Highlights and Lowlights
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. It’s been a good day so far, and Dave’s daughter Laura is coming over with the grandchildren shortly, for a bit of birthday cake with Grandad before lockdown again. I think little Evie is desperate to see the kittens! They were supposed to be coming over this Saturday, to celebrate Dave’s birthday, but of course that’s been canned. Apparently, she said “I HATE Covid. I won’t be able to see the kittens while they’re still tiny.” So we brought the little birthday get together forward a few days.
They really are growing like weeds! I’ll swear they’re twice the size they were a week ago!! Like two little purring bookends!
Then I opened the door from the kitchen into the dining room – and their world just doubled in size too!
Anyway. Highlights and Lowlights. We’re certainly focussing on the highlights and lowlights in the SHAC-Shac this week! Grace has posted a lovely blog about us Shackers today. She gathered up all your works of art – beautiful xx Check it out HERE
This is where we’re headed…
I’m using Buff Paper, Micron Pens, Posca Pens, Polychromos pencils – white, blues and greys, and Bookmark sleeves. We sell all of these items on the website. Should you wish to buy the ingredients I’m using, then click here. It’s all in one section.
But here’s the thing. You can join in with a piece of copy paper and a pencil. You can use the colouring pencils you’ve got. You can participate, you can work at any pace you fancy. There are no rules and no experts. You can just sit up the back with a cuppa and enjoy the banter and the company too. Your call. xxx
I just serve up arty things for us to do, think of lovely places for us to go to on the SHAC-Shack Bus. It’s like a City tourbus excpet it’s free; you can hop on and hop off wherever you like.
I think that we will stay with the White on Buff kind of art next week too. I love this style !! Perhaps we could make Coasters next week. Bookmarks and coasters. Bitesize art. That’s just what was needed this week, eh.
Got to go. I hear a little girl squealing with excitement outside xxx
Love and Hugs
27 thoughts on “Highlights and Lowlights”
Thanks Barbara I really love this folk art I’m having a good time with it would love to do some more of this next week thank you Barbara ❤️ Happy Birthday to your Hubby also
Great idea to bring the e celebration forward – have a lovely tea. The kittens are just right age as they wouldn’t want to know little people if they were older ! One of ours definitely doesn’t – she hides from little and big ! Going to order some paper tomorrow with the new Groovi plate ! Have a good time xx
Loving the artwork this week they are great xx how lovely to see family hope you all have a fabulous time and I am sure the kittens will be worn out lol xx
Beautiful kittens, beautiful art and a happy early birthday to Dave!
Enjoy the early birthday. I have just dropped present and card over to #1 son ahead of lockdown (his birthday is the day after Dave’s). I saw him for about 30 seconds as he was on his way to get a hair cut before it’s too late. Managed to grab sight of the grandkitty too. Hope Dave’s daughter and granddaughter enjoy the kitties.
Oh Barbara the artwork is gorgeous and so are those lovely kittens. Aren’t you glad that you picked them up before lockdown. Enjoy the visit with the family. What a strange world we live in. I haven’t been able to join in with the Shac Shack I am invigilating at our local school. I am hoping to catch up at the weekend. I really want to draw that gorgeous scene. Take care and stay safe. Hugs xxx
Love this artwork.
Early Happy Birthday to Dave. I agree with Evie I hate covid too. Hope Laura and Evie get on OK with the kittens.
Stay safe.
The kittens looked huge on the chair but suddenly tiny when they entered the big bad world! Lol. Hope you have a lovely birthday celebration, Dave, and a very happy birthday when it comes. Lots of love to both of you. Love the artwork, by the way! Hxx
Happy official Birthday to Dave! Evie for PM, I say. Hope you all had fun.
Happy Birthday wishes to Dave and young Evie we all agree with you! Hate COVID & these restrictions even though I know it’s the right thing. Yep them 😸 😸 sure have grown! Enjoy xx
Happy birthday to Dave and Happy Kitten Day to Evie! I suspect she will enjoy it more than the kittens x
Hope you are enjoying an early birthday celebration for Dave with his daughter Laura and little Evie, and of course she was wanting to see those adorable kittens whilst they are still so little. I think you can see from the two photos that they are growing fast. x
Hope you have a wonderful evening with the family. The kittens are getting big and beautiful.
I’m behind just watched the last mandala show,
your tenna moments had me doubled up. I have a very good friend and we have a similar issue, we ended up giving each other tenna pads as inappropriate gifts. So much love , nice to be reminded of.
My grandson will be 5 on Sunday but as soon as lockdown was announced on Saturday his mummy emailed all his friends and he had his party last Sunday. All the children are in the same class at school anyway.
Someone is setting off fireworks here at the moment so I guess they have brought bonfire night forward.
Happy birthday to Dave, official and actual.
Stay safe xx
How lovely to make a little girl happy. The kittens are gorgeous. The artwork looks amazing, I need to get my pens out and join in again. xx
I think these are the most enjoyable drawings we’ve ever done. Really doable, so satisfying and absorbing – huge fun. Thank you Barb for taking away some of my fear of drawing over these past months. Loving the white on tan 😀 xx
Beautiful art and totally gorgeous kittens! I too, wish Dave an early Happy Birthday. I’m sure that you will all have a great time together!
I was very fortunate today, my hair appointment was booked for tomorrow but my lovely hairdresser managed to fit me in this afternoon. She put a post on fb 15 minutes ago to say that they had just finished and turning off the lights for 4 weeks. Take care everyone and keep crafting! Hugs Gilly x
What dedication from that hairdresser.
I love seeing the kittens – they are growing so fast. I like the way they have adopted the chair in the kitchen and they can still fit on it together. Happy days.
I hope you all had a lovely family time and the kittens let Evie play with them.
Have to catch up on the shac shack artwork as not started it yet. Been up to visit our Son and family before the lockdown. Hope you have all had a lovely time with Laura and Evie and the kittens, Happy Birthday Dave in advance.xxx
What a delightful blog Barb. The kitties are gorgeous too – good job you collected them when you did eh? This weeks sessions are gorgeous – I joined in on Monday but was late in this morning (wasted time listening to the goings on in the Trump saga all night so didn’t wake up in time – thilly me!!!!). I will catch up tomorrow as what I did see in the ShacShac this morning was fabulous – love it xx
Enjoy your cake with the family and Happy Birthday to Dave too, hope the kittens don’t get too squished. Enjoyed the shac shack this morning thank you . Just off to bed hopefully no more fireworks tonight to spook my dog. Hugs take care
Hello Barb, Erik and Ragner are definitely growing, I love the patterns on their fur. Hope the grandchildren had some cuddles and that Granddad got to get some as well and also enjoy his cake. Love the artwork this week, so effective on the buff paper. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
After a tough couple of weeks, the new SHAC shack project was a welcome blessing and I am loving it.
For some reason, I am no longer able to comment on the Facebook live, but I am there with you all every day. I can’t thank you enough Barbara, for keeping this going and for staying so positive.
I hope you enjoyed your evening with Laura and Evie.
Hugs Annette X
Loving these little works of art.
Can’t get to the shops because shielding…still, and had thought to do coasters as Christmas gifts as I the Clarity ones in my stash 😊, can’t wait for the inspiration next week.
Thank you for all you do Barbara, you are my lifeline ❤
Happy Birthday to Dave x
This looks fun. I have been without internet for 8 days so have a lot to catch up.
Those kittens are sweet. Hope your visit went well! Happy Birthday Dave! See you Friday Barbara xx
Love the kitten pictures.
Love the artwork
Love you and Clarity and all you do for crafters
Thank you so much