A little Bird told me…
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Been having a right old Feng Shui Session in the Shac-Shack! A wise woman suggested I move 27 things to get the flow, the good energy moving again… how about 2,700 things out the door?!? And then, when it was almost done and dusted, I ran out of steam. WIll have a fresh look at it tomorrow morning. But before I collapse in front of the box, let me post a simple project I did this afternoon, using one of Mel’s beautiful A little bird stencils.

I love these designs. They are so great – as 3-way overlay stamps…

…as Fresh Cut dies…
…even as beautiful Groovi plates…
All available individually on our website, but great saving on the sets of course. CLICK HERE TO INVESTIGATE
As I have been cleaning and moving and shuffling and organising, I have also been finding stuff which has been buried for months – nay years! I’m a prolific crafter if nothing else! Boy oh boy!! I do churn out a lot of arty crafty projects!! Let’s not call it churning out though, Barbie; sounds a bit too much like a sausage factory! Let’s call it creating art…
Anyway, here’s today’s offering…I found a half finished job, so thought I’d run with it. Out with the texture paste. Just attach the lovely chirpy stencil to a piece of our stencil card, and drag the paste through the stencil with a spatula. Wash the stencil straightaway with warm water, then leave the art to dry for an hour. When it’s dry, sand the paste lightly, to smooth it out a little. See?
I decided to use a different colour combination of Distress Oxides…
Replace the stencil on the art, and then start pounding and smearing the Distress ink through the stencil with a Spot-On Sponge. In order of appearance in the pic above.
I know, I know. Halfway through, and you’re thinking what a mess! But ang on ang on !! It’s not over till it’s over, right?
Let’s go dark and grungy with greys and browns and black. But let’s apply with a stencil brush lightly, over the top of the lighter colours.
And this is where the magic happens…the ink goes all metallic and glossy! Who knew?!?
Didn’t know that would happen! But it looks so cool!! It was the brushing that did that. Excellent. I do love playing and discovering things.
All done. Now I just have to decide: Black, Kraft or White…
What do YOU think? Tell me below. Then tell me what you think I think! There’s a £20 Clarity Gift Voucher riding on this one! What did I decide? If you can read my mind, then you may be the lucky winner of today’s blog candy. And let’s send the winning voucher in this card xx
Right. Time to chill.
Love and hugs
Barb xxx
PS Gracie just posted a beautiful blog over on the Claritymattersblog. What a great day that was! I remember it so well! CLICK HERE
124 thoughts on “A little Bird told me…”
The black works for me. Can you use the Clarity Artistry ink to make something similar
Just love it Barb, it truly is beautiful
Definitely white…. love this project xx
I think this lovely piece of art work stands out on a black card soooo I think you used a black card too 😊 I will have to try out the technique love it, brushes at the ready
hugs Julie x
What a great project -and I have the ingredients too!! Been playing with the Chinese Lanterns stamp set this w/end, along with one of the grungy backgrounds. If I did this project I’d mount on BLACK, so i’ll go with that as my guess , but I like the Kraft too -bit wishy-washy on white for me. Looking forward to being back in the Shac on Monday. My extra pencils arrived this morning.
Definitely black for me Barbara. I still have to perfect my texture paste techniques though. X
They all look good – but I think you might have gone with the craft card – it compliments and emphasises the warm of the colours in the main image.
Hi Barbara 😃 I think you went with the Kraft Card as it really makes the colours pop!
I’ve spent the afternoon revisiting Africa and giggling at your linguist stories, still can’t draw feet though 😂
Have a great evening
definitely the black then the black mounted on Kraft card and the whole thing mounted on a white card
Beautiful card. I like the black and think you will choose the black too, a great contrast.
I think you used a black card.
I personally like the Kraft card as I think it tones in. However, I try hunk you may have chosen black for a more dramatic and striking contrast. They all look great! Xx
Hello Barbara
What a beautiful piece of art. I would saaaayyyyyyyyyyy…..kraft. For no other reason than to throw another colour into the mix. I think it looks good on either the black or the kraft. I find the white a bit insipid. Needs going round with a Sharpie pen.
They look good against all three backgrounds. I think you went with black though. Can’t wait to see the sparkling new SHAC shack.
I prefer the black. It’s more striking as a piece of art.
The white is more subtle and suits using on a card.
Think you’ll pick white but never been right. Xx
Personally I think black. Great project, thanks for the ideas
I love the black, but I bet you went with Kraft card something different x x
I prefer the Kraft card backing but I think you might have gone with the black.
