It’s a Good Friday!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. And thanks for doodling along in the SHAC-SHACK this morning. I know we want to doodle perfect doodles, but hey! I’m just happy I CAN STAY HOME SAFE, AND DOODLE AT ALL !!! Don’t get caught up in comparing your doodle-artwork with anybody else’s, and start beating yourself up because “her steps are better than my steps”. Repeat after me: NOT IMPORTANT. IT’S A DOODLE!!! It’s not a competition.
I can only speak for myself, but this whole doodling gig is all about the process, all about the focus, all about arresting my thoughts, should they start wandering down to the back of that dark cave in my head. And if I happen to improve my doodling and drawing skills (largely due to daily repetition) – woohoo! BUT. I see it more as a daily mindful workout than a mental workout ! I also really like getting together every morning, and just having that sense of belonging to a larger whole, to a community. Especially at this time. Especially now.
The sun was shining and we decided to have breakfast in the garden. How lucky are we?! I left the yoghurt in the fridge (for the first time in what seems like an eternity!) and opted for soft-boiled eggs. Now tell me this doesn’t look inviting!

Something so simple as a soft-boiled egg and a slice of toast with butter. Freshly squeezed orange juice too. LUXURY!
I’m not normally one for taking photos of my food, but this is a work of art for me.
When did we trade this loveliness in for Eggs Benedict and Huevos Rancheros and all that jazz? Check out the colour of this egg! Sheer perfection. Maybe now might be a good time to start appreciating the simpler things in life again…

Then, sitting in the garden under the old sunshade, Dave and I got chatting about E for B and Be your Best. Do you remember the ads? This one will take you back….
Dave’s parents were dairy farmers. They also had chickens – lots of chickens! I guess it was a different way of life for farmers and farmers’ children back in the 50’ and 60’s. I find it fascinating.
So yeah. I’m a very grateful old Hector today. So much to be grateful for.
Stay safe, keep calm and carry on crafting!!
Love & Hugs,
Barb xxx
27 thoughts on “It’s a Good Friday!”
Love the picture of Hector’s House at the top of the blog. So took me back to my childhood. My dad used to do impressions of the characters. Happy Easter to you and Dave.
Hi Barbara,
Brilliant…!! Love boiled eggs with toast..especially enjoying them in the fresh air..!! Thank you again for keeping us company this week…really enjoying switching off..!! Take care..stay safe
Love & hugs Anne xx
Funnily enough we had eggs delivered from the farm this week and we had boiled eggs and soldiers for lunch one day. And yummy they were too. It’s a time for simple pleasures. We are just about to watch Andrew Lloyd Webber’s production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Three theatre shows in a week. Would normally be an expensive trip and overnight stay in London each trip. The lockdown has some upsides. Keep safe everyone
Not had boiled egg and toast for ages. Might just have to do that tomorrow!
Although I found bits of today’s doodle a challenge, thankful for the rubber today, I am really pleased with it.
I am keeping all my doodles in a folder just now, but I think a frame would be good for the house today.
Have a happy Easter x
Yum. One of my absolute favourites.
Thank you so much for another week of doodle sessions. I have recommended them to my daughter in Vancouver, who suffers from anxiety, as I am sure that it will help her. She has just messaged me back, asking what sort of pen I use, so fingers crossed it means that she will be giving it a go.
Have a lovely weekend, relaxing in the garden in the sunshine. Hugs. Annette X
Can’t beat a perfectly boiled egg with sea salt, black pepper and hot buttered toast! Wishing everyone a peaceful and happy Easter xxx
Another wonderful idea! I love boiled eggs. Never tried them in the garden though. Tomorrow?
Happy days Barbara & Dave, the simple pleasures in life that we had perhaps forgotten, now to enjoy during these strange times.
Steve and I wish you a Happy Easter.
God bless xxxxx
What a comforting blog. Can I come for breakfast after the lock down. My husband did afternoon tea this afternoon. Served in our new sun room. What a lovely man. Here’s to doodling Monday xx
Hi Barbara, Happy Easter.
The sight of that egg took me back to my childhood over 70 years ago when we had dippy bread fingers with our soft boiled eggs with a knob of real butter added half way through to make the yolk last longer. Those were the days !!!
The lockdown is making us look at life from a different angle. We have dug out some board games and my cross stitchery which was put on hold for a while, the parching is coming along nicely, and frankly, we are enjoying the simple life.
We are going to have a doodly weekend and catch up on the sessions. Will let you know how we get on.
Hugs 🍒🍒🍒
I love poached eggs on toast. I gave up bread for Lent so am going to have it as my breakfast treat on Sunday morning (hope the sun is still shining then). Looking forward to a couple of days off work now and will definitely be fitting in some time for doodling after I’ve done the shopping, washing & ironing 😍. Take care everyone and stay safe
That looks yum ! We just had a simple corned beef salad for tea and really enjoyed it with part baked rolls. Toasted Hot X buns for lunch – missed breakfast ! Enjoyed the doodling more than I can say. Have a good weekend and Happy Easter ! X
I LOVE boiled eggs -with fresh bread and butter. Save the toast (Not any bit of burnt on it!!) for poached eggs -equally yummy, but a bit more work (I use Lakeland Poachets). We get our eggs from a local farm and recently they have nearly all been double yolkers.
Enjoying the doodles but got really ratty with the steps today -wish I’d practised them. Rather spoiled the rest of it for me. I KNOW it’s just a doodle but I do so hate getting it really wrong. Want to learn more critters!!
