Monday Monday
Hi there.
Hope you are safe and well? After spending the day with my parents yesterday, I’m back firmly holed up here in my Shac-Shack. Started the Cockadoodledoodle with everybody at 10am this morning! That’ll be fun. I do enjoy pencil colouring.
What makes me decide which direction to take on our Daily Doodle trips? What sends me off to New Mexico or Japan or Carmel or wherever? Simple. I open my eyes and I look for signs. How did I land on the Dancing Cockerel and the Hen? I walk past them every single day – many times, in fact! Look!

Let me show you that wonderful tin that Dee made years ago up close! It says 2014 on the bottom…
Dee has painted the background onto the tin with paints, then stamped, embossed and coloured in the images, to stick on the tin afterwards. Deluxe.
Here are the stamps, illustrated by our Mel. Loved them then – love them now. Just sublime. It‘s the prancing feet I love! Such attitude!
So here’s a Bloggy Offer, to celebrate our Shac-Shack Week of Dancing Cockerels and Hens. CLICK HERE

If you’re wanting to join in the Daily Colouring in Sessions on Facebook Live with me, just order the Postcards today; we always pull them to the front to get out of the door immediately. CLICK HERE
As I was saying. Signs. Yes. I open my eyes and my mind, and the signs just keep on coming. It’s all about developing a radar for signs, isn’t it?
Time for a meeting!
Stay safe.
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx
22 thoughts on “Monday Monday”
Wonderful colouring session this morning. Thank you xxx
Loved this morning. Dee is an amazing artist. Love the view of your garden from your SHACK. That in itself is healing. Have a good day in the sunshine. A wee bit overcast here today but I can see the hills which I couldn’t yesterday and it is getting brighter. Sun is threatening to come out! Might even make it into the garden for a cuppa by the pond. Hx
I love to colour with pencils,but until I started watching you Barbara I didn’t really know how to blend and shade,but now I am hooked could spend all day Colouring ,thank you so much for showing me the right
Way to go and most importantly to take my time, will never pick up a pencil or look at a colouring card or book in the same way again,so mindful,take care and keep inspiring us every day.
What a difference adding the colour in layers makes – enjoyed this mornings session & I am ready for tomorrow. Now I need to pop back to New Mexico & finish off my homework from Friday before I get on to the ironing. The last load will be dry by then & I can do it all in one go.
I love these stamps. Enjoyed the company again this morning as I was doing my own crafty projects. Thanks. Stay safe.
Love the daily doodles it helps me get through something to look forward to. Waiting on my post cards and pencils then I will able to colour to. Thanks Barbara xx
Loved doing the Cockerel this morning. Enjoyed it so much (just finished the nuthatches) that I sent for the colouring book. Yay it came today. If I make a good job I can put some pictures in the summer house. The ones on your little pot look amazing. xx
Thank you for a fabulous session this morning. I’ve just finished my ‘homework’, and keep looking at it thinking “did I really just do that?” So, as always, thank you so much. Claire x
We are still catching up on the daily doodle sessions but enjoying them immensely. The cockerels look wonderful and will be joining you on Youtube as usual, hopefully we will do these next weekend.
Got up late this morning after a longer than usual sleep, had a lazy breakfast, did the ironing, pampered myself for a good part of the day as I’d promised myself, had another kip and then did some colouring on the post cards. All in all a very happy and relaxing day. 👍😊 I feel wonderful !!!
Beautiful sunny day today and getting warmer during the week so many will be able to enjoy some socialising in their gardens at long last.
Stay safe, don’t work too hard, and if Worka and Hollick show their ugly faces Kick ’em Out!!! You need a break.
Love to all 🍒🍒🍒
Thank you for the blog offer, I’ve wanted these stamps for a while so will enjoy using and colouring them. Dee is a phenomenal artist and always so inspiring xx
I enjoyed the SHAC session today, although I just watched and enjoyed a cuppa. I am just not into colouring at the moment, but I am taking it all in for future reference, in case I get the urge! I do enjoy looking at all the beautiful results from everyone on Clarity Worldwide and wouldn’t miss your daily hours for anything.
Have a lovely evening. Hugs. Annette X
What a lovely cockerel you have made this morning!
And your few is beautiful too.
Have had a cockerel who bit me in my foot when they were stroling through the garden. Unfortunaly he died and from my 2 little chickens 1 was caught by a redkite or kind of so there is only one left and she is still happy alone and although she is about 8 years still give me an little egg so 2 or 3 times a week.
Forgot about layering the colors after many years I did had lessons in several color techniques.
