A Heart is happiest…

A Heart is happiest…

…when it beats for others.

Hi there.

Thanks for popping in. Was cleaning up my artroom, in readiness for next week, and got immersed in a piece of scrapart. Remember the Doodleology Petal-heart blot from Friday? When I said Leonie would love this? Yes. that scrap…

Just in case you missed this step, let‘s do it again…

It went from a scrap of paper to a mounted scrap of paper. Here’s how I mounted the copy paper scrap on a piece of Stampboard:

Then it went wong. In fact it turned into to a bit of a twain weck…

You know how it goes. You have a good idea, but it doesn’t work, so you add another idea, and it just gets worse. And worse. One hour in and you’re wondering how much longer it’s going to take before you see a light….

Them you reach the Bloggy crossroads. Either it sorts itself out, this sad looking piece of scrap, or it doesn’t make the Blog cut – and you start again. From scratch.

At that point, you throw all caution to the wind and GO FOR IT. Red ink on a Gelpress, black Archival ink dragged round the edge . White Posca Pen dotted and smeared. The lot.

Still looks pretty ropey, way too much red. So out with the yellow and blue brushes!

Ahhh. Now that’s better! Bit dark, but hey. Let’s give it a big white frame, to let it breath…

Like it now. Went from not liking it at all, to liking it muchly. Give it a readson, add a message – a perfect scrap.

Have a lovely Sunday.

Love and Hugs

Barb xxx

PS. Missed these stamps? Here’s the link

20 thoughts on “A Heart is happiest…

  1. Fantastic artwork…and all from something that could have ended up in the bin. I’m never so lucky to get things like that.
    Enjoy your evening. Love and hugs xxxxx

  2. Well, no one can say you don’t persevere! Good on you. You have ended up with a very nice piece of art. I wish I could do my reflection using art instead of words but I’m not there yet. Maybe one day! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Barb. It’s another lovely day here although I don’t think it will be all that warm! Actually, now I look out the window, it is a bit overcast again. Oh, well, on with the reflection and then back to knitting socks, me thinks! Lots of love. Hxx

  3. Ended up looking lovely xx some days it just doesn’t work then you take a moment and the lightbulb comes on and it changes everything xx

  4. Looks great but I have many moments like that and they don’t turn out good. Must have a look at the new stamps,I missed the shows. X

  5. You see I could never do anything like that, stamping is just not my thing but in your capable hands, it comes out truly amazing! Looking forward to tomorrow in the SHAC xx

  6. Well done, I lovely card. I am especially in love with the sentiment. I’m going to look at the ones I have and see if I can find it. I don’t remember reading it before.

  7. Hi Barbara this is a stunning card. Who would have believed you could make something so beautiful from a piece of scrap. Enjoy your evening. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Take care. Hugs xxx

  8. Beautifully done Barbara, perseverance wins the day! It is grungy and a little messy but gorgeous too, and wow, when you put it on the white background it pops wonderfully, and a great sentiment too. x

  9. Not wishing to take anything away from your incredible talent and skill, but wonder if your determination and perseverance helped you develop that talent where many others just give up on attempt number two or three.
    Stunning Card.

  10. So beautiful. I’m always amazed at how you take stock and then add in other colours at a point where I would have just given up! Hope you’ve had a good weekend and ready for the week ahead

  11. Love it! Art like this is such a journey from the initial idea through all the twists and turns and almost dead end to the final arrival of a lovely piece. I had an afternoon of sitting looking a journal page…moving things around…moving them back…until I just set it aside ready to look again tomorrow with fresh eyes. Xx

  12. If at first you don’t succeed…..the finished artwork is fab. Good on you for persevering!
    Hope you had a relaxing rest of the day.
    We’re on a short break in Ceredigion where the weather has been absolutely gorgeous over the weekend. I know at least one Shacker often says “greetings from Ceredigion” but I can’t remember who?! I envy them living in this beautiful part of the U.K! Home tomorrow but not in time for the SHAC shack session xx

  13. Hello Barb, now that is creative art, I usually just give up if it goes pear shaped, but luckily you did not, because this is such an inspiring project, and a lovely sentiment. Hope you had a lovely evening. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

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