Today we doodled a SHAC SHACK !!!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. I hope you are ok, safe and coping okay with the way things are right now. And they are the way they are, so we may as well not fight it, and figure out a safe and sane way through this nightmare.
Those of us who are doodling together every morning at 10am on Facebook Live have at least figured out a daily creative diversion, which gives us a little direction at the start of each day, Monday – Friday. As I said today, there are no experts in the building! I’ve just put my hand up to be the designated driver on this doodle trip – and everybody – EVERYBODY – is invited to climb aboard the SHAC-BUS!
There is enough room for whoever wants to join in. There is plenty of social distancing. It’s not a test, not a competition, nobody’s judging your work! It’s simply a place to get together every morning with a load of like-minded folks all on the same bus, trying to stay safe and keep sane during their confinement.
We’ve been going since last Monday, so it wouldn’t take you long to catch up. Or you can just rock up and grab a seat on any day you like. All you need is a pen, (or a biro!), a pencil and an eraser, oh! and a piece of paper.
If you miss the 10 am live sessions, you can catch up on Youtube or the Facebook Claritystamp Page. Here’s the link to today’s Youtube:
Several doodlers asked for a picture of the picture, so they could see the shading better, so here you are.

Thing is, as I say, there are no experts in the building. I practiced my cedar shingle roof last night till 10 o’clock, so I would be able to steer the doodle adequately this morning! And what better way to spend an evening, than figuring out a sketching trick for my doodle-buddies ?
At this point in the Corona Virus crisis, it’s more about survival than ANYTHING, isn’t it? It’s about staying safe whilst keeping some kind of handle on life. Some people turn to music for relief, some people turn to gardening for distraction, we turn to crafting (and I LOVE a good audible book too. Helps me switch right off )
This simple doodling may seem a little silly to some; they may think it’s too puerile for them. I think I don’t give a monkey’s what they think – that’s what I think! If it works for you and me – then it’s serving a grand purpose.
And it’s doing wonders for my doodling!! And I NEVER thought I’d master flicking between 3 cameras whilst doodling and woffling at the same time!! You see – you never know what you’re capable of till you try it, are you. I’m flying totally solo now too, so that Jim can crack on with what he needs to do.
So. I shall see you in the morning, bright and early. Today we built the SHAC-shack; tomorrow we’re doing the landscaping and the fencing! If it were only that simple!!
Do me a favour. When you watch tomorrow, LIKE and SHARE the Live stream. And believe me: the only reason – THE ONLY REASON – I am asking is so that more people who are seeking a little creative relief may find us. This has nothing to do with business; this has everything to do with people who are struggling with being cooped up. Get the kids involved. Get the grandkids doodling.
Enjoy your evening.
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx
37 thoughts on “Today we doodled a SHAC SHACK !!!”
Yes Barbara I will certainly like share and anything else to get the whole country doodling. Have a good evening
Thank you – so much better to have a static picture to refer to. Apart from the doodle-ing, I’ve decided to write down what I am doing each day, so when normality returns, I can see what I REALLY enjoy doing (would you believe I have been filling my bobbins for cross stitch, loved it!).
Thanks again.
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)
Yes I’ll share the doodle tomorrow. Loving my morning routine, and a couple of non-clarity friends have now joined in. Hope I’m not the only one who chats back at you in my empty room!!!
Don’t worry, so do I!
Evening Barbara.
It’s blooming marvellous all this doodling. It’s fantastic seeing all the pics of what people have done and it’s certainly helping me calm down in a morning. I woke this morning full of anxiety but once I’d doodled along with you my head was in a better place.
It doesn’t matter if its not perfect does it… Its about being part of something bigger than being on my own crafting.
Have a good evening. See you in the morning.
