I need Routine

I need Routine

Hi there.

Thanks for popping in. This here blog’s been going a while, hasn’t it? Since October 15th 2013 in fact ! That’s 7 years, every single day, until a fortnight ago, when I stepped away for a week, to help my parents. That’s about 2,550 blogs, back to back. Crikey. Where does the time go?

You may recall that way back then, I composed a little ditty, to give the blog (or maybe more ME!) a structure, a guide.

Monday’s blog is Trees and Flowers,
Tuesday’s blog rolls back the hours,
Wednesday’s blog from me to you,
Thursday’s blog is always blue,
Friday’s blog a private peek,
Saturday‘s blog a new technique,
And the blog which is posted on the Sabbath day,
is step by step - and typical Gray!

But over time, and with the introduction of Youtubes and loads of TV promotion etc etc etc , we lost that path. Today, I’d like to take it back. You see, I think we all need a plan, structure, routine. I can only speak for myself, but having a set path helps me immensely. I don’t have to overthink stuff, because I have already got direction.

Same with TV shows. I have developed a prescribed regimen, an infrastructure, a way to work, which can be adapted to suit any product, any demo. I get so nervous before TV shows, even after all these years, so I NEED a set plan.

I guess there’s comfort in knowing what’s ahead, as opposed to not knowing what’s round the corner. That just leaves us in a constant state of anxiety, wondering what’s coming next. So if I can gain a little routine control over daily things, like making the bed first thing, before I even go downstairs, like phoning Paul first thing every morning, so we can have our business of the day chat while I’m putting my make-up on, like eating yoghurt for breakfast and taking my vitamins, like calling my parents after the SHAC-Shack, like lighting a candle when Dave and I sit down to eat in the evening. All these little things serve to calm me down, stop me racing, bouncing about. It works, it really does. And with Covid 19 rearing its ugly head again, may I suggest that we could all do with more routine in our lives. All those little, seemingly mundane things add up, you know.

So today is Monday, and it’s Trees and Flowers.
Here’s a little peep at some wonderful stamps that Jim has reworked for Sunday’s 2-4pm TV Show on HOCHANDA: The Clarity Trees and their Mantles. If you aren’t familiar with these, oh boy. They are superb. They were before – and now they are even better. The seasons in a set.

It’s a fabulous Clarity Classic Set, but with the new manufacturing system I put it to Jim that we could go much finer on the branches than previously, also thin out the mantles. And the results are fabulous.

The reflection just got a whole lot easier too! I’ll show you on Sunday. And there’s a cool set of Word Stamps too…

I also like getting Clarity Classics out of the cupboard. Our old friends will have them, and our new friends should know they’re there! With the vast design library that we have at Clarity, some superb art gets missed.

Be safe,

Love and hugs

Barb xxx

23 thoughts on “I need Routine

  1. You’re right we all need a daily routine to keep us going. Time to slow down. keep calm and find time to relax and do some crafting. Find it helps to block tings out. You’re doing such a great job for us all. Got my groovi plate and it’s lovely will be using it for my sister’s birthday card, great timing. Lets all keep safe xxx Patricia.

  2. Beautiful stamps and so useful for many projects .I agree we all need routine and I know if something changes in my routine it throws my whole week before I get back to normal xx thank you Barbara xx

  3. It’s great to have a routine as it helps when things go a little off track and allows you to right yourself. I am well and truly back on track again.
    I was so happy to get these stamps and was amazed how the upgraded version of them gave even more realistic tress than the older set. I even had the braver out doing my samples!
    Have a relaxing evening Barb. Love and hugs xxxx

  4. This month’s Groovi plate is delightful and will be so useful.

    Thank you Barbara for being there and giving everyone hope and understanding.
    Stay safe and go forward, no looking back.
    Sonia. B. 🙋‍♀️

  5. Routine is good with an opt out here and there ! My lovely NDC envelope came today, all 4 are fab as usual. Just sent off the September PTC and the October subject comes up ! Just siting down to do a new great—niece card, my mind’s a bit blank but as we’re getting to meet her this week I’d better get on with it – hope they don’t say come tomorrow ! Love the trees makes it so simple – well simple-ish ! X

  6. oh…..bring it on please, I am always on the lookout for how to use my older/loved stamps.
    And, by the way, thank you. I was amazed yesterday, when I was sorting through some old gelli prints. You always say stare at them to see what you can see, so I did, and a little cabin in a forest jumped out at me, literally. So I duly stamped same (sorry the only one I had big enough was inkylicious) but I LOVE what happened, I’m looking hard at some more now – maybe there is one for these trees!
    Glad you are all OK.
    Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)

  7. The trees look great, I remember watching you with the original ones. The word stamps sound interesting.
    Hopefully by the time I get home at the end of the week my happy post will have been delivered as everyone seems to be excited about the contents.
    We have been for a walk down the old railway track along side the river Wye this morning so will catch up with my ducks later.

