bowls in pottery, and nowhere to put them. But, as you say, it’s the journey, the learning process and refining your art. We do it for ourselves, and if other people like what we do, that’s a bonus. Continue to enjoy it all, Barbara, and look forward to that big family party in the Summer. Those plates are great.
So glad you got your positive head on – thanks to Dave’s wise words. Love the plates and love the idea of gifting after Tea party leaving space for making more. Enjoy! Xxx
had a lovely constructive morning , now the christmas prezzies have all gone tidied out the craft room , cant remember the last time i saw my worktop and floor lol lol
have just caught up on yesterdays shac shac did chuckle at the vision of Dave with the plates
havn’t seen or heard any news today ,stayed right away from it
have a good day
That’s a good man, you’ve got there, my friend. Do whatever gives you pleasure, whatever gives you joy and dump the rest. I have no idea what is happening in the world. I am lockdown in my house doing embroidery on a PTC. I have lost myself in that this afternoon while outside it has poured, been misty, windy and horrible. Been like that all day. Now going to light the fire and shut the curtains! Hope Dave made lots of sawdust and you continued to have pleasure in your plates which look fantastic. The sets you make will be something for your family to treasure just as you treasure everything in your display cabinet. Lots of love. Hxxx
had a lovely constructive morning , now the christmas prezzies have all gone tidied out the craft room , cant remember the last time i saw my worktop and floor lol lol
have just caught up on yesterdays shac shac did chuckle at the vision of Dave with the plates
havn’t seen or heard any news today ,stayed right away from it
have a good day
Well done on getting rid of those 2 and well done Dave for words of wisdom x love the plates they look fantastic and will have special memories when you look at them xx glad you decided to do them xx
Oh how lovely to have a husband who is so positive and upbeat. That must help you so much. Your right we should do things because we want to learn and not worry about hiw useful it is. I suffer with that. Thinking what’s the point in making cards when I have no one much to send them to. Take care of yourselves xx
I’m so glad that Dave managed to expel Pessi and Mystic out of your head. I think it’s easy to let them in at the moment but maybe leave the alarm off tomorrow and let yourself have the luxury of waking up when you are ready. I usually have one day in the week that I do that.
Love the plates. I wish I could have a go. I did it when I was at uni as one of our interest units! It’s definitely not as easy as it looks.
Have a good evening.
Love and hugs xxxx
Love your plates and what a fabulous idea. Like many of the ladies here I keep making cards and thinking I’ve made far to many to send so what’s the point of keep making them. I do however have two lovely daughters who are constantly raiding my card stash. I even been surprised by what ones they have taken – ones that I’ve not been too keen on myself and wouldn’t necessarily send but just wanted to try a different technique or idea and couldn’t bear to throw it in the bin after all the effort I’d put into it. Just goes to show that different people have very different tastes. So it is that that keeps me going and playing and having fun in the process. Have a lovely time just playing and enjoying the process. Your Dave is a smart man indeed.
Fantastic idea, look forward to seeing all the tea sets as they take shape. Great you got focused and enjoyed your day well done. Xxx
Not sure about your original premise that there are enough plates in the world. Love your idea of sending the washing up home with people though, as a beautiful gift. Maybe we can have an auction or draw for Save the Children next year. Maybe it will be a regular feature on the Clarity website. Maybe you’ll never need to buy a present again. Allow yourself five minutes a day on the BBC website. You only need the headlines and rules of the day.
Way to go Barbara! Oh those plates are beautiful. Whised I could come to your garden party! Just to know that I could take the platter home!
I turned the radio on this morning to be greeted by Miara Carey a few choice word were shouted like its Boxing Day I want to listen to the radio again !!so I’m in compleate bliss of not knowing what’s going on ! I might watch nbc later and if Britain is about to fall to pieces they might mention it ,keeping a beady eye on that orange fella ! Any how the joys of pottery ,lm not a potter but my studio used to be next door to a gaggle of them ,when they moved out I got first dibs on there rejects 5 crates shared out with friends ,every day my bowls mugs plates give me pleasure,Barbra do not be despondent about any pot ,one man junk is anouthers gold !also since they moved out my studio is realy cold!!
There is such a theme running through these comments. I didn’t listen to the news but I was so down I couldn’t get out of bed. Then I reached out to a fellow shacker who felt the same and we decided between us to practice watercolour and we chose a theme – simple winter trees. We will share with each other when done – this made me get up in into my craft room where I do find contentment.
It has been a lonely boring Christmas because like most of you I like to entertain my family and I miss them terribly.
Didn’t know it was St Stephens day today – must tell my son whose name is Stephen – Thankyou whoever mentioned this – Boxing Day is when he would normally come round for dinner with his wife to be (wedding should have been NY Eve) and my granddaughters, probably why I’m down today.
Anyway it’s all Good! I’m sure you all found something creative just like Barbara and hey we’ve got through this very different Xmas so well done Us shackers!!! Only New Year to get over with and it’s got to be better than 2020. 🤗🥰🤗
There is such a theme running through these comments. I didn’t listen to the news but I was so down I couldn’t get out of bed. Then I reached out to a fellow shacker who felt the same and we decided between us to practice watercolour and we chose a theme – simple winter trees. We will share with each other when done – this made me get up in into my craft room where I do find contentment.