Love and hugs Xxxx
I need a builder to replace the windows in my SHACK!! I went over them in pen, then decided to go again. Big mistake. Ended up colouring the whole frame. Not the best look but, hey ho, it is what it is! Appreciated it this morning as I was angry at a decision that was made by a group of people on someone else’s behalf which will probably end in disaster for that person. However, I can’t change it so need to let it go. The doodling helped! One of my elderly members then phoned to see how I was doing. How lovely of her and so that call and my doodle put me in a much better place once more. Hope you have a lovely evening and I’ll see you in the morning. Lots of love Hxx
You do make me laugh Hilda with bringing in the builders! Your doodles are always excellent
I would just like to say a big thank you to you for giving us your time. X x
What a great doodle. The last couple of days have been an eye opener for us in many respects so hubby and I decided we would do all last weeks episodes on Saturday and this weeks on Sunday if there is time.
Had a good giggle at Grace’s post today. After receiving a 4 page letter from our doctor we needed a good laugh. Hubby is in the very high risk category so if we want to sleep in the same bed and eat at the same table etc. it looks like I am grounded for the next 12 weeks too. Got to sort out now who is going to do our shopping. Good job Clarity is on line!!! The next few weeks will be interesting.
Received Linda’s Lemon Tree plate today and started 2 more projects with it. They are “resting” with those I did yesterday which are waiting for further attention.
Have a good evening 🍒🍒🍒
Ah Cherry. That sucks. But at least you are in this together. There’s strength in numbers. Xxx see you tomorrow !
Looking forward to the weekend when I’m not at work and can catch up on some more doodling. I’ve been recommending it to lots of colleagues for their days off as well!
What a great doodle session. Good job we are not being judged. Big thank you to Jeannine on the chat line. How amazing you all are. Best wishes b
Another good doodle day for all of us. I have been so happy doing these.
Barbara, one question please, can we use these doodles to sell crafted items. Either, as we have drawn them from your tuition pictures, or if we design our own pictures from the doodles you have taught us? If only one, or none of these options can you please tell us.
Loving these tutorials, do you really have to go back to work again????? Sue x
I absolutely LOVED the doodle today and I am so chuffed with what I have done so far. My family were really impressed with the border and can’t believe how well I am doing. Oh they of little faith, 😂
Who needs a therapist, when we have you and our daily doodle sessions? Thank you again, lovely lady.
Hugs. Annette. X
PS to my comment. We have just been outside to clap and you were on my list. X
Oh Barbara I am so enjoying the doodling. I can’t believe what I can draw now. I have even started decorating my journalling bible that has sat around for a while untouched. I saw today’s picture and I was so thrilled to have a go. The way you teach is just amazing. I am very grateful. Hugs Jackie
Looking forward to having a try at this one and…on a positive note…I’ve finally begun my catch up – did Day 1 this afternoon…Yippee! Roll on tomorrow! Stay safe everyone x
Another lovely blog, don’t know why can’t see it live when I am sitting with pen and pencil ready. I think it must be my internet. I will have to go to catch up. Love your voice and such a great teacher, so thank you. Enjoy the weekend .
I will have a quiet one, alone, wish I could have seen some of the family, but we are going to try a big get together on zoom . Hope that works. Stay safe and rest a bit . Xxx
Thank you Barbara for your company, the giggles and the doodles.
Learning a lot and gaining confidence
I told a non-crafting friend to take a look and she is hooked.
Thank you again Barbara fo a lovely ‘doodle’ session. Really needed it this morning. Tiles need some work on them but I don’t think they will fall off (yet). Looking forward to tomorrow. Nice when you can say that. Take care.
I’m actually believing I can do this, thanks to you dear Barbara. See you tomorrow xx
Hi Barbara
Well You will be glad to know that I got my house sorted need to put a frame around it ready for your doodle tomorrow .
I don’t think I have ever done a doodle before doing these with you so thank you .
Ohh I’ve just had some yogurt with some stewed rhubarb lovely . Have you had your yogurt ??