  8. You are so right. We need routine. Mine revolves round my husband,dogs,cats, Shac shack, Fitism seniors……..my day is full so don’t have to fixate on the things we can’t be doing. Really I should include the housework!! 🤣

    The clubs have arrived today, love them. Thank you xx

  9. I lost my mojo since we had the house fire two years ago I am really trying but ever day is so hard I had to start all over I lost all my crafting stuff but since I been watching you Barbara I started again I got the post cards my daughter got me the 120 set of farber castell and I am away in my own bubble again as I said a day at the time for me now and you helping me your new stamps are amazing

  10. Routine is probably the one thing that I lack, particularly just now but have done for the last 10 years. Stagnation is part of the problem but I know that when I do something constructive and see results, I feel energised. I was going to do some stamping this afternoon but instead fell from grace! I watched your mixed media shows again and guess what? I was being so good! Anyway, it’s all good. I loved your demos and particularly what you did with the gel press. I have that (them!) so must give it a go today with one of the many stencils I already have!! Looking forward to Sunday’s shows. By the way, I like your poem! Have a good evening. Hx

  11. I received your monthly Clarity clubs and newsletter this morning. Thank you Barbara, what you said about acceptance really has helped me a lot so many thanks for that.
    Love the look of the tree stamps, so delicate and pretty xx

  12. Received my groovi today its lovely
    Will be useful as I have a few birthdays in October. Also thank you for your letter, i always enjoy that. Hope your Mum is feeling better. With you this morning but haven’t finished the ducks yet. like the lavender field.
    .have a nice evening

  13. Oh Barbara this is gorgeous. I just love those trees. Routine is good. I am so pleased that Doodle sessions are three times a week now. It means I have time to get other things done. I am super pleased that they are carrying on though. I am looking forward to Wednesday already. Have a great evening. Take care. Hugs xxx

  14. You are so not going to beleive this! Sunday just gone I watched your demo on you tube with this set of stamps, getting ideas for use with my new stash! What a coincidence love these. X

  15. Hi Barbara,
    Couldn’t agree more about routine. Morning and afternoon walks with our little dog keep me in a good routine.
    Looking forward to seeing the TV shows at the weekend. x

  16. Love these trees – have the original set which are frequently used. The words look great too.
    My club package arrived today, especially like the stencil. Have enjoyed experimenting with different media and the Geli plate. Will try the other items tomorrow.
    Looking forward to the Pergamano shows as I have these plates but not the Christmas trees one. Is this new?
    I had a routine but then I married a man who has no conception of it (he’s lovely by the way!) and everything went pear shaped. He has a way of turning a planned day into chaos. If I start crafting in a serious way he will bring me drinks and do the cooking so I get a lot done. But housework? “it will wait until tomorrow, sit down, rest” he says and cannot understand that this puts on more pressure not less as it means twice as much work tomorrow. Still, I wouldn’t be without his cheery grin and sense of humour which always makes me smile.
    Pause ………………
    Just had a giggling 😂 fit at something he said and couldn’t type for shaking. Calmed down now.
    Stay safe 🍒🍒🍒

  17. I know what you mean about routine. Work keeps me going, crafting helps me chill but my Grandchildren sooth my heart. The rules here in the NE forbid me from having them, as I am not in their primary support bubble. Pkus I would have to choose 1 set if them only. (I have 2 + 2 and a pretend set of 2 who I definitely can not see).
    I feel deflated, but I m sure we’ll find a way to keep in contact.
    Love the trees, isn’t nature a wonderful healer?

  18. You are right about routine. Mine went right out of the window when I no longer had to take the dogs out for their walk. It is gradually coming back, though, as I get on top of my sorting out, and getting rid of unwanted stuff. I look forward to seeing what you are going to do with the lovely tree set, one of my favourites. I remember doing reflections with them, first using the prayer, and later with the gel plate. Must get them out and play. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)

  19. Hi Barb, yes routine is important in this crazy world we are in at the moment. It does however sometimes get knocked askew. Lovely images of favourite stamps. Got my club envelope yesterday, absolutely superb. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  20. When you talked about your dad’s almost military routine you so reminded me of my husband. I like a routine but he is like a sergeant major ( probably because he was a training NCO in the air force. But it is and has been a blessing in these uncertain times. Love these stamps and the lovely Dee mentioned on fb that those of us using a stamping platform should use the settings for rubber stamps because of the thickness of Clarity stamps. It never occurred to me that was where I am going wrong so thank you Barbara and Dee I will using this tip a lot

  21. I reckon my lack of routine at the moment is what is making me so weepy. Slightest thing and there are tears in my eyes. I am usually so busy but no grandchildren to care for at the moment and no family get togethers means life is very quiet. Not going to improve for a long while so I had better pull myself together. Even your newsletter made me cry.
    I never bought the trees first time round so maybe I will treat myself this time.
    Glad to read your mum is doing ok. Fabulous lady. X X

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