Crossed the line today

Crossed the line today

Hi there,

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are safe and well? Me? I had a brilliant day today. A super day. You know that feeling when you’ve done something really good? Well, I have that now.

You see, I crossed the line today. I went to my parents’ house, to deliver their groceries, but we made the decision to let me into their home again. It was a decision we made in the week, quite simply because my Mum really needed a haircut. After almost 4 months since her last cut, you can appreciate it was really getting her down. She was getting more and more despondent, and I think sometimes you have to weigh up the pros and cons, don’t you. I’ve been nowhere except in the SHAC Shack and at work – aka the ghost ship that is Clarity Towers.

So I asked her whether she would like me to come in and sort it out for her – and she replied “Yes please”. Done. Then my Dad asked whether I could cut his too. So we made a day of it.

So I got my hairdressing hat on, and off I went, armed with our old Babylis clippers for dad, and all my pamper conditioners, good scissors and best hairdryer. We had such a laugh too! Dad went first. I kid you not. Simple haircut – transformational.

Then it was Mum’s turn. She just let me snip away. Trusted me completely. And within the hour, she was back to looking beautiful …

Not too short, a lovely flick round the neck, and out of her eyes.

I cooked a nice meal and took it over to eat with them for lunch, after our hairdressing salon was all clean and closed again.

Then I showed them a couple of our SHAC-Shack episodes, because they haven’t been able to see any of them, but of course know what an important part of my life our daily doodles have become, so they were curious to see what we all get up to. Very impressed they were too. Then I rigged Dad’s Ipad up, so that they can catch up with us on Youtube. We’ll see how that goes, but he was adamant he wants to watch every day, so I’m sure he’ll figure it out. He reads this ere blog, so he’ll crack Youtube too.

Yeah. All in all, a bloody brilliant day. It was better than special, to be able to hang out with my parents again, and finally give them a hug. You can’t cut a person’s hair without touching them, now can you ?!? So yes. We crossed the line. But there comes a point where you have to make a choice. You have to know when it’s safe enough, when the chances of my having Covid 19 and not showing symptoms are highly unlikely. And whilst there are no guarantees, we decided to take the risk.

It gives me hope. In what sometimes looks like a hopeless crisis, just that little glimmer of normality, to be able to sit at the table with my parents and break bread – yes. That gave us all hope, I think.

They both looked 10 years younger when I left them this evening. And it wasn’t just the haircuts.

See you tomorrow perhaps, for the start of our colouring SHAC-Shack. This is going to be a super week. A chilled, fun week. I know it.

Stay safe.

Love and Hugs

Barb xxxx

44 thoughts on “Crossed the line today

  1. I think you were right. Had a bad day because of no hugs with the family. I have to hold off though as they are all keyworkers. Firefighter, police etc. It will pass and tomorrow is another day. Looking forward to the shac tomorrow. Lots of love xx

  2. I think this covid situation has made us rejoice in the simple things, friends and family are so important.

  3. Absolutely wonderful, Barbara…you all made the right choice and boy can’t you see it in their faces…just look at their happy smiles, no doubt yours was just the same!! We could all do with getting back that human touch!! The best tonic in the world!!
    Wishing you all the best … D xxx

  4. Hi Barb, your day today with your parents has put a smile on my face. I’m so happy for you all that you got to spend a day together. I bet it’s done the world of good for all of you. And it’s something for you all to cherish until the next time, whenever that is. It will have given all of you the strength you need to continue through this nightmare. Like you say, it was done at the safest of times, and only when you and your parents mental health desperately needed a boost.

    I was just saying that today, through the door, to Stew. A person needs to have, be able to do, something nice, to bolster their reserves and resolve to keep going with all the day to day measures that keep us as safe as possible from Covid. I feel my resolve weakening, strength failing both physical and mental, each day getting a bigger struggle to keep it all up. Mind you, I’ve been in full lockdown since the 16th March… There’s no answer for me, everything is too risky, there are no safe bubbles for me, the only option being Stew and he’s too exposed. And sadly I’m not managing to get any kind of balance in my day between cleaning, handwashing, and doing nice things like craft. There’s not even nice things to watch on telly. By the time I’ve got through the excessive cleaning and hand washing there is nothing left of me to even contemplate crafting. No energy left, a cfs body that is so run down and sore, my hands are very swollen, painful and itchy with chilblains from all the washing, and my head is constantly on full spin. But I keep going as best I can, I’ve got to somehow, in the hope there will finally be a light at the end of the tunnel for me once the human race emerges out to their new life.

