What a Gentleman!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. How has your day been? Did you manage to do any crafting? Paul and I picked and packed orders all day. It was the first time we’ve hung out together in ages – at a sensible distance, of course – so it was actually really fun. I picked and he packed. All good. Like I said before, the new factory is a bit like the Mary Celeste, but hey. Nobody has died. Nothing terminal. Grateful to be allowed in the building at all, and doubly grateful to have any orders to pick and pack!
Like many of you, I also made a card for Captain Tom’s 100th birthday. One 99 year old man raises over £25 million – all on his own! What a phenomenal and incredible achievement. A real beacon of hope in these dark times.
So I’d like to step up that card for you today, before I send it off to him, and in case you missed the TV demo yesterday.
I was showcasing our brand new TALL, Two -way ABC and Number sets
Introductory launch offer: buy one, get the other one pretty much half price (plus club discounts). CLICK HERE to take advantage of that offer. It will stay in place until midnight Wednesday.
And take a closer look at these fabulous birds. Just lovely. Actually, very lovely doodleology be Cherry Green!

Right. Here goes….
Stencil card. Stamp out the 3 boxes using Archival black ink Cover with the masks provided, and stamp an extra letterbox into position. Add the 3-up boxes below, leaving enough room… to creat a third box in the centre, made up of 2 x 1 letter masks. Add the crowns from Cherry Green’s BEAUTIFUL mythical Songbirds Mask off the crowns, and add the birds using
Archival Paradise TealAdd the second bird, making sure the crowns are on straight! Add the musical notes Wipe the ink in off the masks with a Spot on Sponge, and add more Teal colour with a Clarity Stencil brush Remove the letter box masks – and voila. Add the outer letters in black, then infill with the inner letters in teal, blotting lightly on scrap before planting inside. I used Polychromos to brightly colour in the birds. Trimmed the stencil card back to tighter rounfd the birds. Dusted the edges with the teal on a brush Picked a Designer paper from Waimea Falls. Added a grey drop shadow around the letterboxes. drew a black Sharpie pen around the card edge, and added a very VERY appropriate sentiment from our sticker booklet
I hope he likes it. I bet he receives thousands and thousands of birthday cards. Lots of handmade ones from us for sure.
Time to go figure out what we’re doodling tomorrow at 10! I’ve got a good idea; now I just need to make sure it’s easily achievable! If I can do it, you can do it!
Be safe.
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx
23 thoughts on “What a Gentleman!”
Love the card. I am sure he will be really pleased with all the cards he gets. What a trooper. Absolutely amazing. Did watch the show, but I only Groovi. Like watching them all though. Often get inspiration from them.
Take care
Tina B
Hi Barbara, a magic card for a magic man! What an amazing inspiration Capt. Tom is, particularly in these challenging times. Love the new stamp sets, ordered of course, as soon as I saw them on Hochanda. Good to hear you managed to meet up with Paul in the new building – at a safe distance of course! Take care and stay safe, and thank you for all the inspiration and especially the magic hour from the SHAC shack each morning during the week, it starts the day off perfectly!
Hi Barbara
That’s a wonderful card he will definitely love it
And yep he will be receiving thousands of cards of that I am in no doubt God Bless Him
Started my heart and the doodles inside and it’s a work in progress I just love getting lost in the pattern building once I have decided on the pattern that is. lol 😝 You stay safe and I will catch up with you in the morning. Hugs 🤗
Lovely card- really enjoyed watching the demo on Hochanda yesterday. It’s just amazing how everyone has connected with Capt Tom – he’s turned into the national fundraising campaign. Have now got these letterbox stamps on my wish list…….
He is an amazing gentleman. Love the card that you made. Looking forward to my alphabets arriving and I will be starting work from home early tomorrow so I can have a break with your company at 10am. Probably working on another tag again. My next prompt is Cold Feet so I am going through my Clarity stash mentally to think of an approach.
Lovely card ! Seems my order might have been packed today as I’ve received an email so postcards and a couple of plates are on their way ! Hurrah ! Thanks for all you and the team are doing for us x x
Barbara where do you get the idea that if you can do it we can from. Who’s running a successful craft business etc and designed stamps etc you or me? LOL. But maybe with your guidance we can do it or at least enjoy our attempts. Ofcourse we’re only there for the chat really.xx
Such a humble and amazing gentleman. I’m sure he’ll love your card! X
Love the card and enjoyed watching the demo. I posted a Groovi card to Capt Tom today and you never know, when he receives them all, he may even want to have a go himself! He is certainly up for a challenge, bless him.