Need to get my stencils and paste out to give this technique a try.
Linda x
It really pops on the black but I think you might have gone for the Kraft card as you are bound to have unearthed a big pile of them as we always tend to opt for black! Lol. I must use up my open texture paste before it goes hard in the tub!! I was watching an old ODS which I had recorded. Need to delete some as I have next to no storage space on Sky! In it you said, most folk need a black bag but you need a skip!! Have you filled it yet? Lol. Have a nice relaxing evening. Hx
All three look lovely but I think you chose black x
The black makes the colour pop!
I think black.
You couldn’t decide ! So you went ‘ I can’t blimmin decide’ let’s ask Dave , but you couldn’t find the door to get out of the Shack! From all your tidying up/ paper sorting
Hi Barb, I think the black is the most striking. Anxious for Monday as finally received my postcards the other day and yesterday received 120 pack of Faber Castell pencils. So I am set to go on the owls. Big hugs from Canada 🇨🇦
What a beautiful card I do love that stencil
I believe you would have chosen the Kraft card
All nice Barbara but I think you’ll have chosen the craft card . I’d choose that one as I think (and it’s only my opinion!) the White is too peely wally (as we say here in Scotland , means pale ) . The black is nice but think it draws you away from the actual picture. For me the craft card is perfect to show off the lovely colours . 🤞🤞🤞
All look great .I think maybe you send black , that would be my choice .Have a good weekend , how we are still doing the owls next week xx
A lovely card Barbra. I personally prefer the first one on the brown and craft paper. I will be giving it a try this afternoon since I have those products. I thank you for the heads up will see if it comes even close to yours. Lovely.
I’m also glad you’re enjoying organizing and purging. I too have been organizing getting ready for lots of new goodies when they arrive.
As soon as I saw it, I preferred the black, but I think you may have gone for the Kraft. Whichever, it is a lovely piece. Looking forward to seeing the ‘new’ SHAC on Monday and I hope that you have a restful day tomorrow, before the new week ahead.
I read Grace’s lovely blog post earlier and thought that it would bring back some great memories for you. I can’t believe it is four years ago though, how time flies! Hugs. Annette X
I would say kraft, nature looking.
But the 3 work !
It is beautiful, thanks for the idea !
I preferred it on the white background. Waited quite a while until I finally picked up on your thought waves and felt that you also chose the white.
Personally I love the black as the metallic feel really pops on that. I would think you’d mount it on black card then a canvas board to remind you how using the Distress colours in that order made it look metallic. You can then pop it on the wall to see. Great post today and yesterday’s potterific post was fun too. Off to check out your lovely Grace’s post now xx
I love the black but the Kraft card makes it soft and warm so it Kraft for me.
I prefer white, hope you went with that – love all three makes! X
Black appeals to my eye so maybe you agree.😀
I think the Kraft card works best
The black one..makes it pop…love your work..have a good week end Barbara
I like the black but think you may have chosen kraft!
Lovely project 🙂
Hi Barbara,
You usually favour black, BUT, you have been talking about the Kraft card in the SHAC so I think you will choose that one. I very much like Kraft card not so stark as white and black.
Great blog. Black brings out the design. Perfect for the B&B.
Black makes it pop !!!
I’d probably go with black myself but think you’d go for the Kraft card xx. Have a good Sunday xx
I think the black card is the best
Kraft care but they all look good
Hi Barb,
Gotta be the black – me thinks. Love it!
Gotta be Black it pops!
Hi Barbara
That is a beautiful creation Barbara. Now. I think I would use Kraft card to frame it so that is what I think I will choose . Whatever you decide it is going to be perfect I’m not creeping honest. Lol.
Now get some much needed rest. Hugs 🤗
Definitely black; black will make the whole lot pop beautifully Barbara
Beautiful and love the effect of the brushing. If it was me it would have to be mounted on the black. Looks so crisp. Xx
Hi Barbara
Fantastic project, and I think the black card makes it pop for me.
Oooooo tough call but it’s the white background for me. Lovely technique, another one to try, I’m loving the distress oxides, great with your lace and gel plate technique too x
I think the black looks best. It makes it stand out and picks up on the grey colour in the ink.
All are lovely but my choice would be Kraft. White doesn’t really do it justice and the black is a bit heavy. The Kraft compliments your chosen colours perfectly. Just my opinion !!!
Had a wonderful day today, crafted myself silly and got a severe dose of cramp. Now I just need to rest my hand tomorrow so I can be ready for colouring the owls.
Have a good evening.