Have a lovely evening T
Loving our doodle meet ups! Hubby was well impressed with the border today! So was I TBH!! See you tomorrow. X
Thank you so much Barbara. You are a wonderful teacher and a great inspiration. I am absolutely loving the doodle sessions and can’t believe how quickly the time goes. I got so engrossed today I forgot to drink the coffee my husband made me. ( don’t tell him or he might not make me one tomorrow!) 😂 xx
Really enjoyed today’s doodle session, OH was even impressed with my border. Have finished it off this afternoon so all ready for landscaping the garden tomorrow.
Grace’s blog made me laugh – Its hard to keep a straight face when the older generation use the wrong word & don’t realise what they have said.
Also managed to complete the 2nd crossword – a bit more cryptic this week but it got the old grey cells working !!
Hi Barb,
Oh! This one looks a bit advanced! Haven’t had a chance to watch today’s doodle from SHAC Shack. I think I’m going to go back to the first one and work through them all again and keep them all together in a journal, then I’ve got a permanent reminder of them. I have had a good chuckle at Grace’s blog tonight as well. My Mother in law always used to mix words up and it really made Dave and I laugh. One that she used to say was the paddyo instead of patio and to this day Dave and I still say it and smile in remembrance of her. Thanks again, love and hugs,Alison xxx
Thankyou Barbara for another fantastic doodling session. My 14 year old son joined me today – I’ve never known him sit for so long, absorbing all your doodling tricks. At the end of the session today he looked back at his work and said ” Wow! That border really does look like it’s a pipe!” We’re both eagerly looking forward to tomorrow. Thankyou for all your hard work, enthusiasm and passion for creativity and for just being you. X
Brilliant session this morning, didn’t quite get the roof shading as couldn’t make out which ones were underneath but never mind hubby was impressed anyway. The main reason is to enjoy it, isn’t it, and I did. Grace’s blog was funny today your Mum was quick on the ball. Look forward to tomorrow’s SHAC Shack. Had a bit of a melt down today over the shopping, never seem to get the time right of when to go. Take care and stay safe you and yours Barb, love Pam xx
Hi Barbara. The doodling is absolutely brilliant. I can’t believe some of the things I have managed to draw! Looking forward to tomorrow. Thanks so much for keeping me sane. Take care and stay safe.
Diane. xx
Thanks Barbara, really enjoying the doodles. So relaxing and different from any other art work I have attempted. My granddaughter age 11 is doodling away with us, she is in Wiltshire and I’m in Cornwall, then we compare notes on face time! For ever having to get to grips with more techy stuff!
Thanks for the laughs, I really look forward to 10am each day. X
Loving the doodles, even if I am a disaster. I certainly won’t be selling mine!! I do think the brand new frame dies would be good for doodling round though. I forward the e mails here there and everywhere, for people doodling after work. Even complete non-crafters are getting involved.
I am absolutely loving the doodling sessions! I can’t think of anything whilst I’m concentrating which is great. Thank you so much for introducing me to this.
Hi Barb, what a great doodle session, just watched a bit of the YouTube video, and am hoping to go back to it later. will try catch some of todays live, but if not, more catch up to look forward to. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx
I just love these sessions and I realised at some point not to think “Oh that flower is rubbish” and start again because once it is amongst a load of other doodle they all look fab. I have just unpacked yesterday’s delivery from Amazon, you know that one where they put the tiniest thing in the biggest box and stuff brown paper all around. I don’t know if the ink will bleed into the paper but I’m going to give it a go. If it works then I have enough for a Doodle Book.
Hi Barbara, I’m a newly retired Vicar and I’ve always enjoyed painting but haven’t really had the time…. boy, do I have the time now 😊
Sue, my wife and I share a room at the top of the house where she crafts along with you whilst I paint (but I am enjoying your doodles too). Keep up the good work – and keep safe everyone!
Can you post a picture of the bird table please
Thanks for the pictures, I’m loving the doodling, but took my eye of the ball this morning (literally) and made a hash of my steps. A longer, slower look shows me what I missed, and I can now rub them out and have another go.
Thank you, and Happy Easter everyone
Claire S x