Will catch up with your doodle on You tube later tomorrow. Back to home schooling for my granddaughter and housework beckons for me, so I will watch when I am more relaxed later. Sleep well. Hugs. Annette X
What an amazing man he is -and so modest. I’ve seen a lot of calls for him to get a knighthood -he really deserves it too. I also saw an item about lady in her 90s walking up and down her stairs until she reaches the height of a local mountain (in Scotland I think). These very elderly people have so much to teach us and still so much to give. God Bless them all. Love the card too BTW
Hi there, What a beautiful day! No crafting done today, I’m afraid! I spent part of the morning preparing a reflection to put on our FB page and then after lunch, headed out to the garden to plant lettuces – I’ll have a stall soon of lettuces and cucumbers!! Lol. I grafted the toe of a sock while having a cuppa and then weeded a bit of edging round the pond! New pump for the pond ordered as the other one died last year! That wasn’t cheap!! Hope it comes soon for the sake of the Koi in the pond! However, it will arrive when it arrives. I’ve been watching your demos and Paul’s demos from yesterday – maybe – lost track of days! Now going to make a phone call and then prepare something I need for a family on Tuesday morning at 11.30 a.m. Made sure I avoided my doodle time but I may well have to catch up later in the day! Well done, Dave, in producing so many masks for those on the front line and to you, Barb, for donating all your acetate. Those will be so much appreciated. One of the ladies up here has been making scrubs out of sheets and duvet covers for our local hospital. Still hoping they won’t be needed although I’m sure some will be. Have a good night. See you in the morning. Hxx
Captain Tom is a true Brit, a gentleman and an inspiration to us all. He will love your card.
Glad you and Paul managed some together time, albeit at a distance. Hope Dave cooked you a nice Sunday dinner after all your hard work picking and packing.
Been doodling today but not got very far with the balloon. Will have another go later.
Have a good evening. 🍒🍒🍒
Lovely card for a lovely man. Seen lots of cards for Captain Tom on FB. What a great idea to send him some of our love for his 100th birthday. Xx
Great shows yesterday & a lovely card for a great gentleman. I will be placing my order in a while when I have doubled checked a couple of things to make sure I am not duplicating anything. I finished my heart yesterday but as I had chosen my youngest granddaughters name I am now doing 1 each for the other 2 as a memory of Lockdown 2020. I will frame them later when I can get out to buy them & give them to the girls when I see them next. Our middle granddaughter aged 10 sent us an email yesterday saying that she missed us very much & couldn’t wait to see us for a hug. It was quite out of the blue as she had just realised she could email from her phone.
See you tomorrow at 10, can’t wait to see what you have lined up for us. Now to finish my homework !!
I think your card is absolutely fab, he will love it I think. I think that anybody who received a card like that would like it, I know I would certainly be grateful. Cannot wait to see what we are doodling tomorrow. Take care, see you at 10!
Lovely to send a card to such a brave gentleman. Imagine doing all those laps with a walking frame. Not so sure about the percentage going to the card companies and JustGiving, but there will be some costs. Captain Tom definitely deserves a knighthood. I fell off the doodling messing up the balloon but I’ll catch up now the garden is almost finished. Stay safe everyone.
Hi Barb,
What an example to us all- Captain Tom- truly a magnificent gentleman. I can’t believe how much money he has raised – truly phenomenal! The card you made was lovely and I appreciate the step by steps. It must have been nice for you to see Paul today . With any luck you might have picked and packed my alphabets! I’ve been making some cards today using Tina’s floral sprays and Cherry’s butterfly and dragonfly. I’d already made some backgrounds , so I only had to stamp and colour them. They look really good – made 12 in all, so I was well chuffed with myself! Needless to say my ironing didn’t get done though! Take care, sending love and hugs,Alison xx
Beautiful card for an amazing man he seems such a lovely man would love to here some of his stories well spent day crocheting hearts to give to are local hospitals you make them in pairs one goes to the covid 19 patient and one to love ones to help them feel close also made crochet rainbows for grandchildren each so all in post as surprise next lot hearts to Papworth hospital and Addenbrookes jointly keeping me out of mischief cards to make tomorrow one for Tom are Rosy on Friday mine Wednesday be strange this year not being with family but least all safe and well xx night x
A super card for Capt. Tom Barbara and what a feat for one of his years. I’m sure he will get thousands of cards and hopefully get to see and enjoy them all as I’m sure he will feel rather overwhelmed by it. x Glad you had a catch up with Paul, picking and packing, at a safe distance of course. x
Hi Barb, loved this demo and the card is just spectacular. Captain Tom is going to be over the moon to receive it. What an incredible man, I am so glad that he has got the support he so deserves. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
Good morning all,
What a beautiful card for Capt Tom.
Watching him bravely walking for the NHS brought a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes and took me back to a country that used to be, before celebrity took over. I hope some of the money raised by this great ex-military gentleman can be donated to the homeless
ex-soldiers sleeping on the streets.
Have ordered the ABC stamp set, can’t wait to start stamping, and well done to Clarity, and yes, a pat on the back to Barbara and the team for making the visors for the NHS, PPE.
Dear Barbara the card you have made for Captain Tom is gorgeous. I have sent one too and I know lots of people who are going to as well. What he has achieved it amazing. I would love to be able to draw a nautical scene. Take care. Hugs Jackie