It has been a lonely boring Christmas because like most of you I like to entertain my family and I miss them terribly.
Didn’t know it was St Stephens day today – must tell my son whose name is Stephen – Thankyou whoever mentioned this – Boxing Day is when he would normally come round for dinner with his wife to be (wedding should have been NY Eve) and my granddaughters, probably why I’m down today.
Anyway it’s all Good! I’m sure you all found something creative just like Barbara and hey we’ve got through this very different Xmas so well done Us shackers!!! Only New Year to get over with and it’s got to be better than 2020. 🤗🥰🤗
You have a very wise man there! Pity Clarity don’t sell Dave’s. Your plates are stunning and it must be so exciting to have the party to plan for. Onwards and upwards!
My best wishes to Sue. Another positive lady, making the best of a terrible situation. I hope you are able to go home soon Sue.
Hugs. Annette. X
What a lovely idea. Something to focus on and aim for. I live making handmade gifts for my family and friends. Xx
Yes, I totally get it too Barb. Your idea for using the plates is such a wonderful idea. I’m sure that everyone will be so happy to use them and then take some away with them. I enjoyed Christmas Day in the Shac with you. When you put that mince pie in your mouth I couldn’t stop laughing 😆 and even though it brought on a coughing fit, it was worth it.
By the way we got back the results from our covid tests and they were both negative, thank goodness. I couldn’t see how I could have had it, because I hadn’t been out. Still nice to have it confirmed though. Sending love and hugs to you and Dave, Gilly xx
That’s great news Gilly! Love and hugs Alison xx
Glad you are immersing yourself in your pottery and enjoying the process Barbara and don’t let your head tell you otherwise. Those plates look bl…. brilliant! x
How about a shacers tea party? That’ll keep you in your potters cave for a very long time! Xx
Beautiful plates and how lovely to make a set for everyone to take it home!!!
You are a very lucky woman to have Dave to cheer you up with wise words!
Stay save and healthy and have fun!
See you tomorrow on telly.
Lots of love, Trijntje Huppel
I to woke in a very downward spiralling mood today,missing my grandchildren and feeling like we are never going to come out the other side.I sat in bed had a few “feeling sorry for myself” tears,and then saw the news of people that have now been flooded,what do I have to cry about cosy and warm,so made myself go to positive thoughts, and like you started planning ahead for the party of all parties to celebrate everyone’s birthdays together hopefully in the summer,instantly felt better,we must be positive and as you say “this to shall pass”
Wow, amazing.
Felt to poorly to do anything today, so rested.
so glad you had a productive day for yourself – those plates look amazing! I’ve had a nice day too – went for a walk with my sons after lunch, then had a zoom get together with my sister and niece, and have then had a few hours happily crafting – working on my little 12 Days of Clarity challenge to use all of this year’s NDC stamps & dies. My sons were sat crafting too – they make and paint Warhammer figures, so a happy afternoon all round.
Hi Barb,
Pleased Dave managed to get you back on track. What a lovely idea to give everyone a set of crockery that you’ve made – something that they’ll treasure I’m sure. The plates by the way look great. I’ve struggled to focus during the second lockdown. I think it was because it was just after my op and I was recovering from that and needed some company! I forced myself to do my cards and now am picking up my ukulele again and going right back to the beginning ( not that there’s too far back to go!) I’ve signed up for some online lessons and am going to get to grips with playing it. My sister has just told me that she bought a Mandolin in October and is learning that , so it will be a bit of a competition!! Mind you her Mandolin is beautiful! Don’t set your alarm clock for the morning and get a good night’s rest. Love and hugs,Alison xxx
Love your plates! Can we all come to tea – please pretty please?!
I love Dave’s voice. So calming. Lovely! Xx
Well done, Dave, for dismissing those bad vibes. Learning is, ultimately, far more productive than instant success. Apparently, it is a fact that failure and the resulting struggles to put it right actually creates new electrical pathways in the brain, which is very good for us. Enjoy those plates and all the other lovely things you make. All that learning will make so many new pathways in your brain that there will be no room for the pesky pests. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
What a great idea, afternoon tea with all the crockery made by you. I think there will be a lot of celebrations once this pandemic is all over – something to plan for & look forward to.
I get you Barbara. What a lovely idea that everybody can take their plate set home with them after the the party. A very personal gift from you to them.
Take care
Hello Barb, do what you do best, be creative and arty. We all get those times, but I love what Dave has said, so I will adopt that too. Love your idea of the tea party and the set to take home. And your plates look lovely. Please share the finished products with us. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade…. when life gives you clay, make plates!!!! Love seeing what you make – don’t stop making xx
Inspiring words from your Dave…as ever. I am lucky to have my own “Dave”….my hubby Richard, who sets me right when my head gets in a spin. That’s testament to a good marriage, you pick each other up when one falls down. Priceless.
Your plates are great by the way!👍
What a brilliant idea I love it. Carry on regardless never mind those horrible head worms.
Can I buy some plates off you for when I get my new kitchen fitted in the new year? I don’t even mind if any of them are a bit P’tong. It just adds to the design.
Fabulous plates and I get you completely! And Dave is very wise. Take care and stay safe xxx