Let the games begin…

Let the games begin…

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Busy day today. Gearing up for our GRAY FRIDAY celebrations. We don’t do BLACK FRIDAY – sounds too dreary – WE DO GRAY FRIDAY!!

And our little friends are waiting patiently too…

ERIK: ………..

You may remember that we have a week of Bloggy Blitz Sales in the lead up to GRAY FRIDAY.

Here’s how it works… Each day we pick a product range, like ink pads and ink, mixed media supplies, Gel Press and paints – and so on. Then we go for it, with up to 50% off (plus your Clarity Club Loyalty discounts) on selected Non-Clarity Products. Here’s the week of Bloggy Blitz Sales mapped out :

Monday. DAY 1: Mixed Media

Tuesday. DAY 2: Bottled Inks

Wednesday. DAY 3: GelPress & Paints

Thursday: Day 4: Ink Pads

These items will all be on sale While Stocks Last, OR for the duration of the sale, until Midnight Monday 30th November. So if there is something you have been wanting to get, just bear in mind, when it’s gone it’s gone.

We will launch the daily Bloggy Blitz Sales at 8am each morning. This gives us a chance to check stock levels before we hit GO!!

Then on Friday, at 8am… the CLARITY GRAY FRIDAY PARTY STARTS !

This is where our entire Clarity Range – Stamps, Stencils, Groovi and Dies – goes on sale. Up to 50% off, (plus your Clarity Club Loyalty discounts).

This is a very special Sale, because we don’t run out. If we sell out of a design, we make fresh stock. That said, you will appreciate that a sale of this magnitude is a mammoth undertaking. Whilst we tried to spread the load this year by launching the Pergamano sale a month sooner, we still would like to clarify that it may take up to 28 days to get the orders picked, packed and out the door – especially if we have to make fresh stock. We will endeavour to get all orders sent in good time for Christmas.

Speaking of Clubs, now might be a very VERY good time to join the Clarity Craft Club! Not only are you joining the oldest, largest craft club in Britain – you’ll also be able to take advantage of an additional 10-15% member’s discount. Click HERE to investigate.

Perhaps you want to sign a friend up as a gift; perhaps you are already a Club member, and you fancy adding another project strand to your monthly Clarity subscription; perhaps you are new to us, have heard good things about the clubs, and want to learn a new skill. Simply join online, or call Jeannine tomorrow, on 01732 868215. She will be happy to help, and get you signed up asap, so you can shop with the additional discount.

See you bright and early tomorrow!


Love always

Barb xxx

57 thoughts on “Let the games begin…

  1. Erik: Oooh dinner….!
    Ragner: Let the fun begin!!

    They are just adorable.

    Looking forward to this coming week! You will all be lying in a darkened room before too long!! Just remember it will take as long as it takes to pack things. Please don’t stress about it, any of you! You do a great job. Enjoy your Sunday. Lots of love, Hxx

  2. Erik: We are lucky to have come to this caring, loving home and look at the view with all the birds coming to the feeders.
    Ragnar: We are not allowed out there yet and mummy won’t be happy if we go after the birds.

  3. Eric – why are we in here when we could be exploring out there?
    Ragnar – because it’s warm and cosy and we don’t have to hunt for our food stupid 😂

  4. Eric: are you taking photos to remember where the back door is
    Ragnar : yes but you’ve got to stay with me in case my sat nav goes wrong

  5. Looking forward to the coming week xx
    Erik do you reckon we could hang off those feeders
    Ragner hmm not sure you just have to purr and meow and you get fed easy xx
    They are adorable xx

  6. Hi Barbara
    Aren’t they adorable, double trouble waiting to happen.
    Eric: First she goes out to the other house and comes back hours later covered in paint….
    Ragnar: and then he goes out and chased the leaves around, but they won’t let us out there yet.
    Looking forward to a week of fun and bargains! Hubby has just asked when the sale starts so I must make a list!
    Take care
    Love Diane xx

  7. Erik – Mum’s been in that workshop a long time, she must be cooking up something special for Gray Friday.

    Ragnar – Yeah, but she will be in soon to give us a cuddle and tell us all about it.

    These two little tykes have GROWN a lot.They seem to spend all their time very close together – are they inseparable twins?

    Looking forward to the sale and making a wish list just in case!!! Don’t worry about delivery delays, we will take it as it comes as you can’t work 24/7 all the time.
    Enjoy a relaxing Sunday evening.

  8. Erik: The one on the stick is the birds house, and the white one is for the hoomans ………

    Ragnar: ….. and this is OUR house, but we let the staff in if they’re good … and to feed us !

  9. Erik ……….. Wonder when they are going to clear those leaves ?
    Ragnar ……………would be fun to play in.
    Lovely photo.

  10. Erik. Who do you think lives in that little house?
    Ragnar. If we sit very still maybe someone will come out as long as we don’t miss tea while waiting

  11. ERIK….You take the one on the right, I’ll take the one on the left…
    RAGNAR….Wait for it………wait for it……

    Watching blackbirds out of the window, they are just SO cute! A really fantastic photo of them.

