100 hours SHAC-SHACK!

100 hours SHAC-SHACK!

Hi there.

Thanks for popping in. Sorry I’m late posting the SHAC-Shack Celebration Giveaway! Big meeting at work, and got caught – as you do. So much to consider, so much to plan ahead!

But that’s ok. You haven’t missed anything here, and if you missed the 10am show in the SHAC-Shack this morning – it was special. Dave popped in with cake; he so caught me out with the Fanfare for the Common Man.

That music moves me profoundly every time. Reminds me of Mark’s graduation in the States a few years ago. I still say it was the best day of my life thus far. Just electrifying, sitting in the bleechers, watching the parade of students.

But then again, I think the little community which has grown around the SHAC-Shack is pretty special too. I honestly love it. It is the best Clarity thing I’ve done in years.

Can you believe we’ve been getting together every morning Monday-Friday at 10am to doodle, colour and generally hang out FOR 100 HOURS?!?!?! That’s 20 weeks since lockdown; 5 months.

To celebrate, let’s have a little blog candy. By the way, I woofed that little cupcake down as soon as I went off air this morning!! Seriously. I think I ate the paper too. SUGARRRRRR

Back to the Giveaway. I would like to treat you to some Pergaliners and Postcards, so that you can join in if you haven’t been able to yet, or if you know somebody who might benefit from a little daily dose of the SHAC-Shack.

All you need to do, to be in it to win it, is tell us below which word or phrase springs to mind when you think of the SHAC-Shack. Then, on Sunday, I will ask Dave to pick 5 winners out of a hat. We will get those little pencil and postcard pressies sent out as soon as we know where to send.

I told you about our new Feel Good Factor Stickers, which landed beautifully early this week – in perfect time for the 100th hour. So we ’ve loaded them onto the website at a great introductory price. CLICK HERE

They speak volumes. They sum up the SHAC-Shack. They are full of affirmations and words which really pack a punch as you read them. Whether you use them in your art, or as little reminders in your purse to redirect your thinking and help you through a tough hour – they will resonate with you – especially if you’re a SHACKER!

So have a think. Write down a phrase or word which springs to mind when you think of the SHAC-Shack, and perhaps a little Clarity gift will wing its way to you next week….

Have a great weekend. Until tomorrow here in Blogland.

Love and hugs

Barb xxx

364 thoughts on “100 hours SHAC-SHACK!

    1. Grateful! Something to look forward to each day and have learned so much. And grateful for being able to “get to know” you Barb – you are a ray of sunshine! Thank you!!!

      1. So many inspirational sayings and words of wisdom from the very generous, kind and down to earth Barbara but the one phrase that makes me laugh and empowers me to believe I can do it or at least give it my best shot is ‘piece a cake’. Thank you, you are the best x

  1. The word that comes to mind is
    Calm – I feel calm when I’m doodling and colouring along with you and the rest of the Shac Shackers.

    1. “My sanity sanctuary”
      A place I can join in or just listen and I’m safe far from everything else for an hour.

  2. Contentment

    That’s what I get when I join in the Shac. I also feel family, joy, friendship, supported, loved…… And many more adjectives too.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done over the last 5 months. You have been amazing.

  3. Great 100 hour show this morning, I remember those little birds on the line. My words have to be “thankful” for everything you have done, “peace” and “calm” because you have taken the anxiety away and put us on a straight path instead of us being all up and down. The words thank you don’t seem enough but I hope you know they are said with great affection. My husband who took the clarity plastic of the ruler many months ago which made you laugh also says hello as he has enjoyed the sessions everyday as well. X x Ann from Watford x x

    1. Crafty therapy. I’m so grateful to be a Shacker- think I’d have gone crazy without Barbara‘s support!

  4. By listening to you and doing what you have taught us, like the little boy who was in danger in the sea we have learnt to float and be saved by you. My phrase would be lean back and learn to float. Thank you so much.

  5. Inspiring, Barb, but I don’t need the prize. I have both, thank you. I have learned new skills and although I have a bit to go with drawing, I love colouring. I so enjoyed my time with you all in March at the SEC and it has been great to get together with you every morning in recent months. I’ve enjoyed the company and the banter and the stories. It’s a great group of folk and the bus driver is pretty special, too. I’m glad you have enjoyed it and that it has helped you through extremely tough days as well as good days. Hang on in there, Barb, and have a lovely weekend with Dave. I haven’t ordered the stickers yet because I think they might fall into my basket with another order before too long!! My stock here is not going down any but it’s always nice to add to it!! Lol. Lots of love, Hxx

  6. Fantastic show again today and great to see Dave!
    The phrase that springs to mind for me is
    “The best crafty family ever, steered by simply the best bus driver!”
    Hope you can have a great weekend and chill out, you truly deserve it xx

  7. You are not alone.
    You can do it.
    Be kind to one another.
    That sums up my experience other than gratitude for Barbara’s bus driving. You actually feel like family as we’ve had 100 hours getting to know yours. Thank you. Xx

  8. The SHAC Shack has been a great focus for me on all levels and the word that most comes to mind is … FAMILY …. we are all in this together and together we will come out the other side; it might just take a little longer than we all anticipated, but that’s ok.
    Thank you Barbara and the whole Clarity Team xxx

  9. Can you believe it – got up early to get my job’s done in time for the Shac-Shack – holy cow, internet is down!
    Have now been able to catch up on you tube.
    Shac-shack to so many of us means SANCTUARY.