    You should sign your dad up for Clarity emails as then he’d get the link within the email that will take him directly to your youtube SHAC Shack video.

    Wish I could join you in the morning. Sadly that ain’t happening. Enjoy your SHAC Shack and the rest of your day tomorrow. Love you xxx

  5. I can’t wait to see my parents again and give them a hug! I’m so pleased for you that you had such a wonderful day with yours today though. And you’re not too bad as a hairdresser either!!! I don’t dare let John loose with the scissors on mine but it’s getting to yeti stage x

  6. I had a cross the line today to, as it was my birthday my sisters came to visit, one at a time, so we sat in the garden drinking tea and eating handmade cookies. Lovely to catch up finally face to face, its nice to have technology but there isn’t anything that beats a chat and giggle with them actually with you. Glad you had a good day with your parents too. XX

  7. Glad you had a good day with your parents.
    Now my hair is out of control it needs taking firmly in hand. Dug out some rollers (so glad I kept them) and the dryer on a stand. Plan tomorrow to have a makeover day – after the ironing is done that is – hairdo, facial, nails, foot massage – absolute bliss!!!
    Had a happy session doodling with hubby today, he is very impressed with what you have done for us.
    Too many people out today, lots of cars on the road, though
    the ‘bouncers’ and cleaning crew at Morrisons were still keeping things under control so shopping was not too traumatic as they open earlier for us old’uns.
    Keep safe 🍒🍒🍒

  8. Glad you had a good day with your parents.
    Now my hair is out of control it needs taking firmly in hand. Dug out some rollers (so glad I kept them) and the dryer on a stand. Plan tomorrow to have a makeover day – after the ironing is done that is – hairdo, facial, nails, foot massage – absolute bliss!!!
    Had a happy session doodling with hubby today, he is very impressed with what you have done for us.
    Too many people out today, lots of cars on the road, though
    the ‘bouncers’ and cleaning crew at Morrisons were still keeping things under control so shopping was not too traumatic as they open earlier for us old’uns.
    Keep safe 🍒🍒🍒

  9. What a wonderful day Barb, I am so happy for you – and for your Mum and Dad too! My Mum has been crying out for a haircut too, but I don’t think she’d let me near hers. You see, she saw what I did to Gizmo’s 😂🤣. I am desperate to hug my Mum, and my sister, but it’s the grandchildren I miss most of all. Samuel and I still have 6 weeks shielding to go. I am starting to go crazy. Mind you, there are a few that say that happened years ago hahaha. Take care, love to all the family xxx

  10. Your day with your parents will have done you all so much good. I have not got that close yet with my family, but they cannot be sure enough, having still to do their own shopping, and one half being police officers, so very likely to be in contact. I have seen my daughter and grandson, in my garden, maintaining social distancing. Weather permitting, a friend is coming over later in the week for coffee – he is bringing his own drink and we will sit at opposite ends of the patio. I think he really needs a different view and being able to talk in person, for the sake of his mental health. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)

  11. Well done for making a considered decision to visit your parents. As has been said many times today , nobody can be 100% safe. We have to be sensible and not take undue risks. Seeing your parents, making them feel better and having a laugh will have done you all the world of good.
    Looking forward to what you bring to us tomorrow.

  12. 😊 So glad you had a good time with your parents. Mum and me went for a walk today the second one this week, just a 15 minute walk but it did mum the world of good she has been isolating for the last 10 weeks. Take care xxx

  13. Hello Barbara,
    As you say, you have to weigh up the pros and cons and sometimes it is necessary to cross the line. I did last Saturday, it was important to give my elder daughter a hug. For both of us.

  14. I also decided to cross the line yesterday. I ‘ve been getting more and more depressed during lockdown. I ‘m still grieving for my husband and it was my first birthday without him. So my daughter said ” You’re coming to tea with us. ” I haven’t been out for 8 weeks, none of them have been out for 7 weeks so I agreed and I saw and hugged them all. 2 adults and 5 grandchildren and it felt marvellous! I’ve been much more cheerful today and feel able to carry on with the solitude as necessary. You have to judge what is best for you and I know I needed some human contact to be able to keep going. I love the daily shack time and it’s helped tremendously but it doesn’t compare with a hug from your family. I’m really glad you decided to see your parents as I ‘m sure that you all feel much better for it. Virtual hugs to you and Dave and I ‘ll see you at 10am tomorrow xxx