Take care of yourself Barbara and see you all tomorrow again.!⚘
I have an embroidery as yet unfinished of a cocker I purchased in Baeyer so looked up what it’s meaning was. The rooster symbolizes bravery, boldness and virility as he defends the flock. The connection with the rooster as symbol of France in particular may quite simply stem from the similarity of the Latin words for cock (gallus) and inhabitant of Gaul (gallicus), now known as France. Look forward to your teaching this week. Thank you
Hi Barb, seeing your tin has put a smile on my face today. I remember it, and that Dee made it for you, from the first time you showed us it. 6 years ago eh, clearly my memory is the steel trap it’s always been then!!! And another smile when I read that you are colouring in these birds this week. I look forward to that, if I ever get caught up. I have those stamps, unused as I was stuck on colouring them. I’ll have me pencils by then too, yay. If I can get myself to actually use them…
Sadly I was still sleepy in bed when you started your SHAC session this morning, just couldn’t get my body to waken up and get moving this morning. Despite a nagging, disgruntled, hungry cat!!! Still slow and wabbit, but I’m up, chores done, and I’ve managed a wee bit crochet this afternoon. So that’s something, better than nothing anyway eh.
I see signs everywhere, in everything too, just not sure it’s the kind of signs you are meaning…!!! Ha, ha.
That garden looks so enticing, wish I had a space like that outside my door, I’d be in heaven. I’m glad you’ve got it to enjoy and spend time in every day losing yourself in your surroundings, neighbours permitting of course… It’s meant to be getting warmer up here during the next few days, at last. maybe that yellow ball thing in the sky will make an appearance too. Not complaining, we’ve had loads of sun, and no rain, so the bits of rain are very welcome. Just feeling the cold badly just now.
I hope your meeting went well.
Hope you have a lovely evening. Love you xxx
I’d hoped to catch up with the doodles and colouring over the weekend, but was busy stamping seed packets and making cards to send out for mental health awareness week. Almost there now, and hopefully I’ll get them out on Thursday at the latest. Take care and enjoy being safe in your Shack – hope to join you live on Friday!
Enjoying the cock a doodle doing ! Just remembered I have the stamps too. Lovely view from your door. See you tomorrow x x
Hi Barb,
I love the cockerel stamps. I remember doing a canvas when you put yours in the calendar when you put the instructions on the back. The canvas was one of the first times I’d used a canvas and was really chuffed with the result. In fact, you’ve got Dee’s tin( brilliant it is too) that you look at every day, and I’ve got my canvas that is stood up in my craft room! My seed pods etc two way overlay stamps came today and I spent some time playing with them, although I do struggle to get them lined up! I love the really fine lines that you are achieving on the stamps now, they stamp beautifully ( it’s just the user who is rubbish!!). Love and hugs,Alison xxx
Already have the cockerel stamps, love them in fact I’ve used them for both my Grandsons’ birthday cards for this year. Golly it doesn’t seem six years ago that Dee made you that beautifully decorated tin, where does the time go?
Thank you for our lovely colouring session this morning it is so relaxing. My clarity order has been despatched so looking forward to receiving it. Time to put in another me thinks as there are so many new things. Not spending on anything else and I need cheering up. Love and hugs Pam xxx
Well what a lovely morning we had…..although my problem was having a card to colour. All these weeks when you have been talking about colouring the postcards, I have been smugly thinking “I’ve already got my postcards, so that’s OK”. I leafed through the blanks only to find that I had already coloured in the cockerel! bah humbug……….. not deterred, I reached for my book so I could work on the bigger page. you’ve guessed it, I had already started on that too but had only completed the foliage so bingo – I had a cockerel to colour after all!. By the time we came to 11.00 and I looked at the postcard previously coloured, I realized it was absolute rubbish now I know a little more about the art of using colouring pencils. Ah well! such is life – at least I hadn’t ruined the big one in the book! There are always the stamps in my stash I suppose…….. roll on Tuesday Cock-a-doodle-doo!!!!!!!
Really enjoyed watching this morning then did colouring in this afternoon loved doing it it’s great realising I can draw and colour but could with out you patiently teaching us all. Even yesterday went back to bird table were I chickened out from doing loved doing it seeing it done bit at time helps so much thank you for making lock down fun filling my day withdrawing and colouring thanks Again lots love hugs Joy xx
Colouring is so relaxing and something I have always enjoyed and love this set of stamps so sweet and pretty and they do look as though they are doing a dance..perhaps the funky chicken..lol. What a wonderful view from your studio Barbara, no wonder you feel happy in your sanctuary. The trouble is if I was working there not a lot of work would get done as I would constantly be looking out at the beautiful garden. x
Hello Barb, I love my postcards, and colouring when and if I get time, although you have over the weeks given me an idea that is working. Doodling while on work conference calls, when I just have to listen and not really participate, certainly relieves the stress, so maybe going to try colouring too. Love Dee’s tin, just beautiful. Take care and stay safe all. Bx