A fabulous Step by Step by Josie to launch a BIG WEEK….
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Sunday’s blog a Step by step project, right? Well, today marks the beginning of a special week at Clarity, and so I asked a very special lady to help me with a very special project for you! Josie has rustled up a BEAUTIFUL project for you, using none other than the first of the Groovi Twas The Night Collection which were half price on TV yesterday.
Make a cuppa, get comfy and enjoy this masterpiece by Josie Davidson…

- Kensington lace grid border plate GRO-GG-41246-12
- Twas the Night Mouse plate GRO-CH-40296-01
- Deluxe Groovi starter kit
- Super foam mat
- Pergamano embossing mat
- Nested square picot dies
- Nested square picot plate
- Picot foam
- Pergamano scissors or snips
- No 1 and No 2 Groovi tools
- Groovi tabs
- Pergamano ball embossing tools 4.5mm, 3mm and 1.5mm
- Pergamano bold perforating tools 1 needle, 2 needle and 4 needle
- Dorso oil, blending pen and nibs
- Pergaliners B4 and B16
- Pergacolours 27 and 28
- Perga Glitter hint of blue
- Sticky ink and mapping pen
- 4 blue Pergamano brads
- Antarctica designer paper
- Turquoise parchment
- Translucent parchment
- 8 x 8 white card blank
Cut the 4th picot die from the outer edge using the turquoise parchment and emboss the double corresponding lines from the picot embossing plate. Emboss the mouse design and words into the centre of the square. Lightly emboss the areas you would like to be white. Picture 1

Place the Kensington plate into your platemate with ‘emboss this side’ facing upwards and secure with Groovi tabs to prevent it moving as you work. Using translucent parchment begin to emboss the dots from the plate – line up the bottom and side of your parchment with the outer edges of the Kensington plate to make sure you have it square to the plate. Emboss the outer and inner rows of dots and some of the sets of four dots – these will act as registration marks as you turn your work around. Picture 2

When you have embossed the dots on this corner, remove your parchment and turn it around to line up the next corner. Make sure to keep it square by checking the outer edges of the parchment and the dots you have made slot into the embossing dots on the plate. Work every corner in the same way until you have a complete square. There are 14 scallops of dots along each side of the square. Picture 3

Picture 3
You can now emboss all of the dots in the design, including the inner photo corners. Picture 4

Turn your plate over and turn your parchment over. Now line up the embossed dots inside the holes on the grid and secure your parchment. Working on the super foam perforate the grid design, you can use the 1, 2 and 4 needle bold perforating tools to do this. Picture 5

Once you have perforated a corner remove the parchment and turn it as before lining up the holes in the parchment with the holes in the grid and perforate the next section. Work around the piece in this way until all of the perforations are complete. Picture 6

Working from the inside towards the outer edge cut the pattern as per the cutting guide on the sheet which came with your grid. Cut the outer edge last as the waste parchment around the outside helps to hold the piece stable as you are working. Picture 7

Return to the mouse design and colour on the back with pergaliners (use dorso oil to blend them) and pergacolours (use these directly onto the parchment). As the colours are another shade of the parchment there is no need to erase the colour from it unless you wish to do so. Emboss areas you wish to white. Lightly emboss the band and bobble on the hat with your largest ball tool and stipple with a single needle tool. Picture 8

Glitter areas of the centre piece with using sticky ink and mapping pen. Place the finished picture into the photo corners, trim the backing paper to fit around the lace border. Attach the border to the backing paper using a brad in each corner. Picture 9

Working on the back of the parchment, lightly emboss the area with a large ball tool. Use a single needle tool to tap lightly until the area is covered with tiny dots of white.
I like to use a piece of fine sandpaper under the parchment as this seems to produce a whiter result.
Picture 1 shows tools and stippling

Picture 2 shows stages of stippling – light embossing, half done stippling, finished stippling

Finally, use double sided adhesive tape to attach the backing paper to your card blank.

Wonderful parchment project, fantastic gridwork. Great ideas and inspiration. Thank you Josie. Fabulous xxx
I did mention at the beginning of the blog that today marks the beginning of a special week. Well, here’s the thing. Last week would have been the Tunbridge Wells Parchment Retreat. Not possible. Gutted. It had already moved from April to October, and it has be moved once again to next Spring. This not being able to get together, to craft together is wearing thin. The SHAC Shack keeps us doodlers on an even keel I guess, but what about the parchers? The Groovers and the Parchers?
So we have decided to have a Pergamano Party!! Where?
- Pergamano.com
- This Blog,
- the Clarity Matters Blog,
- Facebook Live,
- Groovi Worldwide.
All week, midnight tonight till midnight Friday!!
The team have prepared fun and fab games and competitions, giveaways, prizes, projects and inspirations, It kicks off at midnight tonight. Well, the 50% SALE on the Pergamano Website does! Yep, that’s right. A HALF PRICE SALE on pretty much everything Groovi and Pergamano. The Sale is all on the PERGAMANO WEBSITE, not on the Clarity Website, (additional Clarity membership discount can’t be added too). But 50% is pretty good, isn’t it?! In fact, it will never get better than that.
And the Twas the Night set on the Clarity Website that we launched yesterday and that Josie used here? It actually is the one thing that is already half price and DOES add your club discounts on Clarity.com. But only till midnight tonight. CLICK HERE

Yes. When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade!!
If you’ve been toying with the idea of taking up Parchment craft, there’s never been a better time than this week!! Get that Starter Kit and get going!
It’s not just about the art of Parchment, is it. It’s the Clarity Groovi and Pergamano family that binds it all together. Such a wonderful caring sharing community. I love it.
On another little note….
Remember the caption competition last week? Hesayshesays?