  15. Can’t say I blame you. As long as common sense Is present it’s not going to hurt. See you in the morning, x

  16. Looks like did a good job of your mums hair and Dads bless them, glad you had a nice time with them wish could see my girls give them hugs and grandkids do miss them. But I see them daily on FaceTime thank God for video calls. I have done Bobs hair ones but will need to again soon but then was my trade do miss being able to do hair. but cannot stand or get arms no anymore to do it Bob sits on a low table I sat on a stool so could do it. well today a went back to the bird table finally did it and had fun doing it got arch todo then will post it on FB looking forward to colouring tomorrow could we have list of colours to use just thought see you in morning lots love Joy x

  17. Looks like did a good job of your mums hair and Dads bless them, glad you had a nice time with them wish could see my girls give them hugs and grandkids do miss them. But I see them daily on FaceTime thank God for video calls. I have done Bobs hair ones but will need to again soon but then was my trade do miss being able to do hair. but cannot stand or get arms no anymore to do it Bob sits on a low table I sat on a stool so could do it. well today a went back to the bird table finally did it and had fun doing it got arch todo then will post it on FB looking forward to colouring tomorrow could we have list of colours to use just thought see you in morning lots love Joy x

  18. Glad you had a good day. You clearly made your mum and dad’s day and you, clearly, all feel the better of it. Hx

  19. Glad you have had a good day – you will all feel better for it. I think it is just the case of being careful & taking what precautions you think are necessary for the situation.
    Luckily I had my hair cut quite short last time which I have just worked out will be 12 weeks on Tuesday & other than trimming a bit off my fringe it is still quite passable. I need to get the clippers out for my husband but that is a normal job which I have done for years.
    Suddenly its Monday & time to join in with SHAC SHAC in a few hours – where has the weekend gone to ? Still need to finish my New Mexico picture.
    – We had another family Zoom meeting this afternoon & Mom couldn’t find the icon to start video so all we could see was her name but we could hear her talking so we carried on when suddenly our granddaughter said oh here’s Great Grandma – she had obviously found the right icon eventually. We did all have a good laugh over the ins & outs of technology – a laugh is always good.
    See you at 10 for our next colouring session – I wonder what it will be. Hope your Dad manages to find You Tube

  20. I’m sure your visit to your Mum and Dad and the haircuts will have made them and you feel stronger and happier Barbara, and us ladies especially do feel better when our hair has been sorted. They will both enjoy tuning in to the SHAC-Shack too. x

  21. How lovely to be able to hug your parents ,would love to be able to see family ,but as I work in a supermarket it’s not a good idea .miss Everyone so much ,

  22. Hi Barbara and all the gang,
    My sister had to do the same, dad fell and mum is too weak to help him. So she went to help them out, she is now isolating herself as she has become their carer. We all feel much happier that one of us is seeing them. Wishing we could all help of course.
    Love to you and your folks.
    Linda x

  23. What a fabulous day and your Mum and Dad’s hairdo’s look great. I’m lucky my dear husband was a hairdresser for 50 years so I cut his and he tints and cuts mine. He also does a very good pedicure as I have two rods down my entire spine with 28 screws and 2 cages so mobility is restricted but I stand tall now and more comfortable. Don’t know what my parents would have made of all this Covid 19 business but sure would have been asking for a tidy up!!!! Looking forward to our time in the Shack this week, it’s been brilliant thank you xxx

  24. So happy to see those smiling pictures. I am sure your visit did much more good and you clearly took lots of care. The benefit to you all was probably significantly more than any slight risk and as you say you haven’t been anywhere else

  25. I can fully appreciate how much the state of your hair can affect you. For me it has been the hardest thing about lockdown. My grey roots are over an inch long now and my thick hair is totally out of control. I know it sounds trivial but for me it’s a really big deal and has reduced me to tears at times. I’m trying to get a grip and ‘man up’ because it’s only gonna get worse until I can get to the hairdressers!

  26. I know just how you feel Barbara. I met my eldest son on Saturday, who I haven’t seen since Christmas. We went for a long walk in the country, kept our distance, which was painful as all I wanted to do was give him a hug and he like wise. The only problem is that I am now desperate to see his two brothers and his sister, not to mention my grandchildren. Keep up the good work Barbara, it keeps us sane. Take are and stay safe. XX

  27. Hi Barb, when it comes to the need to do something you just have to do it right. Mum and Dad look wonderful, so glad you could spend some time with them. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  28. Hi Barb,
    I bet your visit to see your Mum and Dad did all of you a power of good. I tell you what though- you’re not bad as a hairdresser! You might have another burgeoning profession there!! Your Dad’s face says it all – he’s so happy. My fringe is driving me mad now and I’ve taken to wearing a hair and to keep it out of my eyes. Sending love and hugs,Alison xxx