    1. So many wonderful phrases are used by you, the one that makes me laugh but also empowers me to believe I can do it is, ‘piece of cake’… But there are so so many more… You are the best x

  10. A Haven of joy and contentment that you can go to time after time ,,we are so lucky to have such a genuine beautiful lady like Barbara Gray that gives up her time and teaches us such wonderful things to draw and colour this lady was born with a beautiful soul,, thank you so much we all love clarity

  11. “There are no experts in the building!!!!”

    Thank you for the oasis of safety and tranquility in the midst of all the chaos and madness, sprinkled with some laughter, tears and cake!!!!
    You have made a very stressful and challenging time much more bearable!!
    Forever grateful xxxxx

  12. Will have to catch up over the weekend. To me The SHAC Shack means ‘Inspiration, Information and Indispensable’. What would we have done without you all these weeks? Thank you so much. Xx

  13. Sanctuary from the outside topsy turvy world.
    Also salvation from the thoughts rambling round the head.
    Much love to you and Dave and all the Clarity team. I am so happy to be a passenger on your old bus.

  14. Safe haven….a happy place to be when everything else is chaos

    Thank you Barbara…you really put things in perspective…

  15. Don’t know why my e-mail is waiting for approval.
    I said Sanctuary from the outside chaotic world
    Also salvation from the washing machine head.
    Much love to you and Dave and all the Clarity team. I am so happy to be a passenger on your old bus.

  16. A moment in time
    that gives me peace of of mind and happiness.

    P.S. I’m the daft who sent an email to the main clarity Web site
    Sorry Technophobe.

  17. “Stay Home and Craft” and “Sanity” have meant a lot to me. My daughter has severe learning difficulties and 1hr of doodling or colouring each day has helped me to give me the strength to cope with her 24/7 during Lockdown.

  18. So many words have just wizzed across my mental screen, but the one that feels most right is GRATITUDE.
    Gratitude for Barbara’s and the Clarity team’s generosity of time, creativity and inspiration; not to mention all my fellow SHAC-Shackers
    Gratitude for the comfort of a ‘place to be’ at 10am every weekday morning
    Gratitude for the increased confidence I’ve found in ‘my’ art by being a part of the SHAC-Shack community and our Covid journey of discovery

    Thank you, you’re all life-savers each and every one of you 🙂

  19. CHILLAXING. Was such a joy to actually achieve something you always thought you couldn’t do. Many thanks x

  20. ‘Craftabubble’ it’s a big bubble of safe happy and creative folks, supporting each other a community wishing to free our minds of our worries and join our souls in our art! What a treat to see Dave looking after you with Tea and Cake. Happy 100th Birthday hr been with you from the beginning. I cried with you too. Soft hearted are we! Love Tina.x

  21. Happily involved in mindful creativity with a gang of beautiful people.
    So thankful for you and your creative crowd of friends and colleagues.

  22. One word “focus”. When focusing nothing else is allowed to get in my head. Shielded for 5 months you have been my saviour. Ps I also have pergaliners and postcards so no need for a prize you have already given me that. Thank you. X

  23. My phrase would be piece of cake. Lovely morning today wonderful to get to meet Dave and his fanfare got to us all I think. The give away is lovely but as many I have them both but I do know of someone who would be greatful to receive them so I would pass them on. Have a lovely weekend and will see you on Monday xxx.

  24. Togetherness.

    It is such a lovely group of people who are so supportive of each other (oooow, that’s another good word) who have been brought all together by you, our bus driver, Barbara…thank you xx

  25. Friendship x

    Lovely hour this morning and Dave was a Brucie Bonus ! I treated myself to a piece of blackberry and apple pie with cream – would not usually have that at that time of day so it was a treat ! Have a lovely weekend and I’m looking forward to 101 hour on Monday. Currently sat here doing a quick card or two listening to the rain beat on conservatory and trying to listen to my audio book. Actually sun is coming out now – hope the wind dies down soon. Love Jackie x x

  26. Thank you for everything Barbara.xxx the phrase that means the most to me is “ it is what it is” speaks volumes to me . 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  27. Generous – you have be brilliant giving up your time to prepare, offer and air your lessons. Thank you!

  28. Gratitude for all the hour’s that Barbara has given up to teach us and generally keep us sane during these unprecedented times. Thank you Barbara and your team x

  29. Calming.
    Barbara, I could listen to you for hours. And then when you start giggling, I can’t help but join in.

  30. Zen
    I have not been too bad with lockdown but oh how free my mind is now that I have learnt I CAN draw a bit!
    Thanks Barbara and all at Clarity

  31. inspirational.
    Barbara you are amazing .I loss myself when I am doodling with you. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed being creative. I am learning so much.
    Bless you

  32. Words that come to mind include ‘Let me show you’. I know then that I’m going to learn a new trick to put in my , now very heavy, toolbox! Massive thanks for 100 hours of the Shac- Shack ( plus many many more hours of preparation ). Your wit, warmth and humanity are very special qualities, Barbara . Big hugs xx

  33. “It will all be OK in the end…if it is not OK, it is not the end”.
    I try and remember this phrase to see me through the bad times. We’ll all get through this – we will!
    Thanks Barbara.

  34. It’s a piece of cake . Barbara has got me and many others through so much by her encouragement ,when every Monday we thought I can’t do that and then by the end of the week we are really pleased with what we have achieved , thanks for all your time and hard work really appreciate it xxxxx

  35. ‘Hygge’ sums up the Shac-Shac beautifully. Your daughter Grace, on the Clarity Matters Blog, enlightened us to this word and it’s meaning. It fits perfectly.
    (It was a joy to see Dave today in the Shac with you. I’ve been smiling all day since watching!)