Wow those yolks look massive and a lovely deep yellow, yummy, love soft boiled eggs with toasty fingers, reminds me of when I was a kid and was ill, Mum used to spoil me. We had toasted Hot Crossed Buns for our breakfast, family tradition, then fish at lunchtime. Loved this mornings doodling, made my birdhouse a bit on the small side but was still pleased with it. Something good to look forward to in these times, certainly takes us out of ourselves, thank you Barb. Happy Easter to you and Dave and all your family. Hope you manage to have a nice walk and get time to relax. Love Pam xx Happy Easter to all your team and everyone on Barbs blog too.xx
Hi Barb,
I do love a boiled egg, but my favourites are poached eggs – in fact, I think I will make some for breakfast tomorrow now you put the thought into my head. It will make a change from porridge. I made some individual Victoria Sponges today as it was my friend’s birthday and she is on her own. I knew I’d be passing her house on the way to the supermarket so I left them on her doorstep along with her card and Easter card. I phoned her to let her know they were there and she said that it had made her day! I know it wasn’t “essential” but I didn’t go near anyone and didn’t speak to anyone and it made her feel special. Great doodle session again today. Love and hugs Alison xx
Have really enjoyed the 2 weeks doodling & have passed on the information to my friends I used to work with. It will be interesting to see how many take the challenge up, we will have to wait & see.
After a busy morning of doodling, catching up with family via a WhatsApp video call & a phone call to check that Mom was ok I have been out in the garden this afternoon making the most of the lovely warm sunshine.
Enjoy the rest of the Easter weekend in your garden with Dave.
Those boiled eggs do look good Barbara. We are so lucky the weather has been beautiful the last couple of days too which I’m sure will have made us all feel better. x
Loving the doodling all was said could draw hands are bit wobbly but after while calm and having a go enjoying bit behind but catching up. Your boiled eggs look perfect to me x
Love having breakfast outside in the morning sun!
Those eggs and toast brings back memories from our holidays to your country…..that is a long time ago sadly.
Enjoy your doodles and will take a picture to show you what I made of it.
Have a great Easter weekend!⚘
Trijntje Huppel
Ah Hector’s house. My nickname was Hector at school! I love looking at other people’s doodles, I get ideas of how I could improve. Still not there yet, but I’m loving the process and the quiet reflection. Yesterday was a little crazy as I decided to make Hot Cross buns, and the timings were coinciding with doodling time. I made it though and achieved both tasks. The buns were Delicious, and very easy to make. Just throw some spices into a bread mix and Bob’s your uncle! Thank you Barbara, have a lovely weekend xx
How lucky are you to be able to sit out in your garden for breakfast. Yesterday afternoon was warm with us but nowhere near as warm as it is with you. We seem to have the cold front stuck over us!! However, I did get out into the garden and planted six rows of sweet peas. How lovely will they be when they start to flower! I also learned of the death (to the virus) of the wife of a friend I have known for many years. Sadly, he has dementia and can no longer find the words and so I can’t even phone him but I will be making a card today (Sat) to send to him. The garden took me to a better place but the events of yesterday influenced the reflection I put on my FB page and on Lochgilphead Parish Church FB page for Good Friday. Glad you and Dave enjoyed your runny eggs. I love a soft boiled egg. Enjoy today, Saturday. Hope the sun is still shining on you and I will look forward to reading your blog later in the day. It’s misty and wet here but I have lots of lovely crafts to do in the house, too. I could even dust but that might be pushing it!! Lol. Lots of love. Hx
Well your breakfast looks wonderful but I just can’t eat a soft boiled egg. Got put off as a youngster when I was given one to eat and it was bad. Strange because I will eat them in any other form just not boiled. Good Friday was ok for us, Fred got some garden jobs done, neighbours were playing with their pressure washer again. They must have the cleanest decking around. Lovely video call from our son and grandson, they had just set up his sandpit for the first time and he was very busy. So cute to watch. xx
Hi Barb, it looks like you and Dave had a 5 star breakfast. Nothing nicer than soft boiled eggs and toast soldiers. Pure comfort food. Stay safe and take care all. Bx
Happy Easter to you and Dave and all the family. Hope you can enjoy this beautiful weather while it lasts… I am going to try a bit more weeding.
Eggs are my most favorite food, poached on avocado are good. But nothing beats it boiled
Enjoying your morning doodles. I was telling my granddaughter in USA to find you, then she showed me some drawings she has been doing and they are beautiful. I gave her quite a bit of groovi things, but she hasn’t got them with her. She said she had found a lady on an American utube. Told her to look for Grace . Xxx
Hi Barbara your breakfast looks delicious. We treated ourselves to smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. It is little treats that give us a much needed lift. I can’t begin to tell you what the doodling has meant to me. I am so thrilled with what I have learnt so far and I am looking forward to what is to come. Thank you so much for giving me a focus. Take care. Hugs Jackie
Hi Barbara
Your right that does look like a perfect picture
I had a soft boiled egg yesterday hubby has chickens on his allotment so I’m spoilt
I have to say about doodling I am loving the sessions but I am like a lot of others I always judge my own ability to be not that good but I try
You have a lovely weekend and Happy Easter to you all.
If we weren’t in lockdown I would say “I’ll be around in 5.” Very timely as I am contemplating whether or not to have some Bantams.