    So looking forward to this week (thank you) and can’t wait to see your efforts in your very own pottery!
    Stay safe everyone.
    Linda x

  12. Erik: what’s that building over there Ragnar?

    Ragnar: that’s the Shac shack, play our cards right and maybe we can go in one day. I’ve got our paper and pencils ready.

  13. Erik-well be ran away from Gina B cus she promised us a Dorset knob, which turned out to not be a biscuit at all!
    Ragnar- yes and this ones even worse, this week we were up for a Gelli Plate and they aren’t even strawberry or lime!
    What’s worse is it looks like her BBQs have no fish, she keeps chucking pots on it. We need to leave!

  14. While looking at the bird table:
    Erik: You go left, I’ll go right.
    Ragnar: As Mum (Barb) would say it sounds like a plan!

  15. Hi Barbara what an exciting sale you have planned I can see me having no money left. But then what else is there to spend it on. I think:
    Erik: Do you see all those birds out there?
    Ragnor: Oh yes, which ones are you going to go for first when we are allowed out?
    Have a great week. Take care. Hugs xxx

  16. Erik: Can you see what I see? Ragnar: a little birdie there in the tree!
    So cute Barbara, I bet they are kicking up a storm at yours so nice to be welcomed home by pets.xx

  17. Erik:- When does the food arrive at the bird feeders ?
    Ragnor:-When the bell rings. Ready Set Go.
    Erik:-There is a big wild jungle at the end of the garden.
    Ragnor:-Which side of the garden do you want?

  18. Erik : if we jump from the hedge…
    Ragnar : we could get to the little house
    Too cute – you must be loving having them join your family x

  19. Erik do you think we could get bird for tea, Ragnen don’t think so Barbaras food is so nice and don’t have to hunt for it just chill.

  20. ERIK: As sure as Bob’s your ankle we will be out there soon catching those flying things.
    RAGNAR: just got to be patient.. Slowly slowly catch a monkey.

  21. Erik- “ I’m sure I just saw Santa behind the summer house!”
    Ragnar- “Don’t be silly Erik, the mischief I’ve got planned, I think we may be on the naughty list”

  22. Erik :Can we go out there and cause havoc yet?
    Ragnar : Not until Mum lifts our local lockdown. Can’t wait.

    Thank you for the sale, will spend what I can and don’t worry about how long it takes. Good things come to those who wait.
    Please may we do some more watercolouring in the shac shack. You inspire me every day.

  23. Looking forward to this week and Gray Friday.
    Eric: Hey look at all those bird feeders out there
    Ragnor: Nevermind the birds lets have some fun, that hedge is just the right height for us to play in the bath.

  24. Erik : oooh it’s a bit scary out there bro.
    Ragnar: don’t be a wuss, we’re brave Vikings don’t you know. Quick ,hide, a big thingy is heading our way.
    Phew it’s only a birdie.

  25. Nice picture of the 2 of them together sitting very still.
    Erik: Is it a bird, is it a squirrel or is it falling leaves.
    Ragnar: I don’t care which one it is, I just want to get out and play with it.

  26. ERIK….I get mum a bird for Christmas
    RAGNAR….I get dad some bird seed for his present… Then we can have lots more fun (good idea!!!). 😺😹

  27. Oh they are growing so fast. What a pair of cuties. Good luck with the sale, it’s the best sale as nothing runs out so no one is sad. Xx

  28. Eric – I’ve heard that we can catch those birds, bring them in the house and let them go in the living room.
    Ragnar – Yeah it will be good fun watching our humans trying to catch them.
    Our little pussycat Belle is very good at this. Most of them have been saved and set free outside. Have you seen the YouTube video of the cat that dragged a mallard through the cat flap.

  29. Erik – I’m telling you, it was the same colour as us, but it’s tail was bigger, and more bushy. It was trying to get in the little house on the stick thing.
    Ragnor – must be one of our relatives, maybe he can get us in too!

  30. Hi Barb, looking forward to the offers leading up to Gray Friday, always so much on offer. So thank you. Glad I am a club member. My caption is;
    Erik – maybe we should go out and play in the fresh air, but Mum and Dad will be mad with us and it is a very big world out there!
    Ragnar – Oh you are such a scaredy cat!

  31. Erik ….what’s the first thing you’re going to do when we get pass this glass?
    Ragnor……..who says I’m going first!

  32. Erik. I wonder who lives in a house like this
    Ragnar. I don’t know but they’ve got great Christmas decorations up already

  33. Eric : Do you think she’s coming back?
    Ragnor : Nah! There’s craft stuff in that little shack, we won’t see her till dinner time.

  34. Ragnor: Wicky is The Bird House eat in or take away?
    Eric: I think Waggy it’s take away but with a twist: its self service, a bit twicky getting in and, when it’s gone it gone.

  35. Erik: when do you think it’ll be safe to go out there?
    Ragnar: Be patient a little while longer, then we’ll thoroughly enjoy the extra freedom.

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