  36. Safe, happy and educational. I’ve learnt so much and realised I can draw and be creative and it’s given me loads of confidence to try new things. Thank you Barbara and your team I’m very grateful to you all xx

  37. The phrase that comes to mind for me is “you’ve got a friend”. Isolation is tough but you have made the SHAC shack something for me to look forward to each week day. Thank you…..

  38. “How are you this morning? Remember that this too shall pass.” I am normally the most positive, glass half full kind of person but, in the middle of lockdown, Barbara said this and I was in tears and felt it was ok to say to myself that I wasn’t ok. So I got out of my head and busy with my hands and I’m doing much better. Thank you xxx

  39. Chilled.
    My peaceful hour of the day. Being a fulltime carer for hubby, a Jack of all trades, head cook and bottle washer etc. This is my only escape and craft time. Thank you barbara for giving me this peaceful and much needed respite hour . Lockdown was more bearable with the shac shack community. Xxx

  40. My one word would be “Lifeline” because that’s what Barbara and the Shac Shack have been to me over the last few months since I found you so Thank you Barbara I hope you know how special you are!

  41. Apart from Safe Happy and Creative , I always think of ‘It’s a piece of cake’. !! What a lovely way of saying a challenge isn’t really a difficult as it seems. Typical of the Shack.

  42. Great shac today so lovely to see the man behind the lovely lady xx
    Creative comfy company would be my description
    Glad the cake went down well xx

  43. So difficult to find one word. Comforting, amusing, educational, helpful, confidence building, sharing, caring, supporting….. & so much more. As so many have said already Barbara & team you have done a great service over the past 100 days & we cannot thank you enough. Looking forward to the next 100. Bless you all xxx

  44. The word that comes to mind for me is hope. You have given me hope and mindfulness since lockdown.

    You have kept me calm for the past 100 hours, here’s to the next 100 hours (hopefully)

  45. A hideaway, from all of the madness and uncertainty in the world. I have laughed, cried and learnt so much. Thank you to Barbara and everyone in the Clarity team, you are all amazing xx

  46. Barb, Thank you so very much for all you have done for us. I moved just over a year and a half ago into another area. I miss my friend, and the place I knew so well and only have a few people here that I know, but am not close to. So for me the SHAC SHAC has been:
    “A friendly face everyday, who is an excellent bus driver, for our journey of discovery.”
    I think from what you have told us, you have got a lot of help from us as well, and I hope that is true. It has been a real pleasure to have joined in on this journey (I joined from the start) I can’t comment on facebook as I don’t want to join it, but I have been here. You have been a pillar of strength for us all. Even at your hardest times, you have been positive for us. Thank you.
    love and hugs

  47. Inspirational, confidence building in s safe loving environment. Have been with you every day , wouldn’t miss it for the world.
    Thank You, will never be enough but it is offered from the heart. You have kept me sane and encouraged me at every turn and hundreds of others also. I have laughed and cried with you.
    So good to meet your Dave today, i have one too and you can’t beat a good Dave! With love to all your family and team x

    1. Got up early to get my jobs done before the 10.00 am deadline for the Shac-Shack and holy cow – NO INTERNET! Luckily have managed to catch up now.

      The word I would use to describe the Shac-Shack is quite simply SANCTUARY.

  48. Sanctuary from a chaotic world. Salvation from a washing machine head. Tried to post on other email account. Apologies if this is repeat. Very privileged to be on Clarity ‘s old bus.

  49. Sanity, diversity our little heaven on earth, that special place you make for everyone xx. Keep up the brilliant work.

  50. ‘Supercalafragalistickexpialidoucious!’
    The shac shac has been brilliant in so many ways, it’s magic, It’s Supportive, unique, informative, etc., etc., and there’s no one proper word that encapsulates! Thank you Barbara and the team x

  51. “It’s a piece of cake” is the phrase that springs to mind. When we started I thought “no, it won’t be” but now I think “ok, bring it on” – thank you Barb, for making me see that I can achieve the creativity I desire. It’s been a blast, and I’ll be back for more on Monday.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  52. Inspiring…..you have inspired so many people to abandon thoughts they had that they couldn’t draw or weren’t good at colouring. Congratulations on 100 hours and putting it on video so we can revisit the lessons for many years to come. Hugs from Canada 🇨🇦

    1. You have given us clarity in a world of chaos caused by a virus we cannot see but causes us much pain and distress. Thank you

  53. My phrase? “A reason to get up each day” (albeit by the skin of my teeth some mornings!)
    Blooming marvellous!
    Thank you Barb and all the shackers who have transformed from mere names into friends during our time together xxx

  54. ‘Visionary’
    Barbara, you have truely inspired us all during these 100 days of uncertain times. You have encouraged us all, far and wide, to take a leap and step outside our comfort zone; be confident to be creative in new ways and share our achievements with pride. Your amazing stories from around the world, made us laugh and cry and through it all you gave us your time and your friendship which has grown like wild flowers amoung us all.
    Thank you to all at Clarity Towers 💜
    Heather x

  55. I don’t need the prizes as I have both, but I’m already a winner as you have taught me how to use and get the best out of both of them. You have been a Captain steering this crew of crafters through one of the worst storms we have faced yet. You have remained calm in front of the camera even though I know you have had more than your fair share of stress. I think we will always remember what you did during this crisis. Thank you Barbara xxx

  56. Inspirational
    Thanks Barbara. Thought I couldn’t draw. Since doing your Shac Shack I now can’t say that xx

  57. Anticipation!
    I can’t wait to see what we will be doing every day.
    Thank you Barbara for sharing your talent and for making us feel part of a sane family in this mad mad world.