My own choice would be the Kraft card and I’m hoping great minds think alike! 😉
The black card.
I love the black but I think you have gone for the Kraft card, this is such a lovely stencil.
I like the fact that it looks metallic, cannot wait to try it, I think the black card draws your attention to the art work as I hope you do xx
Well the black
one looks
finished but I would have gone for the Kraft card as the colours look best with it. Is that the one you chose? Lovely in any of them I think. Xxx
Am a little concerned because my “owl” FB’s haven’t been delivered yet despite ordering them immediately they went on sale 😢
My mum’s is unable to shop for greeting cards so I offered to make a few for her. She gave me a list of 12 who’s who & when for Birthdays & wedding anniversarys. I rolled off the majority using these dies. Mum was well chuffed as were her friends & family. So thanks for making my job easy and allowing me to jump to fave daughter, for a short while anyway. 👏Thanks❣️#middlechildsyndrome
I think black too.🙋
……though I do like Kraft🙈
I think you went for Kraft as that is what I would have chosen. It’s lovely anyway.
….or praps white🤔
It’s white for me. Doesn’t detract from the image. Maybe a slight black sharpie round the edge. Thinking I might have a go at this tomorrow!
Hi Barbara, I Think you will go with the Kraft card as the colours looks more calm and that is what you need right now.
The White card would be great too, if the stencil and the colours Of the master piece were used to make a border around the master piece. Would be very special.
My go to card always seems to be black but I think the Kraft card compliments it more, so on this occasion Kraft card. Love the idea of a metallic finish too.
Enjoy your weekend xx
I would go for black as it makes the colours pop. I love it x
Kraft background.
Looking forward to Monday’s colouring.
Oh dear, Decisions decisions, I like them all but prefer the black background, the craft card second, I think you will go for the black background. Lovely card and the beautiful technique shows it off a treat.xxx
I like the white as it picks out the white areas of the stencil. Maybe you did too? Lovely effect of the Distress Oxides. X
I love the kraft one but think you went with the black.
Stay safe, Jackie
White. Clean and fresh.
I love that effect. Like a piece of brass you’ve heated under a torch. cool. xx
I preder the white. It looks clean and fresh and doesnt diatract from the art and design its self . Im new to stencilling so really what do i know. Just say what i see
My preference would be on the Kraft card ’cause it really brings the metallic look to the fore. Think you may have gone for the Kraft mount too for the same reason. It may look more dramatic on the black but at the same time it also looks a bit too harsh.
Hi Barb, what a great project, love the effect you have achieved. I like all the backing colours, but I think you went with the Black, it really makes the colours stand out. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
It would be black for me hope you agreed
It would be black for me hope you agree
Kraft for this one
I quite like the white!
Looks really good with Kraft.
I love the one with kraft card, it is softer and easier on the eye. X
I like the black best as it really makes the artwork ‘pop’. I can’t decide whether you have gone for the black or maybe the kraft card, erm…. I’m going to say…. kraft card, or maybe… no, definitely kraft card. X
I like the kraft best. I know you also like kraft but on this occasion
I think you will have chosen black as it does make the piece of art pop most.
I think you will pick kraft card for a change
I like them all but the Kraft card is just ahead for me!
Well I like the black mount best, so I hope that you did too! Thats a beautiful image.
Gotta be the black me thinks Barb – love the demo xx
I love the craft one. X
Think you went with the Kraft card…but actually I like the black kinda makes it stand proud.
I really like all 3 card backgrounds and would usually say the black works best, but I do like the clean & bright look that the white card gives. The images pop equally on the white & are a good contrast with the grungy background you created.i hope you went for this x
Hi Barbara
Just playing catch up, it’s been a busy week! Hope the SHAC tidy up is going well and you haven’t been too distracted! Love the artwork, the oxide inks look fabulous don’t they. I think you mounted it on black but the Kraft card looks cool too ( just ordered the paper pack, why hadn’t I spotted it before😊). Love the pots you’ve thrown, looks like you had a fantastic time.
Love Diane xx
I reckon the Kraft card is the one. It certainly works for me. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Kraft. I hope you will finish your sort out, so you start again feeling back on top of it all. I am organising my Clarity things, so hope to follow your example.
Beautiful result – the black works best for me, really makes the whole thing “pop”, and I’m going to take the larger picture as a hint that you thought so too!
It’s quite magical how the inks work together, isn’t it? Who’d have thought that brushing some dark colours over the bright would give that shiny metallic look?! I wonder whether it’s something that would only happen with the Distress Oxides? I haven’t got any of those, so will have to give it a try with plain old Distress/Artistry inks and see if they react in the same way.