  29. Brilliant that you had a special time with your parents.
    My daughter drove over from Uckfield and we spent a welcome half hour together walking round and round the Crowborough Green. We laughed a lot. Hopeful I can hug the little ones before too long. All the very best to you and your family.X

  30. Brilliant know exactly what this means. Yesterday we crossed the line we went to my daughters took our own chairs sat in the garden more than 2 metres apart. She then presented me with a bundle of fur wrapped in a blanket at arms length. Their new puppy a miniature dachshund. Yes this is going to be a great week. Post cards at the ready. Xxx

  31. So glad you took the decision and had a lovely day. I took the clippers to my Hubby’s hair today, he was looking like the wild man of Borneo. Never ever done it before but I thought well I can draw a balloon, bird table and dream catcher now so I can do this. I took a deep breath and just went for it. All went well until we were packing up and I handed him the clippers back….where’s the grey cutting length guard that was attached to it? Me – what grey bit? It was on the floor under chair it had fallen off and I hadn’t noticed. Needless to say he won’t need another trim for months. Thank goodness he just laughed himself silly saying he hadn’t had a buzz cut like that since he was 15. So, I too, took years off him as well. Keep safe xx

      1. Thank goodness he found it funny but for some unknow reason he wouldn’t let me anywhere near his eyebrows!

  32. Good morning, I’ve not been to the hairdressers since the end of January, was due to go just as the lock down came into place, ho hum, I’m managing thankfully. I have been doing the shopping for my mum and last time had to get her something to cover her roots. I’ve used Clippers on Hubby’s hair, don’t know who was more nervous lol.
    My mum has visited us but in the garden only maintaining our distance and I’ve done the same when I have walked up to hers with the dogs. I’ve been for socially distant walks with my Mum too, having lost my Dad just over a year ago this has been very hard on her so I do what I can but staying safe at the same time. One of my neighbours works in our local Hospital and she tested positive for the virus, was quite poorly for 10 days but slowly getting better thankfully. Due to the relaxation in travel rules a good friend who lives half an hour away came for a socially distant walk and it was lovely to catch up.
    I still have many days of catching up with the Shac shack videos, I’ve never stopped working luckily, not enough hours in the day but now I’m pretty much caught up in the garden I think it’s time for some much needed me time.

    Take care, stay safe xx

  33. Thank you for your post on crossing the line..

    I understand fully how we all need family and for us to make that decision its not done lightly. I’m glad you got time with your parents, I’m still not allowed near my family and it breaks my heart. All I want is one cuddle from each of my grandbabies. A tear comes to my eye everytime I talk about them. 😭

    It’s hard as I look after other peoples elderly relatives yet I cant see mine but i know I’m keeping other peoples families safe for them.

    Thank you for each day and keeping us going. X

  34. I’m thinking that a lot of us have reached that point, Barbara. There just has to be a reason to wake up in the morning and family is part of it.
    Fortunately, I have been cutting my own hair’ and my husbands as well’ for as long as I can remember. That’s how I justify my purchases at Clarity (and now Pergamano), LOL!

  35. Gosh Barbara you are so like your dad. Glad you got to spend precious time with your parents.

    Can’t wait for tomorrow ‘s colouring.
    Hugs Steph xxx

  36. I was very upset by this post. Some of us are trying very hard to resist temptation and do the right thing – including shielding the elderly and resisting the urge to see grandchildren. I think you have done a great job with all the support during covid (which I haven’t had time to follow as I am a key worker) but I rather wish you had kept this to yourself. You are an opinion former and this will have prompted more people to stray from the official guidance. That saddens me because every day I see people who should be staying at home and are putting themselves at risk. Older people may be healthy and think they are not at risk but every exposure to others increases the risk of catching Covid and, as they are older, the probability of a poor outcome increases. I am sorry to be bleak but I get very despondent when I see people taking risks. This virus is very insidious, it spreads easily but only a small proportion of people are seriously ill and that is exactly why it is so dangerous. I’m also being selfish as a number of friends and family members work on the front line in hospitals and the more cases they see, the greater their risk of contacting the disease, especially as some of the PPE is of poor quality. If anyone has read this far then please think twice before deciding it is OK to go and hug your nearest and dearest. At the moment it isn’t. It is a pleasure worth waiting for – and as for my hair – it is like a lions mane but I am rockingmyroots with pride

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