  58. “Climb aboard there’s plenty of room at the front” . A welcome invitation over the past 100 sessions.. I discovered the SHAC on Happy day and it was just that. A reason to get up at a reasonable time! for both me and my husband.. He listened and I discovered drawing and colouring skills I never knew I had. Thank you so much for your time and effort Barbara. Bless you and your family.

  59. Relaxed.
    It’s also my happy place surrounded by like minded peeps who are also family. It also inspires and refreshes me every day and helps me to be mindful and at ease. Thank you Barbara and Dave xx

  60. Safe happy with CLARITY.
    You have kept me focused with a purpose every single day. Much love and respect thank you Barbara xxx

  61. The one thing that comes to mind is “there are no experts in here”. As I always say… Thanks Barbara!

  62. ”There are no experts in the building” but with your guidance & everyone sharing what they have done we have all gathered lots of art work, hints & tips that will be with us for ever.
    Many friendships have been made & hopefully next year we will be able to meet up & see each other face to face. A larger hall for the next open days I think as news of Clarity has spread across the UK & the world. I for one am looking forward to see how the snowflakes & baubles develop. Thank you Barbara & the Clarity Team for all you have done for us over the last 5 months x

  63. I agree with all the previous comments. My phrase was “a pizzacake”
    I smile whenever I hear you say it now. Thank you for keeping me grounded and helping pass the days, especially those days with no company.
    Love to you and all the Shacers.
    Linda x

  64. Worldwide friendship……
    I know that are two words, but I think what the Shac Shack means to us, isn’t to catch in one word.
    Barbara makes us laugh, teaching us confidence in our self-sharing stories and so much more…… I am so relaxed after our hour together.
    Great to meet Dave this morning in the Shac Shack!!!
    Think we were all in tears together!!!!
    Have a great and relaxing weekend!
    Greetings, Trijntje Huppel

  65. Hi Barbara
    Congratulations on 100 doodle days, I’m playing catch up so I’m far behind but was finally instructed in the use of Facebook yesterday so joined you this morning for another brilliant show. Isn’t Dave a one giving you cake and making you cry! My word would be comforting, the way you talk and include everyone is like a cosy duvet but I have to say pieceacake is a close second as it always makes me chuckle. Have a fab weekend.
    Love Diane xxx

  66. Having been present from day one I would sum up the shac shac as a safe harbour for all in stormy seas. I’m loving our snowflake and bauble bus ride made extra special today with the surprise of seeing conductor Dave. Hope you both have a lovely restful weekend xx

  67. When I think of the Shac Shack it brings to mind the word community.
    I do think it is fantastic what you have taken the time to do for the crafting community, saved many a person’s sanity I’m sure, especially those that had to shield for such a long time.
    Between yourselves and Cannon Hall farm’s daily live posts (up until 01.08.20) you have kept people going 🙂

  68. the phrase that comes to mind is
    this to shall pass. and there are no experts in the
    the building.
    I have learnt so much and stayed safe, thankyou Barbara and clarity for all there help

  69. the phrase that comes to mind is
    this to shall pass.
    I have learnt so much and stayed safe, thankyou Barbara and clarity for all there help

  70. Sanity is my word. I’m sure you’ve kept so many people from feeling alone and down. Well done Barbara on 100 shac shacs. You are a star!

  71. Just when I thought life was broke, the SHAC SHAC came and Barb spoke. Now I have friendships, love and care and now for an hour each day all of these precious things we share. Thank you Barbara for fixing my break.

  72. Wonderful as always Barbara, wept a bit with you as it really hit home why this need for escapism has occurred….just goes to prove how successful you have been in shifting our focus from all the enormity of this pandemic……so the word that I think sums up the SHACK Shack is SANCTUARY. Been with you from the start and will remain so to the end…God willing!

  73. Happiest hour of the day
    Happiest 5 hours of the week
    Happiest 20 hours of the month
    Happiest 100 hours of lockdown.
    Thank you so much for all that you and Clarity have done for us

    1. ‘Comfort blanket’ is what the Shac Shack is to me – warm, safe and full of love. Thank you Barbara x

  74. Emotional supportive and happiness sorry couldn’t decide on just 1. Congratulations on 100days Barbara and team xx

  75. Hi Barbara , what a lovely thing to do. When i think of you in the shac shac i tthink of ” itsa pizzacake and there are no experts in this building ”
    If i was lucky enough to win i have already brought the pergaliners . Postcards though that would be a treat x just got in from work so going to catch up on rest of shac shac i missed this morning as i only caught the end and was blubberring along x


    Heartfelt thanks to Barbara and all the Clarity Team, you really don’t know how much The Shac Shack has meant to me since day 1. Looking forward to climbing aboard the Clarity bus on Monday morning with you all as we continue on our amazing adventure.
    Wishing everyone a safe, happy weekend.