Now, what was that about moving 27 things? I’ve been taken off furlough and am now working from home, so I think I need to reorganise my room so that work doesn’t encroach on crafting (or is that the other way around?!)
Definitely black card x
Black for me although the kraft card is a close 2nd.
Read Grace’s blog earlier today, your day out at Hampton Court looked fantastic with the flowers & afternoon tea, before going to see my daughter & 2 granddaughters for the 1st proper visit since lock down – I did see them from the garden for an hour while my husband took my daughter to the hospital to have her cast removed from her wrist but today we had a big hug – the youngest was so excited & my daughter was in tears. We then spent the day painting the hall stairs & landing walls & cutting the lawns. Ended the day with a BBQ & then back home to recover ready for another day tomorrow – 2nd coat of paint & the front garden. At least we could see what we had done – hope tomorrow will be as good for you with your SHAC tidy up. Sorting out always seems to get far worse before all of a sudden its tidy, but I find it is best to step away for a bit if it is becoming a chore rather enjoying the process.
I like the black best, but think the other colors would work too if you edged the art with a black sharpie.
The glossy, metallic sheen is beautiful. I’ve been looking at the brushes for a while now, but this result may have convinced me to at least get one set.
Never thought to sand my dried paste to make it smooth – you always have the best tips!
I’m going for white – makes the artwork the star of the show. I’m hoping that’s what you chose too. Enjoy your tidy space after all your hard work x
Cant wait to try this one Barbara. I think the black card really makes it pop and compliments the dark colours you have used.
I understand your pain in sorting out your craft room Barbara. I recently moved house and had to transport everything from A to B. Well!!!! Hahaha!!! So many partial projects as well. I always start with good intentions but then something more enticing always comes along. hahahaha. Hugs Jules xx
Definitely black for me. It makes the art work pop!
That’s something I haven’t tried yet , I can see me giving it a go I like the Craft Background best,
See you on Monday for the Owls, xx
I really like the black! After reading your bl0g about your clear out, I decided to rearrange my craft room, it really inspired me all over again! I watched a Lot of your YouTube videos, learnt a lot and put in another 3 groovi orders!
Looking forward to having you back with us on Monday, love our doodling and colouring sessions.
I actually like them all, but if I really had to make the decision I think I would go with the black. I think it makes the whole project stand out. Thanks for all the hints and tips Barbara x
Hi it’s gotta be black me thinks 😃
Well that’s encouraged me to get out my texture paste I haven’t used yet! I would go for the black.
I’m going to guess you went with the Kraft, as it’s softer than the black (which is also fab) and seems to make the colours pop a bit more.
A great project, and don’t worry about needing a pause before you finish off the tidying. I often think that last push to finish is the hardest bit.
Love, Claire
It’s gotta be black for me, love it 😊
Gotta be black for me Barb love it 😊
Kraft for me.
I love the black and the craft but my guess is that you went with the kraft,
Oh WOW what a super card. If I tried that it would look a complete mess 🤣🙄.
I like it on the black – it really makes it “pop” but I think you would choose the Kraft as it tones in with the colours.
Kraft, it looks different. I would normally go for black or white, but I love the Kraft. You ve yet again inspired me to try a new technique. Thank you x
Love the metallic sheen effect! All three work, but the black makes the colours pop, in my opinion. I think you may decide the same, with a larger white card behind as well.
What a stunning effect! I think it looks best on the kraft card, it makes the colours pop beautifully.
Hi that really is pretty. I like the black it makes it pop but I think you went for white beautifully.. Clean and simple. Have a lovely day xx
It’s gotta be the black for me Barb – love it!
I like the black one best and I think that you would choose that one too – such a dramatic effect!!!
It’s beautiful Barbara!!!💝🌹
Like the craft most, but the black is standing out.
Don’t like to you black because it’s so hard and makes me thinking of sadness and grieve…sorry…🙈
Have a great day and see you tomorrow!
Greetings, Trijntje Huppel
I like the white best – tone on tone!
Although they are all nice. x
Kraft card would look amazing xx
My apologies for keep popping up on this blog Barb. My first time at making a comment, when I kept checking I wasn’t on it🤣 hence kept trying. Blow me down they’ve all appeared now – Sorry – love your summer house and position x
Only just caught up with this today. All look great but the black just pops for me. Hope you had a good week off look forward to seeing you in the shac shack xxx
They all look good, but I like the white best because it brings out the white of the stencil. Hope that was your choice too!!