So many funny captions! Thank you all who joined in. I hope you enjoyed reading the entries too. I picked this brilliant one out of the hat:
Roz Watts says:17th October 2020 at 2:29 am Edit
She says: “ What do you mean telling me I’m a waste of time?”
He says: “ You daft old bird! I said that we’re waste from a die!”
Well done Roz!! Very funny. The trap the scrap canvas will be winging its merry way to you next week, together with a little £20 Gift Voucher.
What I want to know Roz, is what – apart from composing funny captions on this ere blog – were you doing awake at 2.30 am !!!
Stay safe,
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx
17 thoughts on “A fabulous Step by Step by Josie to launch a BIG WEEK….”
It is gutting to keep having to move these retreats, but safety first. A fabulous sale and a beautiful project to kick things off. How cool is that!
Beautiful work as always by Josie. Will need to get the plates out to create a few special cards soon.
Looking forward to seeing all the things happening this week. I agree it is frustrating that we can’t meet to have crafty times together just now, but we will again at some point and be even more grateful of the times we will be able to do so. Meantime, although missing packing my crafty bag, it’s nice to not have to put things away! ( mess is annoying hubbie, so added bonus there!!!)
That all sounds fab (Especially as I’ve got a voucher to spend !) and a great project to boot. Well done Rob for winning the comp! X
Congratulations, Roz. That’s brilliant. Fantastic sample from you, Josie. Just love that border plate! I feel another shopping spree coming on! Oh, dear! Lol. Sounds like it’s going to be a great week on Pergamano! Lots of fun for all. Stay safe and have a good day. Hxx
Congratulations Roz by winning with this caption!
Love your sample you are showing from Josie. Never did I know that my kitty Josie could make such beautiful Parchment! lol
We will have a great week with all what you have planned with Pergamano!!! Don’t hope that all of my Pergamano stuff is already packed in the boxes.
See you tomorrow in the Shac!💝🌹
Greetings, Trijntje Huppel
Congratulations Roz. That was really clever. Looking forward to all the things this week. See you tomorrow, last week I had one day when I couldn’t get it, only on my phone. Hope you have had a nice weekend, it’s been a very dull day today. Xxx
Oh wow this is a stunning project. Well this might just be the right time for me to start parchment craft. Have a great week ahead. We must enjoy what we can. Take care. Hugs xxx
A well deserved win for Roz. I loved her caption.
My task for tomorrow is to finally get round to checking all my Groovi and Pergamano stock and what better reason than an amazing sale. Just the time for filling some gaps as an early Christmas present to myself. Thank you Clarity! Have a lovely evening. Hugs. Annette X
Brilliant caption Roz, well done.
Love Josies work, very elegant. What a way to start a perfect week ahead.
Currently making a (hopefully shortish) list of things I would like to buy but I know Poppets will be top of the list.
Looking forward to the ODS too.
Stay safe.🍒
Hi Barb,
Congratulations to Rob – very clever caption.
Beautiful project, thank you Josie. Brilliant offers too , thank you Barb.
Looking forward to see what else you’ve got lined up for us. Love and hugs,Alison xxx
Congratulations Roz, great caption – missed the post but probably because of the middle of the night post !!
Thanks Josie for a lovely step by step for the card.
looking forward to seeing what the Clarity team have lined up for us this week plus the SHAC Shack & of course the ODS on Wednesday.
Love Josie’s work, what a splendid generous offer Barbara, how can we resist. Pete says, “oh no, not baked beans again”. I do have birthday money so will be taken advantage of your generosity. So a big thank you. Congratulation to Roz too.xxx
Congratulations Roz! I’m finally going to replace my snips in the Pergamano sale. Thank you Barbara for the half price sale. Looking forward to the April retreat xx
See you all in the SHAC SHACK tomorrow xx
Great lines, Roz. Love it!
What a fabulous start to the party from Josie – and I finally understand that they are photo corners. I’ve been puzzled for months.
I heard a comment above about our Poppets being top of the list. Such a shame another firm has called their stamps the same tonight on Hochanda. Good thing there can’t be any confusion – theirs sound to have those popular big uneven eyes that only happen in reality with brain pressure such as tumours, so they are more cartoons than art.
Hi Barb, what a great caption from Roz, well done Roz, enjoy spending your voucher and I am sure that little picture is going to take pride of place in your home. The project from Josie is just gorgeous, and I am sure there many people doing a happy dance now about the Pergamano party and 50% off sale. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
I had decided last week that instead of colouring along in the Shac Shack I would concentrate on doing some Groovi. No retreat to go to again (real shame – but always better safe etc) I needed a fix. Trouble was what to do. Then suddenly here it is. Thank you. I have most of the ingredients languishing in the cupboard (unused of course) so raring to go. What could be better joining Barbara and all the Shackers at 10 and doing some Groovi.
Congratulations Roz – very funny.
Oh wow! I missed this yesterday. Probably catching up on my beauty sleep! I generally go to bed a couple of hours before you get up Barb! It’s a wonder I get to the shack on time really 🙂
I’ve never won anything before. How exciting and thank you to everyone else for their hilarious contributions and generous remarks here too. I shall indeed treasure the canvas and I will be spending the voucher on Pergamano goodies this week.
Thank you so much Barbara for all that you are and do xxx