    PS, Brenda I hope you are ok and that the changes you were hoping to implement are bearing fruit x

  77. Having the shac is like an emotional comfort blanket , lots of laughs , tears , learning new tricks and best of all friendship from an amazing woman , you should get a knighthood Barb

  78. Love and Companionship . Have been with you right from the start and have loved every minute of every hour. It’s given a lot of people a purpose in life and a wonderful new skill. Thank you so much Barbara. I am so grateful for all you have done and for creating such a happy caring community to BC which I am proud to belong. X

  79. Hakunamata in the Shacshac.
    Creative crafting community.
    Clarity brings Sanity.

    We have laughed, we have cried, we have been proud of our accomplishments. We have
    shared frustration, anxiety but mainly fun. We have cared about our community. Most of us have never met, but we all feel like age old friends. It has been a 100 day rollercoaster of emotions that has been our lifeline. One person to thank.. your one in a million Barb.

  80. When I hear the words “Good Morning – come on in” I know I am in the right place to spend an hour learning new skills in a friendly, happy environment. Thank you Barbara for all the tips and tricks in our journey through lockdown and beyond. xx

  81. C’m on, you can do it… piece a cake!

    Thank you Barbara…for keeping our feet on the ground and our minds happily occupied for a hundred hours and more, much more…never thought I’d enjoy “homework”!

  82. Grateful. Have been with you from the first day. I have found it really useful in so many ways. Barbara, you are the most incredibly generous person and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for all of us. X

  83. Lifeline in a world of insanity that Covid 19 inspired.
    Love being able to get away from it all to immerse myself in the peace and serenity of like-minded people led by Barbara and the Clarity team.

  84. Tranquillity in a world of chaos. Like everyone else I am so grateful for the time you give us and what a good bus driver you are.

  85. What comes to mind when I think back on the 100 hours of the Shac Shack is “INSPIRING AND UPLIFTING”
    Thank you Barbara, you have done so much to help so many people keep sane during this horrendous time.
    Love and hugs, stay safe.

  86. One day at a time!
    You inspire me to keep going one day at a time. I was definitely one of the “ I can’t do that!” But I have Done it every single day and I think I am pretty good! Thank you!

  87. ……..”Piece-a-cake”………..

    What a fab session we had this mornIng Barb. I really appreciate the whole ShacShac ideaology and have been with you every day. Thankyou so much for all you have done for us ((((hugs)))).

  88. Togetherness

    As you have said, we helped you by giving you focus each morning, to get dressed, put on your lippe, but what you have given is generosity in the highest degree. In my eye it makes you the inimitable Barbara Gray. Thank you from the bottom of all our hearts. X

  89. Peesacake! I laugh with you and cry with you every day. Currently packing up my life in Spain to return to UK. That hour every morning is my refuge, thank you so much xx . Ps lovely to meet Dave today. Oh crap our ferry just been cancelled grrrrr

  90. I didn’t watch from the start but when I got into it you made me feel so much happier I lost my mojo two years ago when we had a house fire I lost two dogs and my cat in one night I was a hoarder as well as a crafter but in that horrible night I lost 32 years of my life in the house since then I still haven’t recovered from all this bu I am getting there I love watching your shack shack live I love the way you’re teaching tell us about your life as well it makes me happy just watching

  91. Caring company.
    I hope that the outpouring of love and gratitude towards you Barbara, has made you realise just how much you are appreciated. You have been a real lifeline for so many people, especially those who were totally on their own during lockdown. You deserve a medal! Have a great weekend and see you on Monday. Hugs. Annette. X

  92. My word would be ‘giving’
    Time is the most precious gift you can give to anyone and you have given it to all us us.
    I hope all these messages give you some idea of how precious that gift has been. x

  93. Difficult to choose just one word….. but I think I will choose ‘sanctuary’.
    Lovely to hear Dave today- I’ve seen lots of pictures but never heard his voice before 😊

  94. At 10.00 everything has to stop for my daily dose of ‘Barbara ‘ for the inspiration, encouragement, laughter, words of wisdom and creative fun. X

  95. Safe Happy Ambience of Creativity!
    Thank you Barbara for all the inspiration, creativity, happy banter and laughter. Most of all thank you for your time and for bringing the SHAC community together! Here’s to the next 100!
    (Thanks Dave for the perfect fanfare this morning – with a little ‘ELP from the band!)

  96. “Involve me and I learn”

    Barbara, you have involved all of us in your Shack, and we have learned not just to doodle and colour but that we can still laugh and cry and support you and each other. You have shone in the darkness and shared your light. “People will never forget how you made them feel” MA

  97. Pure ESCAPISUM from my day job which has changed somewhat to cover COVID related issues whilst also haveing to shield due to rare lung condition, so I catch up at weekends so as not to dwell on not holding my new Grandaughter or hugging my Grandaughter who was 18 last month and knowing for me this will be a long road because I cannot afford to chance leaving the house until it is safe. I am grateful to those who have helped me my husband who decided to shield with me, family doing my shopping, Boss’s for letting me work from home for the foreseeable future and to all of the Clarity family.

  98. My life has continued as normal with my family all still working. It just has a lot more complications because of lockdown. With my children a paramedic, nurse and son on deployment with the RAF the worry has increased ten fold. The shac shac time for me is time to tune myself out. So my word would be


  99. Got up early to make sure my jobs were finished by 10.00 am – made a coffee, settled down and -Holy Cow – NO INTERNET! Am pleased to say have managed to catch up this evening.

    What does the SHAC-SHACK mean to me? Obviously, SANCTUARY.

  100. Barbara & The Shackers
    Sounds more like a popgroup I know.
    Friendship is a beautiful word, & so true. But the one word I would say is: Peasacake! 🍰🍰🍰
    Love 10.00am Monday-Friday. Feel a bit lost at the weekend. “Most people don’t like Mondays!” But I can’t wait for Monday.
    Happy 💯 hours. 🎉Here’s to many more, as long as the Shac- shack is open, & our bus driver, is there.
    I’ll be there with me mates The Shackers.
    You deserve a 🏅Barbara. ⭐⭐⭐❄❄❄🎄🎄🎄🍰🍰🍰😋🤶🎅😘😘

  101. Security and comfort.

    I have so enjoyed and learnt so much over these past 100 shac shac sessions. Thank you so much. X


  102. Hi Barbara, thank you for 100 hours of laughing, crying, feeling better, comfort zone, helpfulness, mindfulness, security, self confidence,
    gratefulness and just FUN.
    I am with you since the first day and I love the shac shac. When I asked my husband (Bert) what his word should be it is “Goooooood mooorning!!!” because he taped all the episodes on my hard disk so that I always can see it back when I need it, and almost everyday you started with “Godmorning” so he heard that 100 times. When I think about which word I would choose I think “family” would fit perfectly.
    You have a company that is relying on you and your familymembers, Grace in New York, Dave and you here. Under those 5 months we have been together in the shac shac they have got a place in my heart. I have talked a lot with Grace, as a customer over the internet, but it feels like she is a friend now and we laugh a lot.
    But when I hear you talking about your family it is like they are family of me too. And we as a community are a family too. We like each others progress, we send love to one who needs it and we feel all the same problems and try to encourage each other. I hope you continue at least 100 days more but I understand that you need to have a vacation now and then too. I do not have to be a pricewinner because I already bought the prices at Clarity. But I just want to give you a compliment for being with us every weekday. Warm greetings from Yvonne from Sweden

  103. 10am-11am my Shac Shac time with Barb and my Clarity family, just drifting along on my ‘pizacake’ DO NOT DISTURB!

  104. Focusing on the « here and now » that last a long time.. one hour! in good company, Joy to feel other people happy to share, learning new skills and tips and be come more confident, laughing when hearing Barbara telling a story or her spontanous laugh !
    These are all gifts… Christmas everyday 😊💕🙏
    Merci !!!!!

  105. The patch of calm in the eye of a hurricane storm!

    Thank you Barbara and all of your super dream team for EVERYTING you’ve all done during lockdown, from the doodles, colouring, painting, printing and posting the bauble download, picking and packing the ‘open day sales’ bargains, Groovi and template downloads, each and every blog post here and on Clarity matters, YOUV’E all kept me sane and getting up every day.

    Please stay driving the bus, Clarity and the SHAC shack.

  106. “It’s only a piece of paper” something I’ve taken on as a bit of a mantra. Basically, just give it a go! What have I got to lose? Not a lot lol…. if I don’t try I will never succeed. I’ve discovered a lot in the Shac Shack, not only about drawing and colouring, but about myself and others too. Virtually meeting new people, giving and receiving encouragement, laughing, persevering and just giving it a go. It has been amazing!!!

  107. Thank you Barbara for giving us so much of your time. It isn’t just the 100 hours from 1000 – 1100 because there are all those times when you are prepping for us.
    What words come to mind, crafting family, Companionship, Focus and a chance to shine.
    I hope your weekend goes well and you and Dave get to spend precious time together. xx

  108. Thank you for 100 wonderful hours. “This to shall pass” these words will remain in my head forever and will always remind me of the lovely kind and thoughtful Barbara Gray.

  109. Titivate – because with all the skills you’ve taught me Barbara I now can’t stop revisiting and titivating my SHAC-SHACK creations, and it is such a mindful activity all becomes well in my world for a while.
    Thank you for all your gifts xxx

  110. Tranquillity and inspiration, kindness. Thank you for being my rock in this scary place we find ourselves in. Please don’t include me in the draw, as I already have these lovely items from Clarity. Hope you and Dave have a relaxing weekend. Hugs. xxx

  111. This too shall pass, it’ll be ok. Gratitude to you Barbara, you have us laughing and crying. Thank you for everything and love always. Please dont put me in the draw, I have it all.xxx

  112. Try
    “That will do! There are no experts in the building!”

    Such encouraging sentiments to give it a try and you just might be amazed at what you can do!

    Can’t thank you enough Barbara! 😘

  113. The Shac-Shac is Heaven Sent – a haven of inspiration and encouragement, you have really helped so many of us through the ordeal of Lockdown. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. xx

  114. “Supportive Safe Place” – that’s what you have given to me Barbara. A reason to make sure I got up and dressed by 10am every day, from the very first day you started. Having something so positive to look forward to each day, has been a gift that you could never put a price on. I’ve laughed and cried with you, and for that I thank you so very much.

  115. Thank you Barbara,the Shac,Shac has become part of my daily routine and my hour to leave this crazy world behind and learn to doodle and colour!
    It’s a lovely community too!
    Thanks again

  116. Connected – ironically lost the connection first time of doing this and had to wait (this happens) here goes. The shack shac has given us a chance to hone skills we may already have or learn new skills, whilst socialising and staying connected to the outside world. Barbara we have laughed with you and cried with you, not forgetting we have eaten cake with you. Thank you for your generosity of time, spirit and connection. Thanks also to the whole clarity support team. Before I go where can I find a Dave or could you clone him please. Isolated in Lancashire.

  117. You have given us clarity in a world of chaos caused by a virus we cannot see but causes us much pain and distress. Thank you

  118. Anticipation and Achievement as I can’t wait to see what we are doing each day and I can’t believe what we manage to achieve.
    Thank you Barbara for sharing your talent and for keeping us sane in a mad mad world

  119. When I think of the Shac Shack, I think of a happy place where I can lay it all aside and enjoy an hour among people like myself that enjoy being creative. I love how your Dave summed it all up by saying that we need to all look out for each other.
    Thank you, Barbara for starting this group and sticking with us.
    It has truly been a wonderful 100 hours!

  120. Oh Barbara I think you had us all crying happy tears with you! What an amazing achievement 100 hours of pure delight. You are one amazing lady who has helped us all ride and still riding through this awful time. We can now doodle, crayon, water colour, design, shade with all the teaching you have given us and our tool boxes are getting full with ability and confidence. I couldn’t do any of the above until your encouragement and you gave me the reason to focus and able to post some of my accomplishments! You just keep on giving but that’s who you are just one hell of a human being. Love learning, listening and laughing with you every day. I think “ Come on in….. there’s plenty of room, get yourself a cuppa, there’s no experts in this building”, sums it up for me. X

  121. From a complete novice who’s found a whole new world of doodling with new online friendships thrown in too…
    Journey to Discovery 😘
    Heartfelt thank you to Barbara x

  122. To me the SHAC SHAC is a caring community developing unknown skills!
    The reminder of everything we have achieved so far was inspiring.
    thank you Barbara!

  123. This, too, shall pass. Is the one phrase that resonates most with me. Especially the longer the pandemic continues. It seems never ending…
    The power you have given us with your calming words and sharing ways will stay with me for ever. Thank you. Big hugs. X

  124. wow what a show, i’ve never been in anything from the start to a 100th it was really special, the giggles of which you do so well, the tears of which i think we all did, the wise knowledge you impart and also hearing about mum and dad and lets not forget the impressive entrance of Dave, it made the whole show so special, just like the family we have become, I know this will end at some point, but it will be very sad when it does , not just to the fact that I can now draw ha ha, you have made lots more new friends that you may never meet. but just know were here
    thank you Barbra from the bottom of my heart, with flowers and dicky birds on xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  125. The Shack Shac is helping me get through the long isolation Knowing Barbara and other members of the Shac are experiencing the same worries and anxieties Makes it more bearable. Thank you.
    I don’t need the postcards or perga liners
    Stay calm and carry on

  126. Comfort if I needed one word. Your Shac Shac hours have been my comfort blanket for my ‘shielded’ months. I have looked forward to each and every episode and never once been disappointed, often watching over again for reassurance. Thank you Barbara and the technical team you have, it is all so professional and easy to watch. Long may it continue.

  127. Tuning into Barbara everyday,not just for amazing doodling,and colouring,but for the laughter and calm that she gives,especially during these troubled times. THANK YOU BARB.x🐦

  128. Togetherness

    As you’ve said, we have helped you by giving you a reason to get up and dressed and to put on you’re favourite lippy, but what you have given in return is immeasurable. Not only the tuition, but all the chat and anecdotes. In my opinion it gives you the title of “The inimitable Barbara Gray”. Thank you soooo muuuuch xx

  129. We started off with a small doodle and climbed a doodle mountain together with fun and calmness along the way

  130. Hello Barb, my word is RESPECT. For you and what you have done for this group. Thank you so much. You deserve the cake. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  131. TOGETHERNESS . That sums up the feeling I have in the Shac Shac. Likeminded people from across the world with one aim. To forget the pandemic for an hour and enjoy listening to you reminiscing and making us laugh while improving our drawing or colouring. Thank you you are an inspiration to us all. X

  132. I’m posting again as my initial comment yesterday afternoon doesn’t appear to have been posted.
    Just wanted to say how much I love being a welcomed member of Barbara’s Shac shack pack.
    It’s an hour a day I try very hard not to miss as it’s an hour of fun, relaxation, thoughtfulness and self improvement – as long as Barbara wants and gets as much enjoyment and fulfillment from being our Brown Owl then I will certainly continue being a loyal pack member.
    “Go Shackers”.
    If the Groovi Retreat can’t go ahead in October because social distancing is still in place, I’d be more than happy to attend in the same way as I attend the Shac Shack. Just a thought.
    Many thanks to everyone who keeps the Shac shack going and to all my fellow Shackers.

  133. I think ‘Chillout’, also fun, relax, happy. I don’t personally participate as I have a hand shake but I do love the banter

  134. Colourful, caring creativity!

    Aww I just wanted to reach in and give you a hug when you got emosh xx

    Love your favourite top! Matches the beautiful painting behind you. And yes, tea is way better than coffee, because I get a bit overexcited on caffeine 😆

    Thanks for everything 🧡

  135. My personal bubble…..a cosy, safe bubble. I sometimes have the you tube videos playing whilst I’m doing other crafts. I think I have a sort of Pavlovian response to your voice now, Barb (no, I don’t dribble and crave food!), it helps me to focus and stops me from rushing.

  136. Since lockdown began there’s been lots of people posting videos of daily exercises etc but those have gradually fallen by the wayside as time went on but our lovely Barbara has, for the last 100 days, been so genuinely committed to our wellbeing and sanity. Barbara has laughed with us, cried with us (especially yesterday!) and grown with us, taught us to draw “oh I cant do that” …… “yes you can” Barbara says “it’s a piece of cake” and she’s been right! We aren’t just her customers we are her friends and Barbara is our Queen.
    Loyalty and love. Barbara’s loyalty to us and our love for her ❤️
    Thank you Barbara here’s to the next 100 days, as long as “your up for it” 😃 xxxxx

  137. Blanket of peace.
    You are our blanket. You keep us safe and warm and safe for 1 hour while we doolde draw and colour. God bless you, Dave and Clarity for you’re hard work. And Grace is a Lovely lady XXx

  138. A blanket of security, tranquility and love. Knowing that I’m not alone and finding a wonderful supportive community.

  139. Hello Barbara!
    First of all thank you for a lovely SHAC – Shack!
    Two words/phrases that pop up in my mind when I think about the SHAC Shack, are expectation and the joy to be able to learn new things.
    The joy to learn was the most important thing for me in the beginning. The learning process is what I’m working on. I’m very meticulous, some times good, but also not so good.
    Expectation has become the most important word. The programme has become the highlight of the day for me and my cat. I live alone, don’t know anyone in this town and have a son and a sister quite far away. But I love to craft, crafting is a salvation for me. But you are also very important. I’m a bit older but I can recognize so much of what you are saying. Then the tone of your voice, soft and nice to listen to, and also supportive and comforting. I CALL IT GIRLPOWER!

  140. We’re all in this together. so stay home and craft.

    (Fifth time lucky, I keep disappearing LOL)

  141. Friendship and kindness are 2 words that spring to mind with the SHAC SHAC.
    Thank you Barbara for 100 hours of fun and relief from the outside world.

  142. What the SHAC shack has ment to me.
    100 hours of fun.
    6000 minutes of peace.
    360,000 seconds of bliss that can be repeated time and time again with Barbara and a pencil and paper. (Who would have though). Xxx

  143. and breathe…. that’s how I feel when 10.0 am arrives. I relax into an hour of pure unadulterated pleasure. Thank you so much for your time and dedication xx

  144. What the SHAC shack has ment to me.
    100 hours of fun.
    6000 minutes of peace.
    360,000 seconds of Barbara bliss that can be repeated 27/7 time and time again with a pencil and paper.( Who would have thought)!
    Isn’t life beautiful?

  145. Hi Barb,
    Congratulations on your 100 th episode – a brilliant achievement. My word would be welcoming because that is what you are to everyone joining you. I have only managed to catch a few sessions but I thoroughly enjoyed them. Please don’t pick my name as I believe the prize should go to one of those people who have joined you day in, day out. Well done to one and all. Love and hugs,Alison xxx

  146. Let me get my Dame Ednas, is one of the many phrases said each morning by Barbara, who brightens our days in the Shack Shack, 😊

  147. Hi Barbara


    You Welcome us in
    You hold our hands
    You guide us through
    Some wonderful lands

    With just pencil and paper
    You’ve taught us to draw
    Tears have been plenty
    Your laughter a guffaw

    From mice in their clogs
    To the story of the snake
    From surfers on the beach
    To a “piece of cake”

    100 hours later
    Well who could have known
    Thanks to you
    We no longer feel alone

    You’ve given us everything
    Without a second thought
    Your commitment and kindness
    The lifeline we all sought.

    A mindfulness program
    You take us away
    You’ve taught us to cope
    With life day to day

    We all are so grateful
    More than you’ll ever know
    To our wonderful teacher
    Whose taught us to grow.

    Thank you soooooo much


    Love & Hugs

  148. my word is “Thoughtfulness”
    Can I please thank you Barbara for keeping us all sane, i may not be able to join in to the morning show but i always play catch up in the evenings , so thank you for 100 wonderful hours of the SHAC SHAC xx

  149. I think the phrase that comes to mind is ” we’re all in this together”. I also think the word “caring” sums up the Shac Shack ethos. x

  150. Shac Shack is our happy, safe place with our special friend Barbara. She drives us to the loveliest places on our very own bus. Thank you for everything Barbara – you will never know how special you are.

  151. Watching SHAC shack each day keeps me wanting to play!
    (Said in the cadence of An apple a day keeps….)

  152. The best thing that ever happened during lockdown.
    Barbara’s true generosity of spirit, never frightened to show how lock down effect her emotions and therefore helping me when I hit rock bottom. Not forgetting my fabulous doodle journey! Thank you Barbara and all at Clarity from the bottom and f my heart.

  153. An hour of inspiration by a lady who gives of her time freely during these difficult times. Good on ya Barb. We love you loads xx

  154. Thankyou Barbara for being there every day for us. We have been comforted by your generosity and humour and have learnt a lot too, Alesha the Geisha was my favourite.
    UPLIFTING is the word !!
    Anne from Calne xx

  155. LIFE-SAVING. I think Barbara with her pocket philosophy has kept many of us out of the quicksands of this pandemic. Thank you.

  156. Time to recover… the shac is part of my healing after spine surgery. It’s also about mind recovery from the shocks of Covid. XX

  157. When I hear shac shack I think Barbara gray and stay happy and creative I don’t know how I would have got through all them weeks without you and all your learning skills to make us get more creative we are so lucky to have you in our life big hugssssssss

  158. Shac
    No flack,
    Chill out
    And learn about,
    While Barbara speaks,
    Live saving,
    That’s what we’re craving.

  159. HELP
    That’s what you and your team have brought to me, and everyone else Barbara . I’m unable to watch you live for health reasons but I’m catching up with you all on YouTube. Thank you so much, it’s a Wonderful thing for you to do. X

  160. To me, the Shac Shac represents


    One I’ve yet to take up, but will do so once our internet is fixed.

    Thanks Barbara.
    Alison xx

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